Update Schema via an Eloquent Model, Laravel 5.2 - laravel-5

i'd like to know if it's possible at all to update the table schema in a Migration through a specific Eloquent Model, or if i actually need to pass in the name of the Table and Connection every single time.
I ask this because in my case this requires an additional configuration file that my package must publish to the end users, apart from the already required table Eloquent model (which is used for other purposes)

You can update schema later and add or drop columns and/or index.
To do this you create a new migration and add the changes there. It will change the table over your previous version.
More info in Laravel documentation.
For renaming the table
Schema::rename($from, $to);


Laravel - Automatically store history in column

Can anyone help me to automatically save the history of all changed columns in a model to a history column in the same table as JSON format with column(s) name, original value, changed to, changed by?
I am looking for Traits like centralized function to use in all models.
I am using Laravel 8 with PostgreSQL.
This answer is maybe outdated since it is Laravel 4. But if it works, it is quickest way to insert log in DB wherever save() method is called for that model.

Laravel: Running a database migration on a production server

I have a local repo for development and a production server in Laravel.
When I work locally, as the project grows, so does the DB. Therefore I keep adding new migrations that sometimes change existing tables. Locally I can refresh / recreate tables and seed without worrying.
However when I want to update the production DB where actual data is stored, what's the best method? If I need to update an existing table I cannot just drop and recreate it, as data would be lost. And if I run the migration directly, I get an error like "table already exists". So I end up manually adding the fields in the DB, which I don't think it's the best way to go.
As already mentioned, you can create migrations to update the columns without dropping the tables. And the 'Modifying columns' docs provide a clear explanation for this. However that is docs for modifying columns, if you want to modify tables instead of columns, you can use the 'Updating tables' docs
This uses the SchemaBuilder to do various things, for example, adding columns in an existing table:
Schema::table('table_name'), function ($table) {
// however you can leave the ->after() part out, this just specifies that the
// new column should be insterted after the specified column.
Or delete a column from an existing table
Schema::table('table_name'), function ($table) {
You can also rename but I'll leave it to you to explore the docs further.

How to create Laravel model from migration?

I found many results how to create migration from a model, but is there any way to create a model from migrations?
Basically I want to give a table name, and if there is multiple migration files (one to create and others to update the previous states) the model could be updated.
Is there any solution for this?
I'm not sure that there's a good way to create a model directly from migrations, as it depends on what database you use as to the exact structure of your tables.
There seems to be a package which support generating the models from your database, however:

Update EF model - DB at different location

I am very new to EF programming.
My application gets the data from existing database. (DB first)
Now I have come to situation where I want to update my model to newer DB. basically the core schema is same as previous but has some modification in the table.
When I change the DB name for app.config and update the model it gives list of error
have I missed something?
When you do an update it merges the model you have with the DB that you update from. Additional columns are added to your existing entities but columns that you have removed from the DB are not removed from your entities and you need to remove these mappings yourself.
If you know which tables have columns removed it sometimes easier to delete the entity from your model and then do an update to reload it from the DB.
If you've don't know what tables or there have been many then it may be easier to delete all entities from your model and just do a full Update to reload the the new DB structure.

Adding new columns to an Existing Doctrine Model

First of all Hats of to StackOverflow for their great service and to you guys for taking your time to answer our questions.
I am using Doctrine ORM 1.2.4 with CodeIgniter 1.7.3. I created a Site with some required tables and pumped in with datas only to realize at a later point of time that a specific table needs to have one more column.
The way i created the tables was by writing the model as php classes which extend the Doctrine_Record.
Now i am wondering if i need to just add the column in the model that requires a new column in the setTableDefinition() method and recreate that table or is there any other way that easily does this. The former method i've mentioned requires me to drop the current table along with the datas and recreate the table which i do not wish. Since doctrine seems to be a very well architect-ed database framework, i believe it is lack of my knowledge but surely should exist a way to add new columns easily.
PS: I am not trying to alter a column with relations to other tables, but just add a new column which is not related to any other table. Also i create the tables in the database using Doctrine::createTablesFromModels(); When i alter a table with a new column and run this method it shows errors.
Since you don't want to drop & recreate, use a Doctrine Migration.
The official docs here show many examples:
Since you just want to add a field, look at their second code example as being the most relevant which is like this:
// migrations/2_add_column.php
class AddColumn extends Doctrine_Migration_Base
public function up()
$this->addColumn('migration_test', 'field2', 'string');
public function down()
$this->removeColumn('migration_test', 'field2');
