Websocket connection error with HiveMQ 2.1.0 + Paho javascript mqttws31.js - websocket

Hi I am using Hivemq (windows) too and have an issue !
websocket are open and I receive some information:
2017-01-19 11:05:27,065 INFO - Starting HiveMQ Server
2017-01-19 11:05:27,070 INFO - HiveMQ version: 3.2.1
2017-01-19 11:05:27,074 INFO - HiveMQ home directory: C:\hivemq-3.2.1
2017-01-19 11:05:27,115 INFO - Log Configuration was overridden by C:\hivemq-3.2.1\conf\logback.xml
2017-01-19 11:05:31,533 INFO - Loaded Plugin HiveMQ JMX Metrics Reporting Plugin - v3.0.0
2017-01-19 11:05:31,534 INFO - Loaded Plugin HiveMQ JVM Metrics Plugin - v3.1.0
2017-01-19 11:05:31,535 INFO - Loaded Plugin HiveMQ MQTT Message Log Plugin - v3.0.0
2017-01-19 11:05:31,551 INFO - JMX Metrics Reporting started.
2017-01-19 11:05:31,574 INFO - Starting TCP listener on address and port 1883
2017-01-19 11:05:31,701 INFO - Starting Websocket listener on address and port 9001
2017-01-19 11:05:31,705 INFO - Started TCP Listener on address and on port 1883
2017-01-19 11:05:31,706 INFO - Started Websocket Listener on address and on port 9001
2017-01-19 11:05:31,707 INFO - Started HiveMQ in 4637ms
2017-01-19 11:05:31,708 INFO - No valid license file found. Using evaluation license, restricted to 25 connections.
2017-01-19 11:05:46,058 INFO - Client mosq/#IL\R8\7_1OBQj3hs# connected
2017-01-19 11:05:46,138 INFO - Subscribe from client mosq/#IL\R8\7_1OBQj3hs# received: domoticz/in QoS: 0
2017-01-19 11:05:49,867 INFO - Client mosq/#IL\R8\7_1OBQj3hs# sent a message to topic "domoticz/out": "{
"Battery" : 100,
"RSSI" : 7,
"description" : "",
"dtype" : "Temp + Humidity",
"id" : "62721",
"idx" : 3,
"name" : "bureau",
"nvalue" : 0,
"stype" : "THGN122/123, THGN132, THGR122/228/238/268",
"svalue1" : "19.0",
"svalue2" : "34",
"svalue3" : "2",
"unit" : 1
" (QoS: 0, retained: false)
2017-01-19 11:06:05,761 INFO - Client mosq/#IL\R8\7_1OBQj3hs# sent a message to topic "domoticz/out": "{
"Battery" : 100,
"RSSI" : 7,
"description" : "",
"dtype" : "Temp + Humidity",`enter code here
but i always have issue in chrome console :
`WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Connection closed before receiving a handshake response
k._doConnect # mqttws31-min.js:36
k._disconnected # mqttws31-min.js:54
k._on_socket_error # mqttws31-min.js:51
(anonymous) # mqttws31-min.js:19e
i am not a specialist please help

According to the Eclipse Paho Wiki
The path portion of the url specified on the MQTT connect should be "mqtt"
For instance ws://m2m.eclipse.org:800/mqtt . mqtt should be the default with the option for an alternative to be configured / specified
However the default path used by paho javascript is "/ws"
HiveMQ uses default configuration of "/mqtt" for websocket's path
Possible solutions are
Change path in Client to "/mqtt"
client = new Paho.MQTT.Client("", Number(9001), "/mqtt", "clientId");
Change path in HiveMQ config to "/ws"
Florian, from the HiveMQ Team.


Why so many connections are used by Spring reactive with Mongo

I got the exception 'MongoWaitQueueFullException' and I realize the number of connections that my application is using. I use the default configuration of Spring boot (2.2.7.RELEASE) with reactive MongoDB (4.2.8). Transactions are used.
Even when running an integration test that basically creates a bit more than 200 elements then groups them (200 groups). 10 connections are used. When this algorithm is executed over a real data-set, this exception is thrown. The default limit of the waiting queue (500) was reached. This does not make the application scalable.
My question is: is there a way to design a reactive application that helps to reduce the number of connections?
This is the output of my test. Basically, it scans all translations of bundle files and them group them per translation key. An element is persisted per translation key.
return Flux
.flatMap(locale ->
.scanTranslations(bundleFileEntity.toLocation(), locale, context)
.map(indexedTranslation ->
indexedTranslation.getT1(), // index
indexedTranslation.getT2().getKey(), // bundle key
indexedTranslation.getT2().getValue() // translation
The grouping function:
private Flux<BundleKeyEntity> groupIntoBundleKeys(BundleFileEntity bundleFile) {
return this
.flatMap(bundleKeyGroup ->
.map(bundleKeys -> {
final BundleKeyGroupKey key = bundleKeyGroup.key();
final BundleKeyEntity entity = new BundleKeyEntity(key.getWorkspace(), key.getBundleFile(), key.getKey());
return entity;
The test output:
560 [main] INFO o.s.b.t.c.SpringBootTestContextBootstrapper - Neither #ContextConfiguration nor #ContextHierarchy found for test class [be.sgerard.i18n.controller.TranslationControllerTest], using SpringBootContextLoader
569 [main] INFO o.s.t.c.s.AbstractContextLoader - Could not detect default resource locations for test class [be.sgerard.i18n.controller.TranslationControllerTest]: no resource found for suffixes {-context.xml, Context.groovy}.
870 [main] INFO o.s.b.t.c.SpringBootTestContextBootstrapper - Loaded default TestExecutionListener class names from location [META-INF/spring.factories]: [org.springframework.boot.test.mock.mockito.MockitoTestExecutionListener, org.springframework.boot.test.mock.mockito.ResetMocksTestExecutionListener, org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.restdocs.RestDocsTestExecutionListener, org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.client.MockRestServiceServerResetTestExecutionListener, org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.MockMvcPrintOnlyOnFailureTestExecutionListener, org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.WebDriverTestExecutionListener, org.springframework.test.context.web.ServletTestExecutionListener, org.springframework.test.context.support.DirtiesContextBeforeModesTestExecutionListener, org.springframework.test.context.support.DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener, org.springframework.test.context.support.DirtiesContextTestExecutionListener, org.springframework.test.context.transaction.TransactionalTestExecutionListener, org.springframework.test.context.jdbc.SqlScriptsTestExecutionListener, org.springframework.test.context.event.EventPublishingTestExecutionListener, org.springframework.security.test.context.support.WithSecurityContextTestExecutionListener, org.springframework.security.test.context.support.ReactorContextTestExecutionListener]
897 [main] INFO o.s.b.t.c.SpringBootTestContextBootstrapper - Using TestExecutionListeners: [org.springframework.test.context.support.DirtiesContextBeforeModesTestExecutionListener#4372b9b6, org.springframework.boot.test.mock.mockito.MockitoTestExecutionListener#232a7d73, org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.SpringBootDependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener#4b41e4dd, org.springframework.test.context.support.DirtiesContextTestExecutionListener#22ffa91a, org.springframework.test.context.transaction.TransactionalTestExecutionListener#74960bfa, org.springframework.test.context.jdbc.SqlScriptsTestExecutionListener#42721fe, org.springframework.test.context.event.EventPublishingTestExecutionListener#40844aab, org.springframework.security.test.context.support.WithSecurityContextTestExecutionListener#1f6c9cd8, org.springframework.security.test.context.support.ReactorContextTestExecutionListener#5b619d14, org.springframework.boot.test.mock.mockito.ResetMocksTestExecutionListener#66746f57, org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.restdocs.RestDocsTestExecutionListener#447a020, org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.client.MockRestServiceServerResetTestExecutionListener#7f36662c, org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.MockMvcPrintOnlyOnFailureTestExecutionListener#28e8dde3, org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.WebDriverTestExecutionListener#6d23017e]
1551 [background-preinit] INFO o.h.v.i.x.c.ValidationBootstrapParameters - HV000006: Using org.hibernate.validator.HibernateValidator as validation provider.
1677 [main] INFO b.s.i.c.TranslationControllerTest - Starting TranslationControllerTest on sgerard with PID 538 (started by sgerard in /home/sgerard/sandboxes/github-oauth/server)
1678 [main] INFO b.s.i.c.TranslationControllerTest - The following profiles are active: test
3250 [main] INFO o.s.d.r.c.RepositoryConfigurationDelegate - Bootstrapping Spring Data Reactive MongoDB repositories in DEFAULT mode.
3747 [main] INFO o.s.d.r.c.RepositoryConfigurationDelegate - Finished Spring Data repository scanning in 493ms. Found 9 Reactive MongoDB repository interfaces.
5143 [main] INFO o.s.c.s.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker - Bean 'org.springframework.security.config.annotation.method.configuration.ReactiveMethodSecurityConfiguration' of type [org.springframework.security.config.annotation.method.configuration.ReactiveMethodSecurityConfiguration] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
5719 [main] INFO org.mongodb.driver.cluster - Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:27017], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500}
5996 [cluster-ClusterId{value='5f42490f1c60f43aff9d7d46', description='null'}-localhost:27017] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:1, serverValue:4337}] to localhost:27017
6010 [cluster-ClusterId{value='5f42490f1c60f43aff9d7d46', description='null'}-localhost:27017] INFO org.mongodb.driver.cluster - Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:27017, type=REPLICA_SET_PRIMARY, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[4, 2, 8]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=8, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=30, roundTripTimeNanos=12207332, setName='rs0', canonicalAddress=4802c4aff450:27017, hosts=[4802c4aff450:27017], passives=[], arbiters=[], primary='4802c4aff450:27017', tagSet=TagSet{[]}, electionId=7fffffff0000000000000013, setVersion=1, lastWriteDate=Sun Aug 23 12:46:30 CEST 2020, lastUpdateTimeNanos=384505436362981}
6019 [main] INFO org.mongodb.driver.cluster - Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:27017], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500}
6040 [cluster-ClusterId{value='5f42490f1c60f43aff9d7d47', description='null'}-localhost:27017] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:2, serverValue:4338}] to localhost:27017
6042 [cluster-ClusterId{value='5f42490f1c60f43aff9d7d47', description='null'}-localhost:27017] INFO org.mongodb.driver.cluster - Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:27017, type=REPLICA_SET_PRIMARY, state=CONNECTED, ok=true, version=ServerVersion{versionList=[4, 2, 8]}, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=8, maxDocumentSize=16777216, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=30, roundTripTimeNanos=1727974, setName='rs0', canonicalAddress=4802c4aff450:27017, hosts=[4802c4aff450:27017], passives=[], arbiters=[], primary='4802c4aff450:27017', tagSet=TagSet{[]}, electionId=7fffffff0000000000000013, setVersion=1, lastWriteDate=Sun Aug 23 12:46:30 CEST 2020, lastUpdateTimeNanos=384505468960066}
7102 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-2] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:3, serverValue:4339}] to localhost:27017
11078 [main] INFO o.s.b.a.e.web.EndpointLinksResolver - Exposing 1 endpoint(s) beneath base path ''
11158 [main] INFO o.h.v.i.x.c.ValidationBootstrapParameters - HV000006: Using org.hibernate.validator.HibernateValidator as validation provider.
11720 [main] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:4, serverValue:4340}] to localhost:27017
12084 [main] INFO o.s.s.c.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler - Initializing ExecutorService 'taskScheduler'
12161 [main] INFO b.s.i.c.TranslationControllerTest - Started TranslationControllerTest in 11.157 seconds (JVM running for 13.532)
20381 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-3] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:5, serverValue:4341}] to localhost:27017
20408 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-2] INFO b.s.i.s.w.WorkspaceManagerImpl - Synchronize, there is no workspace for the branch [master], let's create it.
20416 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-3] INFO b.s.i.s.w.WorkspaceManagerImpl - The workspace [master] alias [e3cea374-0d37-4c57-bdbf-8bd14d279c12] has been created.
20421 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-3] INFO b.s.i.s.w.WorkspaceManagerImpl - Initializing workspace [master] alias [e3cea374-0d37-4c57-bdbf-8bd14d279c12].
20525 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-2] INFO b.s.i.s.i18n.TranslationManagerImpl - A bundle file has been found located in [server/src/main/resources/i18n] named [exception] with 2 file(s).
20812 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-4] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:6, serverValue:4342}] to localhost:27017
21167 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-8] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:10, serverValue:4345}] to localhost:27017
21167 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-6] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:8, serverValue:4344}] to localhost:27017
21393 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-5] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:7, serverValue:4343}] to localhost:27017
21398 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-7] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:9, serverValue:4346}] to localhost:27017
21442 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-2] INFO b.s.i.s.i18n.TranslationManagerImpl - A bundle file has been found located in [server/src/main/resources/i18n] named [validation] with 2 file(s).
21503 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-2] INFO b.s.i.s.i18n.TranslationManagerImpl - A bundle file has been found located in [server/src/test/resources/be/sgerard/i18n/service/i18n/file] named [file] with 2 file(s).
21621 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-2] INFO b.s.i.s.i18n.TranslationManagerImpl - A bundle file has been found located in [front/src/main/web/src/assets/i18n] named [i18n] with 2 file(s).
22745 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO o.s.s.c.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler - Shutting down ExecutorService 'taskScheduler'
22763 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:4, serverValue:4340}] to localhost:27017 because the pool has been closed.
22766 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:9, serverValue:4346}] to localhost:27017 because the pool has been closed.
22767 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:6, serverValue:4342}] to localhost:27017 because the pool has been closed.
22768 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:8, serverValue:4344}] to localhost:27017 because the pool has been closed.
22768 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:5, serverValue:4341}] to localhost:27017 because the pool has been closed.
22769 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:10, serverValue:4345}] to localhost:27017 because the pool has been closed.
22770 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:7, serverValue:4343}] to localhost:27017 because the pool has been closed.
22776 [SpringContextShutdownHook] INFO org.mongodb.driver.connection - Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:3, serverValue:4339}] to localhost:27017 because the pool has been closed.
Process finished with exit code 0
Spring Reactive is asynchronous. Imagine you have 3 items in your dataset. It opens a connection for the save of the first item. But it won't wait for it to finish and use for the second save. Instead, it opens a second connection as soon as possible. Thus you'll end up overloading all the possible connections in the pool.

Zuul Gateway not forwarding call to Eureka registered Instance

I have spent days on this simple issue , I am giving up and finally posting this issue which I am facing locally. I am trying to set up a microservices flow in my local for my hand itching learning purpose. This is no brainer. I have Eureka , Zuul Gateway , Simple Microservice. When I try to reach to the underlying service with the "url route" its working. But when I try to do serviceId look up its not working. Guys help me fixing it.
Git hub link is Git hub source code link
I have also raised an issue Git hut Issue link
Eureka Screenshot
Zuul Gateway logs
2019-10-06 11:11:24.611 INFO 26980 --- [nio-2020-exec-4] o.a.c.c.C.[Tomcat].[localhost].[/] : Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'dispatcherServlet'
2019-10-06 11:11:24.611 INFO 26980 --- [nio-2020-exec-4] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet : Initializing Servlet 'dispatcherServlet'
2019-10-06 11:11:24.633 INFO 26980 --- [nio-2020-exec-4] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet : Completed initialization in 22 ms
2019-10-06 11:11:25.103 INFO 26980 --- [nio-2020-exec-4] c.netflix.config.ChainedDynamicProperty : Flipping property: CHECKOUT-SERVICE.ribbon.ActiveConnectionsLimit to use NEXT property: niws.loadbalancer.availabilityFilteringRule.activeConnectionsLimit = 2147483647
2019-10-06 11:11:25.157 INFO 26980 --- [nio-2020-exec-4] c.n.u.concurrent.ShutdownEnabledTimer : Shutdown hook installed for: NFLoadBalancer-PingTimer-CHECKOUT-SERVICE
2019-10-06 11:11:25.157 INFO 26980 --- [nio-2020-exec-4] c.netflix.loadbalancer.BaseLoadBalancer : Client: CHECKOUT-SERVICE instantiated a LoadBalancer: DynamicServerListLoadBalancer:{NFLoadBalancer:name=CHECKOUT-SERVICE,current list of Servers=[],Load balancer stats=Zone stats: {},Server stats: []}ServerList:null
2019-10-06 11:11:25.167 INFO 26980 --- [nio-2020-exec-4] c.n.l.DynamicServerListLoadBalancer : Using serverListUpdater PollingServerListUpdater
2019-10-06 11:11:25.215 INFO 26980 --- [nio-2020-exec-4] c.netflix.config.ChainedDynamicProperty : Flipping property: CHECKOUT-SERVICE.ribbon.ActiveConnectionsLimit to use NEXT property: niws.loadbalancer.availabilityFilteringRule.activeConnectionsLimit = 2147483647
2019-10-06 11:11:25.218 INFO 26980 --- [nio-2020-exec-4] c.n.l.DynamicServerListLoadBalancer : DynamicServerListLoadBalancer for client CHECKOUT-SERVICE initialized: DynamicServerListLoadBalancer:{NFLoadBalancer:name=CHECKOUT-SERVICE,current list of Servers=[],Load balancer stats=Zone stats: {defaultzone=[Zone:defaultzone; Instance count:1; Active connections count: 0; Circuit breaker tripped count: 0; Active connections per server: 0.0;]
},Server stats: [[Server:; Zone:defaultZone; Total Requests:0; Successive connection failure:0; Total blackout seconds:0; Last connection made:Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 EST 1969; First connection made: Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 EST 1969; Active Connections:0; total failure count in last (1000) msecs:0; average resp time:0.0; 90 percentile resp time:0.0; 95 percentile resp time:0.0; min resp time:0.0; max resp time:0.0; stddev resp time:0.0]
2019-10-06 11:11:26.177 INFO 26980 --- [erListUpdater-0] c.netflix.config.ChainedDynamicProperty : Flipping property: CHECKOUT-SERVICE.ribbon.ActiveConnectionsLimit to use NEXT property: niws.loadbalancer.availabilityFilteringRule.activeConnectionsLimit = 2147483647
Never mind guys it was a mistake from my side in resolving the API path

spring RestTemplate not resolving eureka names

I have 1 eureka server and 2 microservices. They are called oauth and authentication. I start up everything and the 2 microservices register to eureka. I can verify that by typing the url of the eureka server in my browser.
I now want to use a resttemplate so that oauth microservice can communicate with authentication microservice.
In my class I have added this autowired
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
I then use this following code to communicate from oauth microservice to the authentication microservice.
ResponseEntity<ResponseDto<?>> responseEntity = restTemplate.exchange("http://authentication/api/authentication/verify",
HttpMethod.POST, request, typeRef);`
When this code is executed I see this in my logs:
oauth | 2018-11-30 13:41:58.535 INFO 1 --- [nio-9001-exec-1] s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext : Refreshing SpringClientFactory-authentication: startup date [Fri Nov 30 13:41:58 GMT 2018]; parent: org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.context.AnnotationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext#6743e411
oauth | 2018-11-30 13:41:58.641 INFO 1 --- [nio-9001-exec-1] f.a.AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor : JSR-330 'javax.inject.Inject' annotation found and supported for autowiring
oauth | 2018-11-30 13:41:59.115 INFO 1 --- [nio-9001-exec-1] c.netflix.config.ChainedDynamicProperty : Flipping property: authentication.ribbon.ActiveConnectionsLimit to use NEXT property: niws.loadbalancer.availabilityFilteringRule.activeConnectionsLimit = 2147483647
oauth | 2018-11-30 13:41:59.150 INFO 1 --- [nio-9001-exec-1] c.n.u.concurrent.ShutdownEnabledTimer : Shutdown hook installed for: NFLoadBalancer-PingTimer-authentication
oauth | 2018-11-30 13:41:59.221 INFO 1 --- [nio-9001-exec-1] c.netflix.loadbalancer.BaseLoadBalancer : Client: authentication instantiated a LoadBalancer: DynamicServerListLoadBalancer:{NFLoadBalancer:name=authentication,current list of Servers=[],Load balancer stats=Zone stats: {},Server stats: []}ServerList:null
oauth | 2018-11-30 13:41:59.237 INFO 1 --- [nio-9001-exec-1] c.n.l.DynamicServerListLoadBalancer : Using serverListUpdater PollingServerListUpdater
oauth | 2018-11-30 13:41:59.303 INFO 1 --- [nio-9001-exec-1] c.netflix.config.ChainedDynamicProperty : Flipping property: authentication.ribbon.ActiveConnectionsLimit to use NEXT property: niws.loadbalancer.availabilityFilteringRule.activeConnectionsLimit = 2147483647
oauth | 2018-11-30 13:41:59.310 INFO 1 --- [nio-9001-exec-1] c.n.l.DynamicServerListLoadBalancer : DynamicServerListLoadBalancer for client authentication initialized: DynamicServerListLoadBalancer:{NFLoadBalancer:name=authentication,current list of Servers=[{MYSERVERSIP}:9003],Load balancer stats=Zone stats: {defaultzone=[Zone:defaultzone; Instance count:1; Active connections count: 0; Circuit breaker tripped count: 0; Active connections per server: 0.0;]
oauth | },Server stats: [[Server:{MYSERVERSIP}:9003; Zone:defaultZone; Total Requests:0; Successive connection failure:0; Total blackout seconds:0; Last connection made:Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 1970; First connection made: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 1970; Active Connections:0; total failure count in last (1000) msecs:0; average resp time:0.0; 90 percentile resp time:0.0; 95 percentile resp time:0.0; min resp time:0.0; max resp time:0.0; stddev resp time:0.0]
oauth | ]}ServerList:org.springframework.cloud.netflix.ribbon.eureka.DomainExtractingServerList#1c33a40d
oauth | 2018-11-30 13:42:00.250 INFO 1 --- [erListUpdater-0] c.netflix.config.ChainedDynamicProperty : Flipping property: authentication.ribbon.ActiveConnectionsLimit to use NEXT property: niws.loadbalancer.availabilityFilteringRule.activeConnectionsLimit = 2147483647
oauth | 2018-11-30 13:44:06.826 INFO 1 --- [nio-9001-exec-1] o.s.s.o.provider.endpoint.TokenEndpoint : Handling error: InternalAuthenticationServiceException, I/O error on POST request for "http://authentication/api/authentication/verify": Operation timed out (Connection timed out); nested exception is java.net.ConnectException: Operation timed out (Connection timed out)
I can access the authentication microservice from my home computer so that means the port is open. I have tried the #LoadBalanced annotation however that doesn't work.
What is going on?????
I found the solution. It turns out I had an iptables rule that was blocking the request. So if this happens to you then check your iptables rules.

MiNiFi - NiFi Connection Failure: Unknown Host Exception : Able to telnet host from the machine where MiNiFi is running

I am running MiNiFi in a Linux Box (gateway server) which is behind my company's firewall. My NiFi is running on an AWS EC2 cluster (running in standalone mode).
I am trying to send data from the Gateway to NiFi running in AWS EC2.
From gateway, I am able to telnet to EC2 node with the public DNS and the remote port which I have configured in the nifi.properties file
# Site to Site properties
nifi.remote.input.http.transaction.ttl=30 sec
nifi.remote.contents.cache.expiration=30 secs
Telnet connection from Gateway to NiFi
iot1#iothdp02:~/minifi/minifi-0.5.0/conf$ telnet ec2-xxx.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com 1026
Trying xx.xx.xx.xxx...
Connected to ec2-xxx.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
The Public DNS is resolving to the correct Public IP of the EC2 node.
From the EC2 node, when I do nslookup on the Public DNS, it gives back the private IP.
From AWS Documentation: "The public IP address is mapped to the primary private IP address through network address translation (NAT). "
Hence, I am not adding the Public DNS and the Public IP in /etc/host file in the EC2 node.
From MiNiFi side, I am getting the below error:
iot1#iothdp02:~/minifi/minifi-0.5.0/logs$ cat minifi-app.log
2018-11-14 16:00:47,910 INFO [pool-31-thread-1] o.a.n.c.r.WriteAheadFlowFileRepository Initiating checkpoint of FlowFile Repository
2018-11-14 16:00:47,911 INFO [pool-31-thread-1] o.a.n.c.r.WriteAheadFlowFileRepository Successfully checkpointed FlowFile Repository with 0 records in 0 milliseconds
2018-11-14 16:01:02,334 INFO [Write-Ahead Local State Provider Maintenance] org.wali.MinimalLockingWriteAheadLog org.wali.MinimalLockingWriteAheadLog#67207d8a checkpointed with 0 Records and 0 Swap Files in 20 milliseconds (Stop-the-world time = 6 milliseconds, Clear Edit Logs time = 4 millis), max Transaction ID -1
2018-11-14 16:02:47,911 INFO [pool-31-thread-1] o.a.n.c.r.WriteAheadFlowFileRepository Initiating checkpoint of FlowFile Repository
2018-11-14 16:02:47,912 INFO [pool-31-thread-1] o.a.n.c.r.WriteAheadFlowFileRepository Successfully checkpointed FlowFile Repository with 0 records in 0 milliseconds
2018-11-14 16:03:02,354 INFO [Write-Ahead Local State Provider Maintenance] org.wali.MinimalLockingWriteAheadLog org.wali.MinimalLockingWriteAheadLog#67207d8a checkpointed with 0 Records and 0 Swap Files in 18 milliseconds (Stop-the-world time = 3 milliseconds, Clear Edit Logs time = 5 millis), max Transaction ID -1
2018-11-14 16:03:10,636 WARN [Timer-Driven Process Thread-8] o.a.n.r.util.SiteToSiteRestApiClient Failed to get controller from http://ec2-xxx.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:9090/nifi-api due to java.net.UnknownHostException: ec2-xxx.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com: unknown error
2018-11-14 16:03:10,636 WARN [Timer-Driven Process Thread-8] o.apache.nifi.controller.FlowController Unable to communicate with remote instance RemoteProcessGroup[http://ec2-xxx.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:9090/nifi] due to org.apache.nifi.controller.exception.CommunicationsException: org.apache.nifi.controller.exception.CommunicationsException: Unable to communicate with Remote NiFi at URI http://ec2-xxx.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:9090/nifi due to: ec2-xxx.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com: unknown error
2018-11-14 16:04:47,912 INFO [pool-31-thread-1] o.a.n.c.r.WriteAheadFlowFileRepository Initiating checkpoint of FlowFile Repository
2018-11-14 16:04:47,912 INFO [pool-31-thread-1] o.a.n.c.r.WriteAheadFlowFileRepository Successfully checkpointed FlowFile Repository with 0 records in 0 milliseconds
2018-11-14 16:05:02,380 INFO [Write-Ahead Local State Provider Maintenance] org.wali.MinimalLockingWriteAheadLog org.wali.MinimalLockingWriteAheadLog#67207d8a checkpointed with 0 Records and 0 Swap Files in 25 milliseconds (Stop-the-world time = 8 milliseconds, Clear Edit Logs time = 6 millis), max Transaction ID -1
2018-11-14 16:06:47,912 INFO [pool-31-thread-1] o.a.n.c.r.WriteAheadFlowFileRepository Initiating checkpoint of FlowFile Repository
2018-11-14 16:06:47,912 INFO [pool-31-thread-1] o.a.n.c.r.WriteAheadFlowFileRepository Successfully checkpointed FlowFile Repository with 0 records in 0 milliseconds
2018-11-14 16:07:02,399 INFO [Write-Ahead Local State Provider Maintenance] org.wali.MinimalLockingWriteAheadLog org.wali.MinimalLockingWriteAheadLog#67207d8a checkpointed with
MiNiFi config.yml
MiNiFi Config Version: 3
Flow Controller:
name: Gateway-IDS_v0.1
comment: "1. ConsumeMQTT - MiNiFi will consume mqtt messages in gateway\n2. Remote\
\ Process Group will send messages to NiFi "
Core Properties:
flow controller graceful shutdown period: 10 sec
flow service write delay interval: 500 ms
administrative yield duration: 30 sec
bored yield duration: 10 millis
max concurrent threads: 1
variable registry properties: ''
FlowFile Repository:
partitions: 256
checkpoint interval: 2 mins
always sync: false
threshold: 20000
in period: 5 sec
in threads: 1
out period: 5 sec
out threads: 4
Content Repository:
content claim max appendable size: 10 MB
content claim max flow files: 100
always sync: false
Provenance Repository:
provenance rollover time: 1 min
implementation: org.apache.nifi.provenance.MiNiFiPersistentProvenanceRepository
Component Status Repository:
buffer size: 1440
snapshot frequency: 1 min
Security Properties:
keystore: ''
keystore type: ''
keystore password: ''
key password: ''
truststore: ''
truststore type: ''
truststore password: ''
ssl protocol: ''
Sensitive Props:
provider: BC
- id: 6396f40f-118f-33f4-0000-000000000000
name: ConsumeMQTT
class: org.apache.nifi.processors.mqtt.ConsumeMQTT
max concurrent tasks: 1
scheduling strategy: TIMER_DRIVEN
scheduling period: 0 sec
penalization period: 30 sec
yield period: 1 sec
run duration nanos: 0
auto-terminated relationships list: []
Broker URI: tcp://localhost:1883
Client ID: nifi
Connection Timeout (seconds): '30'
Keep Alive Interval (seconds): '60'
Last Will Message:
Last Will QoS Level:
Last Will Retain:
Last Will Topic:
MQTT Specification Version: '0'
Max Queue Size: '10'
Quality of Service(QoS): '0'
SSL Context Service:
Session state: 'true'
Topic Filter: MQTT
Controller Services: []
Process Groups: []
Input Ports: []
Output Ports: []
Funnels: []
- id: f0007aa3-cf32-3593-0000-000000000000
name: ConsumeMQTT/Message/85ebf198-0166-1000-5592-476a7ba47d2e
source id: 6396f40f-118f-33f4-0000-000000000000
source relationship names:
- Message
destination id: 85ebf198-0166-1000-5592-476a7ba47d2e
max work queue size: 10000
max work queue data size: 1 GB
flowfile expiration: 0 sec
queue prioritizer class: ''
Remote Process Groups:
- id: c00d3132-375b-323f-0000-000000000000
name: ''
url: http://ec2-xxx.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:9090
comment: ''
timeout: 30 sec
yield period: 10 sec
transport protocol: RAW
proxy host: ''
proxy port: ''
proxy user: ''
proxy password: ''
local network interface: ''
Input Ports:
- id: 85ebf198-0166-1000-5592-476a7ba47d2e
name: From MiNiFi
comment: ''
max concurrent tasks: 1
use compression: false
Port: 1026
Host Name: ec2-xxx.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com
Output Ports: []
NiFi Properties Overrides: {}
Any pointers on how to troubleshoot this issue?
In MiNiFi config.yml, I changed the URL under Remote Process Groups from http://ec2-xxx.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:9090 to http://ec2-xxx.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:9090/nifi.

Graylog2 - Startup fail. Address already in use

I am trying to install graylog2. I have installed open-jdk7. I have also installed elasticsearch and mongodb using apt on ubuntu 14.04.
I am new to both graylog and elasticsearch. I just want to try a trail installation and try these out. And I also did search similar questions and tried their suggestions. But none of them worked for my case.
I have followed the installation instructions on graylog.org. But when I try to start the graylog2 server I get the following error.
2015-02-12 03:19:36,216 INFO : org.graylog2.periodical.Periodicals - Starting [org.graylog2.periodical.IndexerClusterCheckerThread] periodical in [0s], polling every [30s].
2015-02-12 03:19:36,222 INFO : org.graylog2.periodical.Periodicals - Starting [org.graylog2.periodical.GarbageCollectionWarningThread] periodical, running forever.
2015-02-12 03:19:36,225 INFO : org.graylog2.periodical.IndexerClusterCheckerThread - Indexer not fully initialized yet. Skipping periodic cluster check.
2015-02-12 03:19:36,229 INFO : org.graylog2.periodical.Periodicals - Starting [org.graylog2.periodical.ThroughputCounterManagerThread] periodical in [0s], polling every [1s].
2015-02-12 03:19:36,280 INFO : org.graylog2.periodical.Periodicals - Starting [org.graylog2.periodical.DeadLetterThread] periodical, running forever.
2015-02-12 03:19:36,295 INFO : org.graylog2.periodical.Periodicals - Starting [org.graylog2.periodical.ClusterHealthCheckThread] periodical in [0s], polling every [20s].
2015-02-12 03:19:36,299 INFO : org.graylog2.periodical.Periodicals - Starting [org.graylog2.periodical.InputCacheWorkerThread] periodical, running forever.
2015-02-12 03:19:36,334 DEBUG: org.graylog2.periodical.ClusterHealthCheckThread - No input running in cluster!
2015-02-12 03:19:36,368 DEBUG: org.graylog2.caches.DiskJournalCache - Committing output-cache (entries 0)
2015-02-12 03:19:36,383 DEBUG: org.graylog2.caches.DiskJournalCache - Committing input-cache (entries 0)
2015-02-12 03:19:36,885 ERROR: com.google.common.util.concurrent.ServiceManager - Service IndexerSetupService [FAILED] has failed in the STARTING state.
org.elasticsearch.transport.BindTransportException: Failed to bind to [9300]
at org.elasticsearch.transport.netty.NettyTransport.doStart(NettyTransport.java:396)
at org.elasticsearch.common.component.AbstractLifecycleComponent.start(AbstractLifecycleComponent.java:85)
at org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService.doStart(TransportService.java:90)
at org.elasticsearch.common.component.AbstractLifecycleComponent.start(AbstractLifecycleComponent.java:85)
at org.elasticsearch.node.internal.InternalNode.start(InternalNode.java:242)
at org.graylog2.initializers.IndexerSetupService.startUp(IndexerSetupService.java:101)
at com.google.common.util.concurrent.AbstractIdleService$2$1.run(AbstractIdleService.java:54)
at com.google.common.util.concurrent.Callables$3.run(Callables.java:95)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Caused by: org.elasticsearch.common.netty.channel.ChannelException: Failed to bind to: /
at org.elasticsearch.common.netty.bootstrap.ServerBootstrap.bind(ServerBootstrap.java:272)
at org.elasticsearch.transport.netty.NettyTransport$3.onPortNumber(NettyTransport.java:387)
at org.elasticsearch.common.transport.PortsRange.iterate(PortsRange.java:58)
at org.elasticsearch.transport.netty.NettyTransport.doStart(NettyTransport.java:383)
... 8 more
Caused by: java.net.BindException: Address already in use
at sun.nio.ch.Net.bind0(Native Method)
at sun.nio.ch.Net.bind(Net.java:444)
at sun.nio.ch.Net.bind(Net.java:436)
at sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketChannelImpl.bind(ServerSocketChannelImpl.java:214)
at sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketAdaptor.bind(ServerSocketAdaptor.java:74)
at org.elasticsearch.common.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioServerBoss$RegisterTask.run(NioServerBoss.java:193)
at org.elasticsearch.common.netty.channel.socket.nio.AbstractNioSelector.processTaskQueue(AbstractNioSelector.java:372)
at org.elasticsearch.common.netty.channel.socket.nio.AbstractNioSelector.run(AbstractNioSelector.java:296)
at org.elasticsearch.common.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioServerBoss.run(NioServerBoss.java:42)
at org.elasticsearch.common.netty.util.ThreadRenamingRunnable.run(ThreadRenamingRunnable.java:108)
at org.elasticsearch.common.netty.util.internal.DeadLockProofWorker$1.run(DeadLockProofWorker.java:42)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615)
... 1 more
Elastic search is showing the following status
"cluster_name" : "graylog2",
"status" : "green",
"timed_out" : false,
"number_of_nodes" : 1,
"number_of_data_nodes" : 1,
"active_primary_shards" : 0,
"active_shards" : 0,
"relocating_shards" : 0,
"initializing_shards" : 0,
"unassigned_shards" : 0
The following are the changes I made to elasticsearch.yml
cluster.name: graylog2
discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["", MYSYS IP]
and graylog2.conf
is_master = true
password_secret = changed
root_password_sha2 = changed
elasticsearch_max_docs_per_index = 20000000
elasticsearch_shards = 1
elasticsearch_replicas = 0
elasticsearch_cluster_name = graylog2
elasticsearch_discovery_zen_ping_multicast_enabled = false
elasticsearch_discovery_zen_ping_unicast_hosts = IP_ARR:9300
mongodb_useauth = false
I tried killing the process on the port 9300 and tried starting graylog again. But I got the following error
2015-02-12 04:01:24,976 INFO : org.elasticsearch.transport - [graylog2-server] bound_address {inet[/]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
2015-02-12 04:01:25,227 INFO : org.elasticsearch.discovery - [graylog2-server] graylog2/LGkZJDz1SoeENKj6Rr0e8w
2015-02-12 04:01:25,252 DEBUG: org.elasticsearch.cluster.service - [graylog2-server] processing [update local node]: execute
2015-02-12 04:01:25,253 DEBUG: org.elasticsearch.cluster.service - [graylog2-server] cluster state updated, version [0], source [update local node]
2015-02-12 04:01:25,259 DEBUG: org.elasticsearch.cluster.service - [graylog2-server] set local cluster state to version 0
2015-02-12 04:01:25,259 DEBUG: org.elasticsearch.cluster.service - [graylog2-server] processing [update local node]: done applying updated cluster_state (version: 0)
2015-02-12 04:01:25,325 WARN : org.elasticsearch.transport.netty - [graylog2-server] exception caught on transport layer [[id: 0x82f30fa7]], closing connection
at sun.nio.ch.Net.checkAddress(Net.java:127)
at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.connect(SocketChannelImpl.java:644)
at org.elasticsearch.common.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioClientSocketPipelineSink.connect(NioClientSocketPipelineSink.java:108)
at org.elasticsearch.common.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioClientSocketPipelineSink.eventSunk(NioClientSocketPipelineSink.java:70)
at org.elasticsearch.common.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline.sendDownstream(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:574)
2015-02-12 04:01:28,536 DEBUG: org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.health - [graylog2-server] no known master node, scheduling a retry
2015-02-12 04:01:28,564 DEBUG: org.elasticsearch.transport.netty - [graylog2-server] disconnected from [[graylog2-server][LGkZJDz1SoeENKj6Rr0e8w][ubuntu-greylog-9945][inet[/]]{client=true, data=false, master=false}]
2015-02-12 04:01:28,573 DEBUG: org.elasticsearch.discovery.zen - [graylog2-server] filtered ping responses: (filter_client[true], filter_data[false]) {none}
2015-02-12 04:01:28,590 WARN : org.elasticsearch.transport.netty - [graylog2-server] exception caught on transport layer [[id: 0xe27feaff]], closing connection
at sun.nio.ch.Net.checkAddress(Net.java:127)
at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.connect(SocketChannelImpl.java:644)
at org.elasticsearch.common.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioClientSocketPipelineSink.connect(NioClientSocketPipelineSink.java:108)
at org.elasticsearch.common.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioClientSocketPipelineSink.eventSunk(NioClientSocketPipelineSink.java:70)
Can you please point out to what I am doing wrong here and what I am missing??
if ES and greylog2 running on same server, try (del/comment) in elasticsearch.conf
#transport.tcp.port: 9300
and (add/uncomment) in greylog.conf
elasticsearch_transport_tcp_port = 9350
