opendj setup takes 2+ minutes to complete - opendj

Is there any reason why my opendj takes more than 2 minutes to complete init setup ?
the setup command I'm using is like:
setup --cli -p 1389 --baseDN $BASE_DN -h localhost --rootUserDN "${OPENDJ_DIR_MANAGER}" --rootUserPassword "${OPENDJ_DIR_MANAGER_PW}" --addBaseEntry --acceptLicense --no-prompt --verbose
find below log:
[INFO] [2017-01-03T11:29:15+0000] Running
[INFO] [2017-01-03T11:29:15+0000] Setting up default OpenDJ instance
See /tmp/opendj-setup-7089778767611065994.log for a detailed log of this
Configuring Directory Server ..... Done.
Creating Base Entry dc=example,dc=com ..... Done.
Starting Directory Server:
[03/Jan/2017:11:31:14 +0000] category=CORE severity=NOTICE
msgID=org.opends.messages.core.134 msg=OpenDJ 3.0.1-SNAPSHOT (build
20161229142204, revision number 1050009bd82b5c5f51f5d38b146243700ca01044)
starting up

OpenDJ is a Java based product. You might want to check the JVM and its default memory settings. Another option is DNS (OpenDJ does a reverse lookup at startup).


ERROR - No response from gunicorn master within 120 seconds

i have freshly installed on ec2 instance on ubuntu, the installation was successfull but after that when i try to run "airflow standalone" to run airflow, it won't start.
Below is the error i get, do i need to install anything else also before running "airflow standlone" command.
My ultimate goal is to deploy python code for data transformation in my data-pipeline.
please help ?
webserver | [2022-11-01 10:36:51,919] {} ERROR - No response from gunicorn master within 120 seconds
webserver | [2022-11-01 10:36:51,920] {} ERROR - Shutting down webserver
scheduler | [2022-11-01 10:39:38,254] {} INFO - Resetting orphaned tasks for active dag runs

Shiny server not working . Gives ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

I had issues installing shiny-server in ubuntu 20.04 running on an AWS EC2. Finally i figured out a way to install it from the source. Seems to have installed ok but when i go to https://<xxx><appname>, it doesn't load up the page. Instead, it gives this error
This site can't be reached.
<xxx> took too long to respond.
I gave sudo shiny-server and got this
[2021-02-02T17:30:37.418] [INFO] shiny-server - Shiny Server v1.5.16.0 (Node.js v12.20.1)
[2021-02-02T17:30:37.420] [INFO] shiny-server - Using config file "/etc/shiny-server/shiny-server.conf"
[2021-02-02T17:30:37.459] [WARN] shiny-server - Running as root unnecessarily is a security risk! You could be running more securely as non-root.
[2021-02-02T17:30:37.462] [INFO] shiny-server - Starting listener on http://[::]:3838
So that seems to be working fine.
I checked the security groups on EC2 and made sure it allows all inbound connections to port 3838.

Jmeter Distributed Setup works in GUI but not the command line

I am running Windows 7 Pro with JMeter 4.0 r1823414 on all 5 machines with Java JDK 1.8.0_144 on all of them as well. All paths and ENV Vars are identical across all machines. I set my remote hosts in the master and I am able to see them on the GUI inside the master. I built the rmi_keystore.jks on a slave machine and copied it into the bin folder in every machine. I successfully started all the servers on the slave machines and see the successful attachment of the rmi (running the jmeter-server.bat):
Found ApacheJMeter_core.jar
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -agentlib:jvmhook
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xbootclasspath/a:"C:\Program Files
(x86)\HP\Unified Functional Testing\bin\java_shared\classes\jasmine.jar"
Created remote object: UnicastServerRef2 [liveRef: [endpoint:
keyStoreLocation=rmi_keystore.jks, type=JKS,
trustStoreLocation=rmi_keystore.jks, type=JKS, alias=rmi),
SSLRMIClientSocketFactory(keyStoreLocation=rmi_keystore.jks, type=JKS,
trustStoreLocation=rmi_keystore.jks, type=JKS, alias=rmi)](local),objID:
[<stuff>:-7fff, <more_stuff>]]]
Running a basic HTTP call I am able to run from the master to all 4 slave machines (individually and all at once) and get results without issue from the GUI. My problem is from the command line. I cannot get the test to run. I have tried:
jmeter -n -t distributed_test_4_slaves.jmx -r -l distributedLog_Test.jtl -Jserver.rmi.ssl.keystore.file=rmi_keystore.jks
jmeter -n -t distributed_test_4_slaves.jmx -r -l distributedLog_Test.jtl
jmeter -n -t distributed_test_4_slaves.jmx -R <all_my machine_names> -l distributedLog_Test.jtl (with and without -Jserver.rmi.ssl.keystore.file=rmi_keystore.jks)
jmeter -n -t distributed_test_4_slaves.jmx -R <all_my machine_names:ports> -l distributedLog_Test.jtl (with and without -Jserver.rmi.ssl.keystore.file=rmi_keystore.jks)
jmeter -n -t distributed_test_4_slaves.jmx -R <all_my machine_ips(with and without ports)> -l distributedLog_Test.jtl (with and without -Jserver.rmi.ssl.keystore.file=rmi_keystore.jks)
Every time I get the same errors in the command line:
Creating summariser <summary>
Created the tree successfully using distributed_test_4_slaves.jmx
#The next 5 lines repeat for each slave
Configuring remote engine: <slave_1..4>
Exception creating connection to: <slave_1..4>; nested exception is: rmi_keystore.jks (The system cannot
find the file specified)
Failed to configure <slave_1..4>
Stopping remote engines
Remote engines have been stopped
Error in NonGUIDriver java.lang.RuntimeException: Following remote
engines could not be configured:[
<slave_1>, <slave_2>, <slave_3>, <slave_4>]
What am I missing? Why would it run and work in the GUI but not on the command line? Something cannot be right.
Make sure that
You either run JMeter from its "bin" folder
Or have rmi_keystore.jks in the folder where you're running JMeter from
as the error clearly states that JMeter tries to load rmi_keystore.jks file and fails
One more thing to try is providing full path to the rmi_keystore.jks file via server.rmi.ssl.keystore.file property.
You can also completely disable secure RMI communication by setting server.rmi.ssl.disable property to true
Normally jmeter.log file should contain the root cause of the issue, if it doesn't or not very informative - you can increase JMeter log verbosity for selected clas(ses) or package(s).

Consul agent does not respond

I have a problem with registration of a service by a consul agent. The consul agent is listed as alive in the cluster members information, but it does not register a service or respond to queries via HTTP interface.
There is an error in the log but I can not interpret it:
2015/06/16 16:09:42 [INFO] agent: Joining cluster...
2015/06/16 16:09:42 [INFO] agent: (LAN) joining: []
2015/06/16 16:09:42 [INFO] agent: (LAN) joined: 1 Err: <nil>
2015/06/16 16:09:42 [INFO] agent: Join completed. Synced with 1 initial agents
Here is the configuration of the consul agent that runs on this server:
And the configuration of the server. The cluster has 3 server agents.
I received an answer on the Consul mailing list, so I will post it here just in case someone else stumbles into the same problem:
"The log message that you pasted with the error, which says "Err: ", is actually fine. We always dump any error on that step, even if there was none. The message following that one, "Join completed", confirms that the join was successful, so this shouldn't be anything to worry about.
I noticed that you don't have any bootstrap options set in the server configuration. Bootstrapping a Consul cluster is a required step. Did you pass any bootstrap options on the command line during start? You can read about bootstrapping here:, but basically if you don't already, you should just add "bootstrap_expect": 3 to your configuration on the server nodes."
Setting bootstrap option to number of servers, deleting the data directory and restarting the cluster solved the problem.

New relic + gunicorn + https issues

I am currently using new relic to monitor my web app. In my deploy script i have the following
sudo NEW_RELIC_CONFIG_FILE=/<path to app>/app/config/newrelic.ini newrelic-admin run-program gunicorn 'run:run_app' -b -w3 --certfile=/<path to app>/app/config/server.crt --keyfile=/<path to app>/app/config/server.key --access-logfile log/gunicorn.log
The idea here is to allow for https. When testing locally I can get the https working with
sudo gunicorn 'run:run_app' -b -w3 --certfile=app/config/server.crt --keyfile=app/config/server.key --access-logfile gunicorn.log
And the debugger shows
[INFO] Listening at: (4691)
in the local case, and
[INFO] Listening at: (9094)
on the server.
I've tried everything I could think of and think that this must be a problem in New Relic overriding something?
This isn't quite enough information to go on. You might want to open a ticket at so that New Relic can investigate this at length.
