I've implemented a demo tcp chat server in golang, it works fine, but every time a user disconnects and I try to write a message to the broadcast channel to let other users know a user has disconnected it blocks, and would not further process any new messages from other client because its a nonbuffered channel
I've commented by code and explained it you can go through it, I don't know why the code blocks, I've written msgs
I'm about to write to a channel
I've written to the channel
I've read from the channel
and messages are in perfect order still my msg channel blocks.
Ps: If I'm using buffered channel the code is not blocking, but I want to know where is my code getting stuck.
I also tried running my code with -race flag but no help
package main
import (
func main() {
msg := make(chan string) //broadcast channel (making it buffered channel the problem goes away)
allConn := make(map[net.Conn]int) //Collection of incoming connections for broadcasting the message
disConn := make(chan net.Conn) //client disconnect channel
newConn := make(chan net.Conn) //new client connection channel
mutext := new(sync.RWMutex) //mux to assign unique id to incoming connections
i := 0
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
fmt.Println("Tcp server started at")
//Accept incoming connections and store them in global connection store allConn
go func() {
for {
conn, err := listener.Accept()
allConn[conn] = i
newConn <- conn
for {
select {
//Wait for a new client message to arrive and broadcast the message
case umsg := <-msg:
fmt.Println("Broadcast Channel: Already Read")
bmsg := []byte(umsg)
for conn1, _ := range allConn {
_, err := conn1.Write(bmsg)
//Handle client disconnection [disConn]
case conn := <-disConn:
fmt.Println("user disconneting", allConn[conn])
delete(allConn, conn)
fmt.Println("Disconnect: About to Write")
//this call results in deadlock even when channel is empty, buffered channel resolves the issue
//need to know why
msg <- fmt.Sprintf("Disconneting", allConn[conn])
fmt.Println("Disconnect: Already Written")
//Read client incoming message and put it on broadcasting channel and upon disconnect put on it disConn channel
case conn := <-newConn:
go func(conn net.Conn) {
for {
buf := make([]byte, 64)
n, err := conn.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
disConn <- conn
fmt.Println("Client: About to Write")
msg <- string(buf[0:n])
fmt.Println("Client: Already Written")
fmt.Println("User Connected", allConn[conn])
func checkErr(err error) {
if err != nil {
In Go, an unbuffered channel is a "synchronisation point". That is, if you have a channel c, and do c <- value, the goroutine blocks until someone is ready to do v = <- c (and the converse holds, receiving from a blocking channel without something to receive blocks until the value is available, but this is possibly less surprising). Specifically, for a blocking channel, the receive completes before the send completes.
Since you only have a single goroutine, it will be unable to loop back to reading from the channel and the write will block until something can read.
You could, in theory, get around this by doing something like: go func() { msg <- fmt.Sprintf("Disconneting", allConn[conn] }(), so essentially spawning a short-lived goroutine to do the write.
I am connecting to a websocket that is stream live stock trades.
I have to read the prices, perform calculations on the fly and based on these calculations make another API call e.g. buy or sell.
I want to ensure my calculations/processing doesn't slow down my ability to stream in all the live data.
What is a good design pattern to follow for this type of problem?
Is there a way to log/warn in my system to know if I am falling behind?
Falling behind means: the websocket is sending price data, and I am not able to process that data as it comes in and it is lagging behind.
While doing the c.ReadJSON and then passing the message to my channel, there might be a delay in deserializing into JSON
When inside my channel and processing, calculating formulas and sending another API request to buy/sell, this will add delays
How can I prevent lags/delays and also monitor if indeed there is a delay?
func main() {
c, _, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial("wss://socket.example.com/stocks", nil)
if err != nil {
defer c.Close()
// Buffered channel to account for bursts or spikes in data:
chanMessages := make(chan interface{}, 10000)
// Read messages off the buffered queue:
go func() {
for msgBytes := range chanMessages {
logrus.Info("Message Bytes: ", msgBytes)
// As little logic as possible in the reader loop:
for {
var msg interface{}
err := c.ReadJSON(&msg)
if err != nil {
chanMessages <- msg
You can read bytes, pass them to the channel, and use other goroutines to do conversion.
I worked on a similar crypto market bot. Instead of creating large buffured channel i created buffered channel with cap of 1 and used select statement for sending socket data to channel.
Here is the example
var wg sync.WaitGroup
msg := make(chan []byte, 1)
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for data := range msg {
// decode and process data
for {
_, data, err := c.ReadMessage()
if err != nil {
log.Println("read error: ", err)
select {
case msg <- data: // in case channel is free
default: // if not, next time will try again with latest data
This will insure that you'll get the latest data when you are ready to process.
I'm working on a Go project that require calling an initiation function (initFunction) in a separated goroutine (to ensure this function does not interfere with the rest of the project). initFunction must not take more than 30 seconds, so I thought I would use context.WithTimeout. Lastly, initFunction must be able to notify errors to the caller, so I thought of making an error channel and calling initFunction from an anonymous function, to recieve and report the error.
func RunInitGoRoutine(initFunction func(config string)error) error {
initErr := make(chan error)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Seconds)
go func() {
<-ctx.Done() // Line 7
err := initFunction(config)
initErr <-err
select {
case res := <-initErr:
return res.err
case <-ctx.Done():
err := errors.New("Deadline")
return err
I'm quite new to Go, so I'm asking for feedbacks about the above code.
I have some doubt about Line 7. I used this to ensure the anonymous function is "included" under ctx and is therefore killed and freed and everything once timeout expires, but I'm not sure I have done the right thing.
Second thing is, I know I should be calling cancel( ) somewhere, but I can't put my finger around where.
Lastly, really any feedback is welcome, being it about efficency, style, correctness or anything.
In Go the pratice is to communicate via channels. So best thing is probably to share a channel on your context so others can consume from the channel.
As you are stating you are new to Go, I wrote a whole bunch of articles on Go (Beginner level) https://marcofranssen.nl/categories/golang.
Read from old to new to get familiar with the language.
Regarding the channel specifics you should have a look at this article.
A pratical example of a webserver listening for ctrl+c and then gracefully shutting down the server using channels is described in this blog post.
In essence we run the server in a background routine
go func() {
if err := srv.ListenAndServe(); err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed {
srv.l.Fatal("Could not listen on", zap.String("addr", srv.Addr), zap.Error(err))
and then we have some code that is blocking the main routine by listening on a channel for the shutdown signal.
quit := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(quit, os.Interrupt)
sig := <-quit
srv.l.Info("Server is shutting down", zap.String("reason", sig.String()))
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second)
defer cancel()
if err := srv.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
srv.l.Fatal("Could not gracefully shutdown the server", zap.Error(err))
srv.l.Info("Server stopped")
This is very similar to your usecase. So running your init in a background routine and then consume the channel waiting for the result of this init routine.
package main
import (
type InitResult struct {
Message string
func main() {
initResult := make(chan InitResult, 0)
go func(c chan<- InitResult) {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
// here we are publishing the result on the channel
c <- InitResult{Message: "Initialization succeeded"}
fmt.Println("Started initializing")
// here we have a blocking operation consuming the channel
res := <-initResult
fmt.Printf("Init result: %s", res.Message)
You could also add an error field on the struct so you could do you usual way of error checking.
I am working on a personal project that will run on a Raspberry Pi with some sensors attached to it.
The function that read from the sensors and the function that handle the socket connection are executed in different goroutines, so, in order to send data on the socket when they are read from the sensors, I create a chan []byte in the main function and pass it to the goroutines.
My problem came out here: if I do multiple writes in a row, only the first data arrives to the client, but the others don't. But if I put a little time.Sleep in the sender function, all the data arrives correctly to the client.
Anyway, that's a simplified version of this little program :
package main
import (
const socketName string = "./test_socket"
// create to the socket and launch the accept client routine
func launchServerUDS(ch chan []byte) {
if err := os.RemoveAll(socketName); err != nil {
l, err := net.Listen("unix", socketName)
if err != nil {
go acceptConnectionRoutine(l, ch)
// accept incoming connection on the socket and
// 1) launch the routine to handle commands from the client
// 2) launch the routine to send data when the server reads from the sensors
func acceptConnectionRoutine(l net.Listener, ch chan []byte) {
defer l.Close()
for {
conn, err := l.Accept()
if err != nil {
go commandsHandlerRoutine(conn, ch)
go autoSendRoutine(conn, ch)
// routine that sends data to the client
func autoSendRoutine(c net.Conn, ch chan []byte) {
for {
data := <-ch
if string(data) == "exit" {
// handle client connection and calls functions to execute commands
func commandsHandlerRoutine(c net.Conn, ch chan []byte) {
for {
buf := make([]byte, 1024)
n, err := c.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
ch <- []byte("exit")
// now, for sake of simplicity , only echo commands back to the client
_, err = c.Write(buf[:n])
if err != nil {
ch <- []byte("exit")
// write on the channel to the autosend routine so the data are written on the socket
func sendDataToClient(data []byte, ch chan []byte) {
select {
case ch <- data:
// if i put a little sleep here, no problems
// i i remove the sleep, only data1 is sent to the client
// time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
func dummyReadDataRoutine(ch chan []byte) {
for {
// read data from the sensors every 5 seconds
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
// read first data and send it
sendDataToClient([]byte("dummy data1\n"), ch)
// read second data and send it
sendDataToClient([]byte("dummy data2\n"), ch)
// read third data and send it
sendDataToClient([]byte("dummy data3\n"), ch)
func main() {
ch := make(chan []byte)
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
go dummyReadDataRoutine(ch)
go launchServerUDS(ch)
I don't think it's correct to use a sleep to synchronize writes. How do I fix this while keeping the functions running on a different different goroutines.
The primary problem was in the function:
func sendDataToClient(data []byte, ch chan []byte) {
select {
case ch <- data:
// if I put a little sleep here, no problems
// if I remove the sleep, only data1 is sent to the client
// time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
If the channel ch isn't ready at the moment the function is called, the default case will be taken and the data will never be sent. In this case you should eliminate the function and send to the channel directly.
Buffering the channel is orthogonal to the problem at hand, and should be done for the similar reasons as you would buffered IO, i.e. provide a "buffer" for writes that can't immediately progress. If the code were not able progress without a buffer, adding one only delays possible deadlocks.
You also don't need the exit sentinel value here, as you could range over the channel and close it when you're done. This however still ignores write errors, but again that requires some re-design.
for data := range ch {
You should also be careful passing slices over channels, as it's all too easy to lose track of which logical process has ownership and is going to modify the backing array. I can't say from the information given if passing the read+write data over channels improves the architecture, but this is not a pattern you will find in most go networking code.
JimB gave a good explanation, so I think his answer is the better one.
I have included my partial solution in this answer.
I was thinking that my code was clear and simplified, but as Jim said I can do it simpler and clearer. I leave my old code posted so people can understand better how you can post simpler code and not do a mess like I did.
As chmike said, my issue wasn't related to the socket like I was thinking, but was only related to the channel. Write on a unbuffered channel was one of the problems. After change the unbuffered channel to a buffered one, the issue was resolved. Anyway, this code is not "good code" and can be improved following the principles that JimB has written in his answer.
So here is the new code:
package main
import (
const socketName string = "./test_socket"
// create the socket and accept clients connections
func launchServerUDS(ch chan []byte, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
if err := os.RemoveAll(socketName); err != nil {
l, err := net.Listen("unix", socketName)
if err != nil {
defer l.Close()
for {
conn, err := l.Accept()
if err != nil {
// this goroutine are launched when a client is connected
// routine that listen and echo commands
go commandsHandlerRoutine(conn, ch)
// routine to send data read from the sensors to the client
go autoSendRoutine(conn, ch)
// routine that sends data to the client
func autoSendRoutine(c net.Conn, ch chan []byte) {
for {
data := <-ch
if string(data) == "exit" {
// handle commands received from the client
func commandsHandlerRoutine(c net.Conn, ch chan []byte) {
for {
buf := make([]byte, 1024)
n, err := c.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
// if i can't read send an exit command to autoSendRoutine and exit
ch <- []byte("exit")
// now, for sake of simplicity , only echo commands back to the client
_, err = c.Write(buf[:n])
if err != nil {
// if i can't write back send an exit command to autoSendRoutine and exit
ch <- []byte("exit")
// this goroutine reads from the sensors and write to the channel , so data are sent
// to the client if a client is connected
func dummyReadDataRoutine(ch chan []byte, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
x := 0
for x < 100 {
// read data from the sensors every 5 seconds
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
// read first data and send it
ch <- []byte("data1\n")
// read second data and send it
ch <- []byte("data2\n")
// read third data and send it
ch <- []byte("data3\n")
func main() {
ch := make(chan []byte, 1)
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
// launch the goruotines that handle the socket connections
// and read data from the sensors
go dummyReadDataRoutine(ch, &wg)
go launchServerUDS(ch, &wg)
I need to send echo aaa three times to redis server,
but its get stuck in the middle of process, I also check
if read and write operation get error message, but it doesn't.
so, why it get stuck in the middle of process?
package main
import (
var (
wg = new(sync.WaitGroup)
func readFromServer(isWrite chan bool, r io.Reader) {
for {
select {
case <-isWrite:
_ , err := io.Copy(os.Stdout, r)
if err != nil {
func writeToServer(conn net.Conn , isWrite chan bool ){
defer wg.Done()
for i :=0; i<3; i++{
_ , err := conn.Write([]byte("*2\r\n$4\r\necho\r\n$3\r\naaa\r\n"))
if err != nil {
isWrite<- true
func main(){
conn ,err := net.Dial("tcp","")
isWrite := make(chan bool)
if err != nil {
go readFromServer(isWrite, conn)
go writeToServer(conn , isWrite)
Stuck here...
The readFromServer function receives one value from the isWrite channel and then blocks in the call to io.Copy. The io.Copy function does not return until EOF or some error reading or writing data. All of the program output is from the single call to io.Copy.
The second send to isWrite in sendToServer blocks.
The isWrite channel is an unbuffered channel. A send on an unbuffered channel does not proceed until there's a receiver. There is no receiver on the channel because readFromServer is blocked in the call to io.Copy.
Possible fixes are:
The fix is to modify readFromServer to parse the RESP protocol and read exactly one message per iteration in the loop.
Replace for loop in readFromServer with a single call to io.Copy.
The isWrite channel is not needed.
The program does not ensure that readFromServer reads all of the responses from writeToServer before the program exits.
I'm looking for a solution to multiplex some channel output in go.
I have a source of data which is a read from an io.Reader that I send to a single channel. On the other side I have a websocket request handler that reads from the channel. Now it happens that two clients create a websocket connection, both reading from the same channel but each of them only getting a part of the messages.
Code example (simplified):
func (b *Bootloader) ReadLog() (<-chan []byte, error) {
if b.logCh != nil {
logrus.Warn("ReadLog called while channel already exists!")
return b.logCh, nil // This is where we get problems
b.logCh = make(chan []byte, 0)
go func() {
buf := make([]byte, 1024)
for {
n, err := b.p.Read(buf)
if err == nil {
msg := make([]byte, n)
copy(msg, buf[:n])
b.logCh <- msg
} else {
b.logCh = nil
return b.logCh, nil
Now when ReadLog() is called twice, the second call just returns the channel created in the first call, which leads to the problem explained above.
The question is: How to do proper multiplexing?
Is it better/easier/more ideomatic to care about the multiplexing on the sending or receiving site?
Should I hide the channel from the receiver and work with callbacks?
I'm a little stuck at the moment. Any hints are welcome.
Mutiplexing is pretty straightforward: make a slice of channels you want to multiplex to, start up a goroutine that reads from the original channel and copies each message to each channel in the slice:
// Really this should be in Bootloader but this is just an example
var consumers []chan []byte
func (b *Bootloader) multiplex() {
// We'll use a sync.once to make sure we don't start a bunch of these.
go func() {
// Every time a message comes over the channel...
for v := range b.logCh {
// Loop over the consumers...
for _,cons := range consumers {
// Send each one the message
cons <- v