Umbraco Multiple Member Picker I want to hide All Member - umbraco7

I'm using Multinode Tree Picker to create multi member picker. Because I have only 1 member type so I want to hide All Members section in overlays. Are there any solutions?

Yes, You can specify the allowed member type in "Allowed items of type" field on Datatype configuration.
Add allowed member types


How to hide one2many's field column in tree view based on parent field value in odoo9

I have created a new field in sale order line named as "Price1" and "Price_chk" boolean field in Sale order. The field "Price1" should be invisible in tree view when the field "Price_chk" is False and it should be visible when the field "Price_chk" is True.
You can not hide field conditionally in tree/list view, you can invisible but that should be fixed for all data not conditionally.
You can only set readonly and required (if treeview is editable).
You can use two different treeview, for that you need to create two menus and two separate actions, in that action you need to specify view and domain.

Salesforce - Make all fields read-only

I am trying to figure out the best way to make all fields in a custom object read only after a condition is met.
For example. There is a field called Status. If the status is equal to Closed, I want all fields on this custom object to be readonly i.e non editable.
What is the best way to do this? Validation rule, trigger, etc? I would really appreciate examples. Thanks
In short: With a workflow you could change the record type, for that record type you can assign a page layout which is read only.
Add a trigger to the custom object
Open custom object, click on the "Field Label" of one Custom Field, when it opens, create a new "Validation Rule" that checks the status and displays an error message

How can an ExtraColumn type property be used in a Custom Control in XPages?

When defining the properties of a custom control in the "Property Definition" section, you can choose as "Type" in the "Property" tab the option of "extraColumn" and "iconColumn".
How should this type be used ?
Both iconColumn and extraColumn relate to the corresponding tags of the dataView control. You would typically use these when your custom control contains a dataView and you wish to allow an outside control to pass in details about the columns to be used in the dataView.
When a data view is used in a standard XPage, the extraColumns appear as actual columns. The summaryColumn is the first column and shows as a link.
However, in a mobile application, extra columns show up as additional lines of data in the mobile data row. The summaryColumn value shows as "header" in the data row, while the extraColumn values show underneath that value.
<xe:dataView id="dataView1" pageName="#contactDetails" collapsibleDetail="true">
<xp:dominoView var="view1" viewName="TeamDirectoryNameLU">
<xe:viewSummaryColumn columnName="Name"></xe:viewSummaryColumn>
<xe:viewExtraColumn columnName="Office" style="font-size:12pt"></xe:viewExtraColumn>
<xe:viewExtraColumn columnName="OfficePhone" style="font-size:12pt"></xe:viewExtraColumn>
<xe:viewExtraColumn columnName="Email" style="font-size:12pt"></xe:viewExtraColumn>
One row of that might display as:
Ian Kennedy
London Office

Creating Custom List Definition using VS 2010 without creating Custom Content type

I want to create Custom List Definition without creating custom content type. Way I followed is created farm solution without list instance -> In the elements.xml file I gave 10005 as a type and in the Schema.XML in the section I added custom fields and also in the default view as well. When I deployed this project and created list based on this definition and clicked on the "New Item" it didnt show Custom Columns but only the Title Column. To solve this I removed whole content type section from the Schema.XMl and deployed the solution again. I created list based on the List definition this time clicking on the "New Item" link in the list view it shows all the custom columns but when I go to ribbon and click on the "New Item" drop down it does not show "New Item" but it shows the name of the list instead and also it adds the name of the list as a content type. I can understand this behaviour as I removed content type section from the Schema.XML but how can I add custom columns to Item Content type ?
In the Schema.xml file you need to:
Declare the fields inside the Fields node (the same way you would if you were creating site columns)
Update the default view to show the newly created fields (if necessary)
Delete the ContentTypes node
I cover this in detail in the Creating Lists using CAML module of my Pluralsight SharePoint 2010 Lists and Libraries for Developers course. You could watch it using a trial subscription.

How to ref Ext.selection.CheckboxModel in ExtJS MVC?

we can ref a grid panel by:
ref: 'grid', selector: 'contactlist gridpanel'
but how to ref the CheckboxModel in the grid panel?
Any help is much appreciated!
First you should understand the concept of refs & id. refs is an array used to hold references to some ExtJS components which have id. According to documentation refs is:
One of the most useful parts of Controllers is the new ref system.
These use Ext.ComponentQuery to make it really easy to get references
to Views on your page.
What is id? Quoting from ExtJS documentation:
The unique id of this component instance.
id property is present for all classes that are extended from Ext.AbstractComponent. Other ExtJS class do not have this property. The value is either auto generated or assigned by the user when creating an instance of the component. It is used as a selector when you don't have object reference of the component. Also, remember that the component's HTML element will have it's id property set with the same value (either auto generated or user defined). This is done, so that you can provide custom CSS and styling of your own.
Now, coming back to refs.. it is an key/value pair array that hold a variable and selector of the component. It is not intended to hold all the references of objects in your view! In the above code, you already have a reference to the view. To get the selection model of your grid, you have to use the methods available with grid panel:
