Algorithm to print all valid combations of n pairs of parenthesis - ruby

I'm working on the problem stated in the question statement. I know my solution is correct (ran the program) but I'm curious as to whether or not I'm analyzing my code (below) correctly.
def parens(num)
return ["()"] if num == 1
paren_arr = []
parens(num-1).each do |paren|
paren_arr << paren + "()" unless "()#{paren}" == "#{paren}()"
paren_arr << "()#{paren}"
paren_arr << "(#{paren})"
parens(3), as an example, will output the following:
["()()()", "(()())", "(())()", "()(())", "((()))"]
Here's my analysis:
Every f(n) value is roughly 3 times as many elements as f(n-1). So:
f(n) = 3 * f(n-1) = 3 * 3 * f(n-2) ~ (3^n) time cost.
By a similar analysis, the stack will be occupied by f(1)..f(n) and so the space complexity should be 3^n.
I'm not sure if this analysis for either time or space is correct. On the one hand, the stack only holds n function calls, but each of these calls returns an array ~3 times as big as the call before it. Does this factor into space cost? And is my time analysis correct?

As others have mentioned, your solution is not correct.
My favourite solution to this problem generates all the valid combinations by repeatedly incrementing the current string to the lexically next valid combination.
"Lexically next" breaks down into a few rules that make it pretty easy:
The first difference in the string changes a '(' to a ')'. Otherwise the next string would be lexically before the current one.
The first difference is as far to the right as possible. Otherwise there would be smaller increments.
The part after the first difference is lexically minimal, again because otherwise there would be smaller increments. In this case that means that all the '('s come before all the ')'.
So all you have to do is find the rightmost '(' that can be changed to a ')', flip it, and then append the correct number of '('s and ')'s.
I don't know Ruby, but in Python it looks like this:
while True:
for i in range(len(current)-1,-1,-1):
if current[i]==')':
if closes > opens:
if pos<1:
current = current[:pos]+ ")" + "("*opens + ")"*(closes-1)
Solutions like this turn out to be easy and fast for many types of "generate all the combinations" problems.

Recursive reasoning makes a simple solution. If the number of left parens remaining to emit is positive, emit one and recur. If the number of right parens remaining to emit is greater than the number of left, emit and recur. The base case is when all parens, both left and right, have been emitted. Print.
def parens(l, r = l, s = "")
if l > 0 then parens(l - 1, r, s + "(") end
if r > l then parens(l, r - 1, s + ")") end
if l + r == 0 then print "#{s}\n" end
As others have said, the Catalan numbers give the number of strings that will be printed.
While this Ruby implementation doesn't achieve it, a lower level language (like C) would make it easy to use a single string buffer: O(n) space. Due to substring copies, this one is O(n^2). But since the run time and output length are O(n!), O(n) space inefficiency doesn't mean much.

I found Tom Davis' article, "Catalan Numbers," very helpful in explaining one recursive method for defining the Catalan Numbers. I'll try to explain it myself (in part, to see how much of it I've understood) as it may be applied to finding the set of all unique arrangements of N matched parentheses (e.g., 1 (); 2 ()(), (()); etc. ).
For N > 1 let (A)B represent one arrangement of N matched parentheses, where A and B each have only balanced sets of parentheses. Then we know that if A contains k matched sets, B must have the other N - k - 1, where 0 <= k <= N - 1.
In the following example, a dot means the group has zero sets of parentheses:
C_0 => .
C_1 => (.)
To enumerate C_2, we arrange C_1 as AB in all ways and place the second parentheses around A:
. () = AB = C_0C_1 => (.)()
() . = AB = C_1C_0 => (()) .
Now for C_3, we have three partitions for N - 1, each with its own combinations: C_0C_2, C_1C_1, C_2C_0
C_0C_2 = AB = . ()() and . (()) => ()()(), ()(())
C_1C_1 = AB = ()() => (())()
C_2C_0 = AB = ()() . and (()) . => (()()), ((()))
We can code this method by keeping a set for each N and iterating over the combinations for each partition. We'll keep the individual arrangements as bits: 0 for left and 1 for right (this appears backwards when cast as a binary string).
def catalan do |y|
# the zero here represents none rather than left
s = [[0],[2]]
y << [0]
y << [2]
i = 2
while true
s[i] = []
(0..i - 1).each do |k|
as = s[k]
bs = s[i - k - 1]
as.each do |a|
bs.each do |b|
if a != 0
s[i] << ((b << (2*k + 2)) | (1 << (2*k + 1)) | (a << 1))
s[i] << (2 | (b << 2))
end # bs
end # as
end # k
i = i + 1
end # i
end # enumerator
# => [[0], [2], [10, 12], [42, 50, 44, 52, 56]]
The yielder is lazy: although the list is infinite, we can generate as little as we like (using .take for example):
catalan.take(4){|x| x.to_s(2)}
# => ["101010", "110010", "101100", "110100", "111000"]
The former generation obliges us to keep all previous sets in order to issue the next. Alternatively, we can build a requested set through a more organic type, meandering recursion. This next version yields each arrangement to the block, so we can type:
|x| (0..7).reduce(""){
|y,i| if x[i] == 0 then y + "(" else y + ")" end
# => ["(((())))", "((()()))", "((())())", "((()))()", "(()(()))", "(()()())",
# "(()())()", "(())(())", "(())()()", "()((()))", "()(()())", "()(())()",
# "()()(())", "()()()()"]
Direct generation:
def catalan(n) do |y|
s = [[0,0,0]]
until s.empty?
left,right,result = s.pop
if left + right == 2 * n
y << yield(result)
if right < left
s << [left, right + 1, result | 1 << (left + right)]
if left < n
s << [left + 1, right, result]


Can someone explain the mathematics behind this solution

A question asks:
Take a sequence of numbers from 1 to n (where n > 0).
Within that sequence, there are two numbers, a and b.
The product of a and b should equal the sum of all numbers in the sequence excluding a and b.
Given a number n, could you tell me the numbers excluded from the sequence?
My plan was to get the sum of the range, then create an array using the combination enumerator to get all of the possible pairs of the range, then check if the product of the pair equals the sum of the range minus the sum of the pair. This solution worked, but took way too long:
def removNb(n)
arr = [*1..n]
sum = arr.inject(:+)
ab = []
[*(n/2)..n].combination(2).to_a.each do |pair|
if pair.inject(:*) == sum - pair.inject(:+)
ab << pair
ab << [pair[1],pair[0]]
Here is a solution that I found:
def removNb(n)
res = []
total = (n*n + n) / 2
range = (1..n)
(1..n).each do |a|
b = ((total - a) / (a * 1.0 + 1.0))
if b == b.to_i && b <= n
return res
but can't understand how it works. I understand the equation behind the total.
You could form a equation
a * b = (sum of sequence from 1 to n) - (a + b)
from this statement
the product of a and b should be equal to the sum of all numbers in
the sequence, excluding a and b
sum of sequence from 1 to n (denote as total) = n(n+1)/2 = (n*n + n) / 2
Reorder above equation, you get
b = (total - a) / (a + 1)
The remaining work is to test if there exist integer a and b matching this equation
The code returns an array of all pairs of numbers in the sequence that have the desired property. Let's step through it.
Initialize the array to be returned.
res = []
Compute the sum of the elements in the sequence. The sum of the elements of any arithmetic sequence equals the first element plus the last element, multiplied by the number of elements in the sequence, the product divided by 2. Here that is total = n*(1+n)/2, which can be expressed as
total = (n*n + n) / 2
range = (1..n) is unnecessary as range is not subsequently referenced.
Loop through the elements of the sequence
(1..n).each do |a|
For each value of a we seek another element of the sequence b such that
a*b = total - a - b
Solving for b:
b = (total - a)/ (a * 1.0 + 1.0)
If b is in the range, save the pair [a, b]
if b == b.to_i && b <= n
Return the array res
This method contains two errors:
If [a,b] is added to res, it will be added twice
[a,a] could be added to res (such as n=5, a=b=3)
I would write this as follows.
def remove_numbers(n)
total = n*(n+1)/2
(1..n-1).each_with_object([]) do |a,res|
next unless (total-a) % (a+1) == 0
b = (total-a)/(a+1)
res << [a,b] if (a+1..n).cover?(b)
For example,
remove_numbers 10
#=> [[6, 7]]
remove_numbers 1000
#=> []
Out of cursiosity:
(2..10_000).map { |x| [x, remove_numbers(x).size] }.max_by(&:last)
#=> [3482, 4]
remove_numbers 3482
#=> [[1770, 3423], [2023, 2995], [2353, 2575], [2460, 2463]]

Corrects sequences of parenthesis

Corrects sequences of parentesis can be defined recursively:
The empty string "" is a correct sequence.
If "X" and "Y" are correct sequences, then "XY" (the concatenation of
X and Y) is a correct sequence.
If "X" is a correct sequence, then "(X)" is a correct sequence.
Each correct parentheses sequence can be derived using the above
Given two strings s1 and s2. Each character in these strings is a parenthesis, but the strings themselves are not necessarily correct sequences of parentheses.
You would like to interleave the two sequences so that they will form a correct parentheses sequence. Note that sometimes two different ways of interleaving the two sequences will produce the same final sequence of characters. Even if that happens, we count each of the ways separately.
Compute and return the number of different ways to produce a correct parentheses sequence, modulo 10^9 + 7.
Example s1 = (() and s2 = ())
corrects sequences of parentheses, s1 (red) and s2(blue)
I don't understand the recursive algorithm, what does X and Y mean? And modulo 10^9 + 7?
First, I tried defining all permutations of s1 and s2 and then calculate the number of balanced parentheses. But that way is wrong, isn't it?
class InterleavingParenthesis:
def countWays(self, s1, s2):
sequences = list(self.__exchange(list(s1 + s2)))
corrects = 0
for sequence in sequences:
if self.__isCorrect(sequence):
corrects += 1
def __isCorrect(self, sequence):
s = Stack()
balanced = True
i = 0
while i < len(sequence) and balanced:
if '(' == sequence[i]:
elif s.isEmpty():
balanced = False
else: s.remove()
i += 1
if s.isEmpty() and balanced: return True
else: return False
def __exchange(self, s):
if len(s) <= 0: yield s
for i in range(len(s)):
for p in self.__exchange(s[:i] + s[i + 1:]):
yield [s[i]] + p
class Stack:
def __init__(self):
self.items = []
def stack(self, data):
def remove(self):
def isEmpty(self):
return self.items == []
Here's an example that shows how this recursive property works:
Start with:
X = "()()(())"
Through property 2, we break this into further X and Y:
X = "()" ; Y = "()(())"
For X, we can look at the insides with property 3.
X = ""
Because of property 1, we know this is valid.
For Y, we use property 2 again:
X = "()"
Y = "(())"
Using the same recursion as before (property 2, then property 1) we know that X is valid. Note that in code, you usually have to go through the same process, I'm just saving time for humans. For Y, you use property 3:
X = "()"
And again.. :
X = ""
And with property 1, you know this is valid.
Because all sub-parts of "()()(())" are valid, "()()(())" is valid. That's an example of recursion: You keep breaking things down into smaller problems until they are solvable. In code, you would have the function call itself with regards to a smaller part of it, in your case, X and Y.
As for the question you were given, there is a bit that doesn't make sense to me. I don't get how there is any room for doubt in any string of parentheses, like in the image you linked. In "((()())())" for example, there is no way these two parentheses do not match up: "((()())())". Therefore my answer would be that there is only one permutation for every valid string of parentheses, but this obviously is wrong somehow.
Could you or anyone else expand on this?

I don't understand this method

I'm a beginner in Ruby and I don't understand what this code is doing, could you explain it to me, please?
def a(n)
s = 0
for i in 0..n-1
s += i
def defines a method. Methods can be used to run the same code on different values. For example, lets say you wanted to get the square of a number:
def square(n)
n * n
Now I can do that with different values and I don't have to repeat n * n:
square(1) # => 1
square(2) # => 4
square(3) # => 9
= is an assignment.
s = 0 basically says, behind the name s, there is now a zero.
0..n-1 - constructs a range that holds all numbers between 0 and n - 1. For example:
puts (0..3).to_a
# 0
# 1
# 2
# 3
for assigns i each consecutive value of the range. It loops through all values. So first i is 0, then 1, then ... n - 1.
s += i is a shorthand for s = s + i. In other words, increments the existing value of s by i on each iteration.
The s at the end just says that the method (remember the thing we opened with def) will give you back the value of s. In other words - the sum we accumulated so far.
There is your programming lesson in 5 minutes.
This example isn't idiomatic Ruby code even if it is syntactically valid. Ruby hardly ever uses the for construct, iterators are more flexible. This might seem strange if you come from another language background where for is the backbone of many programs.
In any case, the program breaks down to this:
# Define a method called a which takes an argument n
def a(n)
# Assign 0 to the local variable s
s = 0
# For each value i in the range 0 through n minus one...
for i in 0..n-1
# ...add that value to s.
s += i
# The result of this method is s, the sum of those values.
The more Ruby way of expressing this is to use times:
def a(n)
s = 0
# Repeat this block n times, and in each iteration i will represent
# a value in the range 0 to n-1 in order.
n.times do |i|
s += i
That's just addressing the for issue. Already the code is more readable, mind you, where it's n.times do something. The do ... end block represents a chunk of code that's used for each iteration. Ruby blocks might be a little bewildering at first but understanding them is absolutely essential to being effective in Ruby.
Taking this one step further:
def a(n)
# For each element i in the range 0 to n-1...
(0..n-1).reduce |sum, i|
# ...add i to the sum and use that as the sum in the next round.
sum + i
The reduce method is one of the simple tools in Ruby that's quite potent if used effectively. It allows you to quickly spin through lists of things and compact them down to a single value, hence the name. It's also known as inject which is just an alias for the same thing.
You can also use short-hand for this:
def a(n)
# For each element in the range 0 to n-1, combine them with +
# and return that as the result of this method.
Where here &:+ is shorthand for { |a,b| a + b }, just as &:x would be short for { |a,b| a.x(b) }.
As you are a beginner in Ruby, let's start from the small slices.
0..n-1 => [0, n-1]. E.g. 0..3 => 0, 1, 2, 3 => [0, 3]
for i in 0.. n-1 => this is a for loop. i traverses [0, n-1].
s += i is same as s = s + i
So. Method a(n) initializes s = 0 then in the for loop i traverse [0, n - 1] and s = s + i
At the end of this method there is an s. Ruby omits key words return. so you can see it as return s
def a(n)
s = 0
for i in 0..n-1
s += i
is same as
def a(n)
s = 0
for i in 0..n-1
s = s + i
return s
a(4) = 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 6
Hope this is helpful.
The method a(n) calculates the sums of the first n natural numbers.
when n=4, then s = 0+1+2+3 = 6
Let's go symbol by symbol!
def a(n)
This is the start of a function definition, and you're defining the function a that takes a single parameter, n - all typical software stuff. Notably, you can define a function on other things, too:
foo = "foo"
end # "bar"
"foo".bar # NoMethodError
Next line:
s = 0
In this line, you're both declaring the variable s, and setting it's initial value to 0. Also typical programming stuff.
Notably, the value of the entire expression; s = 0, is the value of s after the assignment:
s = 0
r = t = s += 1 # You can think: r = (t = (s += 1) )
# r and t are now 1
Next line:
for i in 0..n-1
This is starting a loop; specifically a for ... in ... loop. This one a little harder to unpack, but the entire statement is basically: "for each integer between 0 and n-1, assign that number to i and then do something". In fact, in Ruby, another way to write this line is:
(0..n-1).each do |i|
This line and your line are exactly the same.
For single line loops, you can use { and } instead of do and end:
(0..n-1).each{|i| s += i }
This line and your for loop are exactly the same.
(0..n-1) is a range. Ranges are super fun! You can use a lot of things to make up a range, particularly, time:
(, 1, 1)) # Now, until Jan 1st in 2017
You can also change the "step size", so that instead of every integer, it's, say, every 1/10:
(0..5).step(0.1).to_a # [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, ...]
Also, you can make the range exclude the last value:
(0..5).to_a # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
(0...5).to_a # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Next line!
s += i
Usually read aloud a "plus-equals". It's literally the same as: s = s + 1. AFAIK, almost every operator in Ruby can be paired up this way:
s = 5
s -= 2 # 3
s *= 4 # 12
s /= 2 # 6
s %= 4 # 2
# etc
Final lines (we'll take these as a group):
The "blocks" (groups of code) that are started by def and for need to be ended, that's what you're doing here.
But also!
Everything in Ruby has a value. Every expression has a value (including assignment, as you saw with line 2), and every block of code. The default value of a block is the value of the last expression in that block.
For your function, the last expression is simply s, and so the value of the expression is the value of s, after all is said and done. This is literally the same as:
return s
For the loop, it's weirder - it ends up being the evaluated range.
This example may make it clearer:
n = 5
s = 0
x = for i in (0..n-1)
s += i
# x is (0..4)
To recap, another way to write you function is:
def a(n)
s = 0
(0..n-1).each{ |i| s = s + i }
return s

implement shell sort by ruby

I try to implement shell sort by ruby.
def shell_sort(list)
d = list.length
return -1 if d == 0
(0...list.length).each do |i|
d = d / 2
puts "d:#{d}"
(0...(list.length-d)).each do |j|
if list[j] >= list[j+d]
list[j], list[j+d] = list[j+d], list[j]
puts list.inspect
break if d == 1
puts shell_sort([10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]).inspect
but the result is incorrect.
=>[2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6, 8, 9, 10]
I don't know where going wrong, hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance!
I referenced Shell Sort in here : Shell Sort - Wikepedia, and from that I have understood your algorithm is wrong. Iteration of gap sequence is alright, I mean you iterate only upto d/2 == 1.
But for a gap, let's say 2, you simply iterate from 0 to list.length-2 and swap every j and j+2 elements if list[j] is greater than list[j+2]. That isn't even a proper insertion sort, and Shell Sort requires Insertion sorts on gaps. Also Shell Sort requires that after you do an x gap sort, every xth element, starting from anywhere will be sorted (see the example run on the link and you can verify yourself).
A case where it can wrong in a 2 gap sort pass :
list = 5,4,3,2,1
j = 0 passed :
list = 3,4,5,2,1
j = 1 passed :
list = 3,2,5,4,1
j = 2 passed
list = 3,2,1,4,5
After it completes, you can see that every 2nd element starting from 0 isn't in a sorted order. I suggest that you learn Insertion Sort first, then understand where and how it is used in Shell Sort, and try again, if you want to do it by yourself.
Anyway, I have written one (save it for later if you want) taking your method as a base, with a lot of comments. Hope you get the idea through this. Also tried to make the outputs clarify the how the algorithm works.
def shell_sort(list)
d = list.length
return -1 if d == 0
# You select and iterate over your gap sequence here.
until d/2 == 0 do
d = d / 2
# Now you pick up an index i, and make sure every dth element,
# starting from i is sorted.
# i = 0
# while i < list.length do
0.step(list.length) do |i|
# Okay we picked up index i. Now it's just plain insertion sort.
# Only difference is that we take elements with constant gap,
# rather than taking them up serially.
# igap = i + d
# while igap < list.length do
(i+d).step(list.length-1, d) do |igap|
# Just like insertion sort, we take up the last most value.
# So that we can shift values greater than list[igap] to its side,
# and assign it to a proper position we find for it later.
temp = list[igap]
j = igap
while j >= i do
break if list[j] >= list[j - d]
list[j] = list[j-d]
j -= d
# Okay this is where it belongs.
list[j] = temp
#igap += d
# i += 1
puts "#{d} sort done, the list now : "
puts list.inspect
list = [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]
puts "List before sort : "
puts list.inspect
puts "Sorted list : "
puts list.inspect
I think your algorithm needs a little tweaking.
The reason it fails is simply because on the last run (when d == 1) the smallest element (1) isn't near enough the first element to swap it in in one go.
The easiest way to make it work is to "restart" your inner loop whenever elements switch places. So, a little bit rough solution would be something like
(0...(list.length-d)).each do |j|
if list[j] >= list[j+d]
list[j], list[j+d] = list[j+d], list[j]
d *= 2
This solution is of course far from optimal, but should achieve required results with as little code as possible.
You should just do a last run on array. To simplify your code I extracted exchange part into standalone fucntion so you could see now where you should do this:
def exchange e, list
(0...(list.length-e)).each do |j|
if list[j] >= list[j+e]
list[j], list[j+e] = list[j+e], list[j]
def shell_sort(list)
d = list.length
return -1 if d == 0
(0...list.length).each do |i|
d = d / 2
puts "d:#{d}"
exchange(d, list)
puts list.inspect
if d == 1
exchange(d, list)
arr = [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]
p shell_sort(arr)
#> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

Simple recursion problem

I'm taking my first steps into recursion and dynamic programming and have a question about forming subproblems to model the recursion.
How many different ways are there to
flip a fair coin 5 times and not have
three or more heads in a row?
If some could put up some heavily commented code (Ruby preferred but not essential) to help me get there. I am not a student if that matters, this is a modification of a Project Euler problem to make it very simple for me to grasp. I just need to get the hang of writing recursion formulas.
If you would like to abstract the problem into how many different ways are there to flip a fair coin Y times and not have Z or more heads in a row, that may be beneficial as well. Thanks again, this website rocks.
You can simply create a formula for that:
The number of ways to flip a coin 5 times without having 3 heads in a row is equal to the number of combinations of 5 coin flips minus the combinations with at least three heads in a row. In this case:
HHH-- (4 combinations)
THHH- (2 combinations)
TTHHH (1 combination)
The total number of combinations = 2^5 = 32. And 32 - 7 = 25.
If we flip a coin N times without Q heads in a row, the total amount is 2^N and the amount with at least Q heads is 2^(N-Q+1)-1. So the general answer is:
Flip(N,Q) = 2^N - 2^(N-Q+1) +1
Of course you can use recursion to simulate the total amount:
flipme: N x N -> N
flipme(flipsleft, maxhead) = flip(flipsleft, maxhead, 0)
flip: N x N x N -> N
flip(flipsleft, maxhead, headcount) ==
if flipsleft <= 0 then 0
else if maxhead<=headcount then 0
flip(flipsleft - 1, maxhead, headcount+1) + // head
flip(flipsleft - 1, maxhead, maxhead) // tail
Here's my solution in Ruby
def combination(length=5)
return [[]] if length == 0
combination(length-1).collect {|c| [:h] + c if c[0..1]!= [:h,:h]}.compact +
combination(length-1).collect {|c| [:t] + c }
puts "There are #{combination.length} ways"
All recursive methods start with an early out for the end case.
return [[]] if length == 0
This returns an array of combinations, where the only combination of zero length is []
The next bit (simplified) is...
combination(length-1).collect {|c| [:h] + c } +
combination(length-1).collect {|c| [:t] + c }
So.. this says.. I want all combinations that are one shorter than the desired length with a :head added to each of them... plus all the combinations that are one shorter with a tail added to them.
The way to think about recursion is.. "assuming I had a method to do the n-1 case.. what would I have to add to make it cover the n case". To me it feels like proof by induction.
This code would generate all combinations of heads and tails up to the given length.
We don't want ones that have :h :h :h. That can only happen where we have :h :h and we are adding a :h. So... I put an if c[0..1] != [:h,:h] on the adding of the :h so it will return nil instead of an array when it was about to make an invalid combination.
I then had to compact the result to ignore all results that are just nil
Isn't this a matter of taking all possible 5 bit sequences and removing the cases where there are three sequential 1 bits (assuming 1 = heads, 0 = tails)?
Here's one way to do it in Python:
#This will hold all possible combinations of flipping the coins.
flips = [[]]
for i in range(5):
#Loop through the existing permutations, and add either 'h' or 't'
#to the end.
for j in range(len(flips)):
f = flips[j]
tails = list(f)
#Now count how many of the permutations match our criteria.
fewEnoughHeadsCount = 0
for flip in flips:
hCount = 0
hasTooManyHeads = False
for c in flip:
if c == 'h': hCount += 1
else: hCount = 0
if hCount >= 3: hasTooManyHeads = True
if not hasTooManyHeads: fewEnoughHeadsCount += 1
print 'There are %s ways.' % fewEnoughHeadsCount
This breaks down to:
How many ways are there to flip a fair coin four times when the first flip was heads + when the first flip was tails:
So in python:
HEADS = "1"
TAILS = "0"
def threeOrMoreHeadsInARow(bits):
return "111" in bits
def flip(n = 5, flips = ""):
if threeOrMoreHeadsInARow(flips):
return 0
if n == 0:
return 1
return flip(n - 1, flips + HEADS) + flip(n - 1, flips + TAILS)
Here's a recursive combination function using Ruby yield statements:
def combinations(values, n)
yield []
combinations(values, n - 1) do |combo_tail|
values.each do |value|
yield [value] + combo_tail
And you could use regular expressions to parse out three heads in a row:
def three_heads_in_a_row(s)
([/hhh../, /.hhh./, /..hhh/].collect {|pat| pat.match(s)}).any?
Finally, you would get the answer using something like this:
total_count = 0
filter_count = 0
combinations(["h", "t"], 5) do |combo|
count += 1
unless three_heads_in_a_row(combo.join)
filter_count += 1
puts "TOTAL: #{ total_count }"
puts "FILTERED: #{ filter_count }"
So that's how I would do it :)
