ObjectLoader asset not playing animations - animation

I have been using the single mesh export method on animated models, loading it with the JSONLoader (using this tutorial http://unboring.net/workflows/animation.html ) and it works fine.
For scenes with more than just 1 mesh I export the full scene (Scene and Hierarchy selected) and use the ObjectLoader. So far it works fine, i can add them to the threeScene and render everything fine, no problem.
However when i want to do the same with the model from the tutorial above (export as full scene) i cant animate the character. I can do the whole same procedure i do with the asset loaded with the JsonLoader, i can even get the mixer's 'loop' and 'finished' dispatched events from an animation being played but the model never moves, it stays on the T-pose. Internally it seems its working fine, but the character doesnt do anything. Im basically running the same code for both types of character loading, except no animation is shown.
Should i be doing an extra check somewhere? i also tried cloning the geometry from the ObjectLoader result but it didnt clone the animations so i guess that doesnt works either.

Seems like even as skinning is checked true on the blender export, i still had to set to true on skinning on the code.
clonedObject3d.material.skinning = true;


Why is blender rigged animation distorted when exported as GLTF?

I created an animation in Blender with armature rigging. When I test it in Blender by pressing Alt-A, it works perfectly fine. However, when I export it as a .glb using the KhronosGroup GLTF exporter, the resulting animation is distorted (e.g., limbs are disconnected and moving in a weird way).
Why is this happening (and how can I fix it)?
For the past two days, I have been trying solutions from similar questions (such as applying location/rotation/scale with Ctrl-A, or deleting the Armature modifier on the mesh) but none of them have worked for me.
Here is a link to a screen-recording of what the animation should look like (this is me playing it in Blender):
Here is a link to a screen-recording of what the animation actually looks like (this is me testing the exported .glb in the browser with Three.js):
Here is the .blend file:
Here is the exported .glb file:
I looked at your setup a bit more.. I see you have a few IK bones that are partially driving the animation. Those won't translate correctly, and will have to have the IK baked into the animation. I also investigated the mirror modifier and realize the problem there.. to get the mirrored object to export, you have to click the "apply modifiers" checkbox, but that ALSO applies the Armature modifier, which distorts the mesh so you get the wrong mesh out. To fix that you have to apply the mirror modifier manually in blender, then export Without "apply modifiers" checked. Once you do that, and once you bake the IK into the animation, you might get it to work.
I've done the IK baking in the past but forget exactly how it works, but here's a starting point: https://blenderartists.org/t/bake-ik-to-fk/587226
fwiw Here is the .glb when I pre-applied the mirror modifier.. notice the arms animate correctly now, but the legs/feet are still screwy because of the IK. I didn't figure out how to bake that yet...
Set Object's transformation values:0 before Rig.

taking a 'snapshot' of babylonjs scene sometimes works, sometimes doesn't

I am trying to take a 'snapshot' of a babylon3d scene ... in other words: I am trying to clone a babylon3d canvas when a user presses a button, and then append the new <canvas> to the <body> .. Sometimes it works, but other times it does not.
However, if I use a simple canvas (ie. by using fillRect), the cloning/appending always works as expected.
I have set up a test on plunker to demonstrate my problem: plunker: press the button over and over again to see how sporadic it behaves when there is a babylon scene. AND NOTE: You can toggle between the simple canvas and the babylon canvas from within the _jquery(document).ready(...) handler.
thanks, Shannon
This is because from version 2.3.0 of Babylonjs :
Engine now initialize WebGL with preserveDrawingBuffer = false by default.
You need to initialize the Engine by passing a {preserveDrawingBuffer: true} object as third parameter.
Forked plnkr
But this will unfortunately kill your canvas' performances.
See more about it here.
I'm not really a specialist of Babylonjs, and I didn't find a way to make a call from scene.render method where we could use the flag method proposed by
#CapsE. But there is a BABYLON.Tools.CreateScreenshot(engine, camera, size) method, which will make a downloadable png from your scene ; maybe this could help you.

Three.js within web worker: Simulating animation without rendering to canvas

I have a hypothetical question:
Is it possible to simulate an animation of objects without rendering it to the canvas. I just want to capture objects' position using Vector.project(camera) and present it using CSS. And THREE.DeviceOrientationControls controls how the camera "view" the simulation.
I tried commenting THREE.WebGLRenderer, but it seems that THREE.PerpectiveCamera cannot update it's MatrixWorld property. Hence, the camera seems to not move and the Vector.project(camera) gives a static value. I do this because I need to put my three.js codes within a web worker.
Do I need still need to use THREE.WebGLRenderer to have a working simulation?
I checked the following:
I digged deeper into ((three.scene.getObjectByName("one")).matrixWorld.getPosition()).project(three.camera);, I inspect the following values, having the above requirement (inside web worker, no renderer), using this example:
matrix: {"elements":{"0":3.2167603969573975,"1":0,"2":0,"3":0,"4":0,"5":2.1445069313049316,"6":0,"7":0,"8":0,"9":0,"10":-1.000100016593933,"11":-1,"12":5.4684929847717285,"13":2.1445069313049316,"14":-0.2000100016593933,"15":0}}
camera.projectionMatrix: {"elements":{"0":3.2167603969573975,"1":0,"2":0,"3":0,"4":0,"5":2.1445069313049316,"6":0,"7":0,"8":0,"9":0,"10":-1.000100016593933,"11":-1,"12":0,"13":0,"14":-0.2000100016593933,"15":0}}
camera.matrixWorld: {"elements":{"0":1,"1":0,"2":0,"3":0,"4":0,"5":1,"6":0,"7":0,"8":0,"9":0,"10":1,"11":0,"12":-1.7000000476837158,"13":-1,"14":0,"15":1}}
matrix.getInverse(camera.matrixWorld): {"elements":{"0":1,"1":0,"2":0,"3":0,"4":0,"5":1,"6":0,"7":0,"8":0,"9":0,"10":1,"11":0,"12":1.7000000476837158,"13":1,"14":0,"15":1}}
matrix.multiplyMatrices(camera.projectionMatrix, matrix.getInverse(camera.matrixWorld)): {"elements":{"0":3.2167603969573975,"1":0,"2":0,"3":0,"4":0,"5":2.1445069313049316,"6":0,"7":0,"8":0,"9":0,"10":-1.000100016593933,"11":-1,"12":5.4684929847717285,"13":2.1445069313049316,"14":-0.2000100016593933,"15":0}}
But, when normal (no modification), I inspect the following:
matrix: {"elements":{"0":3.2167603969573975,"1":0,"2":0,"3":0,"4":0,"5":2.1445069313049316,"6":0,"7":0,"8":0,"9":0,"10":-1.000100016593933,"11":-1,"12":5.4684929847717285,"13":2.1445069313049316,"14":-0.2000100016593933,"15":0}}
camera.projectionMatrix: {"elements":{"0":3.2167603969573975,"1":0,"2":0,"3":0,"4":0,"5":2.1445069313049316,"6":0,"7":0,"8":0,"9":0,"10":-1.000100016593933,"11":-1,"12":0,"13":0,"14":-0.2000100016593933,"15":0}}
camera.matrixWorld: {"elements":{"0":1,"1":0,"2":0,"3":0,"4":0,"5":-2.220446049250313e-16,"6":-1,"7":0,"8":0,"9":1,"10":-2.220446049250313e-16,"11":0,"12":-1.7000000476837158,"13":-1,"14":0,"15":1}}
matrix.getInverse(camera.matrixWorld): {"elements":{"0":1,"1":0,"2":0,"3":0,"4":0,"5":-2.220446049250313e-16,"6":1,"7":0,"8":0,"9":-1,"10":-2.220446049250313e-16,"11":0,"12":1.7000000476837158,"13":-2.220446049250313e-16,"14":1,"15":1}}
matrix.multiplyMatrices(camera.projectionMatrix, matrix.getInverse(camera.matrixWorld)): {"elements":{"0":3.2167603969573975,"1":0,"2":0,"3":0,"4":0,"5":-4.761761943205948e-16,"6":-1.000100016593933,"7":-1,"8":0,"9":-2.1445069313049316,"10":2.2206681307011713e-16,"11":2.220446049250313e-16,"12":5.4684929847717285,"13":-4.761761943205948e-16,"14":-1.2001099586486816,"15":-1}}
I noticed that the camera.matrixWorld property has significant difference in both condition. I do not understand what makes the difference.
Apparently, the following lines from THREE.WebGLRenderer.render are still needed to update camera.matrixWorld property:

Unity Animation not working on different scene

I'm working on a menu scene where the options come down from top, so I tried to use Unity simple Animator. The problem is the animation won't work. The weird part is, when I tried the same thing on my game scene the animation works.
-I've checked that the animation is attached to the object
-Culling type is Always Animate
-I've also added a script and tried to force the animation with no results.
Why doesn't the animation not working anything other than the main scene? Do I need to trigger something for it to work?
Things you could check:
Make sure you are using the same kind of component in both scenes. Animator is different from Animation.
If you have an Animator component make sure you have an the right Animation Controller attached to it.
If you have an Animation component make sure that the Animation field is set and holds your animation file and Animations is set too and holds the list of possible animations of your (UI) object.
Even though they have the same extension, .anim files created when an Animation component is attached are different from .anim files created when an Animator component is attached so if you try to play an Animator .anim it won't play with an Animation component.
Is your Animation set to play automatically? If not, are you giving the animation.Play() command somewhere in your code?

Threejs objmtlloader black model

I'm new to ThreeJS and I made this example which shows one of our model.
I created a Petrie3Dviewer and in the HTML page created a viewer object which takes as input an .obj and .mtl file. Strangely tho, the objects shows up BLACK and then when I start interacting the texture comes up. I tried everything I think: different browsers, making the texture smaller, different computers, nothing I get a random behaviour all the time.
I tried on FIrefox, Chrome mainly.
It seems that I need to force the rendering once the obj file is loaded but the OBJMTLLoader.js does not provide any event for it.
Really many thanks for the help.
You should call this.DoRender in your Animate function to render the frame.
this.Animate = function() {
At the moment you call your render function only when the user changes the perspective with the OrbitControls. And because your texture is loaded asynchronously it is not ready the first time when you render the frame.
