One line command with variable, word count and zcat - bash

I have many files on a server which contains many lines:
I would like with one line command this result:
The goal is to have the number of lines of each file, just by keeping the date which is already in the filename of the file.
I tried this but the result is not in one line but two...
for f in $(ls -1 2017*gz);do zcat $f | wc -l;echo $f | awk '{print substr($0,1,8)}';done
Thanks in advance guys.

Just use zcat file | wc -l to get the number of lines.
For the name, I understand it is enough to extract the first 8 characters:
$ t="201701030530.contentState.csv.gz"
$ echo "${t:0:8}"
All together:
for file in 2017*gz;
lines=$(zcat "$file" | wc -l)
printf "%s|%s\n" "$lines" "${file:0:8}"
done > myresult.csv
Note the usage of for file in 2017*gz; to go through the files matching the 2017*gz pattern: this suffices, no need to parse ls!

Use zgrep -c ^ file to count the lines, here encapsulated in awk:
$ awk 'FNR==1{ "zgrep -c ^ " FILENAME | getline s; print s "|" substr(FILENAME,1,8) }' *.gz
The whole "zgrep -c ^ " FILENAME should probably be in a var (s) and then s | getline s.


How to get output of awk into a tab-delimited file merging two lines to a line every time?

I have multiple files in gz format and used this script which counts lines in each file and prints 1/4 of lines for each file:
for file in *.gz;
do echo $file;
gunzip -c $file | wc -l | awk '{print, $1/4}';
How I can pipe outputs of awk into a tab-delimited file like this merging two lines each time:
AB.gz 12
CD.gz 4
I tried paste by piping | paste -sd '\t' > output.txt in the script but it didn't work.
You can use a script like this:
for file in *.gz; do
gzcat "$file" | awk -v fn="$file" -v OFS='\t' 'END{print fn, int(NR/4)}'
Do not echo a newline after the file:
for file in *.gz;
printf "%s " "${file}"
gunzip -c $file | wc -l | awk '{print, $1/4}';

In loop cat file - echo name of file - count

I trying make oneline command with operation where I can do:
in folder "data" have 570 files - each file have some text line - file are called from 1 to 570.txt
I want cat each file, grep by word and count how manny that word occurs.
For the moment he is trying to get this using ' for '
for FILES in $(find /home/my/data/ -type f -print -exec cat {} \;) ; do echo $FILES; cat $FILES |grep word ; done |wc -l
but if I do that they correctly counts but does not display the counted file
I would like it to look :
----> 1.txt <----
---> 2.txt <----
etc, etc, etc..
How to get it
grep -o word * | uniq -c
is practically all you need.
grep -o word * gives a line for each hit, but only prints the match, in this case "word". Each line is prefixed with the filename it was found in.
uniq -c gives only one line per file so to say and prefixes it with the count.
You can further format it to your needs with awk or whatever, though, for example like this:
grep -o word * | uniq -c | cut -f1 -d':' | awk '{print "File: " $2 " Count: " $1}'
You can try this :
for file in /path/to/folder/data/* ; do echo "----> $file <----" ; grep -c "word_to_count" /path/to/folder/data/$file ; done
for loop will ierate over file inside folder "data".
For each of these file, print the name and search for number of occurrence of "word_to_count" (grep -c will directly output a count of matching lines).
Be carefull, if there is more than one iteration of your search word inside a line, this solution will count only one for these iteration.
Bit of awk should do it?
awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}' mydatafile
Note: some versions of awk have some odd behaviours if you are going to be adding anything exceeding 2^31 (2147483647). See comments for more background. One suggestion is to use printf rather than print:
awk '{s+=$1} END {printf "%.0f", s}' mydatafile
$ python -c "import sys; print(sum(int(l) for l in sys.stdin))"
If you only want the total number of lines, you could use
find /home/my/data/ -type f -exec cat {} + | wc -l

Count of matching word, pattern or value from unix korn shell scripting is returning just 1 as count

I'm trying to get the count of a matching pattern from a variable to check the count of it, but it's only returning 1 as the results, here is what I'm trying to do:
echo $x | grep -c "|"
Expected result: 3
Actual Result: 1
Do you know why is returning 1 instead of 3?
grep -c counts lines not matches within a line.
You can use awk to get a count:
echo "$x" | awk -F '|' '{print NF-1}'
Alternatively you can use tr and wc:
echo "$x" | tr -dc '|' | wc -c
$ echo "$x" | grep -o '|' | grep -c .
grep -c does not count the number of matches. It counts the number of lines that match. By using grep -o, we put the matches on separate lines.
This approach works just as well with multiple lines:
$ cat file
$ grep -o '|' file | grep -c .
The grep manual says:
grep, egrep, fgrep - print lines matching a pattern
and for the -c flag:
instead print a count of matching lines for each input file
and there is just one line that match
You don't need grep for this.
pipe_only=${x//[^|]} # remove everything except | from the value of x
echo "${#pipe_only}" # output the length of pipe_only
Try this :
$ x="HELLO|THIS|IS|TEST"; echo -n "$x" | sed 's/[^|]//g' | wc -c
With only one pipe with perl:
echo "$x" |
perl -lne 'print scalar(() = /\|/g)'

using cut command in bash [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Get just the integer from wc in bash
(19 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I want to get only the number of lines in a file:
so I do:
$wc -l
I do not want the filename, so I tried
$wc -l | cut -d ' ' -f1
but this just echo empty line.
I just want number 9 to be printed
Use stdin and you won't have issue with wc printing filename
wc -l <
You can also use awk to count lines. (reference)
awk 'END { print NR }'
where is the file you want to count
If your file doesn't ends with a \n (new line) the wc -l gives a wrong result. Try it with the next simulated example:
echo "line1" > testfile #correct line with a \n at the end
echo -n "line2" >> testfile #added another line - but without the \n
$ wc -l < testfile
returns 1. (The wc counts the number of newlines (\n) in a file.)
Therefore, for counting lines (and not the \n characters) in a file, you should to use
grep -c '' testfile
e.g. find empty character in a file (this is true for every line) and count the occurences -c. For the above testfile it returns the correct 2.
Additionally, if you want count the non-empty lines, you can do it with
grep -c '.' file
Don't trust wc :)
Ps: one of the strangest use of wc is
grep 'pattern' file | wc -l
instead of
grep -c 'pattern' file
cut is being confused by the leading whitespace.
I'd use awk to print the 1st field here:
% wc -l | awk '{ print $1 }'
As an alternative, wc won't print the file name if it is being piped input from stdin
$ cat | wc -l
yet another way :
cnt=$(wc -l < )
echo "total is $cnt "
Piping the file name into wc removes it from the output, then translate away the whitespace:
wc -l < |tr -d ' '
Use awk like this:
wc -l | awk {'print $1'}

awk parse filename and add result to the end of each line

I have number of files which have similar names like
DWH_Export_AUSTA_20120701_20120731_v1_1.csv.397.dat.2012-10-02 04-01-46.out
DWH_Export_AUSTA_20120701_20120731_v1_2.csv.397.dat.2012-10-02 04-03-12.out
DWH_Export_AUSTA_20120801_20120831_v1_1.csv.397.dat.2012-10-02 04-04-16.out
I need to get number before .csv(1 or 2) from the file name and put it into end of every line in file with TAB separator.
I have written this code, it finds number that I need, but i do not know how to put this number into file. There is space in the filename, my script breaks because of it.
Also I am not sure, how to send to script list of files. Now I am working only with one file.
My code:
string="DWH_Export_AUSTA_20120701_20120731_v1_1.csv.397.dat.2012-10-02 04-01-46.out"
out=$(echo $string | awk 'BEGIN {FS="_"};{print substr ($7,0,1)}')
awk ' { print $0"\t$out" } ' $string
for file in *
sfx=$(echo "$file" | sed 's/.*_\(.*\).csv.*/\1/')
sed -i "s/$/\t$sfx/" "$file"
Using sed:
$ sed 's/.*_\(.*\).csv.*/&\t\1/' file
DWH_Export_AUSTA_20120701_20120731_v1_1.csv.397.dat.2012-10-02 04-01-46.out 1
DWH_Export_AUSTA_20120701_20120731_v1_2.csv.397.dat.2012-10-02 04-03-12.out 2
DWH_Export_AUSTA_20120801_20120831_v1_1.csv.397.dat.2012-10-02 04-04-16.out 1
To make this for many files:
sed 's/.*_\(.*\).csv.*/&\t\1/' file1 file2 file3
sed 's/.*_\(.*\).csv.*/&\t\1/' file*
To make this changed get saved in the same file(If you have GNU sed):
sed -i 's/.*\(.\).csv.*/&\t\1/' file
Untested, but this should do what you want (extract the number before .csv and append that number to the end of every line in the .out file)
awk 'FNR==1 { split(FILENAME, field, /[_.]/) }
{ print $0"\t"field[7] > FILENAME"_aaaa" }' *.out
for file in *_aaaa; do mv "$file" "${file/_aaaa}"; done
If I understood correctly, you want to append the number from the filename to every line in that file - this should do it:
while [[ 0 < $# ]]; do
num=$(echo "$1" | sed -r 's/.*_([0-9]+).csv.*/\t\1/' )
#awk -e "{ print \$0\"\t${num}\"; }" < "$1" > "$"
#sed -r "s/$/\t$num/" < "$1" > "$1.mew"
#sed -ri "s/$/\t$num/" "$1"
Run the script and give it names of the files you want to process. $# is the number of command line arguments for the script which is decremented at the end of the loop by shift, which drops the first argument, and shifts the other ones. Extract the number from the filename and pick one of the three commented lines to do the appending: awk gives you more flexibility, first sed creates new files, second sed processes them in-place (in case you are running GNU sed, that is).
Instead of awk, you may want to go with sed or coreutils.
Grab number from filename, with grep for variety:
num=$(<<<filename grep -Eo '[^_]+\.csv' | cut -d. -f1)
<<<filename is equivalent to echo filename.
With sed
Append num to each line with GNU sed:
sed "s/\$/\t$num" filename
Use the -i switch to modify filename in-place.
With paste
You also need to know the length of the file for this method:
len=$(<filename wc -l)
Combine filename and num with paste:
paste filename <(seq $len | while read; do echo $num; done)
Complete example
for filename in DWH_Export*; do
num=$(echo $filename | grep -Eo '[^_]+\.csv' | cut -d. -f1)
sed -i "s/\$/\t$num" $filename
