In RCP jfacetreeview suppose I have 1000 rows, but I want to load only 50 rows first, and then, when I click on (more...) I need another 50 to load.
Like I need virtual tree, so I can insert more data but I can load data when I need that.
tried lazy loading but don't know how to do it.
You can use a special tree node which always there at the bottom with text "Show More ...". And load more content when it get clicked. And move that node to the new end of rows.
I have automated the login and getting to the downloading page where i have some pdf's which i want to download. These pdf's are dynamic ,sometimes there are 10 sometimes 100 ,it changes everyday.i want to download those pdf's .
please find the attached image
Here i want to download the pdf by clicking each elements in column 3(hyperlink highlighted in blue colour) ,the number of rows in the table is can i do it using UIPATH.
From the top of my head, without knowing the application you are working in I see a few different approaches you can try:
Approach 1: Extract table as Data Table
Perhaps you can extract the table as a Data Table, enumerate the rows and find the individual link selectors you then can pass to a click activity.
Approach 2: Dynamically manipulating the selector
Use UIExplorer to find the selector of the link in the third column. Typically the attribute idx is the unique identifier. You can construct your own variable idx and in a while loop increment this variable while passing it to a click-activitys selector: "<your normal selector here someAttr="something" idx="+idx.ToString+"/>
This way, when the click fails with selector not found you will be at the last row of the column and you can exist the while loop.
Approach 3: Using Find Children
Another approach is to use the Find children activity on the column or table to get the children, i.e. the rows. You need to know which filter to use, it is basically the selector.
Find children outputs a IEnumerable<UIElement> you can iterate and pass to a click activity
The shared image is a perfect case of scraping a table from Web page which can be done through UiPath's Data Scraping Wizard, refer this tutorial. This will convert your html table into DataTable. This Data Scraping Wizard will take care of dynamin number of rows as well as the pagination (if exist).
Later, you've to iterate the DataTable (ForEach activity) and hit the link to download PDF files.
I have an angular webpage. One of the page sections (an angular ui grid) contains nearly 1000 rows of data. Each row has 7 columns. (There is no table tag available anywhere in the HTML the grid is made using nested divs)
At a time only 20 rows will be shown in the page section. Now using ruby and selenium I need to verify whether data displayed in 7th column is sorted in ascending order or not. I tried to do this by reading the contents of the
angular ui grid to an array of arrays. But at any point of time when I fetch the elements data for only 20 rows are getting stored. After loading this page I tried again by doing a horizontal scroll and fetching the data.
But still I get only 20 rows of data everytime I try. I believe only the data for the visible rows at the point of execution is only getting fetched. And I think the data is loaded dynamically to 20 rows on demand which
are visible in the section.
Now what is the best logic I could use to verify whether data displayed in 7th column or any other column is sorted in ascending order or not !
From your description what I understand is all 1000 rows will be stored in page source during page load. And on demand any 20 rows will be loaded from page source as user scrolls down or scrolls up in the page section. In this case, the best option will be to collect data from the source and store all of it to an array as per need. Which can be done as
browser.execute_script("return angular.element("your element.functionWhichloadsallRows)").collect{|e| e.values}
Using extjs 4.1.1
I have a grid with lots of columns >20.
Initially, most of these columns are hidden.
If a user wants to unhide the column, they select the menu on any column, then select the "columns" choice, this expands another dropdown/dropout which shows all of the columns. Those with checkboxes next to them are shown.
My issue is this:
The columns in the dropdown are shown in the order in which they are defined/displayed in the grid. The order in which they are displayed in the grid has been chosen for a good reason( e.g. id as the first column). However, when a user wants to display one of the hidden columns, it is hard for them to find it in the list. This is because the list is sorted in the order the columns are defined. I want to sort the column dropdown/dropout list in alphabetical order, without effecting the order of the columns in the grid.
How can this done?
I think I found the solution to your question.
First of all I don't have the Ext JS 4.1.1. framework on my current PC. So I tried to figure out you problem reading the Ext JS 4.1.3. documentation available on Sencha's site. But I don't think that they have made drastical changes in this part of the framework between the two minor releases so my solution should work in your case too.
I have tried out my solution using JSFiddle. Unfortunately they did not have the 4.1.1. ext-all.css file, so I have linked manually the 4.0.2 file available at Sencha, so the menu is looking a bit missplaced.
The header menu and it's submenus are managed by the Ext.grid.header.Container class. The column submenu is constructed by the getColumnMenu method. The whole menu is purged and reconstructed on every drag and drop or other event which should affect the grid view. As a result it is enough to overwrite this method in order to solve the problem. Because the headercontainer class is too deep in the framework it is hard to extend it, so you have to make use of the Ext.base.override method.
The column submenu's menu items are created from the result of the
items = headerContainer.query('>gridcolumn[hideable]')
query. So you have to first sort alphabetically the result, before creating the menu items. I have added to the class the sortColumns method which does all the sorting stuff.
So here is what I did: link to my solution.
I hope that this is what you were looking for.
I have a UI that looks similar to the mail app. A table view along the left with a single column of items. When one of the those items on the left is selected, details about that item are shown on the right.
When some event occurs in my app that requires the data in the left table view to be reloaded, the current selection is lost and then the right detail view and left master view get out of sync.
The way i hoped to solve this problem was, when it was time to reload the table data, I would:
1. Save the current selected item
2. reload the table data
3. Handle a delegate method or notification that let me know when the reloading was done.
4. Re-select the proper item by finding it in the new list of items in the table.
Unfortunately I cannot find any way to determine when the table is done reloading. Is there a. any way to figure this out, or b. a more elegant solution to this problem?
update: In case my problem was unclear, imagine you are in the mail app and you have some message selected. That summary cell is shown as selected on the left, and the details of the message are shown on the right. Suppose new mail comes in which appear as new cells at the top of the table. How is the message you are currently viewing preserved, and not de-selected?
reloadData is something of a sledgehammer. 10.7 offers a better solution.
Instead of using reloadData, when you have new rows to add, use insertRowsAtIndexes:withAnimation: . When you have rows to delete, use removeRowsAtIndexes:withAnimation: . And, of course, if an existing row has changed, there's reloadDataForRowIndexes:columnIndexes.
These should remember the selection for you (at least, the equivalents on iOS do).
If you can't target 10.7, some of the other suggestions will probably help out. noteNumberOfRowsChanged may also be helpful but I've not actually used it.
You can save selection on tableView(_:shouldSelectRow:) then select the row right after you create the cell in tableView(_:viewFor:row:) using selectRowIndexes(_:byExtendingSelection:).
It is pretty reliable no matter how / when / how many times you reload the table.
I have a View (block display) listing node titles of a certain content type displaying the latest 12 published items. It displays underneath all nodes of a specific type.
What I'd like to do is be able to load the next 12 items with AJAX (I know the pager does this but I was hoping to avoid it) and also control the offset based on the node title.
I think the second request can be achieved with the row number in the query but so far I'm having trouble achieving a working script.
you always can call view results from Drupal API:
$results = views_get_view_result('my_view',$display, $args)
and in arguments you can pass start/end number of items, or something else, depends how you sorting your results
Well, instead of that work, how about selecting the mini pager? I'm pretty sure it only shows previous and next links. If it's not the exact display you want to use, you can override theme_views_mini_pager (from views/theme/, line 636) to only show what you need.