set docker-machine variables using a bash script - bash

I have a script like so:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
eval $(docker-machine env default)
The goal is to automate the setting of variables like
But when I check afterwards, the variables are not set. This is not the case if I run each export command manually. What am I doing wrong?

export makes variables available only to the active shell session. If you want them to persist through sessions, you must add them to your bash profile:
docker-machine env default >> ~/.bash_profile
This way, the variables will be available in all future shell sessions. Make sure to restart the shell after executing the command.

If you want the environment set in your current shell you need to "source" the script rather than run it.
When you run a script, the variables will be set in the child bash processes environment and will not exist once that script/process dies.
$ ./
DOCKER_HOST is tcp://
$ echo "[$DOCKER_HOST]"
When you source a script, the variables will be set in your current environment
$ .
DOCKER_HOST is tcp://
$ echo "[$DOCKER_HOST]"


Setting enviroment variable of the container through bash script is not working

I'm trying to set a enviroment variable of a docker container through bash script.
CMD ["/bin/bash", "-c","source"]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export "foo"="bar"
Now after pushing it when I go inside the container and do printenv, it is not setting up enviroment variable.
But if I run the same command inside the container, env variable is getting set up.
What's the correct way I can export using bash script?
it is not setting up enviroment variable
It's setting the environment for the duration of CMD build stage. Sure, it has no effect on anything else - the shell run at CMD stage is then exiting. See dockerfile documentation.
What's the correct way I can export using bash script?
There is no correct way. The correct way to affect the environment, is to use ENV.
There is a workaround in contexts that use entrypoint - you can set entrypoint to a shell (or a custom process) that will first source the variables.
ENTRYPOINT ["bash", "-c", "source && \"$#\"", "--"]

Where can I store variables and values for current Unix user so that I can use them in SSH and scripts?

I have some variables I use quite frequently to configure and tweak my Ubuntu LAMP server stack but I'm getting tired of having to copy and paste the export command into my SSH window to register the variable and its value.
Essentially I would like to keep my variables and their values in a file inside the user profiles home directory so when I type a command into a SSH window or execute a bash script the variables can be easily used. I don't want to set any system-wide variables as some of these variables are for setting passwords etc.
What's the easiest way of doing this?
So essentially I could store the variables and values in a file and then each time I login into a SSH session I call this file up once to setup the variables?
cat <<"EOF" >> ~/my_variables
export foo='bar'
export hello="world"
$ source ~/my_variables
$ echo "$foo"
$ bar
and then to call the variable from within a script I place source ~/my_variables at the top of the script?
source ~/my_variables
echo "$hello"
Just add your export commands to a file and then run source <the-file> (or . <the-file> for non-bash shells) in your SSH session.

Why exporting env var in bash script does not affect env?

I want to set env variable in shell script. Shell script content is:
I tried both bash bin/enable_debug and bin/enable_debug. After both command I get:
However if I run export XDEBUG_CONFIG="idekey=PHPSTORM" directly in cli it works. What's wrong with my method?
You can try running your script as below:
. bin/enable_debug
source bin/enable_debug
as indicated by #Aserre

How to Set docker container ip to environment variable dynamically on startup?

I want to export docker container hostname as an environment variable which I can later use in my app. In my docker file I call my script "run" as last command
CMD run
The run file is executable and works fine with rest of commands I perform but before them I want to export container hostname to an env. variable as follows
"run" File Try 1
export DOCKER_MACHINE_IP=`hostname -i`
exec tail -f /dev/null
But when I enter docker container and check, the variable is not set. If I use
in run file after exporting, it shows ip on console when I try
docker logs
I also tried sourcing another script from "run" file as follows
"run" File Try 2
source ./bin/script
exec tail -f /dev/null
and the script again contains the export command. But this also does not set the environment variable. What I am doing wrong?
When you execute a script, any environment variable set by that script will be lost when the script exits.
But for both the cases you've posted above the environment variable should be accessible for the commands in your scripts, but when you enter the docker container via docker run you will get a new shell, which does not contain your variable.
tl;dr Your exported environment variable will only be available to sub shells of the shell which set the variable. And if you need it when logging in you should source the ./bin/script file.

Mac Docker Machine ZSH shell set env variable not applying

I am running Docker Machine on Mac.
docker-machine version 0.6.0, build e27fb87
In my shell I have done
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://docker.local:2375
Restarted the machine
When I do
docker-machine env
These do not seem to have been set. I am using the ZSH shell, could this be an issue?
docker-machine env
export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://"
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH="/Users/ciaran/.docker/machine/machines/default"
export DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME="default"
When you run docker-machine env it will show the variables that are needed in order to connect to the default machine. It has nothing to do with the variables in the current shell, and will not set any variables in your shell.
To see the current docker variables in your shell, you can run
$ env | grep DOCKER
If you want to set your shell ENV variables to the ones in docker-machine env, you will need to either copy and paste the output of docker-machine env, or eval the output like this.
$ eval $(docker-machine env <machine name>)
That will set the variables in your shell. This command is actually given to you when you run docker-machine env look at the end of the output.
To confirm it worked, check the shell again.
$ env | grep DOCKER
