non-binary tree search and insertion - algorithm

I searched a bit but haven't found the answer to this question..
I built a non-binary tree, so each node can have any number of children (called n-ary tree i think)
To help with searching, I gave every node a number when i built the tree, so that every node's child nodes will be bigger, and all the node to the right of the it will be bigger as well.
something like this:
This way I get logn time for search
The problem comes when I want to insert nodes. This model would not work if I want to insert nodes anywhere but the end.
I thought of a few ways to do it,
insert the new nodes at the desired location, then update the number of all the nodes "behind" it.
instead of using a single number to represent each node, use an array of numbers. The numbers in the array will represent its location on that specific level. For example, node 1 will be {0}. Node 9 will be {0,2}. Node 7 will be {0, 0, 1, 2}. Now when inserting, I just need to change the numbers on that level.
forget all the numbering and just compare every node until the correct one is found. Insertion don't need to care about numbers either.
My question is, which way would be better? I'm not sure if using an array of integers to represent each node is very fast.. maybe it is still faster than the first way? Are there other ways of going about this?
Thank you in advance.

I gather that the problem you have is to assign a unique identifier to each node in such a way that you can find the node given its unique id in sublinear time.
This is not usually a problem for transient (in-memory) data structures, because typical tree implementations never move a node in memory (until it is deleted). That lets you use the address of the node as a unique identifier, which provides O(1) access. Languages other than C dress this up in an object like a tree iterator or node reference, but under the hood the principle is the same.
However, there are times when you really need to be able to attach a fixed-for-all-time identifier to a tree node, in a way which will be resilient against, for example, persisting the tree to permanent storage and then reserializing it in a different executable image.
One well-known hack is to use floating-point ids. When a new node is inserted, its id is assigned to be the average of its immediate neighbours. For the purpose of this computation, we pretend that there is a node on the left of the tree with id 0.0 and a node to the right with id 1.0, so every node has two neighbours, even if it is the new left- or right-most node. In particular, the root node is given the id 0.5, which is the average of the 0.0 and 1.0 imaginary boundary nodes.
Unfortunately, floating point precision is not infinite, and this hack works best if insertions are always at random places in the tree. If you insert all the nodes at the end, you will rapidly exhaust the floating point precision. You could periodically renumber all the nodes, but that defeats the purpose of having a permanent unchanging unique node id. (For some problem domains, it's acceptable, though.)
Of course, you don't really have to use floating point. A double on standard architecture has 53 bits of precision, which is plenty if your insertions are stochastic and very little if you always insert at the same place; you can use all 64 bits of an unsigned 64-bit integer by (conceptually) locating a fixed binary point prior to the high-order bit. The average computation works the same, except that you need to special case the computation with the 1.0 value.
This is essentially the same as your idea of labelling the nodes with a vector of indices. That scheme has the advantage of never running out of precision, and the disadvantage that the vectors can get quite long. You could also use a hybrid solution where you start a new level only when you run out of precision with the current level.


B-tree insertion: during the descend in the tree, Why we split every node with 2t-1 elements?

In B-tree insertion algorithm, I see that in order to solve the case in which we need to insert an element to a leaf with 2t-1 elements, we need to do split algorithm to the tree. Something I don't understand is why in the insertion algorithm during the descend in the tree (to the willing point) we split every node with 2t-1 elements, even though I seems useless. for example
I understand that there is a case in which couple of nodes above the leaf got 2t-1 elements, and in case we want move the median to them we face problem, but why not to give pinpoint solution for that, instead of doing split every time.
correct me if I say something wrong.
We split the full nodes on the way down to the target position because we don't know if we will need to "go back up." You can do it the way you are thinking, where we go down to the target node, split it, and then insert the median of the split into the parent, recursively splitting nodes as needed. But this requires us to go from the root, down to the target, and back up, potentially all the way to the root again. This might be undesirable, e.g. if accessing the nodes twice would be too expensive. In that case, it may be better to go in one pass straight down, where you split any full nodes to anticipate the need for more space.
For a demonstration, you can try inserting 10 into the trees in the middle and on the bottom of your drawing. The tree on the bottom, unsplit, needs to be split all the way to the root in the same way as the middle tree, because the two-pass algorithm didn't leave any space. In the middle tree, inserting 10 still causes a split, but it doesn't extend all the way up because the top two layers of the tree are very spacious.
There is an important caveat, though. Let t be the minimum number of children per node. For the two pass algorithm, the maximum number of children a node can have needs to be at least u = 2t - 1. If it is less, like 2t - 2, then splitting a full node (2t - 3 elements), even with the additional element to insert, will not be able to make two non-deficient nodes. The one pass algorithm requires a higher maximum, u = 2t. This is because the two-pass algorithm always has an element on hand to cancel exactly one deficiency. The one-pass algorithm does not have this ability, as it sometimes splits nodes unnecessarily, so it can't stick the element it's holding into one of the deficiencies. It might not belong there.
I've implemented B-trees several times, and have never split nodes on the way down.
Usually I do insert recursively, such that node->insert(key,data) can return a new key to insert in the parent. The parent calls insert on the child node, and if the child splits it returns a new key to the parent. If the parent splits then it returns the a key to it's parent, etc.
I've found that the insert implementation can stay pretty clean this way.

Implementing the Rope data structure using binary search trees (splay trees)

In a standard implementation of the Rope data structure using splay trees, the nodes would be ordered according to a rank statistic measuring the position of each one from the start of the string, so the keys normally found in binary search tree would be irrelevant, would they not?
I ask because the keys shown in the graphic below (thanks Wikipedia!) are letters, which would presumably become non-unique once the number of nodes exceeded the length of the chosen alphabet. Wouldn't it be better to use integers or avoid using keys altogether?
Separately, can anyone point me to a good implementation of the logic to recompute rank statistics after each operation?
Presumably, if the index for a split falls within the substring attached to a particular node, say, between "Hel" and "llo_" on the node E above, you would remove the substring from E, split it and reattach it as two children of E. Correct?
Finally, after a certain number of such operations, the tree could, I suppose, end up with as many leaves as letters. What would be the best way to keep track of that and prune the tree (by combining substrings) as necessary?
For what it's worth, you can implement a Rope using Splay Trees by attaching a substring to each node of the binary search tree (not just to the leaf nodes as shown above).
The rank of each node is its size plus the size of its left subtree. But when recomputing ranks during splay operations, you need to remember to walk down the node.left.right branch, too.
If each node records a reference to the substring it represents (cf. the actual substring itself), everything runs faster. That way when a split operation falls within an existing node, you just need to modify the node's attributes to reflect the right part of the substring you want to split, then add another node to represent the left part and merge it with the left subtree.
Done as above, each node records (in addition its left, right and parent attributes etc.) its rank, size (in characters) and the location of the first character it represents in the string you're trying to modify. That way, you never actually modify the initial string: you just do your operations on bits of the tree and reproduce the final string when you're ready by walking it in order.

HRW rendezvous hashing in log time?

The Wikipedia page for Rendezvous hashing (Highest Random Weight "HRW") makes the following claim:
While it might first appear that the HRW algorithm runs in O(n) time, this is not the case. The sites can be organized hierarchically, and HRW applied at each level as one descends the hierarchy, leading to O(log n) running time, as in.[7]
I got a copy of the referenced paper, "Hash-Based Virtual Hierarchies for Scalable Location Service in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks." However the hierarchy referenced in their paper seems to be very specific to their application domain. As far as I can discern, there is no clear indication of how to generalize the method. The Wikipedia remark makes it seem like log is the general case.
I looked at a few general HRW implementations, and none of them seemed to support anything better than linear time. I gave it some thought, but I don't see any way to organize sites hierarchically without causing parent nodes to cause inefficient remapping when they drop out, significantly defeating the main advantage of HRW.
Does anybody know how to do this? Alternatively, is Wikipedia incorrect about there being a general way to implement this in log time?
Edit: Investigating mcdowella's approach:
OK, I think I see how this could work. But you need a little more than you've specified.
If you just do what you've described, you get in a situation where each leaf probably just has either zero or one nodes in it, and there's significant variance in how many nodes are in the leaf-most subtrees. If you swap using HRW at each level with just making the whole thing a regular search tree, you get exactly the same effect. Essentially, you've got an implementation of consistent hashing, along with its flaw of having unequal loading between buckets. Computing the combined weights, the defining implementation of HRW, adds nothing; you're better off just doing a search at each level, since it saves doing the hashes, and can be implemented without looping over each radix value
It's fixable though: you just need to be using HRW to choose from many alternatives at the final level. That is, you need all of the leaf nodes to be in large buckets, comparable to the number of replicas you'd have in consistent hashing. These large buckets should be approximately equally-loaded compared to each other, and then you're using HRW to choose the specific site. Since the bucket sizes are fixed, this is an O(n) algorithm, and we get all of the key HRW properties.
Honestly though, I think this is pretty questionable. It isn't so much an implementation of HRW, as it is just combining HRW with consistent hashing. I guess there's nothing wrong with that, and it might even be better than the usual technique of using replicas, in some cases. But I think it's misleading to state that HRW is log(n), if this is actually what the author meant.
Additionally, the original description is also questionable. You don't need to apply HRW at each level, and you shouldn't, as there is no advantage in doing so; you should do something fast (such as indexing), and just use HRW for the final choice.
Is this really the best we can do, or is there some other way to make HRW O(log(n))?
If you give each site a sufficiently long random id expressed in radix k (perhaps by hashing a non-random id) then you can associate the sites with leaves of a tree which has at most k descendants at each node. There is no need to associate any site with an internal node of the tree.
To work out where to store an item, use HRW to work out from the root of the tree down which way to branch at tree nodes, stopping when you reach a leaf, which is associated with a site. You can do this without having to communicate with any site until you work out which site you want to store the item at - all you need to know is the hashed ids of the sites to construct a tree.
Because sites are associated only with leaves there is no way an internal node of the tree can drop out, except if all of the sites associated with leaves under it drop out, at which point it will become irrelevant.
I don't buy the updated answer. There are two nice properties of HRWs that appear to get lost when you compare the weights of branches instead of all sites.
One is that you can pick the top-n sites instead of just the primary, and these should be randomly distributed. If you're descending into a single tree, the top-n sites will be near each other in the tree. This could be fixed by descending multiple times with different salts but that seems like a lot of extra work.
Two is that it is obvious what happens when a site is added or remove and only 1/|sites| of the data moves in the case of an add. If you modify the existing tree, it only affects the peer site. In the case of an add, the only data that moves is from the new peer of the added site. In the case of a delete, all the data that was at that site now moves to the former peer. If you instead recompute the tree, all of the data could move depending on the way the tree is constructed.
I think you can use the same "virtual node" approach normally used for consistent hashing. Suppose you have N physical nodes with IDs:
Choose V, the number of virtual nodes per physical node, and generate a new list of IDs:
Arrange these into the leaves of a fixed but randomized binary tree with labels on the internal nodes. These internal labels could be, for example, a concatenation of the labels of its child nodes.
To choose a physical node to store an object O at, start at the root and choose the branch with the higher hash H(label,O). Repeat the process until you reach a leaf. Store the object at the physical node corresponding to the virtual node at that leaf. This takes O(log(NV)) = O(log(N)+log(V)) = O(log(N)) steps (since V is constant).
If a physical node fails, the objects at that node are rehashed, skipping over subtrees with no active leaves.
One way to implement HRW rendezvous hashing in log time
One way to implement rendezvous hashing in O(log N), where N is the number of cache nodes:
Each file named F is cached in the cache node named C with the largest weight w(F,C), as is normal in rendezvous hashing.
First, we use a nonstandard hash function w() something like this:
w(F,C) = h(F) xor h(C).
where h() is some good hash function.
tree construction
Given some file named F, rather than calculate w(F,C) for every cache node -- which requires O(N) time for each file --
we pre-calculate a binary tree based only on the hashed names h(C) of the cache nodes;
a tree that lets us find the cache node with the maximum w(F,C) value in O(log N) time for each file.
Each leaf of the tree contains the name C of one cache node.
The root (at depth 0) of the tree points to 2 subtrees.
All the leaves where the most significant bit of h(C) is 0 are in the root's left subtree; all the leaves where the most significant bit of h(C) are 1 are in the root's right subtree.
The two children of the root node (at depth 1) deal with the next-most-significant bit of h(C).
And so on, with the interior nodes at depth D dealing with the D'th-most-significant bit of h(C).
With a good hash function, each step down from the root approximately halves the candidate cache nodes in the chosen subtree,
so we end up with a tree of depth roughly ln_2 N.
(If we end up with a tree with that is "too unbalanced",
somehow get everyone to agree on some different hash function from some universal hashing family rebuild the tree, before we add any files to the cache, until we get a tree that is "not too unbalanced").
Once the tree has been built, we never need to change it no matter how many file names F we later encounter.
We only change it when we add or remove cache nodes from the system.
filename lookup
For a filename F that happens to hash to h(F) = 0 (all zero bits),
we find the cache node with the highest weight (for that filename) by starting at the root and always taking the right subtree when possible.
If that leads us to an interior node that doesn't have a right subtree, then we take its left subtree.
Continue until we reach a node without a left or right subtree -- i.e., a leaf node that contains the name of the selected cache node C.
When looking up some other file named F, first we hash its name to get h(F), then
we start at the root and go right or left respectively (if possible) determined by the next bit in h(F) is 0 or 1.
Since the tree (by construction) is not "too unbalanced",
traversing the whole tree from the root to the leaf that contains the name of the chosen cache node C requires O(ln N) time in the worst case.
We expect that for a typical set of file names,
the hash function h(F) "randomly" chooses left or right at each depth of the tree.
Since the tree (by construction) is not "too unbalanced",
we expect each physical cache node to cache roughly the same number of files (within a multiple of 4 or so).
drop out effects
When some physical cache node fails,
everyone deletes the corresponding leaf node from their copy of this tree.
(Everyone also deletes every interior node that then has no leaf descendants).
This doesn't require moving around any files cached on any other cache node -- they still map to the same cache node they always did.
(The right-most leaf node in a tree is still the right-most leaf node in that tree, no matter how many other nodes in that tree are deleted).
For example,
/ \
| |
/ / \
| X |
/ \ / \
With this O(log N) algorithm, when cache node X dies, leaf X is deleted from the tree, and all its files become (hopefully relatively evenly) distributed between Y and Z -- none of the files from X end up at V or W or any other cache node.
All the files that previously went to cache nodes V, W, Y, Z continue to go to those same cache nodes.
rebalancing after dropout
Many cache nodes failing or new cache nodes adding or both, may make the tree "too unbalanced".
Picking a new hash function is a big hassle after we've added a bunch of files to the cache, so rather than pick a new hash function like we did when initially constructing the tree, maybe it would be better to somehow rebalance the tree by remove a few nodes, rename them with some new semi-random names, and then add them back to the system.
Repeat until the system is no longer "too unbalanced".
(Start with the most unbalanced nodes -- the nodes cacheing the least amount of data).
I think this may be pretty close to what mcdowella was thinking,
but with more details filled in to clarify that (a) yes, it is log(N) because it's a binary tree that is "not too unbalanced", (b) it doesn't have "replicas", and (c) when one cache node fails, it doesn't require any remapping of files that were not on that cache node.
I'm pretty sure that Wikipedia page is wrong to imply that typical implementations of rendezvous hashing occur in O(log N) time, where N is the number of cache nodes.
It seems to me (and I suspect the original designers of the hash as well) that the time it takes to (internally, without communicating) recalculate a hash against every node in the network is going to be insignificant and not worth worrying about compared to the time it takes to fetch data from some remote cache node.
My understanding is that rendezvous hashing is almost always implemented with a simple linear algorithm that uses O(N) time, where N is the number of cache nodes, every time we get a new filename F and want to choose the cache node for that file.
Such a linear algorithm has the advantage that it can use a "better" hash function than the above xor-based w(), so when some physical cache node dies, all the files that were cached on the now-dead node are expected to become evenly distributed among all the remaining nodes.

What are some good data structures to store a large orderbook?

I'm writing a Bitcoin trader app that is fetching orderbooks from exchanges. A typical orderbook looks like this: (it has two parts, "bids" and "asks", they should be stored separately but in identical data structures). One solution would be to store only part of this large orderbook, that would solve the access efficiency problem, but it introduces a set of other problems that have to do with consistency and update restrictions. So for now, it seems that a better solution is to fetch an orderbook and keep updating it.
Now this trader app later updates this fetched orderbook with new orders and with removed orders. For example, if you have an order at $900 to buy 1.5BTC in an orderbook, it may be cancelled completely or it may be updated to either contain more or less BTC. Also, a new order may be added below or above that price.
There are two critical operations:
quickly find an order with exactly the same price (in the case of
an update or cancelling)
quickly find an order with the price closest to the one provided, but below it
In the case of an update we may not actually know it is an update, so we may start doing (2) and end up doing (1).
I'm not an expert in data structures, so I started looking through most common ones and for now I have a sense it should be some kind of tree, but I'm not sure which one. My most uneducated guess would be a data structure in which each node is a digit in a price, so, for example, to quickly find all nodes with the price of $900 we do items['9']['0'] and then look for leaf nodes. It's still a mess in my head for now, so please don't judge me too harsh. Any advice would be great.
It sounds like you want a simple binary search tree (BST): (well, a self-balancing one)
A binary search tree (BST) is a node-based binary tree data structure which has the following properties:
The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than the node's key.
The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys greater than the node's key.
The left and right subtree each must also be a binary search tree.
There must be no duplicate nodes (an easy constraint to get around though, if need be).
A BST allows you to efficiently do both of your operations - to find an element matching some value, or one where the value is closest, but smaller.
The running time of both of these operations are O(log n), and, more specifically, the number of comparisons are quite close to log2n, which is around 12 for n = 5000, which is pretty much nothing (and there's a bit of work to rebalance the tree, but that should be a similar amount of work).

What invariant do RRB-trees maintain?

Relaxed Radix Balanced Trees (RRB-trees) are a generalization of immutable vectors (used in Clojure and Scala) that have 'effectively constant' indexing and update times. RRB-trees maintain efficient indexing and update but also allow efficient concatenation (log n).
The authors present the data structure in a way that I find hard to follow. I am not quite sure what the invariant is that each node maintains.
In section 2.5, they describe their algorithm. I think they are ensuring that indexing into the node will only ever require e extra steps of linear search after radix searching. I do not understand how they derived their formula for the extra steps, and I think perhaps I'm not sure what each of the variables mean (in particular "a total of p sub-tree branches").
What's how does the RRB-tree concatenation algorithm work?
They do describe an invariant in section 2.4 "However, as mentioned earlier
B-Trees nodes do not facilitate radix searching. Instead we chose
the initial invariant of allowing the node sizes to range between m
and m - 1. This defines a family of balanced trees starting with
well known 2-3 trees, 3-4 trees and (for m=32) 31-32 trees. This
invariant ensures balancing and achieves radix branch search in the
majority of cases. Occasionally a few step linear search is needed
after the radix search to find the correct branch.
The extra steps required increase at the higher levels."
Looking at their formula, it looks like they have worked out the maximum and minimum possible number of values stored in a subtree. The difference between the two is the maximum possible difference between the maximum and minimum number of values underneath a point. If you divide this by the number of values underneath a slot, you have the maximum number of slots you could be off by when you work out which slot to look at to see if it contains the index you are searching for.
#mcdowella is correct that's what they say about relaxed nodes. But if you're splitting and joining nodes, a range from m to m-1 means you will sometimes have to adjust up to m-1 (m-2?) nodes in order to add or remove a single element from a node. This seems horribly inefficient. I think they meant between m and (2 m) - 1 because this allows nodes to be split into 2 when they get too big, or 2 nodes joined into one when they are too small without ever needing to change a third node. So it's a typo that the "2" is missing in "2 m" in the paper. Jean Niklas L’orange's masters thesis backs me up on this.
Furthermore, all strict nodes have the same length which must be a power of 2. The reason for this is an optimization in Rich Hickey's Clojure PersistentVector. Well, I think the important thing is to pack all strict nodes left (more on this later) so you don't have to guess which branch of the tree to descend. But being able to bit-shift and bit-mask instead of divide is a nice bonus. I didn't time the get() operation on a relaxed Scala Vector, but the relaxed Paguro vector is about 10x slower than the strict one. So it makes every effort to be as strict as possible, even producing 2 strict levels if you repeatedly insert at 0.
Their tree also has an even height - all leaf nodes are equal distance from the root. I think it would still work if relaxed trees had to be within, say, one level of one-another, though not sure what that would buy you.
Relaxed nodes can have strict children, but not vice-versa.
Strict nodes must be filled from the left (low-index) without gaps. Any non-full Strict nodes must be on the right-hand (high-index) edge of the tree. All Strict leaf nodes can always be full if you do appends in a focus or tail (more on that below).
You can see most of the invariants by searching for the debugValidate() methods in the Paguro implementation. That's not their paper, but it's mostly based on it. Actually, the "display" variables in the Scala implementation aren't mentioned in the paper either. If you're going to study this stuff, you probably want to start by taking a good look at the Clojure PersistentVector because the RRB Tree has one inside it. The two differences between that and the RRB Tree are 1. the RRB Tree allows "relaxed" nodes and 2. the RRB Tree may have a "focus" instead of a "tail." Both focus and tail are small buffers (maybe the same size as a strict leaf node), the difference being that the focus will probably be localized to whatever area of the vector was last inserted/appended to, while the tail is always at the end (PerSistentVector can only be appended to, never inserted into). These 2 differences are what allow O(log n) arbitrary inserts and removals, plus O(log n) split() and join() operations.
