How to exclude single files when using MSBuild Scanner - sonarqube

We are using the SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild ( and have a solution containing multiple projects.
There is a SonarQube.Analysis.xml in the solution root folder which we supply to the scanners cli.
<SonarQubeAnalysisProperties xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">
<Property Name="sonar.cs.opencover.reportsPaths">output/nunit-coverage.xml</Property>
<Property Name="sonar.cs.nunit.reportsPaths">output/nunit-result.xml</Property>
<Property Name="sonar.exclusions">Project1/Migrations/*</Property>
<Property Name="sonar.coverage.exclusions">Project1/Migrations/*</Property>
Now the problem is: Project1/Migrations/* seems not to get excluded because the Base dir is set to .../Project1 during the scan. The same happens for all other projects in the solution. The result is that .../Project1/Project1/Migrations/* is an unknown path.
So what is the recommended way to exclude a whole directory from coverage and sourcecode analytics when using MSBuild Scanner?

Try to put the exclusions in the project file (.csproj) itself, something like:
<SonarQubeSetting Include="sonar.exclusions">
See Appendix 2: Configuring the SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild.


TFS build deploy is failing

My solution has 5 projects and tfs build is working fine. Issue I am having is when I set to deploy from tfs on successful build. Its looking for publish profile in wrong project rather than my startup project. Please Help.
Update:- So I was able to eventually find what was causing the issue during my build and publish in tfs. Each of the projects that were added in my solution were web applications. And Each of the project had in .csproj file these settings <Import Project="$(VSToolsPath)\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" Condition="'$(VSToolsPath)' != ''" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" Condition="false" />
<Target Name="MvcBuildViews" AfterTargets="AfterBuild" Condition="'$(MvcBuildViews)'=='true'">
<AspNetCompiler VirtualPath="temp" PhysicalPath="$(WebProjectOutputDir)" />
</Target>. Once I have commented out these in my other applications, the tfs build/publish using my publish profile was not looking for config file that I mentioned in my publish profile. Thanks for your help Patrick.
Suggest you first manually remote to your build agent and double check if there are corresponding DEVAPP1DEBUG.‌​pubxml file located at the path on the build agent.
According to your description, maybe there are something wrong in your build artifacts for deployment. Suggest you try this way, looking into the TFS options for Build Definitions and when you have to select a template for the definition, you can see two options Build and Deployment, try with the Deployment option :
and by default in the MSBuild Arguments the parameter is :/p:OutDir="$(build.binariesdirectory)\\"
In that folder you should have everything need for the deployment.

How can I exclude a project from a build in MSBuild?

I need to build a solution, but exclude one project. How should I do it?
I searched a lot about this issue, but nothing could help.
An ItemGroup section rises the following exception:
Invalid element . Unknown task or datatype.
PropertyGroup also rises the exception.
Below is my code sample:
<project name="TI 8.1.6 build script">
<Solution Include="${ROOT}\Core\TI Core.sln" Exclude="${ROOT}\Utilities\DTS Indexing Service\Tdi.Origami.IndexUpdaterServiceSetup\Tdi.Origami.IndexUpdaterServiceSetup.wixproj"/>
How can I do this?
You can exclude projects at the solution level for a specific build configuration by using the Configuration Manager Dialog in Visual Studio:
Then you can simply invoke msbuild on the solution file specifying the build configuration to use:
msbuild /property:Configuration=Release MySolution.sln
The solution suggested by Enrico is the most versatile solution that would work always. An alternative solution might be to use a <MSBuild> task directly. This will work for you if you have all your project files under a particular directory, or be able to easily enumerate all projects you want to build (i.e. number of projects in your solution is not very big).
For example, this MSBuild file will build every project under your current directory except for a specific project:
<Project xmlns="">
<MyProjectReferences Include="**\*.*proj" />
<MyProjectReferences Exclude="Utilities\DTS Indexing Service\Tdi.Origami.IndexUpdaterServiceSetup\Tdi.Origami.IndexUpdaterServiceSetup.wixproj" />
<Target Name="BuildAllExceptWixProject">
<MSBuild Projects="#(MyProjectReferences)" Targets="Build" />
Then you can build that using command line msbuild <myproject> /t:BuildAllExceptWixProject
In your solution file (.sln), remove the Build.0 entries. For example:
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "MyProject", "MyProject.vcxproj", "{2281D9E7-5261-433D-BB04-176A61500CA3}"
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{2281D9E7-5261-433D-BB04-176A61500CA3}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|x64
If you delete this "Build.0" entry, it will load in the solution fine, but will not be built, either through the GUI or via external MSBuild.
Since VS 2019 and MSBuild 16.7, the right way is to use Solution filters. Ref
create a master.proj file:
in another ItemGroup add DefaultExclude properties for programs - put it in front of the solution
-- BA was Canadian
drop the master.proj into the directory with the programs and msbuild the master.proj
compiles everything except... that HelloWorld

Using SlowCheetah's app.config transformations with Setup projects

I'm using the SlowCheetah XML Transforms extension to handle web.config-like transformations with app.config. That part works great.
I added a setup project and configured it to include the project output of the first project. I noticed that when I ran the installer, it installed the non-transformed app.config. Looking at the Primary output Outputs (say that 10 times fast), I noticed that its finding the binary in Project\bin\Debug\Project.exe, but Project.exe.config comes from Project\app.config instead of Project\bin\Debug\Project.exe.config.
I could exclude app.config from the Primary output, and hard-code the path to a specific configuration's app.config (Project\bin\Debug\Project.exe.config), but then I'd get the same app.config regardless of which configuration I used to build it.
Is there a workaround for getting the appropriate transformed app.config in a Setup project?
Hi we are planning on releasing a new version which has ClickOnce support in the next few days. If you need a build of the add in before than which has the fix please contact me and I can get that out to you.
This may not be exactly the answer you're looking for but I have previously wrestled with how to get the correct app.config file into a setup project. I have a TFSBuild.proj msbuild file that uses transforms. The SlowCheetah transforms I think use the same msbuild task but I may be incorrect. SlowCheetah certainly provides a more useful user experience when working with transform files. My build file takes a slightly different approach. At the end of the automated build I wanted to generate installers for each of the target deployment environments. I use a number of msbuild extensions, including the TransformXml build task - not all required for the following but FWIW these are the imports:
<!-- import extensions -->
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\ExtensionPack\MSBuild.ExtensionPack.tasks"/>
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\MSBuildCommunityTasks\MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets"/>
<UsingTask TaskName="TransformXml"
I have the following environments defined:
<!-- target deployment environments -->
<Configs Include="Prod" />
<Configs Include="Staging" />
<Configs Include="Test" />
Then the standard AfterCompileSolution target contains a call to the target that generates the installer for each environment:
<Target Name="AfterCompileSolution">
<!-- Create installers for target deployment environments -->
<CallTarget Targets="MyProject" />
<Target Name="MyProject" Outputs="%(Configs.Identity)">
<MyProjectTempConfig Include="$(SolutionRoot)\MyProjectService\Temp.config" />
<MyProjectConfigFrom Include="$(SolutionRoot)\MyProjectService\App.%(Configs.Identity).config" />
<MyProjectConfigTo Include="$(SolutionRoot)\MyProjectService\App.config">
<Message Text="MyProject - Target environment: %(Configs.Identity)" />
<!-- transform app.config using appropriate -->
<Copy SourceFiles="#(MyProjectConfigTo)"
<File TaskAction="RemoveAttributes" Files="#(MyProjectConfigTo)"/>
<TransformXml Source="#(MyProjectTempConfig)"
Destination="#(MyProjectConfigTo)" />
<!-- run setup -->
<Exec Command=""$(ProgramFiles)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\devenv" "$(SolutionRoot)\MyProject.sln" /build Release /project MyProjectService.Setup"/>
<!-- rename output for target deployment environment -->
<Copy SourceFiles="$(SolutionRoot)\MyProjectService.Setup\Release\MyProjectService.msi"

TeamCity getting fxcop and coveragereport into build artifacts via artifact paths

i'm trying to get the fxCop result xml and coveragereport.xml to publish to the artifacts after build.
the following is what I have now,*/fxcop-result.xml => BuildLog/FxCop*ncover/CoverageReport.xml => BuildLog/Coverage
but the result directory has the following format
BuildLog --> Coverage --> teamcity8681981431807223307ncover --> CoverageReport.xml
BuildLog --> FxCop --> fxcop-output-3810116228914218788 --> fxcop-result.xml
I am curious what should I do to make it like the following without the containing folder structure.
BuildLog --> Coverage --> CoverageReport.xml
BuildLog --> FxCop --> fxcop-result.xml
Because there is an asterisk (*) in the artifact source definition, there could be more than one source file grabbed by the search pattern.
To differenciate these (theoretically multiple) files in the output path, TeamCity will add the match for the * - pattern in the output structure, e.g. [...]teamcity 8681981431807223307 ncover[...]. Therefore it is impossible to select (potentially) multiple files and store them as one file.
Perhaps a different approach is the answer. You could write a MSBuild script that uses the TeamCity Build Script Interaction feature, similar to this:
<Project xmlns=""
<FxCopResults Include="*/fxcop-result.xml" />
<CoverageResults Include="*ncover/CoverageReport.xml" />
<Target Name="PublishArtifacts">
<Message Text="##teamCity[publishArtifacts '%(FxCopResults) => BuildLog\FxCop'" />
<Message Text="##teamCity[publishArtifacts '%(CoverageResults) => BuildLog\Coverage'" />
Finally, a TeamCity Build Step with the MSBuild build runner could be used to start the msbuild target "PublishArtifacts" in this script after the analysis build steps were performed.

How can I change a config file variable using ant build?

I'm using Jboss 4/5 and have some .war .properties files with default configuration settings
I want to update these settings using information from the windows xp environment variables.
${env} in ant
Import enviroment variables before including your property file:
build.xml file:
<target name="build">
<!-- load enviroment properties -->
<property environment="env" />
<property file="" />
<echo>test: ${test}</echo>
</target> file:
test = ${env.TEMP}
I needed to up the build number in several files. Since I needed to keep the formatting of the file as well as the comments, I used replaceregexp. Be careful when writing your regular expressions that you limit the expression to only find the instances that you care about.
match="(build\.number[ \t]*=).*"
