parallel 'task's inside an already parallelized 'for' loop in OpenMP - for-loop

[Background: OpenMP v4+ on Intel's icc compiler]
I want to parallelize tasks inside a loop that is already parallelized. I saw quite a few queries on subjects close to this one, e.g.:
Parallel sections in OpenMP using a loop
Doing a section with one thread and a for-loop with multiple threads
and others with more concentrated wisdom still.
but I could not get a definite answer other than a compile time error message when trying it.
#pragma omp parallel for private(a,bd) reduction(+:sum)
for (int i=0; i<128; i++) {
a = i%2;
for (int j=a; j<128; j=j+2) {
u_n = 0.25 * ( u[ i*128 + (j-3) ]+
u[ i*128 + (j+3) ]+
u[ (i-1)*128 + j ]+
u[ (i+1)*128 + j ]);
// #pragma omp single nowait
// {
// #pragma omp task shared(sum1) firstprivate(i,j)
// sum1 = (u[i*128+(j-3)]+u[i*128+(j-2)] + u[i*128+(j-1)])/3;
// #pragma omp task shared(sum2) firstprivate(i,j)
// sum2 = (u[i*128+(j+3)]+u[i*128+(j+2)]+u[i*128+(j+1)])/3;
// #pragma omp task shared(sum3) firstprivate(i,j)
// sum3 = (u[(i-1)*128+j]+u[(i-2)*128+j]+u[(i-3)*128+j])/3;
// #pragma omp task shared(sum4) firstprivate(i,j)
// sum4 = (u[(i+1)*128+j]+u[(i+2)*128+j]+u[(i+3)*128+j])/3;
// }
// #pragma omp taskwait
// {
// u_n = 0.25*(sum1+sum2+sum3+sum4);
// }
bd = u_n - u[i*128+ j];
sum += diff * diff;
In the above code, I tried replacing the u_n = 0.25 *(...); line with the 15 commented lines, to try not only to paralllelize the iterations over the 2 for loops, but also to acheive a degree of parallelism on each of the 4 calculations (sum1 to sum4) involving array u[].
The compile error is fairly explicit:
error: the OpenMP "single" pragma must not be enclosed by the
"parallel for" pragma
Is there a way around this so I can optimize that calculation further with OpenMP ?

The single worksharing construct within a loop worksharing construct is prohibited by the standard, but you don't need it there.
The usual parallel -> single -> task setup for tasking is to ensure that you have a thread team setup for your tasks (parallel), but then only spawn each task once (single). You wouldn't need the latter in a parallel for context because each iteration is already executed only once. So you could spawn tasks directly within the loop. This seems to have the expected behavior on both gnu and Intel compilers, i.e. threads that have completed their own loop iterations do help other threads to execute their tasks.
However, that is a bad idea to do in your case. A tiny computation such as the one of sum1 will be much faster on it's own compared to the overhead of spawning a task.
Removing all pragmas except for the parallel for, this is a very reasonable parallelization. Before further optimizing the calculation, you should measure! In particularly, you are interested in whether all your available threads are always computing something, or whether some threads finish early and wait for others (load imbalance). To measure, you should look for a parallel performance analysis tool for your platform. If that is the case, you can address it with scheduling policies, or possibly by nested parallelism in the inner loop.
A full discussion of the performance of your code is more complex, and requires a minimal, complete and verifiable example, a detailed system description, and actual measured performance numbers.


How can i make this loop parallel in OpenMP?

Hi everyone I got a question at the exam that I could not solve about parallel programming.
Can someone help me with this .
Question: For the following code segment, use OpenMP pragmas to make the loop parallel, or explain why the code segment is not suitable for parallel execution:
flag = 0
for(i=0;(i<n) & (!flag);i++){
a[i] = 2.3 *i;
if(a[i]<b[i])flag = 1;
As written the loop cannot trivially be parallelised with OpenMP because the test-expr in the loop (i.e. (i<n) & !flag) does not conform with the OpenMP restrictions :-
One of the following:
var relational-op ub
ub relational-op var
One of the following: <, <=, >, >=, !=
(OpenMP standard).
At a semantic level this is because the test on flag prevents the loop iteration count from being determinable at entry to the loop, which is what OpenMP requires.
In recent OpenMP standards there is a cancel construct which could be used here, something like (untested, uncompiled code)
bool flag = false;
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0;(i<n);i++){
a[i] = 2.3 *i;
if (a[i]<b[i]) {
#pragma omp atomic write
flag = true;
#pragma omp cancel for if (flag)
However it seems unlikely that a loop with this little work in it will be profitable for parallelisation in a real code (rather than an exam question).

How to balance the thread number in nested case when using OpenMP?

This fabulous post teaches me a lot, but I still have a question. For the following code:
double multiply(std::vector<double> const& a, std::vector<double> const& b){
double tmp(0);
int active_levels = omp_get_active_level();
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:tmp) if(active_level < 1)
for(unsigned int i=0;i<a.size();i++){
tmp += a[i]+b[i];
return tmp;
If multiply() is called from another parallel part:
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
multiply(a[i], b[i]);
Because the outer loop iteration depends on count variable, if count is a big number, it is reasonable. But if count is only 1 and our server is a multiple-core machine(e.g., has 512 cores), then the multiply() function only generate 1 thread. So in this case, the server is under-utilized. BTW, the answer also mentioned:
In any case, writing such code is a bad practice. You should simply leave the parallel regions as they are and allow the end user choose whether nested parallelism should be enabled or not.
So how to balance the thread number in nested case when using OpenMP?
Consider using OpenMP tasks (omp taskloop within one parallel section and an intermediate omp single). This allows you to flexibly use the threads in OpenMP on different nesting levels instead of manually defining numbers of threads for each level or oversubscribing OS threads.
However this comes at increased scheduling costs. At the end of the day, there is no perfect solution that will always do best. Instead you will have to keep measuring and analyzing your performance on practical inputs.

Simple openmp call for loop not working

I am writing some code that would definitively benefit from trying to integrate openmp some software that I am writing. I am new to openmp, and while testing some very basic test code (see below) I noticed that the execution times are extremely longer with openmp activated (#pragma line). Any insight is much appreciated.
int main()
int number=200;
int max = 2000000;
for(int t=1; t<max; t++)
double fac = 0.0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:fac)
for(int n=2; n<=number; n++)
fac += 1;
return 0;
As currently written the code encounters the parallel region max times. The overhead of entering a parallel region in an OpenMP program is small, but you incur it 2000000 times. You don't actually tell us what the run times are, but I can readily believe that this makes the them extremely longer than the serial version. I suggest you wrap the outer loop in a parallel region, not the inner loop.
Take care when you rewrite your code to ensure that the payload inside the parallel region is significant, and returns some value(s) to the program outside the parallel region. Absent these steps a crafty optimising compiler can determine that a loop returns nothing to the rest of the program and simply optimise it away.
Also insert some timing instructions (use omp_get_wtime), rerun your code and, if matters are still not satisfactory, update your question with the new information you gather.
This is an improved code that actually works as intended. It basically wraps the outer loop, rather than the inner one. When compiled without openmp support it takes 1.49s, with openmp 0.48s.
int main()
int number=200;
int max = 2000000;
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int t=1; t<max; t++)
double fac = 0.0;
for(int n=2; n<=number; n++)
fac += 1;
return 0;

OpenMP parallelizing loop

I want to parallelize that kind of loop. Note that each "calc_block" uses the data that obtained on previous iteration.
for (i=0 ; i<MAX_ITER; i++){
norma1 = calc_block1();
norma2 = calc_block2();
norma3 = calc_block3();
norma4 = calc_block4();
norma = norma1+norma2+norma3+norma4;
...some calc...
I tryed this, but speedup is quite small ~1.2
for (i=0 ; i<MAX_ITER; i++){
#pragma omp parallel sections{
#pragma omp section
norma1 = calc_block1();
#pragma omp section
norma2 = calc_block2();
#pragma omp section
norma3 = calc_block3();
#pragma omp section
norma4 = calc_block4();
norma = norma1+norma2+norma3+norma4;
...some calc...
I think it happened because of the overhead of using sections inside of loop. But i dont know how to fix it up...
Thanks in advance!
You could reduce the overhead by moving the entire loop inside the parallel region. Thus the threads in the pool used to implement the team would only get "awaken" once. It is a bit tricky and involves careful consideration of variable sharing classes:
#pragma omp parallel private(i,...) num_threads(4)
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ITER; i++)
#pragma omp sections
#pragma omp section
norma1 = calc_block1();
#pragma omp section
norma2 = calc_block2();
#pragma omp section
norma3 = calc_block3();
#pragma omp section
norma4 = calc_block4();
#pragma omp single
norma = norm1 + norm2 + norm3 + norm4;
// ... some calc ..
if (norma < eps) break;
Both sections and single constructs have implicit barriers at their ends, hence the threads would synchronise before going into the next loop iteration. The single construct reproduces the previously serial part of your program. The ... part in the private clause should list as many as possible variables that are only relevant to ... some calc .... The idea is to run the serial part with thread-local variables since access to shared variables is slower with most OpenMP implementations.
Note that often time the speed-up might not be linear for completely different reason. For example calc_blockX() (with X being 1, 2, 3 or 4) might have too low compute intensity and therefore require very high memory bandwidth. If the memory subsystem is not able to feed all 4 threads at the same time, the speed-up would be less than 4. An example of such case - this question.

openmp: difference in combining 2 for loop & not combining

What is the difference in combining 2 for loops and parallizing together and parallizing separately
1. not paralleling together
#pragma omp parallel for
for(i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
//.... some code
#pragma omp parallel for
for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
//.... some code
2. paralleling together
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp for
for(i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
//.... some code
#pragma omp for
for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
//.... some code
which code is better and why????
One might expect a small win in the second, because one is fork/joining (or the functional equivalent) the OMP threads twice, rather than once. Whether it makes any actual difference for your code is an empirical question best answered by measurement.
The second can also have a more significant advantage if the work in the two loops are independant, and you can start the second at any time, and there's reason to expect some load imbalance in the first loop. In that case, you can add a nowait clause to the firs tomp for and, rather than all threads waiting until the for loop ends, whoever's done first can immediately go on to start working on the second loop. Or, one could put the two chunks of codes each in a section, or task. In general, you have a lot of control over what threads do and how they do it within a parallel section; whereas once you end the parallel section, you lose that flexibility - everything has to join together and you're done.
