I have png tiles structured in folders (generated by Mapnik and Maperitive). What is the best way to use these tiles in Geoserver to create wms? I need this base layer from tiles with second one layer of route and provide it to client. When I try load it with ImagePyramid plugin, I've got error about 404000 projection:
Caused by: org.opengis.referencing.operation.OperationNotFoundException: No transformation available from system "EngineeringCRS[Wildcard 2D cartesian plane in metric unit]" to "GeographicCRS[WGS84(DD)]".
There is no out of the box way to expose those tiles, you'll have to write some java code in the GeoWebCache project
I have las file, point data. I want to know how to convert las file to 3d tiles, so it can render by Cesium.js.
There is a demo, point data render by Cesium, but is use cesium ion. I want to use in 3d tiles. Because upload las file to cesium ion is not allowed.
This is a list of open-source point cloud tiler projects.
I tried to use py3dtile, and its tiling is not perfect but basically works.
entwine is also a good alternative.
I'd like to identify a solution to create a WMS layer in geoserver that returns an image stored in the DB (postgis) projected (moved, scaled and rotated) to specific coordinates.
In the DB I store the house floor plans as jpeg and I need to rotate, scale, move those image to a given latitude and longitude so that I can overlap to OSM map in open layer.
Yes my web app is based on openlayer, my collegue succeeded in trasforing the image (traslate, rotate, resize) in openlayer, but I think it should be performed on the backend that is postgis+geoserver
My images are stored as jpeg (or raster) in the postgis, but I do not know how geoserver can read them directly from the DB and transform them based on some parameters.
Thank you
I am trying to rotate, scale or move Drone 3D fbx object in Spark AR.
But unable to join the patches in correct sequence .
Please help,as i am a beginner in the AR domain.
I have attached the screenshots for reference.
Open this sample project, and change 3d model to yours.
I am working with web-application which uses OSM and leaflet.
I want to save map image with markers, icons, polylines, polygons and other objects to vector image(SVG/ XML with SVG etc.)
I found leaflet-image but not sure it`s suitable for me.
I also use ExtJs and python as server language.
Any suggestions?
There are two official plugins for exporting/printing Leaflet maps.
Leaflet.print uses a Mapfish or GeoServer print module. Mapfish is built on Python so that could probably work for you. (For completeness - Geoserver is built on Java).
Leafet-image doesn't use any server side tech at all. Just Canvas and CORS.
You won't be able to save the tiles as vector as those are served to you as PNGs. You could recreate it using standard OSM data and a tileserver though. Both plugins will take the tiles and export them as images.
I want to publish the data in the Oracle DBMS.
Since the SRS of the data (which is EPSG:3093) is different from the SRS the client wants (which is EPSG:5179), it must be transformed.
So, I’ve set the layer property on the Edit Layer page as follows:
Native SRS: EPSG:3093 (Tokyo / UTM zone 52N)
Declared SRS: EPSG:5179 (Korea 2000 / Unified CS)
SRS handling: Reproject native to declared
The problem starts now.
When I clicked ‘Compute from data’ for Native Bounding Box, it displays the result coordinates in Declared SRS, no Native SRS.
Is this the correct behavior? Since it is ‘Native Bounding Box’, the values should be in Native SRS.
Anyways when I clicked ‘Compute from native bounds’ for Lat/Lon Bounding Box, it correctly translates from ‘Declared SRS’.
Maybe it is correct to display the Native Bounding Box in Declared SRS then. (weird)
Anyways the client (OpenLayers 3) displays the data correctly.
But another problem remains.
Integrated GeoWebCache refuses to cache the tile images.
When the logging is set to VERBOSE_LOGGING, it logs the following error:
org.geowebcache.grid.OutsideCoverageException: Coverage [minx,miny,maxx,maxy] is [0, 4097, 6143, 6143, 11], index [x,y,z] is [3101, 2791, 11]
Since the caching works correctly for the other layers that does not transform the source data (since the data is already in EPSG:5179), that must be the transformation problem. Or another one.
When I see the coverage area of the EPEG:3093 on the Demos / SRS List page on the GeoServer, the area seems to be wrong. (It does not even cover Tokyo!) http://epsg.io/3093 displays the correct one.
Is this the cause of the caching problem?
Does GeoWebCache look for the coverage of the SRS and rejects the out-of-bound request?
My GeoServer version is
You should store your data in the native projection as GeoServer will automatically reproject the data when a client makes a request in a different projection.
Then caching and the bbox will work.
I've traced the source code from GridSubset.java to GeoServerTileLayer.java and found that the content of the gwc-layers layer file had wrong gridSubset extent coords minY value. (It was too high)
I don't know why... Since I manage the gwc-layers layer files using Git, maybe some file date inconsistency confused GeoServer to sync the values. Or maybe I just broke something. I can only guess... Now after changing that value, caching works.