Alexa rank graph by country - ranking

As we know , Alexa shows graph for global progress of a website for example
shows the graph for world but not the country based .This would be useful for who target specific country and not the world. Please introduce a way to show graph based on country value .

Found or better to say created because there is not same tool on the internet.
You can track specific domain based on country . For example here is a sample for own domain alexa dailyrank


How to Intent classification with similar examples in in Rasa

I am developing chatbot using Rasa for a Contract Manager Organisation. I am facing few issues and after reading a lot on the forums and Rasa blog, I am unable to conclude to a solution for this. I have several similar intents with similar examples like -
“inform_supplier_start_date” and “inform_contract_start_date”.
“inform_supplier_email” and “inform_customer_email” and “inform_reviewer_email”
Now the issue is, for both the categories of intents the example sentence in is same. What I exactly mean is-
-what is the supplier [Microsoft] (supplier_name) start date
-[EON Digital] (supplier_name) start date
1) start-date of [O2 Mobile phones] (contract_name)
2) [O2 Mobile phones] (contract_name) start date
The model isnt able to differentiate and identify the correct intent. It is getting confused and identifying the wrong intent, since the words in these intents are similar.
I need correct intents to be recognised ,so that accordingly, In custom action i can query the Database and get the corresponding result for supplier and contract.
I have many fields like this for which the example data and user queries will be same. For Example-
customer_email & supplier_email & reviewer_email
total_spend_contract & total_spend_supplier & total_spend_customer
contract_number_for_supplier & contract_number_of_contract & contract_number_organisation
What exactly I should be doing to get correct classification. One solution i am thinking of is merging the intents like “supplier_start_date” and "contract_start_date" as one “start_date” and check for the extracted entity inside custom actions in both supplier and contract database. But I dont think that would be proper usage of Natural Language.
Please Suggest, I shall be highly greatful for the same. Regards.
As the examples for your intents are very similar, the model will not be able to differentiate between them. Also the intent is actual the same, inform_suppler_start_date and inform_contract_start inform the bot about a start date. What kind of start date it is should be figured out via the entity recognition. So I would propose to merge the similar intents and check what the entity recognition detected as entities. Depending on whether a supplier or a contract was found, you can execute query A or B.

Identify the type of place when getting results from Google Places API

I have implemented Google places search.
The problem is that i want to identify that the list of locations returned by the API do contain any airport in it.
As per documentation Google Place do support only these types to identify the place type
colloquial_area country establishment
route street_address
There is no airport in the list.
Any idea how can i do it ?
Your list might be incomplete.
According to there's "airport" in it as well.

iOS Mapkit, identifying "type of business"

I've looked through numerous answers (most were slightly outdated), and I was wondering if Apple had some sort of way to identify the type of business it queried?
From the reference guide, MKMapItem has 5 variables, none of which tell me a place is a "Thai Restaurant" or something like that.
I think its interesting how when you do a MKMapkit query on "thai", it'll give you a list of thai restaurants but thats a one way street and no where later can I take a result from the query on "thai" to verify that it is indeed a "thai" restaurant. More importantly, what I am particularly interested in is if a business is a "Thai" restaurant and a "Bar" as well, I want to be able to do a MKMapKit query on "Bar" OR "Thai" and be able to get both of those tags
I can see a solution of getting the coordinates of a business then using Google Maps API or even Yelp API and doing a search on there to get the "type of business" but that seems extremely cumbersome and inefficient.
Thanks for any advice! One of my first questions so please so easy on me =)
First, take a look with this link :
The google API will send back the name, type, location of business location near you.
It's also send icons(via image link) of business location, so you can display it on the map, which can help you which is market, which is coffeeshop...
But the "Thai Restaurant" maybe too detail so google doesn't want to show it.
Sorry about my bad english.
Hope it help.
For that you should use google near by place search or place search api. you can pass thailand as place name and restaurant to type and it will return you all the restaurant in thailand.

How to prevent ordering certain products - or a category - from a specific country

I have a category dedicated for exported goods , obviously , they will not be sold locally . so , how can I prevent customers who are from my country from ordering products that are meant only for exporting.. and showing an error message .. please help !
I would say that you will have to create a new product type. You'll need a new module (use Daniel's excellent kick-start extension: and then have your model extend Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type_Simple.
Then, add a new attribute for your new product type to capture Allowed Countries, and implement the isSalable method in your Model to check for Allowed Countries.
This is not trivial, but it should be the right approach. The guys at Inchoo (who write a great blog) have a good tutorial on the process: link text and in fact they've provided the shell of the module.
Good luck!

how to get Route directions between two points on a map to draw driving directions?

is there a way to use core location or google or some other api to provide two points on the map and get the resulting set of latitude/longitude pairs for the route?
i have seen in this tutorial Drawing polyines or routes on a MKMapView that how to draw driving direction using core graphics...but in the sample code it has route.csv which has predefined set of longitudes and do i make pair of longitudes and latitudes so that i can draw driving directions.
Companies invest millions of dollars into developing routing algorithms, so I very much doubt that you'll be able to get it for free anywhere (I'm happy to be wrong, though). For example, the Google Maps JavaScript API supports routing, so I guess you could hack that up. The results wouldn't be fast or pretty, mind you.
If you have a limited use of the directions request (less than a certain amount per day) and always display results on a Google map, you do qualify for the free Google Directions API.
Read the license part thoroughly to know the limits. You should easily be able to request a json response that will b easier to parse than an xml one (plus Apple added json parser in iOS).
For example,MA&destination=Concord,MA&waypoints=Charlestown,MA|Lexington,MA&sensor=false
If you are over the limit, you should look into their business licenses.
Old question but MTDirectionsKit was recently open sourced and it works great:
with Google API you can get directions from two points, the only problem is you just can use it once a day if you don't pay.
Search how to get the key API from google, there are a lots of videos on youtube talking about it.
Furthemore, i got a library which hepls you to draw the line between points this one
After you implemented it in build.gradle(Module:app), implement the library in the class like
public class LocationMapActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements RoutingListener
will appear a error to implemets the methods (obligatory to implement them but It's not necessary to use them).
I just did this:
public void route(){
Routing routing = new Routing.Builder()
.travelMode(/* Travel Mode */)
.withListener(/* Listener that delivers routing results.*/)
.key(/*api key for quota management*/)
More info in the link.
