How to get a Sinatra erb to report back its referring page in params - ruby

For learning purposes, I am developing a Ruby/Sinatra "to do list" program. In views, I have the usual index page, which lists uncompleted tasks, and also a completed page. On both pages (and on many future user-created categories pages), there is a similar table, with similar methods for moving and deleting items. These call the same methods, or I'd like them to. But if they call the same methods, at the end of those methods the user is redirected to the index view. But if users are on the completed page, they want to stay on that page after deleting an item (or whatever).
To solve this problem, I think what I need to do is pass a variable from the erb file to the route block, reporting what view (erb file) the user was most recently on. I thought there would be some built-in Sinatra methods to report this, and I looked hard (e.g., I tried all plausible-sounding ways of accessing the request object), but I couldn't find any. Then I tried using <input type="hidden" name="pg_type" value="completed"> but for reasons totally mysterious to me, this doesn't work (maybe because Sinatra uses type="hidden" to route PUT and DELETE requests?). When I inspect the parameters with p params, I see that the pg_type param was created, but its content is an empty string ("").
An example form from (this is a template used by the other views) task_table.erb is this:
<form method="post" action="/delete/<%= %>">
<label for="delete_button">
<input type="hidden" name="pg_type" value="<% #pg_type %>">
<button type="submit" name="delete">Delete</button></label>
Here is the route block for that method:
post('/delete/:id') do
session[:message] << " " + "Deleted task!"
redirect "/" if params[:pg_type] == "index"
redirect params[:pg_type] # But params[:pg_type] always == "" :-(
So how can a pass info about the referring page from my erb pages to my route blocks? Or, if my strategy for solving the problem of returning the user to the correct page is wrong or could be improved (I wouldn't be surprised), please explain.
I'd love to have any more detailed feedback on this program. Other problems I'm trying to solve are how to add unit tests of put and delete methods and how to add user accounts (not started with that though).

In your code you forgot a '=' before #pg_type:
<input type="hidden" name="pg_type" value="<%= #pg_type %>">


Laravel testing form press method doesn't works

I'm trying to cover my project with test and faced with problem.
The "press" method of TestCase fails with 'InvalidArgumentException: Unreachable field ""'
However the "see" method sees the needed button
Besides another form on another page tests fine
Hours of debug show me that the issue might be in the fact that the problem form has multiple (with this brackets []) inputs
Test code that fails
$this->type($params['from'], 'from[]');
$this->type($params['event'], 'event[]');
$this->type($params['class'], 'class[]');
$this->type($params['method'], 'method[]');
With form and button everythings is okey
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-block" name="save_handlers">Save</button>
And of course button is in the form tag
Indeed, the problem is linked with the fact that there are attributes with brackets[].
I just had the same problem. I'm using a form with multiple checkboxes, and all of them have the same name (but different id) : codes[]. I'm doing this in order to retrieve them later (in a controller) simply as an array of values.
<input id="perm-0" type="checkbox" name="codes[]" value="perm-0" />
<input id="perm-1" type="checkbox" name="codes[]" value="perm-1" />
<input id="perm-2" type="checkbox" name="codes[]" value="perm-2" />
My friend var_dump() told me that the Symfony component which parses the form inputs doesn't like it when I'm using codes[] with nothing inside the brackets. It is seen as two fields : "codes" and "" instead of codes[]. That's causing the Unreachable field "" error.
A simple solution I found is to simply add an explicit index for the codes[] array :
<input id="perm-0" type="checkbox" name="codes[0]" value="perm-0" />
<input id="perm-1" type="checkbox" name="codes[1]" value="perm-1" />
<input id="perm-2" type="checkbox" name="codes[2]" value="perm-2" />
This way each checkbox is distinct from others, and the method press() does not cause the error any more.
It seems that this doesn't affect the processing of the resulting array in my controller.
This seems rather confusing seeing as the docs state this:
"Press" a button with the given text or name.
While the docblock above the actual press method states the following:
Submit a form using the button with the given text value.
So instead of using the value of the name attribute (save_handler) use the actual text (Save).

How to recognaize which ajax form it is in Django?

I have view which takes care of all the Ajax submits from the client side. And to differentiate them by I uses different submit button names such as this one
<input type="submit" value="Send" name="send_message">
Suggested from this question.
The only problem is that from the view side it doesn't seems to carry the name to the server side so I cannot use the following if-statement
if 'send_message' in request.POST:
It works if I send it normally with page fresh. But I want to use it with Ajax.
I came up with a hack that you can add this name with jQuery. Simply by after serializing() your data you then concatenate the name attribute by data += "&send_message"
Then the if statement will work. But it doesn't seems so clean. So I wonder if there's a better way to handle this? Or should I make different views to handle the different Ajax calls I have?
You really should post each form to a different URL.
If not, you could add a hidden input with the name of the form as the value.
<input name="form_name" type="hidden" value="form_1" />
form_name = request.POST['form_name']

Requests with AJAX in a portlet (Liferay)

I have an issue with my portlet and I don't know exactly how to solve it.
My portlet adds or retrieves info from liferay's DB by inserting a name in 2 text fields.
After pressing the submit button, I see the response from the server, a JSON response like this:
If a user correctly inserted or if the search throws a good result. I have to go back in the browser to see the portal again.
How can I use AJAX to pass the following URL dynamically from the portlet to the server without refreshing the page afterwards?
Now I'm using the <form> tag like this:
//Shows "New Employee" in the text field when portlet is rendered, or gets the user input and pass it as a param to the URL
PortletPreferences prefs = renderRequest.getPreferences();
String employee = (String)prefs.getValue("name", "New Employee");
<form id="postForm" method="post" action="http://localhost:8080/c/portal/json_service">
<input name="serviceClassName" type="hidden" value="com.liferay.test.service.TrabajadorServiceUtil" />
<input name="serviceMethodName" type="hidden" value="create" />
<input name="servletContextName" type="hidden" value="TrabajadorPlugin-portlet" />
<input name="serviceParameters" type="hidden" value="[param]" />
<input name="param" type="text" value="<%=employee%>" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
I understand how AJAX works, but I need some help to create my function in order to achieve the URL to be correctly sent to the server for both GET and POST requests. This is my first try with AJAX.
Thank you very much, hope somebody understands my problem and could help me.
First of all, I see no point at all to use JSON services here. Just write ordinary portlet with MVC Controller, and in controller write action handling for corresponding actions (storing data, searching etc).
In controller you can directly call static methods like create or findByName from java class com.liferay.test.service.TrabajadorServiceUtil (or TrabajadorLocalServiceUtil) - that's how people usually do it.
If for some reason you really must use JSON, you should of course do these actions with AJAX calls - and render results using JavaScript.
Updating after question update:
The easiest and most correct way to send AJAX requests in Liferay would be to use AlloyUI JS framework that's a part of Liferay. You can read more on how to send AJAX requests with it here:
In order to accomplish your goal I'd suggest implementing processAction(ActionRequest actRequest, ActionResponse actResponse) method in your controller/portlet.
In order to actually send data to it you'll have to have actionURL, which you can create using for example portlet:actionURL tag:
<portlet:actionURL /> or with Java code PortletURL actionUrl = portletResponse.createActionURL();
Then just submit your form using POST to this URL, and in actionRequest you'll have your parameters.

Cannot submit form to controller zend framework

I create a from statically in HTML file in view project which is inside the module visit.
I want the controller to handle the request occur when submitting the form
<form action="addVisit" method="post">
<input type="text" name="number"/>
<input type="submit" name="save"/>
The structure of the project is
module visits
controller Visits and it has action addVisit
when submitting the form an error occur, the url becomes like this when submitting the form
in the controller there is a function action
public function addVisitAction()
echo 'here';
what should I do ?
First you might reconsider camel caseing your actions addVisitAction() because if you do then you have to deal with view file names like add-visit.phtml I think it will affect urls as well, I find it simpler just to leave action names as lowercase addvisitAction(), this might be part of what's amiss.
Next identify your form actions as /module/controller/action (if you are not using modules you can omit that param), so your action should at least be /visits/visits/addvisit or /visits/visits/add-visit (not quite sure which will work properly) .
also when using html forms that were not generated by Zend_Form you can access the values using $this->getParams() or $this->getParam('paramName') instead of $this->getValues().

Rails + Haml: Returning from a partial will somehow remove the form tag

This is lengthy, yes, I apologize. But I want to be clear because this issue is so odd.
I have a terms of service modal that comes up whenever a user has not accepted our terms of service (TOS). For the purposes here, javascript is turned off and what is rendered is strictly html/css. So the page, if thought of in 3 layers, is: bottom layer = page they came to see (i.e. an event page), middle layer: a semi-opaque overlay, top (primary/visible) layer: a modal with the terms of service agreement form in it. This form is simply an accept checkbox and submit button.
I noticed that the TOS was not working properly, but at seemingly random times. Then I noticed that it was broken but only on my event page (/event/foo) even though the same partial is responsible for showing the terms of service agreement no matter where they show up on the site. So for any other page, like /group/bar, the same TOS modal would show up and would work fine.
I then realized that the problem was that the form tag was missing from my HTML! Just gone.
So, taking a step back, the (HAML) code in question is simply:
%b Before form_for
- form_for #current_user do |form|
%b After form_for
%div#tosC= render :partial => 'general/terms'
= render :partial => 'shared/user/tos_form_element'
= image_submit_tag "/images/buttons/submit_100x20.png", :id => 'submit', :name => 'submit'
For our /events/foo page, the generated HTML look like this:
<div id="accept_tosC">
<b>before form_for</b>
<div style="margin: 0pt; padding: 0pt;"><input type="hidden" value="put" name="_method"><input type="hidden" value="44c2bf7a64fc59baa3fc7129167f0e2c3e96abb6" name="authenticity_token"></div>
<b>after form_for</b>
The obvious question here is if 'Before form_for' and 'After form_for' make it into the document, why doens't the form tag form_for creates?
For a different page, say /groups/foo, we get exactly what we would expect:
<div id="accept_tosC">
<b>before form_for</b>
<form method="post" id="edit_user_595" class="edit_user" action="/users/595"><div style="margin: 0pt; padding: 0pt;"><input type="hidden" value="put" name="_method"><input type="hidden" value="44c2bf7a64fc59baa3fc7129167f0e2c3e96abb6" name="authenticity_token"></div>
<b>after form_for</b>
I tracked it down to a single partial well inside the code for the "bottom" layer (the page they requested, not the TOS overlay). This partial in question may or may not be viewable to any given individual so we have to check if the user can view this page. The result of that is held in the variable can_view:
#some processing to set page info and can_view
return unless can_view
...and so on...
This is what my code looked like and the form tag did not render. By making the following change, the form element tag showed up as expected for all pages:
#some processing to set page info and can_view
- if can_view
...and so on...
So here is the question: Why would returning from a partial prevent a form element tag from becoming part of the document?
The short answer is that templates work in mysterious ways, and return is just generally not safe to use within them.
The long answer is that, behind the scenes, templates are compiled into Ruby methods that build up a string of HTML code and return that code. I'm guessing that by returning without returning the proper code, you're making something go haywire and discard the string that the form_for is concatenating to.
