spring boot Locale Resolver default spanish - spring-boot

I can not find a way to change the default locale from Locale.US to Spanish. It is not in the list and I can not find anything that explains how.
public class SpringMvcConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public LocaleResolver localeResolver(){
SessionLocaleResolver sessionLocaleResolver = new SessionLocaleResolver();
return sessionLocaleResolver;
LocaleChangeInterceptor localeChangeInterceptor(){
LocaleChangeInterceptor localeChangeInterceptor = new LocaleChangeInterceptor();
return localeChangeInterceptor;
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry interceptorRegistry){

There is no constant like Locale.US to help you. But you can instantiate a new Locale passing the correct languange information like new Locale("es") as explained in the documentation. Or use the Locale.Builder that was added in Java 8.


Spring Boot, Hibernate validator language based on LocaleContextHolder

I've a Spring Boot 2.4.2 REST application using JPA, Hibernate, etc.
So far I use a MessageSource for applications errors (located in i18n/messages), and the default ValidationMessagesfor bean validations.
This is part of my configuration:
public static Set<Locale> LOCALES = Set.of(new Locale("en"), new Locale("it"));
public LocaleResolver localeResolver() {
SmartLocaleResolver localeResolver = new SmartLocaleResolver();
return localeResolver;
public class SmartLocaleResolver extends AcceptHeaderLocaleResolver {
public Locale resolveLocale(HttpServletRequest request) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(request.getHeader("Accept-Language"))) {
return Locale.getDefault();
List<Locale.LanguageRange> list = Locale.LanguageRange.parse(request.getHeader("Accept-Language"));
Locale locale = Locale.lookup(list, LOCALES);
return locale;
public MessageSource messageSource() {
ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource = new ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource();
// set to true only for debugging
return messageSource;
My application supports 2 languages so far: it and en.
The problem right now is that application's messages are correctly localized in the agent's language (browser) but Validations errors are not.
I found out that Hibernate uses the default locale (Locale.getDefault()) and to customize the behaviour I should customize the locale resolution.
So I tried creating a custom hibernateValidator (that I set in my entityFactory) :
public MessageSource validationMessageSource() {
ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource = new ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource();
// set to true only for debugging
return messageSource;
public LocalValidatorFactoryBean hibernateValidator() {
LocalValidatorFactoryBean factoryBean = new LocalValidatorFactoryBean();
return factoryBean;
and the resolver:
public class HibernateLocaleResolver implements LocaleResolver {
public Locale resolve(LocaleResolverContext context) {
return LocaleContextHolder.getLocale();
Doing this, the locale resolution works fine, but the parameter replacement doesn't. What I mean is for messages like this:
server.validators.ArraySize.message = The number of values must be between [{min}] and [{max}].
I've an exception:
"exception": "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException", "message": "can't parse argument number: min"
So I changed the configuration above adding the MessageInterpolator:
factoryBean.setMessageInterpolator(new ResourceBundleMessageInterpolator(LOCALES, Locale.ENGLISH, new HibernateLocaleResolver(), false));
At this point the parameters are resolved correctly, but again the locale resolution doesn't work.
Can you point me out in the right direction, trying to explain the best practice to follow for the combination Spring Boot - Hibernate Validator?
I solved the problem. I hope this can help someone else. This is my configuration file:
public MessageSource messageSource() {
ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource = new ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource();
// set to true only for debugging
return messageSource;
public MessageSource validationMessageSource() {
ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource = new ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource();
// set to true only for debugging
return messageSource;
public LocalValidatorFactoryBean validator() {
LocalValidatorFactoryBean factoryBean = new LocalValidatorFactoryBean();
MessageInterpolatorFactory interpolatorFactory = new MessageInterpolatorFactory();
return factoryBean;
and the LocaleConfiguration:
public class LocaleConfiguration implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public LocaleResolver localeResolver() {
SmartLocaleResolver localeResolver = new SmartLocaleResolver();
return localeResolver;
public class SmartLocaleResolver extends AcceptHeaderLocaleResolver {
public Locale resolveLocale(HttpServletRequest request) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(request.getHeader("Accept-Language"))) {
return Locale.getDefault();
List<Locale.LanguageRange> list = Locale.LanguageRange.parse(request.getHeader("Accept-Language"));
Locale locale = Locale.lookup(list, Constants.LOCALES);
return locale;
the important part I saw made the difference are these lines:
MessageInterpolatorFactory interpolatorFactory = new MessageInterpolatorFactory();
In this way the interpolator works fine as well as the localization of the message.

Internationalization is not working in Spring Boot v2.3.1.RELEASE

I'm trying to implement Internationalization in Spring boot. I have configured a configuration class, message.properties and its jsp implementation like below. But it is not working in runtime. When i check the chrome browser debugger, it seems to redirect my Internationalization URL to default url always.
Below are the structure of my application
Configuration Class
public class LocaleConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public LocaleResolver localeResolver(){
SessionLocaleResolver localeResolver = new SessionLocaleResolver();
return localeResolver;
public LocaleChangeInterceptor localeChangeInterceptor() {
LocaleChangeInterceptor localeChangeInterceptor = new LocaleChangeInterceptor();
return localeChangeInterceptor;
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry){
public ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource()
ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource = new ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource();
messageSource.setCacheSeconds(3600); //refresh once per hour
return messageSource;
messages.properties files are under src/main/resources package ->locale folder
#login page
title.login.page=Login Page
label.login.header=Login To Your Account
#login page
title.login.page=Page de connexion
label.login.header=Connectez-vous à votre compte
.jsp Page
<title><spring:message code="title.login.page"/></title>
<spring:message code="label.login.header"/>
It is redirecting my url when i enter
And Language translation is not happening. Assist me on this!

Springboot locale with Rest request and Thymeleaf

So another application directs user to my server. The redirect is Post request (application/json) with value language in the JSON. How should I set the locale value in RestController? So that Thymeleaf could render the correct text.
Setting locale with LocaleContextHolder doesn't do the trick.
You should follow this guide here since Internationalization is a common task in spring-boot. In case if you need a short answer:
First configure a LocaleResolver in your Application.java:
#Bean(name = "localeResolver")
public LocaleResolver localeResolver() {
SessionLocaleResolver slr = new SessionLocaleResolver();
slr.setDefaultLocale(new Locale("tr", "TR"));
return slr;
Then again in your Application.java file configure a LocaleChangeInterceptor:
#Bean(name = "localeChangeInterceptor")
public LocaleChangeInterceptor localeChangeInterceptor() {
LocaleChangeInterceptor lci = new LocaleChangeInterceptor();
return lci;
And finally register your LocaleChangeInterceptor (also in Application.java):
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
Now if you send a request parameter named "lang" with your POST request spring will use its value to determine the desired locale and change it accordingly.
Ended up with the following solution:
WebMvcConfigurer has these
public LocaleResolver localeResolver() {
SessionLocaleResolver r = new SessionLocaleResolver();
r.setDefaultLocale(new Locale("jp"));
return r;
And in the controller I call this classes public method:
public class WebLanguage {
public void setLocale(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
if (!request.getParameterMap().containsKey("lang")) return;
LocaleResolver localeResolver = localeResolver(request);
localeResolver.setLocale(request, response, new Locale(request.getParameterMap().get("lang")[0]));
LocaleResolver localeResolver(HttpServletRequest request) {
return RequestContextUtils.getLocaleResolver(request);

Spring boot internalization and exceptions

I'm making an API using Spring boot and trying to making it suit many languages, to do so i'm using this code :
public LocaleResolver localeResolver() {
SessionLocaleResolver slr = new SessionLocaleResolver();
return slr;
public LocaleChangeInterceptor localeChangeInterceptor() {
LocaleChangeInterceptor lci = new LocaleChangeInterceptor();
return lci;
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
public ResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource() {
ResourceBundleMessageSource source = new ResourceBundleMessageSource();
String[] baseNames = { "messages/messages", "messages/messages_errors" };
return source;
So logically in my controller i get the lang parameter to know which language the user has chosen and it works great.
The problem is that i'm throwing an exception from a method called by the controller, here is the code :
public User getUser(final Long pIdUser) throws EntityNotFound {
User vUser = userRepository.findOne(pIdUser);
if (vUser == null) {
throw new EntityNotFound("entity.notFound.byId", new Object[] { pIdUser });
return vUser;
and i'm using a #ControllerAdvice to get the exception and switch the exception message to the right language like that :
public class GlobalExceptionHandler {
private MessageSource messageSource;
#ExceptionHandler(value = EntityNotFound.class)
protected EntityNotFound EntityNotFound(EntityNotFound pException, Locale lang) {
return new EntityNotFound(messageSource.getMessage(pException.getMessage(), pException.getArgs(), lang));
But i can't have the right message, i have "entity.notFound.byId" in the response of the controller. Someone knows how to deal with internationalization and errors ?
I think that if i make the lang variable as globale, i could have the right message at the first call of the EntityNotFound exception but i will have to set lang in every controller and it's dirty.
Thank you for your time guys.
For those interested by the solution, i did that using a global variable which stores the language to use : public static Locale LANG = Locale.ENGLISH; and created my own LocaleChangeInterceptor class to set LANG variable with the given language from the request.

component-scan get in the way of bean initialization?

I encounter this problem while I am trying to duplicate a simple spring OAuth project, sparklr2. source code here
the source code runs perfectly, when I debug it with tomcat, it initialize all #Bean inside WebMvcConfigurerAdapter, including controllers. but noted that #ComponentScan() is not being used.
then I create my own MVC project, copy almost 100% of code, but I am using WebApplicationInitializer instead of AbstractDispatcherServletInitializer. I use WebApllicationInitializer because I have only learned this way to code MVC.
then I run the project, #Bean initialized. then I check /login with my browser, get 404. this could be caused by spring not knowing I have controllers, then I add #ComponentScan to my configuration class, /login now shows up.
but the weird thing is, all #Bean related to Controller, are not initialized. so, when I call any method to those controller, since their attributes are not initialized, gives me no object or null exception.
So, my point is, how does that sample works, I mean controller and jsp correctly handle and response without using #ComponentScan?
and look at it from different angle, why does #ComponentScan stop #Bean from being initialize in my project?
my WebApplicationInitializer
public class MvcConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer() {
return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
public ContentNegotiatingViewResolver contentViewResolver()
throws Exception {
ContentNegotiationManagerFactoryBean contentNegotiationManager = new ContentNegotiationManagerFactoryBean();
InternalResourceViewResolver viewResolver = new InternalResourceViewResolver();
MappingJackson2JsonView defaultView = new MappingJackson2JsonView();
ContentNegotiatingViewResolver contentViewResolver = new ContentNegotiatingViewResolver();
.<ViewResolver> asList(viewResolver));
contentViewResolver.setDefaultViews(Arrays.<View> asList(defaultView));
return contentViewResolver;
public PhotoServiceImpl photoServices() {
List<PhotoInfo> photos = new ArrayList<PhotoInfo>();
photos.add(createPhoto("1", "marissa"));
photos.add(createPhoto("2", "paul"));
photos.add(createPhoto("3", "marissa"));
photos.add(createPhoto("4", "paul"));
photos.add(createPhoto("5", "marissa"));
photos.add(createPhoto("6", "paul"));
PhotoServiceImpl photoServices = new PhotoServiceImpl();
return photoServices;
// N.B. the #Qualifier here should not be necessary (gh-298) but lots of
// users report needing it.
public AdminController adminController(
TokenStore tokenStore,
#Qualifier("consumerTokenServices") ConsumerTokenServices tokenServices,
SparklrUserApprovalHandler userApprovalHandler) {
AdminController adminController = new AdminController();
return adminController;
// this url, do I need to change it?
private PhotoInfo createPhoto(String id, String userId) {
PhotoInfo photo = new PhotoInfo();
photo.setName("photo" + id + ".jpg");
+ photo.getName());
return photo;
public void configureDefaultServletHandling(
DefaultServletHandlerConfigurer configurer) {
public PhotoServiceUserController photoServiceUserController(
PhotoService photoService) {
PhotoServiceUserController photoServiceUserController = new PhotoServiceUserController();
return photoServiceUserController;
public PhotoController photoController(PhotoService photoService) {
PhotoController photoController = new PhotoController();
return photoController;
public AccessConfirmationController accessConfirmationController(
ClientDetailsService clientDetailsService,
ApprovalStore approvalStore) {
AccessConfirmationController accessConfirmationController = new AccessConfirmationController();
return accessConfirmationController;
/* #Bean
public ViewResolver viewResolver() {
InternalResourceViewResolver viewResolver = new InternalResourceViewResolver();
return viewResolver;
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
so, you have #ComponentScan which interacts with #Controller on your controllers + still create #Bean's with those?
As a first step try to remove #Beans and try to inject dependencies using #Autowired on controllers' constructors. Then #ComponentScan should recognize #Controller, inject dependencies and use #RequestMapping without issues.
