read image from a file using pure c/c++ [closed] - image

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Closed 6 years ago.
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is there a library with source can be used to read images with different formats?
The library:
is very thin, not like OpenCV with so much code,
is able to read bmp, png, jpeg files,
is self-contained,
does not depend on operating system,
is written using pure c/c++.
is open souce.
Please help me.

Yes, I would suggest CImg - it is a single header file with no libraries to link. It is here.
If you add the following flags to your compilation command, it uses its own built-in routines rather than depending on ImageMagick, for example:
gcc -Dcimg_use_png -Dcimg_use_jpeg -Dcimg_use_tiff -Dcimg_use_curl ...
Additionally, if you define cimg_display as one of the following values, you can get certain advantages:
0 - you cannot natively display anything, but you do not require X11, or GDI to compile and link against - this is great on embedded hardware
1 - you can use X11 for displaying images easily
2 - you can use Windows GDI to display images.
You can find related questions/answers on StackOverflow by putting [cimg] as well as any other terms you want to search for in the search box at top-right of this screen.
Another option would be libvips - it is significantly faster and lower memory overhead than CImg, but maybe not as pure C++ (IMHO).
It is here. You can find related questions/answers on StackOverflow by putting [vips] in the search box at top-right of this screen.


Best tool for image segmentation [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Does anybody knows which are the best tools for image segmentation?
I'm starting to do a project that evolves in a specific GUI to recognize some parts of the image such as a button, or a text box for example.
Can anybody tell me which sould be the easiest and the most efficient tool for this kind of issues?
Thank You.
Though your question may not be well posed, there are several tool kits for image processing.
One option is OpenCV. This computer vision library can perform a wide range of operations from simple image processing to object recognition for robotics. Here is one quick image segmentation example, straight from the documentation.
This library is powerful, but it may not suit your application. Please consider asking a more specific, technical question.
There are a few toolboxes for pattern recognition in images>
in matlab you can find:
It is called PRTools>
and this is for more statistical purposes rather than segmentation>
If you deal with neuroimages, you can then take a look on>
Pattern Recognition for Neuroimaging Toolbox (PRoNTo)

Where can I find source code for Windows commands? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've been messing around with command prompt for a few days now, but I want to have a better understanding of what's actually going on under the hood. Searching the Internet has been of no use so far, as almost all the results there will show, you the syntax of the commands, which is not I want.
Is it possible to retrieve the source code for any of the Windows commands?
Source code for some parts of Windows is open sourced. .NET for example. Other parts of the source code are available via various programs, described here. One program that I've used is Code Center Premium. In this program you are assigned a smart card/PIN and use a specific URL to access the source code for the various versions of Windows. Generally only RTM (release to manufacturing) code is available on CCP (as opposed to patched versions of the code).
If you are an individual you probably won't be able to get access via any of these programs, except possibly the MVP program. But if you were an MVP you probably would already understand "what's going on under the hood" to a large extent.
As an individual I suggest the book Windows Internals, which you can find as a PDF on the web. Note that the book is over 1000 pages, so a huge amount of information is available within. Also, there are various examples in the book in the way of commands that control/monitor various aspects of Windows (no source code, but an explanation of how the command works)
Note that a book will be much more comprehensible than the Windows source code which if I remember correctly is well over 100,000,000 lines currently.
Note that for "vanilla" commands like COPY, DIR, etc., perusing the Win32 API set for file & directory I/O on MSDN will yield the APIs that CMD.EXE uses. Many samples are also available on MSDN and elsewhere.

Embedded GUI - Similar to GWEN? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I wrote a library to use different LCDs, such as TFT LCDs with TouchScreens with an existing RTOS.
The library does include all highlevel routines like drawing lines, circles, render fonts and so on.
Now, I would like to make the library more useful and give it a small GUI toolkit so the user can create buttons, sliders, radio buttons and all the other classical GUI elements.
There is GWEN which works pretty well.
My question: Are there free, opensource libraries like GWEN out there which are easy to use for my purpose?
I cannot take stuff like Qt because I'd need to implement the entire internals like event handling and stuff. Also, the RTOS would need to support POSIX. I really just want the GUI elements, nothing more. It must be very lightweight and only implement all the highlevel classes. It should be as lightweight as possible, because it's supposed to run on small microcontrollers like the STM32F1 (ARM Cortex-M3 with less than 100kB of RAM).
Well, at the end I decided to write my own:
Gwork is a fork of GWEN. You might try that.

What good libraries are there for object extraction? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to write a program that processes images.
If there are good algorithm libraries in object extraction that would save me a lot of work.
are there any good libraries in image processing?
I am willing to use c++ or c# whatever has good libraries.
Try out OpenCV.
This depends on your focus in image processing.
If your focus is image processing on digital camera images, I would suggest using OpenCV (as already mentioned by #ffriend). If your focus is image processing on radiological images (MRI, CT, etc.) I would suggest using ITK for the processing algortihms and VTK for rendering.
All those libraries are written in C++. Some have interfaces to scripting languages like python.
Hope this helps for a start!

Free tool to Create/Edit PNG Images? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there any free tool available for creating and editing PNG Images?
Paint.NET will create and edit PNGs with gusto. It's an excellent program in many respects. It's free as in beer and speech.
The GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program).
It's free, open source and runs on Windows and Linux (and maybe Mac?).
I use Pixlr - an online photo editor, it has great filters and user friendly interface.
Inkscape is a vector drawing program that exports PNG images. So, you end up editing SVG documents and exporting them to PNGs. Inkscape is good if you're starting from scratch, but wouldn't be ideal if you just want to edit existing PNGs.
Note--Inkscape is open source and available for free on multiple platforms.
ImageMagick and GD can handle PNGs too; heck, you could even do stuff with nothing but gdk-pixbuf. Are you looking for a graphical editor, or scriptable/embeddable libraries?
