Need a help in Datatable development. I faced some difficulties creating it by myself. Please, answer, how to create a Datatable? Desirably without libraries.
I have a solution which I have applied in my practice. The code is large enough, so I will present you a piece of code. Have a look. There are templete functions
1)for example, for displaying all users:
function userTemplate(user) {
return '<div class="content-column-data">'+
'<img class="customer-image" src="../../../assets/images/customer/'+ user.img +'">'+
'<div class="customer-name">'+ +'</div>'+
2)for displaying all table cells:
function mainBlockAdd(adress, itemInfo){
'<div class="content-column-data">'+
itemInfo +
Them we should transfer all received data:
function loadTable(responseNew){
If my code seems helpful to you, use its full version from this article:
i'm in the nth hour of trying the following: i'd like to add text/html snippets before the title of an event as displayed in the fullcalendar (i.e. inside of <div class="fc-event-title">). These snippets would be one of the following:
<span class="info">registration needed</span>
<span class="cancelled">course cancelled</span>
<span class="ok">held as planned</span>
blank value/no additional text
I tried to copy wp-fullcalendar.php into my theme's directory hoping to be able to edit the function but couldn't accomplish to overwrite the original file - anyplace i tried to put it.
I then tried working in the source file, for a test i did (line 199 in original wp-fullcalendar.php):
$title = 'LLL' . $post->post_title; which did nothing to the output in the calendar.
After a while i completely removed the function 'function ajax()' from wp-fullcalendar.php and the calendar still displays just fine. Seems to be the wrong place (which it is anyway as it's a source file, i know).
I was hoping to find a quick way to accomplish my task but as you can see i'm stuck.
Any help on the matter would be highly appreciated. Thank you,
i added a custom attribute 'Kurstyp' to each Event.
possible values for it are: empty string (ie no extra span), 'please register', 'event cancelled', 'held as planned'
i would like all non empty values to appear within <div class="fc-event-title">
best each wrapped in a span with an individual class for styling purposes
this is what i added to wp-fullcalendar.php:
add_action('wp_ajax_wpfc_custominfo',array('WP_FullCalendar','custominfo') );
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_wpfc_custominfo', array('WP_FullCalendar','custominfo') );
// and further down
function custominfo() {
if( !empty($_REQUEST['post_id']) ){
$return = get_post_meta($_REQUEST['post_id'], 'Kurstyp', true);
echo apply_filters('wpfc_custominfo', $return);
// then, inside the event.render part within fullcalendar_args
if(event.post_id > 0) {
alert('event.title (1st): ' + event.title);
var custominfo = {action: 'wpfc_custominfo', post_id: event.post_id};
var extra = $.ajax({
url: WPFC.ajaxurl,
type: "POST",
data: custominfo
extra.done(function(addtxt) {
event.title = addtxt + event.title;
alert('event.title (2nd): ' + event.title);
alert('event.title (3rd): ' + event.title);
addtxt delivers the correct value but my 3rd alert fires before the 2nd one, so event.title remains unchanged
all of this takes place in the original source, i'd want to change this even if it worked
also, even if it worked: how to style the different messages accordingly?
might the attribute className of the Event Object be helpful and if so, how?
The Texts used would be german, tried to use english here for better reading.
Thanks for your help, Frank
I'm writing an Ember.js app to show a list of nested comments fetched from a CRUD RESTful API.
Half way through, I realize I'm probably misusing Ember.js and not taking advantage of its paradigms.
For instance, my Comment object looks like this:
App.Comment = Em.Object.extend({
id: null,
author: null,
text: null,
delete: function() { /* AJAX call to API here */ }
Is it alright to ha the delete() function as part of the model object, instead of a controller?
Another doubt I have is in my handling of states. In my template I do something like this:
{{#if view.comment.editing}}
{{view Ember.TextArea valueBinding="view.comment.text"}}
<a href="#" {{action cancelEditingComment}}>Cancel</a>
<a href="#" {{action editComment}}>Edit</a>
Then in my router, the editComment and cancelEditingComment actions will delegate to Comment, which has functions:
startEditing: function() { this.set('editing', true); }
cancelEditing: function() { this.set('editing', false); }
I can't help but think that I'm doing something wrong, although this kind of code seems to work.
Do you have any suggestions about how to reorganize my code, and any recommended reading that might help me with this?
From my experiences, your model shouldn't really have any business logic in it. It should just have a set of fields and maybe some computed properties if you have some complex fields that can be generated.
Your view delegating to your controller is definitely the right move for deleting. When it comes to editing though, seeing as it's only really your view that cares about this (typically), I'd be inclined to make isEditing part of the view itself. Then you can check this flag to decide whether to draw simple text or a textarea for input.
App.controller = Em.Object.create({
comments: [],
deleteComment: function(comment) {
App.CommentView = Em.View.extend({
comment: null,
isEditing: null,
delete: function() {
startEditing: function() {
this.set('isEditing', true);
First off I want to say that I really like ember.js. I have tried both Knockout and Angular but found them a bit to obtrusive and everything had to be done their way. I feel like ember allows me a bit more freedom to structure things how you see fit. With that said I have a couple of questions.
1. I would like to do something like the following which obviously doesn't work:
<h3>{{ }}</h3>
Instead I would have to create a binding:
<a {{ bindAttr href="url" }}><h3>{{ }}</h3></a>
How do i create the url path in the view? I could easily create a computed property called url on the model but that feels horrible and not very MVC. Do I have to create a new view for the element or register a helper which feels a bit cumbersome?
Here's the complete code:
App = Ember.Application.create();
var sampleData = [ Ember.Object.create({ id: '123456789', name: 'John' }), Ember.Object.create({ id: '987654321', name: 'Anne' }) ]
App.itemController = Ember.ArrayController.create({
content: sampleData,
removeItem: function(item) {
App.ItemListView = Ember.View.extend({
itemDetailView: Ember.CollectionView.extend({
contentBinding: 'App.itemController',
itemViewClass: Ember.View.extend({
tagName: 'li',
url: '' // HOW TO GET '/item/123456789'
deleteButton: Ember.Button.extend({
click: function(event) {
var item = this.get('content');
<script type="text/x-handlebars">
{{#view App.ItemListView}}
<ul id="item-list">
{{#collection itemDetailView}}
<div class="item">
<a {{ bindAttr href="url" }}><h3>{{ }}</h3></a>
{{#view deleteButton class="btn" contentBinding="content"}}Delete{{/view}}
2. I feel that the view "owns" the controller and not the other way around. Shouldn't the view be unaware of which controller it is hooked up to so you can reuse the view? I'm thinking about these to lines in the view:
contentBinding: 'App.itemController',
How do you structure this?
3. I realize everything is a work in progress and quite new with the name change and all but the documentation is quite unclear. The examples use the old namespace SC and there are lot of things missing on compared to the Sproutcore 2.0 guides, for example collections, arraycontrollers. I read somewhere here that collections will be phased out. Is that true and should I use #each instead?
Thanks for your help and for an awesome framework!
1.) If you want to use <a href="...">, you will need a computed property. It could be on your model or on a view. Another technique would be to use Ember.Button: {{#view Ember.Button tagName="a" target="..." action="..."}}...{{/view}}
2.) Typically you'll want to declare your controller binding in the template, rather than in the view. For example: {{#view App.ItemListView contentBinding="App.itemController"}}
3.) The #collection helper will likely be deprecated, so you should probably use an #each instead.
My issue is for some strange reason it seems stuck in the page controller so instead of getting out and going into the ajax controller I have it trying to go down that route in the page controller
1st try
2nd try
Page button to call jquery
<a style="margin-left: 310px;" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="getBlah()"
Jquery code
1st try
$.getJSON(callbackURL + 'Ajax/GetBlah_Name/?lname=' + $('#Surname').val() + '&fname=' + $('#FirstName').val(), null, GetResults)
2nd try
$.getJSON(callbackURL + '~/Ajax/GetBlah_Name/?lname=' + $('#Surname').val() + '&fname=' + $('#FirstName').val(), null, GetResults)
In summary I don't know why it won't break out of the controller and go into the Ajax controller like it has done so in all the other projects I've done this in using the 1st try solution.
It seems you want to cal a controller at ~/Ajax. Is it? If yes, you should use this code:
$.getJSON(callbackURL + '/Ajax/GetBlah_Name/?lname=' + $('#Surname').val() + '&fname=' + $('#FirstName').val(), null, GetResults)
This will work for your Q, but the complete solution is #Darin Dimitrov's answer. I suggest you to use that also.
~ is a special character that just ASP.NET works with it! So http doesn't understand it. and if you start your url with a word -such as Ajax-, the url will be referenced from where are you now (my english is not good and I can't explain good, see example plz). For example, you are here:
when you create a link in this page, with this href:
that will be rendered as
But, when url starts with /, you are referring it to root of site:
will be:
There are a couple of issues with your AJAX call:
You are hardcoding routes
You are not encoding query string parameters
Here's how I would recommend you to improve your code:
// Always use url helpers when dealing with urls in an ASP.NET MVC application
var url = '#Url.Action("GetBlah_Name", "Ajax")';
// Always make sure that your values are properly encoded by using the data hash.
var data = { lname: $('#Surname').val(), fname: $('#FirstName').val() };
$.getJSON(url, data, GetResults);
Or even better. Replace your hardcoded anchor with one which will already contain the lookup url in its href property (which would of course be generated by an url helper):
<a id="lookup" href="Url.Action("GetBlah_Name", "Ajax")" class="button">
and then in a separate javascript file unobtrusively AJAXify it:
$(function() {
$('#lookup').click(function() {
var data = { lname: $('#Surname').val(), fname: $('#FirstName').val() };
$.getJSON(this.href, data, GetResults);
return false;
Now how your urls will look like will totally depend on how you setup your routes in the Application_Start method. Your views and javascripts are now totally agnostic and if you decide to change your route patterns you won't need to touch jaavscript or views.
I wanted to ask, why does the response from a ajax request using the native ajax not post or get return my entire page? is there anything I should know? I have looked at the documentation on and nothing is mentioned of something like that unless i'm looking else where. Can I get any help on why that keeps happening?
This is the function that handles the validation of the form in question.
function showsupport()
$this->form_validation->set_rules('supportername','Your Name','trim|required|max_length[20]|xss_clean');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('supporteremail','Email Address','trim|required|valid_email|xss_clean');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('pledgedate','Pledge Date','trim|required|xss_clean');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('messagetxt','Your Message','trim|required|xss_clean');
if($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE)
echo validation_errors();
} else {
$name = $this->input->post('supportername');
$email = $this->input->post('supporteremail');
$date = $this->input->post('pledgedate');
$msg = $this->input->post('messagetxt');
$qry = $this->support_m->storepledge($name,$email,$date,$msg);
$datamsg['supportmsg'] = 'Message Added Successfully';
echo 'There was an error inserting into db';
This is the view with the form generated.
$formdata = array('id'=>'suppform');
echo form_open('homepage/showsupport',$formdata);
$namedata = array('name'=>'supportname','id'=>'supportname','size'=>'30','max_length'=>'25','value'=>set_value('supportname'));
echo '<label for="supportername">Your Name:'.form_input($namedata).'</label><br /><br />';
$emaildata = array('name'=>'supporteremail','id'=>'supporteremail','size'=>'30','max_lenth'=>'25','value'=>set_value('suppoteremail'));
echo '<label for="supporteremail">Email Address:'.form_input($emaildata).'</label><br /><br />';
$pledgedata = array('name'=>'pledgedate','id'=>'pledgedate','size'=>'30','max_length'=>'20','value'=>set_value('pledgedate'));
echo '<label for="pledgedate">Today\'s Date:'.form_input($pledgedata).'</label><br /><br />';
$msgdata = array('name'=>'messagetxt','id'=>'messagetxt','col'=>'2','rows'=>'8');
echo '<label for="messagetext">Your Pledge:'.form_textarea($msgdata).'</label><br />';
$submitdata = array('name'=>'submitbtn','id'=>'submitbtn','value'=>'Send');
echo '<label for="submitbutton">'.form_submit($submitdata).'</label><br />';
echo form_close();
<div id="errorsechoed"><?php echo validation_errors();?></div>
The html of the retured page is dumped in the div #errorsechoed
type: 'POST',
cache: false,
url: 'homepage/showsupport',
data: $('#suppform').serialize(),
beforeSend: function(){
$('#supportform').block({message:'<h4> Processing...</h4>'})
complete: function(){
success: function(html){
I have been trying to get this figured out and I think I have made some progress, here is what I have:
a) the template library from William Colin works where regions are specified and so only a particular region will be refreshed all the time and not the only page. As a result it sort of works differently from other standard setups for codeigniter. This is definitely getting in the way of jquery getting a response from the server. It gets the bits of template library (i.e. regions) and renders it out which ends up rebuilding the whole page again.
b) When you run the form_validation library, Template doesn’t allow you to just load a view the normal way in codeigniter, rather you do this by running:
$this->template->write_view('contentregion','viewname'); //writes the view
$this->template->render(); //renders the view on screen.
so if this is not done if validation fails, the error messages spat out by the formvalidation library just never seem to get to the view.
I have tried a lot of permutations of using functions that come with this library and still am just able to render out another page of my site. confused
I think this template library is great but it needs some updating so these issues are met. I will have to look at other templating systems when I have to do a site with a lot of ajax required. Hope Mr. William can see this and help look into this.
Thanks community for an avenue to say what I have learned. Hope this is useful to someone.
It's because you are setting the datatype in the postback to be of type 'html':
"html": Returns HTML as plain text;
included script tags are evaluated
when inserted in the DOM.
if you just want to show that the request succeeded or failed you can have #errorsindicated populated like so:
success: function(){
$('#errorsechoed').html('<h4> Request Successfull...</h4>');
error: function(){
$('#errorsechoed').html('<h4> Request Failed...</h4>');
you can get more detailed information on the error if you want. See the error option section of the jQuery ajax documentation: