Autocomplete not working for test files - xcode

Code completion has been a continuing issue for me and lately there's been a new wrinkle. Normally I can just delete the derived data folder and rebuild, sometimes having to exit Xcode, but now I've hit an issue I can't solve.
Auto complete is working in my base project, by that I mean if I'm in a file that is building with the program, code completion works. But if I start writing a test case in a code module that builds with the test target) completion will not work with any of the main target classes or variables.
I have #testable import [target] and it's been working in the past.
The only thing I've done recently is move my repo off my iCloud drive because it was causing Xcode to crash whenever a did a pull onto a local hard drive location.
Is there some location in the project settings that determine where Xcode looks? Is there some hidden cache I need to delete? programming without code completion is a nightmare.
Using the latest 8.2.1 Xcode with all my code in Swift 3.

I have encountered the same problem under Xcode 10.1. The issue seemed to be related to the Build configuration settings of the currently used scheme. Namely, mine were different for the different actions, e.g. Release for the Run action and Debug for the Test action. Changing the build configuration of the Run action to Debug (thus matching the test action one) fixed the issue for me.
Steps I used:
Select your scheme (top left)
Select "Edit scheme"
Make sure the Test and Run actions are using the same build configuration
3.1 If not, select the corresponding action (Test or Run), choose the "Info" tab and change the Configuration from the corresponding picker

I encountered the same problem recently, what I had been trying was:
Cleaning my build folder Alt+Shift+Cmd+K
Building my test target Shift+Cmd+U
I mistakenly believed Xcode 8.2.1 would build my main target, given that it's a #testable import in my unit test classes.
So the steps that worked in the end were:
Cleaning my build folder Alt+Shift+Cmd+K
Building my main target Cmd+B
Building my test target Shift+Cmd+U
After which both the code completion and syntax highlighting return as expected.


ResearchKit.framework error: Image not found

I have an Objective-C app I wrote roughly 12 months ago, with the iOS Deployment target set to 12.1 . I added the ResearchKit framework to it, and during the time of development the app was working fine. What I do remember is that it only worked on an actual device and not on the simulator.
A year later Im back to make changes, using Xcode 11, and am now getting a familiar error, solution to which I cannot figure out. This is both on real device and simulator.
I have done all that is required to add the library. See attached images below:
TARGETS -> General Tab
TARGETS -> Build Phases
Attempting to run on an iOS 12 device fails too. Is there something I'm missing?
I ended up removing the pre-build Research.framework and adding the full Project instead:
Remove the Pre-built ResearchKit.framework file, select Move to Trash when prompted.
Make sure the ResearchKit project is closed (if it's open it wont be added as a project but as a file)
Drag and drop the ResearchKit.xcodeproj project file, into destination project. After this make sure the ResearchKit project has its files under it.
Go to Main project file of your project (not ResearchKit) and select your Target.
Make sure ResearchKit.framework is listed under Embed Frameworks. If not, then add it by selecting the + button and selecting it from the list. If it is not on that list then build the ResearchKit project to create the .framework file.
Under the same Target, go to Build Phases, and make sure ResearchKit.Framework is added under Link Binary with Libraries, and also under Embed Frameworks. If not then add it where absent.
Build and run.
There may be better ways to resolve the issue, but for now this works for me to run the App. App now runs on simulator. However, an initial build takes up-to a minute because the ResearchKit project it pretty big.
Update: I later figured out that the reason why I was encountering the 'Image not found' error is that I was trying to run on simulator while the ResearchKit framework had been build to target arm64 (real device). You will have the same issue the other way around (attempting to run on device-arm64 while app was build for simulator).
So how do the above steps fix this? That fixes the issue because by having the ResearchKit project files included you get to build everything for the currently selected architecture, whether device, or simulator. Happy coding.

How do I stop Xcode 9 from continuously building or at least make it not run build scripts?

After migrating to Xcode 9, I noticed that it constantly fully builds my project. I found that it is somehow related to the "show live issues" setting. Disabling that setting stops builds, but it makes development inconvenient.
I would like to disable this continuous build loop, or make it work without launching all build scripts.
My custom build scripts contain linting and formatting, so what happens is, I try to edit a file, but Xcode starts building, thus launching the formatting routine that changes exactly the same file I am trying to edit.
Open any .storyboard file in your project and go to the Editor menu, uncheck 'Automatically Refresh Views'.
After upgrading the Xcode version to Xcode 9.0, I also faced a similar issue and my CPU usage was jumping upto 50% just because of Xcode. However I could solve it by following the steps below.
In the Toolbar go to:
File -> Project Settings / Workspace settings change Build System to Standard Build Settings under Shared Workspace Settings. Also under Per-User workspace Setting change Build System to Standard Build System.
The release notes also say the following.
"Xcode 9 includes a new build system written from scratch in Swift. It
is designed for higher reliability, and it catches project
configuration problems that the standard build system does not. The
performance of the build system (not including compilers, linkers, and
other build tools) has been dramatically improved."
So there could be a possibility that there are still bugs in the new build system.

Issue in using "New Build System (Preview)" new feature Xcode 9 Swift 4

In Xcode 9 “New Build System (Preview)” option in Build setting (as in the image shown below) has been introduced and it is used for improving build times for the projects as stated in the WWDC session(
It works fine for new projects which I created in Xcode 9 recently.
But it doesn’t work for my older projects(big ones), And I found the following similar kind of issue log for most of the projects
error: unable to build node:
(node is produced by multiple commands; e.g.,
How to resolve this issue ?
I had the same problem, search for .plist files in the "Copy Bundle Resources" phase, there shouldn't be any plist file there, in my case this was preventing the new build system to build.
I know this is solved, but mine was a different cause. I had two 3rd party SDKs that had simple text files with the same name (LICENSE). This was probably just a warning in the old build system.
I just removed one of the files from the target and everything works again.

Define schemes in an xcode phonegap project from terminal

I'm writing a script to archive the iOS portion of a phonegap project. The script wipes the directory that the project is in and then repopulates it using the latest code from source control. I then run$ phonegap local build ios in order to build the project. However in order to archive the project I need its schemes to be defined. I have tried building the project from the command line but I get the message ** BUILD FAILED **. As of right now I have the code open the xcode project (the only way that I've found to get the schemes defined) and then sleep for 30 second while I wait for xcode to work its magic. My question is how can I either simulate opening xcode or otherwise define the scheme from the command line.
Thanks in advance for any help.
This is a completely fair question given that Xcode schemes are somewhat less than thoroughly documented and schemes have this feeling of being somewhat magical until you see how they hook into the build process as a whole.
Based on the workarounds you are seeking, it sounds as though you need to promote a scheme to being "Shared" so that automated tools (or other developers) do not have to first open your project and wait for Xcode to auto-generate the default scheme. This is an entirely normal 'ask' from developers trying to make their Xcode projects work with Continuous Integration systems or with other command line tools acting on an Xcode 4 or Xcode 5 project. The great news is that there are Xcode-native ways to configure your project without having to resort to messy or error prone workarounds.
TL;DR Version:
The default Xcode behavior for schemes is to treat them as a developer-specific setting and not share with other developers or tools. We need to promote your project's scheme to being 'Shared' and commit those changes to your version control system:
Start with a clean checkout of your project.
Navigate Xcode's Menus: Product > Scheme > Manage Schemes... menu option
Uncheck 'Autocreate Schemes' in the upper left corner of the scheme sheet,
Check the 'Shared' checkbox next to the scheme that should be made available to all developer users and build systems.
Finally commit all project changes back to your version control system.
This will make a single Scheme shared across all developer using this project, regardless of OS X username and make it such that unattended builds via xcodebuild or the build tool of choice will have a scheme to work with.
...And now, on to the the longer answer for the curious
First a bit of background before we dive into your direct questions:
Target: The app, static library, bundle, or more generally the 'product' constructed from the source code, assets, plists, build settings, and other files contained within the project. This 'product' is generated when a build operation is invoked either via Xcode's "Run" button or via the command line tool xcodebuild
Build Configuration: A named set of build settings that can be identified by a human-readable label. By default, all Xcode projects start with a "Debug" configuration that generates build targets with the greatest amount of transparency aiding developers in debugging their applications and a "Release" configuration that strips the resulting build of this diagnostic information and optimizes the build to reduce its size. Some developers elect to create additional configurations based on their team's needs: "Ad-Hoc" might be created so that the Signing Identity and Provisioning Profile settings can be changed for code signing the app for installation via an Ad-Hoc provisioning profile. "AppStore" or "Distribution" are other common custom Build Configurations one might see in other projects.
Action: A set of related activities supporting different phases involved in the development, diagnosis, and testing of a product. As of the time of writing there are six actions: "Build", "Run", "Test", "Profile", "Analyze", and "Archive". As a developer the two you will most frequently use are "Build" and "Run".
Build Scheme: An Xcode 4 invention for managing project build target dependencies, build parallelization options, for a specified Build Target. Each Scheme allows a developer to select exactly one Build Configuration (ex. "Debug" or "Release") for each Action ("Build", "Run", etc.) of a project's lifecycle as well as define other behaviors or options associated with that specific Action. For example, the "Profile" action in a scheme allows the developer to select which diagnostic instrument will be loaded by default when Profiling code in
With these definitions in mind, lets get back to your questions:
How can I either simulate opening xcode or otherwise define the scheme from the command line?
Very simply: You don't need to do either, there is an Xcode-native mechanism for making schemes available and we just need to do some minor scheme reconfiguration to get you up and running then commit those changes to version control (I'm going to refer to this as 'SCM' for the rest of this answer).
The behavior you are facing is Xcode's default project behavior when it comes to persisting project settings. By default, many things are considered developer-specific settings and reside in a set of files mapping to the specific username of the account that opened the Xcode project itself (more on this in a moment). The policy governing these settings could be distilled down to the rule that Xcode settings were considered 'developer private until explicitly promoted to shared'. Although this was present in versions of Xcode prior to Xcode 4, it wasn't until the introduction of Schemes as the primary vehicle for invoking builds that this approach caused development teams and their Continuous Integration systems problems.
Schemes came along and consolidated a great number of settings screens from early versions of Xcode into a single editor window where a developer could take a look at the highest-level settings for each of the different Action phases of the app:
When running the "Build" action, one could define which targets need to get constructed, or if Xcode should try and identify build dependencies on its own.
For a "Run" action, select which Build Configuration should be used as well as which Debugger to use.
For a "Test" action, select which Build Configuration should be used as well as which Test Classes and Test Data Bundles should be used to test application behavior.
...etc...There are lots of other high-level settings but I'm going to leave exploring them as an exercise for the reader...or an opportunity to ask another SO question!
In each case, these settings cause something of a cascade effect -- Selecting a "Debug" configuration keeps as much diagnostic data in the app as possible to aid developers in tracing the source of problems, this in turn would invoke the "Debug" specific Build Settings as configured in the Build Target itself that may also run "Debug" specific scripts or enable "Debug" specific settings.
Naturally, these selections needed to live somewhere so that they could be persisted between Development sessions or on the rare occasion that Xcode decides to crash. The behavior of "Developer private until promoted" reigned supreme and these Scheme settings were persisted in the "xcuserdata" folder within the .xcodeproj file itself -- This still holds true for those projects that reside as a part of an .xcworkspace.
You can see this for yourself in your own project. First, ensure you are working with a clean version of your code, then open the Xcode project or workspace to ensure that your personal version of the default scheme is available when we walk through your project file:
Switch from Xcode to Finder, then navigate to your project's checkout directory.
Right-click on the .xcodeproj file for your project and select 'Show Package Contents'. If you use a workspace, still select the .xcodeproj that contains your project files, and not the .xcworkspace itself
Navigate into "xcuserdata".
Depending on the number of developers that have been involved with this project or the number of different machines with different usernames that have committed against this project, it is distinctly possible to have more than one .xcuserdatad folder.
Select the folder that matches your OS X username. For me, my OS X username is 'bmusial' so I would select the 'bmusial.xcuserdatad' folder.
Navigate into 'xcschemes' folder.
Observe that you have two files: "[TARGET NAME].xcscheme" and "xcschemenamagement.plist" that contains information about the order of schemes and if schemes should be auto-generated or not.
Ah ha! Schemes are treated as developer-private data and are auto-generated on the first launch of the project!
This realization starts to get at the core of what we need to do -- migrate this scheme out of the developer-specific xcuserdata folder into something shared among all developers, disable auto-scheme-generation to prevent others from falling into the trap in the future, and commit those changes back to your SCM. Switch back to Xcode, let's reconfigure a few things:
Navigate Xcode's Menus: Product > Scheme > Manage Schemes... menu option
Uncheck 'Autocreate Schemes' in the upper left corner of the scheme sheet,
Check the 'Shared' checkbox next to the scheme that should be made available to all developer users and build systems.
Switch back to your Finder window and go up a two levels to get back to the contents of the .xcodeproj folder (the one that contains a 'xcuserdata' folder). Notice that you now have a 'xcshareddata' folder. This folder contains a 'xcschemes' folder that contains the scheme we just shared and the .xcscheme in our own xcuserdata folder is now gone. We have just promoted your private Scheme as a shared, public scheme that will be available to all developers and tools, even those that have never launched the Xcode project directly.
Commit all of the changes we've made (there will be some new folders and files!) back to your SCM so that everyone receives the same configuration changes when the next time they update their source code!
The next time you run phonegap it will reset your checkout as your indicated but because you have a scheme committed it will have build actions it can work with.
Give this a shot and let us know how things go and if you run into any followup questions or problems along the way.
You may also find the ruby gem xcodeproj useful. It can create schemes without having to open xcode.
You can read more about it here.
For phonegap/cordova, save the share_schemes.rb script in a scripts directory in the cordova project.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# share_schemes.rb
require 'xcodeproj'
xcproj ="platforms/ios/MyProject.xcodeproj")
Then add a hook to run it in your config.xml.
<platform name="ios">
<hook type="after_platform_add" src="scripts/share_schemes.rb" />
Now you don't have to open xcode to make changes, or check in any changes in your platforms folder. Every time you add the ios platform, your scheme will be created by this script.

xcodebuild says does not contain scheme

I have a curios issue.
I have a project that I've worked on and always built from the XCode IDE, and it worked fine. Now I'm setting up Bamboo to build the project and as such am building it from the command line.
The issue is, if I check my code out of GIT and then use xcodebuild to build it it says that the scheme cannot be found, but if I open the project, it builds and if I then try to build it again from the command line with the same command, it works.
What magic is XCode doing when I open the project or am I doing something dumb, maybe excluding a file in my .gitignore that I shouldn't?
You are definitely on the right track with respect to the .xcscheme file -- I had this problem appear while setting up my own projects!
For posterity, or at least anyone getting here from a search, here are two versions of things -- the "I'm busy, so just the facts please" version and a more involved discussion and rationale. Both of these versions assume you are trying to build from a Workspace file; if you aren't then my apologies as this mostly applicable to workspace-based projects.
Condensed 'Fix-it' Version
The root cause is that the default behavior of Schemes is to keep schemes 'private' until they are specifically marked as shared. In the case of a command-line initiated build, the Xcode UI never runs and the xcoderun tool doesn't have its own cache of Schemes to work with. The goal is to generate, share, and commit the scheme you want Bamboo to run:
On a clean working copy of the code, open your Project's workspace.
Choose Scheme > Manage Schemes... from the Product Menu.
The list of Schemes defined for the project appears.
Locate the Scheme Bamboo is trying to run
Ensure the 'Shared' box is checked for that scheme and that the 'Container' setting is set to the Workspace and not the project file itself.
Click 'OK' to dismiss the Manage Schemes sheet.
A new .xcscheme file has been created in your project at WorkspaceName.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/xcschemes.
Commit this file to your repository and run a Bamboo build.
Deeper Discussion and Rationale
Xcode 4 introduced Workspaces and Schemes as a way to help try and tame some of the chaos that is inherent to dealing with the mechanics of wiring related Xcode projects, build targets, and build configurations together. The workspace itself has its own set of configuration data that describes each of the smaller 'boxes' of data it contains and acts as a skeleton for attaching .xcodeproj files and a set of shared configuration data that gets mirrored to each developer machine or CI system. This is both the power and pitfall of Workspaces -- there are 1) lots of ways in which one can get things configured 100% correctly, but put into the wrong container or 2) put into the correct container, but configured improperly thus rendering data inaccessible by other parts of the system!
The default behavior of Xcode 4 schemes is to automatically generate new schemes as projects are added to the Workspace file. Those of you that have added several .xcodeproj files may have noticed that your scheme list quickly becomes unruly especially as project files are added, then removed, and then readded to the same workspace. All schemes, autogenerated or manually created, default to being 'private' schemes visible only to the current user even when .xcuserdata files are committed with the project's data and configuration. This is the root cause of that cryptic build error Bamboo reports from xcodebuild -- Because Bamboo operates the build through the command line and not the Xcode UI, it doesn't have an opportunity for Schemes to get automatically generated and relies only on those that are defined in the workspace itself. Assuming you've configured Bamboo to build from a workspace using a command like this:
xcodebuild -workspace MyWorkspace.xcworkspace -scheme MyApplication -configuration Debug
xcodebuild goes looking for file <'scheme' Parameter Value>.xcscheme existing at <'workspace' Parameter Value>/xcshareddata/xcschemes.
Obviously there are bunches of ways in which one could configure both Bamboo and a workspace, so keep in mind that your unique configuration may not map 100% to what is presented here. The key takeaways:
Certain automated tasks the Xcode UI magically takes care of are not available via the Xcodebuild CLI.
You can attach scheme and build configuration data to many places in the 'container hierarchy' -- Make sure your data winds up in the right container (Workspace, Project, and/or Build Target)
Consider where in the container hierarchy the xcodebuild tool may be looking for configuration data; a great indicator of where it will start looking is based on the use of '-workspace' or '-project' arguments.
The 'Shared' box is already what?
I encountered this same issue on my own Bamboo instance; it turned out that the scheme that was committed in my repository was outdated and the latest version of the command line tools wasn't handling it gracefully. Since this existed previously, I took a look through the settings to make sure there wasn't anything glaringly custom about the scheme, deleted and recreated the scheme ensuring that I marked it as 'Shared', and recommitting the new .xcscheme file to the repository.
If everything looks good and rebuilding it doesn't solve the issue, double check that container setting -- it is really easy to get that scheme attached to the wrong container in the hierarchy!
Debug the issue like this:
xcodebuild -list
or if you are using a workspace (e.g. with pods)
xcodebuild -workspace MyProject.xcworkspace -list
If you scheme is not listed fix like so:
Most of the answers would suggest you to make your scheme shared using Xcode, then commit changes to repo. That works, of course, but only if you have access to source code and have rights to commit changes, and couple of other assumptions.
But there's a number of "what ifs" to consider
What if you just can't modify the Xcode project for some reason?
What if you create a new scheme automatically on CI server? This actually happens quite often. If you use test automation framework, like Calabash, you'll normally end up duplicating an existing target, which automatically duplicates a scheme as well, and the new scheme is not shared, even if the original scheme was.
Ruby & xcodeproj gem
I would recommend using xcodeproj Ruby gem.
This is a really cool open source tool that can help you to automate tons of Xcode-related tasks.
Btw, this is the gem used by CocoaPods to mess around with your Xcode projects and workspaces.
So install it
sudo gem install xcodeproj
Then write a simple Ruby script to re-share all the schemes, the gem has recreate_user_schemes method for that purpose
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'xcodeproj'
xcproj ="MyProject.xcodeproj")
It doesn't just copy scheme files form user's folder to xcshareddata/xcschemes, it also creates those files first by parsing the pbxproj file.
Ok I know its 2 minutes later but I found another stack overflow that says the scheme has to be set to shared... Where does Xcode 4 store Scheme Data?
One common reason for the scheme to be missing is forgetting to push the commits to the origin. If you get a missing scheme message, you should first verify the scheme is shared, then verify you have committed the changes AND pushed them to the origin server.
I had this error while implementing CI.The Question above is identical to my problems except I am using Gitlab's own CI tool.You can check if there is any such file in Bamboo.
I solved it by making some changes to gitlab-ci.yml file.
After you hav made your scheme availabe by sharing. In Xcode Go to Products>Scheme>Manage Scheme and check share to share.
Set absolute path everywhere.
eg.xcodebuild clean archive -archivePath /path/to/your/project/build/testDemo -scheme testDemo | xcpretty
here you need to change /path/to/your/project/ with your path and testDemo with your project name.
I faced this issue and even if some of the answers here actually provide the solution, I didn't find it very clear. So I will just add one more. In a nutshell how to share a schema from excode.
Navigate to Product > Scheme > Manage Schemes
You will then be shown a list of schemes, with each denoted as being shared or not. Just check the ones that you want to share (it may be different ones for dev and prod builds)
Images taken from this article
Got the same problem but during building with xcode as subproject of main one. Built subproject in xcode standalone - after that this error disappeared.
I want to add solution for my case related to this thread. This one is for you who clone existing project, with all the schemes you need are already being shared:
, with fastlane lanes correctly display all your lanes including all your schemes:
, but fastlane gym only show main schemes (not dev and test schemes):
The solution is to uncheck the shared option for schemes that not listed by fastlane gym and then check it again. It will generates .xcscheme for the schemes:
Now, if you check with fastlane gym, all the schemes will be listed:
Then you should commit those .xcshemes file to the repository, so other developer who clone the project will get the files.
For anyone with Xcode 11.4 trying to find "Shared" button on scheme, it's now moved into the individual scheme.
Select the scheme you want
Press "Edit"
Check the "Shared" box
