I would like to understand how jdk1.8 code is, as compared to code of jdk1.6
Can anyone provide an example, or a link??
I want to see a comparison between code written in java6 and cod written in java8,
to understand the features of java8 and how it simplifies the code
I just need an example of a program written in java6 , against a program written in java8
The below link will help you understand how Java8 feature 'Lambda Expression' simplifies the code.
Java8 Lambda Expression - The What and Why
There are many features available in Java 8 and code enhancement that was not available in java 6.
A useful compiler feature that is added in Java 7 is the 'diamond operator'. E.g, instead of typing
ArrayList<Integer> arrInt = new ArrayList<Integer>();
You could just type
ArrayList<Integer> arrInt = new ArrayList<>();
In Java 8 many features are available. For further details you may visit mentioned links
I was asked this question in a job interview (Microsoft).
methods to implement for example:
.stream(), .filter(), .map() , flatMap() , min() , count() , reduce() , groupBy()
It's quite an open question but I think is an interesting one.
One way to get an ability to use StreamAPI in your Java7 and Java6 projects add a streamsupport library https://github.com/streamsupport/streamsupport Streamsupport is a backport of the Java 8 java.util.function (functional interfaces) and java.util.stream (streams) API for users of Java 6 or 7
Here is a good example: Lightweight-Stream-API. It implements almost all stream APIs for Android/Java 7 by iterators.
I would not waste time creating those functions myself as it also implies quite rigorous testing. I would rather use Kotlin. It works with any Java starting from 6 and has all of these features (including lambdas) plus many others. Additionally it provides quite good compatibility with the core Java partially solving deficiencies of generics implementation.
I have C code written in proto2 format and compiled by the protoc-c compiler. What I would like to know is whether that code is binary compatible with serialization/de-serialization code generated by the 'protoc' compiler (that also happens to understand version 3 of protobuf)? For some reason I am not able to get a definitive answer to this question. The reason I am wondering is because there are already backwards compatibility issues between version 3 and version 2, so I am a little uncertain with the protoc-c and protoc toolkits and how they handle versions.
Yes, these two implementations should be compatible--you can serialize messages with one implementation and successfully parse them with another. I have not personally tried protobuf-c but based on its description it is just another implementation of the same protocol buffer wire format.
You mentioned differences between syntax = "proto2" and syntax = "proto3". It is true that these are different and you would have to be careful if you want to migrate from one to the other, but I think this issue is orthogonal to your question about compatibility between protobuf-c and Google's protobuf implementation.
What is currently the best way to write SonarQube 4.5 checks for :
Bytecode Analysis
Source Analysis
Unfortunately, I could not find an up-to-date web page providing a clear explanation, and I see that existing checks use many deprecated classes and methods, use "bridges" about to be abandonned, checks are regularly removed from the codebase (such as the XPath rule).
I would like to be sure that the checks I'm about to write will be well written and durable.
should I use BytecodeVisitor to analyse bytecode ?
should I use BaseTreeVisitor to analyse sourcecode ?
What is the replacement for org.sonar.api.rules.RuleRepository ?
What is the replacement for org.sonar.api.resources.Java ?
What is the replacement for org.sonar.api.rules.AnnotationRuleParser ?
How can I write XPath like rules (BaseTreeVisitor is using SSLR and if I'm not wrong SonarQube is moving away from SSLR / AbstractXPathCheck is part of sslr squid bridge.)
What else should I know ?
In other words I'm a bit lost.
Thank you in advance for your help.
First thanks for your feedback,
There are in fact many questions in your question (sic) :
The way to write custom checks for Java as of today is to use the BaseTreeVisitor. All the other ways are now deprecated and we are working to be able to remove them (but it is not always straightforward as some of them requires a complete semantic analysis to be removed). What is currently lacking from this api is the access to the semantic analysis to be able to request type information read from bytecode.
You can have a look at this project : https://github.com/SonarSource/sonar-examples/tree/master/plugins/java-custom-rules
For all the other questions, please ask them on the mailing list.
(Small notes though : BaseTreeVisitor does not use SSLR directly, the java plugin is not moving away from SSLR rather from one class, specifically ASTNode, in order to work on a SyntaxTree with a class specific for each type of node, The drop of Xpath checks occurs in that logic of moving away from a non-typed SyntaxTree).
I'm looking for a definition of the syntax for the Cypher query language. I tried the docs but they're very vague.
Ideally, I'd like a BNF (or any variant) definition, or one of those "graph" definitions like this or this. Really, anything resembling a formal definition.
What you are looking for will be available in openCypher. Several items will be released as part of the project, one of the first of which is the BNF grammar.
Update 2016-01-30: A first draft of the grammar is now avialable at \https://github.com/opencypher/openCypher/blob/master/grammar.ebnf.
Update: 2016-10-17: EBNF and Antlr grammars, TCK, railroad diagrams, and a list of community projects are available at http://www.opencypher.org/#resources
Take a look at the recently announced (Oct 2015) openCypher project. It involves releasing the language specification, among other things.
From the announcement:
1. Cypher reference documentation:
A comprehensive user documentation describing use of the Cypher query language with examples and tutorials.
2. Technology compatibility kit (TCK):
The TCK consists of a number of tests that a software supplier would run in order to self-certify support for a given version of Cypher.
3. Reference implementation:
Distributed under the Apache 2.0 license, the reference implementation is a fully functional implementation of key parts of the stack needed to support Cypher inside a data platform or tool. The first planned deliverable is a parser that will take a Cypher statement and parse it into an AST (abstract syntax tree) representation. The reference implementation complements the documentation and tests by providing working implementations of Cypher – which are permissively licensed – and can be used as examples or as a foundation for one’s own implementation.
4. Cypher language specification:
Licensed under a Creative Commons license, the Cypher language specification is a technical expression of the language syntax to enable parsers to auto-generate the query syntax. A full semantic specification is also planned as a part of the openCypher project.
The same announcement also says that the process is open and that it is possible to submit, review and comment on language proposals.
Neo4j has changed a lot since this answer was written. In 2017 the simple answer is yes, you can download the grammar files from https://www.opencypher.org/
Below is the old answer, which was accurate in 2014
As far as I can tell, the only formal definition is in the code. That's the bad news.
The good news is that the code uses a scala library to do the parsing which makes the code rules look kinda/sorta like BNF. And there's some documentation on how to read it.
Here's a link into a scala object that defines what a query is.
This general package on github looks to me like it contains all of the cypher command implementations, and should have everything you're asking for.
Code in this package is written in scala, and looks like this:
object Query {
def start(startItems: StartItem*) = new QueryBuilder().startItems(startItems:_*)
def matches(patterns:Pattern*) = new QueryBuilder().matches(patterns:_*)
def optionalMatches(patterns:Pattern*) = new QueryBuilder().matches(patterns:_*).makeOptional()
def updates(cmds:UpdateAction*) = new QueryBuilder().updates(cmds:_*)
def unique(cmds:UniqueLink*) = new QueryBuilder().startItems(Seq(CreateUniqueStartItem(CreateUniqueAction(cmds:_*))):_*)
This matches roughly with the upper right hand quadrant of the Cypher refcard. You can sorta see that there can be a start clause, a match clause, and so on. This includes links to other implementation classes (like UpdateAction which further define clauses considered update actions.
Make sure to also read How Neo4J Uses Scala's Parser Combinator: Cypher's Internals Part 1 for more information on what's going on here, and the mapping between the scala classes and what we'd normally consider EBNF. This blog post is old (2011) and the specific code examples it gives shouldn't be trusted, but I think it has good general information on how the implementation works, and what to look for if you want to understand the EBNF behind cypher.
Disclaimer: I'm not a scala hardcore, YMMV, IANAL, devs please overrule me if I'm wrong.
(Michael Hunger answered in a comment, so I can't accept his answer. Here's his answer:)
Cypher uses parboiled as parser, the parboiled rule DSL are pretty easy to read and understand. https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j/blob/d18583d260a957ab1a14bd27d34eb5625df42bc5/community/cypher/cypher-compiler-2.2/src/main/scala/org/neo4j/cypher/internal/compiler/v2_2/parser/Clauses.scala
None of these seem to work any more.
I don't see anything on the opencypher.org site that looks like a grammar to download.
None of the github links from Michael Hunger work.
I'd really like access to SOME resource where I can learn how to construct queries for functions like avg that allegedly take a list expression as an argument, yet barf at every variant I can figure out.
I am aware that by default Java does not have the so-called eval (what I pronounce as "evil") method. This sounds like a bad thing—knowing you do not have something which so many others do. But even worse seems being notified that you can't have it.
My question is: What is solid reasoning behind it? I mean, Google'ing this just returns a massive amount of old data and bogus reasons—even if there is an answer that I'm looking for, I can't filter it from people who are just throwing generic tag-words around.
I'm not interested in answers that are telling me how to get around that; I can do that myself:
Using Bean Scripting Framework (BSF)
File sample.py (in py folder) contents:
def factorial(n):
return reduce(lambda x, y:x * y, range(1, n + 1))
And Java code:
ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("jython");
engine.eval(new FileReader("py" + java.io.File.separator + "sample.py"));
Using designed bridges like JLink
This is equivalent to:
String expr = "N[Integrate[E^(2 y^5)/(2 x^3), {x, 4, 7}, {y, 2, 3}]]";
//Output: 1.5187560850359461*^206 + 4.2210685420287355*^190*I
Other methods
Using Dijkstras shunting-yard algorithm or alike and writing an expression evaluator from scratch.
Using complex regex and string manipulations with delegates and HashMultimaps.
Using Java Expressions Library
Using Java Expression Language
Using JRE compliant scripting language like BeanShell.
Using the Java Assembler and approach below or direct bytecode manipulation like Javaassist.
Using the Java Compiler API and reflections.
Using Runtime.getRuntime().exec as root
"eval" is only available in scripting languages, because it uses the same interpreter that runs the rest of the code; in such languages the feature is free and well integrated, as in scripting environment it makes little difference if you run a string or a "real" function.
In copiled languages, adding "eval" would mean bundling the whole compiler - which would defy the purpose of compiling. No compiled language I know (even dynamic ones, like ActionScrip3) has eval.
Incidentally, the easiest way to eval in Java is the one you forgot to mention: JRE 1.6 comes with Javascript engine, so you can eval any Javascript in two lines of code. You could even argue that the presuposition of your question is false. Java 1.6 bundles a very advanced expression evaluator.
As Daniel points out there is at least one limitation that eval-solutions face in java. The php eval for example executes the code as if it was part of the surrounding method with complete access to local variables, this is not possible to do in standard java. Without this feature eval alternatives require a lot more work and verbosity, which makes them a lot less attractive for "quick" and "easy" solutions.
eval() is mostly part of interpreted languages where the names of local variables and code structure(scopes) are available at runtime, making it possible to "insert" new code. Java bytecode no longer contains this information leaving eval() alternatives unable to map access to local variables. (Note: I ignore debug information as no program should rely on it and it may not be present)
An example
int i = 0;
eval("i = 1");
required pseudocode for java
context.put("i",new Integer(0));
eval(context,"i = 1");
This looks nice for one variable used in the eval, try it for 10 in a longer method and you get 20 additional lines for variable access and the one or other runtime error if you forget one.
Because evaluation of arbitrary Java expressions depends on the context of it, of variable scopes etc.
If you need some kind of variable expression, just use the scripting framework, and badamm! you have lots of different kinds of expression evaluation. Just take one kind like JavaScript as a default, and there is your eval()!
Enterprisy as Java is, you are not constrained to one choice.
But even worse seems being notified that you can't have it.
I think you are misunderstanding what (most of) those articles are saying. Clearly, there are many ways to do expression evaluation in a Java application. They haven't always been available, but at least some of them have been around for a long time.
I think what people are trying to say is that expression evaluation is not available as native (i.e. as an intrinsic part of Java or the standard libraries) and is unlikely to be added for a number of good reasons. For example:
Native eval would have significant security issues if used in the wrong place. (And it does for other languages; e.g. you shouldn't use eval in Javascript to read JSON because it can be a route for injecting bad stuff into the user's browser.)
Native eval would have significant performance issues, compared with compiled Java code. We are talking of 100 to 10,000 times slower, depending on the implementation techniques and the amount of caching of "compiled" eval expressions.
Native eval would introduce a whole stack of reliability issues ... much as overuse / misuse of type casting and reflection to.
Native eval is "not Java". Java is designed to be a primarily static programming language.
and of course ...
There are other ways to do this, including all of the implementation approaches that you listed. The Java SE platform is not in the business of providing every possible library that anyone could possibly want. (JRE downloads are big enough already.)
For these reasons, and probably others as well, the Java language designers have decided not to support expression evaluation natively in Java SE. (Even so, some expression support has officially made it into Java EE; e.g. in the form of JSP Expression Language. The classes are in the javax.el package ... or javax.servlet.jsp.el for an older / deprecated version.)
I think you already put the solution to your answer - bundle the BeanShell jar with your application (or lobby for it to be included in the JRE sometime), and you have your Java expression evaluator. It will still need a Binding of the input variables, though.
(What I'm more curious about: How does sandboxing of such a script/expression work? I don't want my web users to execute dangerous code in my server.)