How can I delete an Xcode workspace? - xcode

I've got an Xcode project, in an Xcode workspace. At one point, I thought I wanted a workspace, so I added one, but it turns out I'm not doing anything which can benefit from that, and I'd rather not have that extra layer of complexity.
How can I delete the workspace, so I have just a plain project again?
I found some web pages that say a workspace is just a set of pointers to projects, but there also must be pointers back from the project to the workspace. When I try deleting the .xcworkspace directory, I get build errors with the project (files in the workspace not found).

I think I figured out the trick. For project "Foo" in workspace "Bar":
Delete the Bar.xcworkspace directory
Delete the Foo.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/myname.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate file
In Foo.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj, delete the "PBXContainerItemProxy" section

I used this procedure for XCode 12.4, April 2021
Close XCode
Delete the main .XCWorkspace file
Delete the following files. Note the first two will come back when you restart XCOde:


Why can't I delete this file from my Xcode project?

Being new to Xcode, I foolishly added "wrong_answer.mp3" via "add files to.." to my project and in the wrong place, but I cannot remove this reference from my project. I deleted the underlying file from the file system, but I cannot find in Xcode where I can remove this reference... Can someone advise how to remove this reference from my project ?
UPDATE: Yes, I have tried delete/backspace and edit menu "Delete".
Some options
Restart Xcode
Clean project, Product—>Clean
Put the file back and delete it from Xcode

Changing the name of main folder in Xcode project

This is not the first time I've had trouble with this and I suspect not the last time either. Despite having learned many frameworks inside out I still find the organizational structure of a simple xcode project elusive. I simply wanted to retitle a project from CATouchSynth to ABTouchSynth. A while ago I discovered that if you click on the Project folder in project navigator and than change the name in the Identity and Type section it will rename many of the relevant files and directories to the new name. However, there is one main folder inside the folder on your computer that doesn't change and still has the old name. I could see no way to change this folder name through Xcode and so I renamed it manually from finder. This turned all of my source files and assets red so I manually "relinked" them in xcode and they are now non-red and seemingly linked with the newly named folder. However I am getting several compile-time errors talking about the old folder name but I have no clue what Xcode is referring too. The errors look like this
It seemed as if derived data was an issue so I deleted the derived data folder from Xcode and I still get these errors. Has anyone experienced this before and what can I do to ressurrect my project?
Note: Before doing any changes do backup your project folder. This is seriously recommended.
Follow the steps below to rename the source folder of your project –
Close XCode.
Rename the Source Folder.
Right click the project bundle .xcodeproj file and select “Show Package Contents” from the context menu. Open the .pbxproj file with any text editor (Xcode).
This step should be done with extreme caution. Search and replace any occurrence of the original folder name with the new folder name.
Save and Close the file.
Open XCode project.
The error is happening at build time during the compile phase, so you will have to go into the app target's Compile Sources build phase, remove all those .m files, and add them again.

Problems adding Projects to Workspace in Xcode 4

I have a couple of projects that I had started under Xcode 3.2.x some time ago. I switched to Xcode 4 a few days ago and want to make use of the Workspace feature as both projects. Basically, my plan is to extract some common features out of the two projects and make them a common library that both projects depend on. However, before I even get to the tricky bit of dependencies I get stuck just adding my two projects to the workspace.
I tried creating a new workspace and selecting "Adding files to " from the context menu; I then select the .xcodeproj file from my first project and it appears in the left-hand side tree browser in my workspace. However, it's just the file, not the project that I get. That is, rather than getting a two-line entry in the tree browser where the first line states the project name and the second line says something like "1 target, iOS SDK 4.3" like in the Apple documentation, I get a single line simply stating the name of the .xcodeproj file including the extension. There is also no triangle on the left to expand the node. It's like I just dragged some file in the workspace, not a project. The same goes for the second project.
I have also created a new Project "Foo" from scratch in Xcode 4 and added it to my workspace, with the same result. I looked at Apple documentation and watched the 16 second video about a dozen times now, but cannot work out what I am doing wrong (if the problem is indeed in the chair and not in the computer).
I had this exact same problem. I think it stems from having another workspace already open referencing the project you want to add. I got it working by:
shutdown xcode completely
double-click the workspace to launch Xcode and open just that workspace
drag and drop the project file from the Finder
Worked fine. I have many workspaces all referencing an openssl project, and it seems to work OK when you only have one workspace open at a time in Xcode.
Actually, I made it work without exiting Xcode.
All you have to do is make sure the projects you want to add are closed, since Xcode is having trouble adding open projects to a workspace.
Close the projects you want to add
In the Workspace window, choose "Add Files to MyWorkspace"
Add the .xcodeproj file of the project you want to add
I had the same problem. SO I just exit xcode, restart it. Then I can see the files under the project.
Exiting Xcode completely and then double-clicking the .xcodeproj file to open the project.
It works but when you add an activity to the project than file is automatically removed and errors are coming.

Xcode - File not found but build successful

In my project, I've include a full "shared" folder by link (not copy) that is outside my project folder.
In the .pch file, I have #import "MyStandardHeader.h"
My Build settings does not have any search path to the "shared" folder.
In the "MyStandardHeader.h", I have #import "NSMutableArrayCustom.h" that is inside a subfolder of "shared".
I use in my code a NSMutableArrayCustom class.
I never include NSMutableArrayCustom.h
I've clean the project, quitted XCode, launched it again, build, run on both iPhone and simulator : everything works fine, but I have a red compile error: MyStandardHeader.h - No such file or directory
I've tried in the build settings Always search user pathat YES and NO, it's the same.
What is the problem? Why do I have this error? How make it disappear?
I tried the steps mentioned above, but to fix the error I had to remove the file from "Copy Bundle Resources" in the project "Build Phases".
I've seen this too: files that clearly exist get wonky. Oddly, sometimes it fixes itself. It may be an Xcode bug, since the build always succeeds. I've had success with touching the file. sometimes a clean helps. and sometimes quitting xcode helps.... Voodoo really.
You could try to remove the index by deleting everything in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
That directory is a combined version of the old Build and Intermediates directories from Xcode 1,2 and 3. Basically it's all the temporary and generated files from your project: object files, indexes, etc.
Another thing to try -- just deleting Derived Data wasn't working for me, but this did:
Delete Derived Data using the Organizer window, Projects tab.
In your target settings delete the value (path) set for "Prefix Header"
Close XCode and restart. Reload your project. Let it re-index.
Restore the "Prefix Header" setting.
What a major PITA.
If deleting data and Prefix Header path doesn't work then, try to click on the File (that is not found) in the Project Navigator and uncheck the target under Target Membership in File Inspector. Then deleted the files from Project Project Navigator and add again. This is the only thing that worked for me.
Merely closing XCode (6.4) fixed my particular case of this issue. I opened it back up, cleaned the project, and built. Warnings were gone! Before I closed XCode, I cleaned and built and the warnings would not leave. So something about closing XCode did it. Hope this helps others!
I deleted the #import, then moved to a different line and used autocomplete to reenter the import. That error and all others like it disappeared. Strange bug.

Xcode project — old files warnings

I have a lot of warnings in my Xcode project about old files that have been deleted from my project and from the project's folder.
I have tried to delete the "build" folder of the project.
Any suggestions?
Are you, by chance, using this project from a source code repository?
You need to remove the files from the repository as well. For instance, "svn delete ".
What sort of warnings are you seeing?
In Xcode go to the Build menu and select Clean, then try to build again. Sometimes deleting the build folder is not enough.
If you explore the project do you see any file names that are red? If so, click to select them and press Delete.
