Cordova project build in Visula studio - windows

I am using visual studio 2015 to build .appx with emulator for apache cordova project. Whenever I import and build in visual studio emulator it is always showing the following error:
The OutputPath property is not set for project 'Vibration.csproj'. Please check to make sure that you have specified a valid combination
of Configuration and Platform for this project. Configuration='debug'
Platform='x86'. You may be seeing this message because you are trying
to build a project without a solution file, and have specified a
non-default Configuration or Platform that doesn't exist for this
How can I solve it?


Unable to create Cross-Platform .NET Standard Plugin Templates project

I am trying to develop my own plugins in xamarin form. I installed Cross-Platform .NET Standard Plugin Templates in VS 2019. I can see in description Cross-Platform .NET Standard Plugin Templates works with 2017 and 2019.
When I try to create new project it keeps going on saying creating project.
When I look in the directory, I can see some files being generated.
It's an existing issue with VS2019
Creating a new Project with VS2019 shows missing references / they cant be loaded. Appeared after last VS Update.
If you wait long enough you can do the following :
Note- after last VS 2019 update- edit the csproj file and update the MSBuild.Sdk.Extras to version 2.0.54 so all dependencies load and the project will build.
Had to download Visual studio 2017 to create the project

Build error: The target "_DetectSigningIdentity" does not exist in the project. (Visual Studio - Xamarin.IOS)

I am unable to build any xamarin project in Visual Studio 2017 mac.
It gives me the following error:
Error MSB4057: The target "_DetectSigningIdentity" does not exist in the project. (MSB4057)
It was working fine before, i dont remember updating anything on my visual studio.
It is not specific to solution. None of my project gets build.
Any suggestions please??
I have solved the problem on my own installation.
open update menu
select alpha channel
download and install all
hope this helps

Error when generating ios publication file in visual studio 2017

I'm going to publish an application in the apple store, where I already created the certificate for mac, I already have an apple account. What I am not getting and generate the .ipa file to attach to the project by visual studio 2017 on windows. I checked some tutorials and they told me to put the project as ad-hoc but it generates the following error
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error The OutputPath property is not set for project 'App39.csproj'.
Please check to make sure that you have specified a valid combination of
Configuration and Platform for this project. Configuration='Ad-Hoc'
Platform='iPhoneSimulator'. This error may also appear if some other
project is trying to follow a project-to-project reference to this project, this
project has been unloaded or is not included in the solution, and the
referencing project does not build using the same or an equivalent
Configuration or Platform. App39

Build separately a web app backend in a Xamarin solution using VSTS

Got a Xamarin solution which includes a project for a web app backend.
Trying to set up a separate build definition for the web app backend so that it deploys to Azure app service. We have that API app folder inside the Xamarin solution folder.
When trying manual mapping to build the web app it fails as it tries to build the whole solution while it should only build that project as I used MSBuild task and pointed it to the csproj file in that folder.
How can we get that specific folder to build separately?
There are two ways to just build a project:
Build solution with /t:[projectname] MSBuild arguments (e.g. Visual Studio Build step; Solution: *****.sln**; MSBuild Arguments: /t:ConsoleApplication1; Platform: $(BuildPlatform); Configuration: $(BuildConfiguration)))
Specify the project file directly for Visual Studio Build or MSBuild step/task. (e.g. Visual Studio Build; Solution: [project file (csproj) path]; MSBuild Arguments: /p:OutputPath="bin\$(BuildConfiguration)\\" Platform: $(BuildPlatform); Configuration: $(BuildConfiguration))

VS2010 Build Fail with error: Cannot open 'PathToFile.rsp'

I'm having a problem when trying to build my project and i don't know where to look.
The problem is that the build fails every time. it gives me the following error
Error messages on build
When I searched for those files I found that they weren't in that folder
The strangest thing is that if i build the same project on the visual studio, or if I run MSBuild from Visual Studio 2010 command line the project builds without problem. Also, I have configured another builder in another computer, and when I run the build there with the same Build definition it builds correctly. My guess is that it have to be some configuration that i'm missing, but I don't know where to look.
The computer is running Windows Server 2012
