How to add jar files for Hue in Cloudera? - hadoop

I'm running an SQL query on a JSON serde table. It's working in the Hive CLI, but it's failing in Hue with the error:
Error while processing statement: FAILED: Execution Error, return code 2 from
I guess it's due to the missing jar file; any idea how to add the jar file hive-hcatalog-core-1.2.1.jar for Hue?

Place your jar in HDFS and add same path by using ADD JAR hdfs:///user/hive/lib/hive-hcatalog-core-1.2.1.jar ;

Run ADD JAR hive-hcatalog-core-1.2.1.jar in hue before your query this thing will be present till your current secession persists.

For the benefit of others, who might face same issue either for this particular jar "hive-hcatalog-core-1.2.1.jar" or any udf jar:
In the HUE - Query Editor, run the following command:
add jar hdfs:/hive-hcatalog-core-1.2.1.jar;
Please note single quotes is not required as is the case with Hive CLI

Exact command cloudera gave is ADD JAR {{lib_dir}}/hive/lib/hive-contrib.jar;
1)I am unable to find hive/lib directory on CDH 5
The {{lib_dir}} on CDH installed environments for Hive would either be /usr/lib/hive/ or /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hive/ (depending on packages or parcels being in use).
this is the way to add jar in cloudera
for this you have to change to supper user by use this command
it will change to supper user


Error when trying to execute start in HDP Sandbox 2.6

I installed Apache Kylin, following the official installation guide, in HDP sandbox 2.6
When I run the script, $KYLIN_HOME/bin/ start, I got the error below:
What can I do to fix this error?
Thanks in advance
Check if Hive service is up in your ambari, when Hive service is down Kylin cannot find it and gives the error. Check for .bash_profile as well. When those two issues are addressed kylin should be able to find location of hive dependency.
Kylin uses the script to setup the CLASSPATH. This script uses a Hive CLI command (I test it with beeline) to query Hive env vars and extract the CLASSPATH from them.
beeline connect to Hive using the properties at kylin_hive_conf.xml but for some reason (probably due to the Hive version included in HDP 2.6) some of the loaded Hive properties cannot be set when the connection is stablished.
The Hive properties that causes the issue can be discarded for connecting to Hive to query the CLASSPATH, so, to fix this issue:
Edit $KYLIN_HOME/conf/ and set kylin.source.hive.client=beeline
Open the script, go to line 34 aprox and modify the line
hive_env=${beeline_shell} ${hive_conf_properties} ${beeline_params} --outputformat=dsv -e "set;" 2>&1 | grep 'env:CLASSPATH'
Just remove ${hive_conf_properties}
Check Hive depedencies have been configured by running the command
Now $KYLIN_HOME/bin/ start should works.

Add path with aux jars for Hive client

I did have HDP
I have external Jar example.jar for serialized flume data file.
I did add new parametr in section Custom hive-site
name = hive.aux.jars.path
value hdfs:///user/libs/
Did save new configuration and did restart hadoop componens and in more time restart all hadoop cluster.
After in Hive client I did try to run select
select * from example_serealized_table
and hive did return error
FAILED: RuntimeException MetaException(message:org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDeException java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class not found)
How solve this problem?
If did try add in current session,
add jar hdfs:///user/libs/example-spark-SerializedRecord.jar;
Did try to put *.jar to local folder.
Problem same.
I did not say that library write my my colleague did write a library.
It did turn out that it redefines the variables that affect the level of logging the field.
After excluding overridden variables in the library, the problem of reproducing did stopp.

Oozie cant able to find JDBC drivers in Sqoop

Refrence to the previously asked question Oozie + Sqoop: JDBC Driver Jar Location 1
but not able to find jar in HDFS /user/oozie/share/lib/sqoop location.
I have also tried to put driver jars at my workFlow app Lib. Still Drivers not found error occure.
You need to add all lib files like jdbc drivers, etc in the oozie share lib folder inside sqoop folder .
This should resolve your issue.
To check the library files invoked/used by the job , go to the job tracker for the corresponding job and in syslogs you will see which all jars has been used.
The exact problem was the single coats "'". Because of single coats oozie take it as a single string. But it was working fine when I was using it in the Sqoop command.
................. --driver
instead of.
.................. --driver ''................

Using different hadoop-mapreduce-client-core.jar to run hadoop cluster

I'm working on a hadoop cluster with CDH4.2.0 installed and ran into this error. It's been fixed in later versions of hadoop but I don't have access to update the cluster. Is there a way to tell hadoop to use this jar when running my job through the command line arguments like
hadoop jar MyJob.jar -D hadoop.mapreduce.client=hadoop-mapreduce-client-core-2.0.0-cdh4.2.0.jar
where the new mapreduce-client-core.jar file is the patched jar from the ticket. Or must hadoop be completely recompiled with this new jar? I'm new to hadoop so I don't know all the command line options that are possible.
I'm not sure how that would work as when you're executing the hadoop command you're actually executing code in the client jar.
Can you not use MR1? The issue says this issue only occurs when you're using MR2, so unless you really need Yarn you're probably better using the MR1 library to run your map/reduce.

Oozie + Sqoop: JDBC Driver Jar Location

I have a 6 node cloudera based hadoop cluster and I'm trying to connect to an oracle database from a sqoop action in oozie.
I have copied my ojdbc6.jar into the sqoop lib location (which for me happens to be at: /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-4.2.0-1.cdh4.2.0.p0.10/lib/sqoop/lib/ ) on all the nodes and have verified that I can run a simple 'sqoop eval' from all the 6 nodes.
Now when I run the same command using Oozie's sqoop action, I get "Could not load db driver class: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
I have read this article about using shared libs and it makes sense to me when we're talking about my task/action/workflow specific dependencies. But I see a JDBC driver installation as an extention to sqoop and so I think it belongs in the sqoop installation lib.
Now the question is, while sqoop sees this ojdbc6 jar I have put into it's lib folder, how come my Oozie workflow doesn't see it?
Is this something expected or am I missing something?
As an aside, what do you guy think about where is the appropriate location for a JDBC driver jar?
Thanks in advance!
The JDBC driver jar (and any jars it depends on) should go in your Oozie sharelib folder on HDFS. I'm running Hortonworks Data Platform 1.2 instead of Cloudera 4.2 so the details may vary, but my JDBC driver is located in /user/oozie/share/lib/sqoop. This should allow you to run Sqoop with the JDBC via Oozie.
It is not necessary to put to the JDBC driver jar in the sqoop lib on the data nodes. In my setupt I can't run a simple sqoop eval from the command line on my data nodes. I understand the logic for why you thought this would work. The reason the JDBC driver jar needs to be on HDFS is so that all the data nodes have access to it. Your solution should accomplish the same goal. I'm not familiar enough with the inner workings of Oozie to say why using the sharelib works but your solution does not.
In CDH5, you should put the jar to '/user/oozie/share/lib/lib_${timestamp}/sqoop', and after that, you must update the sharelib or restart oozie.
update sharelib:
oozie admin -oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie -sharelibupdate
If you are using CDH-5 the JDBC driver jar (and any jars it depends on) should go in '/user/oozie/share/lib/lib_timestamp/sqoop' folder on HDFS.
I was facing the same issue it was not able to find the mysql jar. I am using cloudera 4.4 in this even oozie admin -oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie -sharelibupdate command will not work
To resolve the issue I had followed the below steps:
create a user in Hue with hdfs and provide the admin privileges
using Hue UI upload the jar into /user/oozie/share/lib/sqoop hdfs path
or you can use below command:
hadoop put /var/lib/sqoop2/mysql-connector-java.jar /user/oozie/share/lib/sqoop
Once the jar is placed run the oozie command.
