Ansible unarchive: doesn't reach a remote host - vagrant

I use Ansible as a provisioner for Vagrant. I have a task:
- name: download and unarchive redis binaries
src: ""
dest: "/tmp"
remote_src: True
but for some reasons I see an error in console when I run a vagrant provision:
"failed": true, "msg": "file or module does not exist: /Users/my-username/Projects/project-name/http:/"`
> ansible --version
Any ideas?
NB: look carefully for the error http:/download. Why is there only one backslash?

The syntax from your question works with Ansible and later.
For Ansible 2.0 and 2.1 use:
- name: download and unarchive redis binaries
src: ""
dest: "/tmp"
copy: false
The double slash from your question was stripped, because the argument src was treated as a path to a local file (again, because old versions of Ansible required copy: false in addition to the URL).


Copy & fetch files in Ansible/Cygwin

Question - - how do you navigate the cygwin path structure for file transfers, copies and fetches?
I've installed ansible on a windows 10 machine using cygwin. Everthing works except for the ansible.builtin.copy task. Here is the setup
Relevant Directory Structure
│ └───workflows
The playbook sits in the documents directory of the user, so . is C:/Users/user/Documents/
Ansible Task
- name: Download YAML payloads
src: payload
dest: /some/directory/
The ansible cygwin command line actually runs from /cygdrive/c/Users... path. I can navigate to the payload directory from either windows cli or the cygwin cli using their native paths. [Must be a symlink?] In any event - when I run the above task, the src directory is not found.
What I've tried - both absolute and relative path variables in the src line, for both the cywgin and the windows paths. I've also tried using the inventory environment variables ({{ playbook_dir }}). fileglob: didn't work either.
What I haven't tried - {{ role_path }}. I'd like to keep the source YAMLs all together in the top directory. But not sure if this would work by putting the files directory under a role.
added details
Path to playbook from windows
Path to playbook from cygwin
files & directories
files // these are the files/dirs I'm looking to copy
hosts.ini //contains playbook hosts.
test.yml //this is the playbook I'm running
playbook cat
- hosts: master
gather_facts: yes
become: yes
- name: Download YAML payloads
src: payload
dest: /home/bill/
Run #1
src: payload <-- this is the method per docs (for linux).
result: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Source payload not found"}
Run #2
src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/files/payload"
result: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Source /cygdrive/c/Users/billr/Documents/GitHub/home-k3s/files/payload not found"}
Run #3
src: "/cygdrive/c/Users/billr/Documents/GitHub/home-k3s/files/payload"
result: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Source /cygdrive/c/Users/billr/Documents/GitHub/home-k3s/files/payload not found"}
Run #4
src: "c:/Users/billr/Documents/GitHub/home-k3s/files/payload"
FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Source c:/Users/billr/Documents/GitHub/home-k3s/files/payload not found"}
Note that I can see the files from the cygwin terminal with ls and I can see the files from the windows cli with dir.
Final Notes
Cygwin Github Issue Link

Install rpm after copy, with ansible

I have an ansible playbook which will copy a file into a location on a remote server. It works fine. In this case, the file is an rpm. This is the way it works:
- hosts: my_host
- name: mkdir /tmp/RPMS
file: path=/tmp/RPMS state=directory
- name: copy RPMs to /tmp/RPMS
src: "{{ item }}"
dest: /tmp/RPMS
mode: 0755
register: rpms_copied
Now, with the file successfully on the remote server, I need to start some new logic that will install the rpm that sits in /tmp/RPMS. I have run many different versions of the below (So this code is added onto the above block):
- name: install rpm from file
name: /tmp/RPMS/any_rpm-x86_64.rpm
state: present
become: true
I don't know if the formatting is incorrect, or if this is not the way. Can anyone advise as to how I can get the rpm in the directory /tmp/RPMS installed using a new few lines in the existing playbook?
I did not find this anywhere else, and it genuinely took me all of my working day to get to this point. For anyone else struggling:
- name: Install my package from a file on server
shell: rpm -ivh /tmp/RPMS/*.rpm
async: 1800
poll: 0
become_method: sudo
become: yes
become_user: root

Using Ansible copy module for remote to remote file transfer (same remote host)

I'm trying to move all files under a specific remote directory to another remote directory - on the same remote host - using Ansible's copy module.
The directory, and files, do exist on the remote host and I thought I'd use the Ansible copy module with remote_src: yes in order to achieve this.
However, so far I have been running into unforeseen issues with this approach - any help is appreciated, thank you!!
Task of concern
- name: copy remote to remote (same host)
src: "{{ item }}"
dest: "{{ dir_base_path }}/go/to/my/nested/path"
remote_src: yes
owner: "{{ owner }}"
group: "{{ group }}"
mode: preserve
- "{{ dir_base_path }}/stay/at/parent_dir/*"
when: status.changed and dir.stat.exists
Remote Directory structure
--> parent path
-- all-the-files-I-need
-- need-to-copy-files here
Error Observed
TASK [playbook: copy remote to remote (same host)] ****************************************************************************************
[WARNING]: Unable to find 'base_path/stay/at/parent_dir/' in expected paths (use -vvvvv to see paths)
Version Information
ansible --version
ansible 2.7.10
config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = ['/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
ansible python module location = /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ansible
executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible
python version = 3.6.7 (default, Oct 22 2018, 11:32:17) [GCC 8.2.0]
As per documentation for fileglob - Matching is against local system files on the Ansible controller. To iterate a list of files on a remote node, use the find module.
You can first use find command to find the files and then store using register and then copy those files.

Using Ansible Playbook how to copy Java certs to hosts?

Using Ansible Playbook how to copy Java certs to hosts? Each host is having different JDK installed. I need to verify in all hosts which JDK is running and copy those certificate to all the hosts.
I have written the below playbook and the error that I'm getting. Please help me with figuring out what's wrong.
- hosts: test
pack1: /ngs/app/rdrt
pack2: /usr/java/jdk*
- name: copy the files
src: "/Users/sivarami.rc/Downloads/Problem46218229/apple_corporate_root_ca.pem"
dest: "{{ pack1 }}"
- name: copy the files
src: "/Users/sivarami.rc/Downloads/Problem46218229/apple_corporate_root_ca2.pem"
dest: "{{ pack1 }}"
- name: copy the files
src: "/Users/sivarami.rc/Downloads/Problem46218229/ca-trust-check-1.0.0.jar"
dest: "{{ pack1 }}"
- name: Import SSL certificate to a given cacerts keystore
cert_path: "{{ pack1 }}/apple_corporate_root_ca.pem"
cert_alias: Apple_Corporate_Root_CA
cert_port: 443
keystore_path: "{{ pack2 }}/jre/lib/security/cacerts"
keystore_pass: change-it
executable: "{{ pack2 }}/bin/keytool"
state: present
- name: Import SSL certificate to a cacerts keystore
cert_path: "{{ pack1 }}/apple_corporate_root_ca2.pem"
cert_alias: Apple_Corporate_Root_CA2
cert_port: 443
keystore_path: "{{ pack2 }}/jre/lib/security/cacerts"
keystore_pass: changeit
executable: "{{ pack2 }}/bin/keytool"
state: present
- name: checking those files trusted or untrusted
shell: "{{ pack2 }}/bin/java -jar {{ pack1 }}/ca-trust-check-1.0.0.jar"
The error:
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "'/usr/java/jdk*/bin/keytool'", "msg": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory", "rc": 2}
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "'/usr/java/jdk*/bin/keytool'", "msg": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory", "rc": 2}
The following error is displayed:
"cmd": "'/usr/java/jdk*/bin/keytool'", "msg": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory"
As you can see, the keytool command can not be found in that location. You need to ensure that the path you're providing is actually there on the server.
Where you define the pack2 variable, you need to provide the full path instead of using a wildcard, e.g. like this:
pack2: /usr/java/jdk-1.8.0_67
Then ensure that this path exists on the remote machine, and your code should no longer show that error.
If the path is different on each node since you have a different version of Java on each node, here are some options:
Use host-specific variables for defining the path for each host, if you have that information.
Gather the information in a previous step, e.g. like here: Check Java version via Ansible playbook.
Check the JAVA_HOME environment variable to see if that is set.
I had the same error that the keytool utility was not found (on my PATH), but that was because I did not use the become_user which has the correct PATH value.
So my solution was to add the following line to my playbook:
become: yes
become_user: wls
(wls is the weblogic user but can be another system account depending on your needs)
I had the same error because keytool was link to a really old version of the JDK (version 6).
By using a more recent version (JDK version 11), I fixed this error.

what is Ansible wget (similar to puppet Staging::File) to local server

I need to download installation files over http to local machine and push to all of my remote machines. What is the best way?
Non of Followings work.
- fetch:
dest: /tmp
- name: download locally
Can you try that:
- name: download locally
module: get_url
dest: files/jdk-8u102-linux-x64.tar.gz
