How to convert a char to a libc::c_char? - char

I have a C function:
Node * first_element_by_path(const Node * node, const char * path, char delimiter);
And a Rust glue function:
pub fn first_element_by_path(node: *mut CNode, path: *const c_char, delimiter: c_char) -> *mut CNode;
It expects a c_char as delimiter. I want to send a char to it, but c_char is a i8 and not a char. How can I convert a Rust char to i8 or c_char in this case?

You are asking the question:
How do I fit a 32-bit number into an 8-bit value?
Which has the immediate answer: "throw away most of the bits":
let c = rust_character as libc::c_char;
However, that should cause you to stop and ask the questions:
Are the remaining bits in the right encoding?
What about all those bits I threw away?
Rust chars allow encoding all Unicode scalar values. What is your desired behavior for this code:
let c = '💩' as libc::c_char;
It's probably not to create the value -87, a non-ASCII value! Or this less-silly and perhaps more realistic variant, which is -17:
let c = 'ï' as libc::c_char;
You then have to ask: what does the C code mean by a character? What encoding does the C code think strings are? How does the C code handle non-ASCII text?
The safest thing may be to assert that the value is within the ASCII range:
let c = 'ï';
let v = c as u32;
assert!(v <= 127, "Invalid C character value");
let v = v as libc::c_char;
Instead of asserting, you could also return a Result type that indicates that the value was out of range.
should I change my function (the one that will call the glue function) to receive a c_char instead of a char?
That depends. That may just be pushing the problem further up the stack; now every caller has to decide how to create the c_char and worry about the values between 128 and 255. If the semantics of your code are such that the value has to be an ASCII character, then encode that in your types. Specifically, you can use something like the ascii crate.
In either case, you push the possibility for failure into someone else's code, which makes your life easier at the potential expense of making the caller more frustrated.


Calling the GetUserName WinAPI function with a mutable string doesn't populate the string

This appears to partially work but I cannot get the string value to print
pub fn test() {
let mut buf: Vec<u16> = vec![0; 64];
let mut sz: DWORD = 0;
unsafe {
advapi32::GetUserNameW(buf.as_mut_ptr(), &mut sz);
let str1 = OsString::from_wide(&buf).into_string().unwrap();
println!("Here: {} {}", sz, str1);
Here: 10
When I expect it to also print
Here: 10 <username>
As a test, the C version
TCHAR buf[100];
GetUserName(buf, &sz);
seems to populate buf fine.
You should re-read the API documentation for GetUserName to recall how the arguments work:
lpnSize [in, out]
On input, this variable specifies the size of the
lpBuffer buffer, in TCHARs. On output, the variable receives the
number of TCHARs copied to the buffer, including the terminating null
character. If lpBuffer is too small, the function fails and
GetLastError returns ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER. This parameter
receives the required buffer size, including the terminating null
On input: caller tells the API how many spaces the buffer has.
On success: API tells the caller how many spaces were used.
On failure: API tells the caller how many spaces were needed.
C version
This has a fixed-size stack-allocated array of 100 TCHARs.
This code is broken and unsafe because sz is uninitialized. This allows the API to write an undefined number of characters to a buffer that's only 100 long. If the username is over 100 characters, you've just introduced a security hole into your program.
Rust version
The Rust code is broken in a much better way. sz is set to zero, which means "you may write zero entries of data", so it writes zero entries. Thus, the Vec buffer is full of zeros and the resulting string is empty. The buffer is reported too small to receive the username, so GetUserNameW sets sz to the number of characters that the buffer needs to have allocated.
What to do
One "fix" would be to set sz to the length of your array. However, this is likely to have over- or under-allocated the buffer.
If you are ok with a truncated string (and I'm not sure if TCHAR strings can be split arbitrarily, I know UTF-8 cannot), then it would be better to use a fixed-size array like the C code.
If you want to more appropriately allocate memory to call this type of WinAPI function, see What is the right way to allocate data to pass to an FFI call?.
extern crate advapi32;
extern crate winapi;
use std::ptr;
fn get_user_name() -> String {
unsafe {
let mut size = 0;
let retval = advapi32::GetUserNameW(ptr::null_mut(), &mut size);
assert_eq!(retval, 0, "Should have failed");
let mut username = Vec::with_capacity(size as usize);
let retval = advapi32::GetUserNameW(username.as_mut_ptr(), &mut size);
assert_ne!(retval, 0, "Perform better error handling");
assert!((size as usize) <= username.capacity());
username.set_len(size as usize);
// Beware: This leaves the trailing NUL character in the final string,
// you may want to remove it!
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", get_user_name()); // "IEUser\u{0}"

How to detect snprintf failure?

I am using snprintf to format string using user-defined format (also given as string). The code looks like this:
void DataPoint::valueReceived( QVariant value ) {
// Get the formating QVariant, which is only considered valid if it's string
QVariant format = this->property("format");
if( format.isValid() && format.type()==QMetaType::QString && !format.isNull() ) {
// Convert QString to std string
const std::string formatStr = format.toString().toStdString();
// The attempt to catch exceptions caused by invalid formating string
try {
if( value.type() == QMetaType::QString ) {
// Treat value as string (values are allways ASCII)
const std::string array = value.toString().toStdString();
const char* data = (char*)array.c_str();
// Assume no more than 10 characters are added during formating.
char* result = (char*)calloc(array.length()+10, sizeof(char));
snprintf(result, array.length()+10, formatStr.c_str(), data);
value = result;
// If not string, then it's a number.
else {
double data = value.toDouble();
char* result = (char*)calloc(30, sizeof(char));
// Even 15 characters is already longer than largest number you can make any sense of
snprintf(result, 30, formatStr.c_str(), data);
value = result;
} catch(...) {
LOGMTRTTIERR("Format error in "<<pointName<<'\n');
As you can see I assumed there will be some exception. But there's not, invalid formatting string results in gibberish. This is what I get if I try to format double using %s:
So is there a way to detect that invalid formatting option was selected, such as formatting number as string or vice-versa? And what if totally invalid formatting string is given?
You ask if it's possible to detect format/argument mismatch at run-time, right? Then the short and only answer is no.
To expand on that "no" it's because Variable-argument functions (functions using the ellipsis ...) have no kind of type-safety. The compiler will convert some types of arguments to others (e.g. char or short will be converted to int, float will be converted to double), and if you use a literal string for the format some compilers will be able to parse the string and check the arguments you pass.
However since you pass a variable string, that can change at run-time, the compiler have no possibility for any kind of compile-time checking, and the function must trust that the format string passed is using the correct formatting for the arguments passed. If it's not then you have undefined behavior.
It should be noted that snprintf might not actually fail when being passed mismatching format specifier and argument value.
For example if using the %d format to print an int value, but then passing a double value, the snprintf would happily extract sizeof(int) bytes from the double value, and interpret it as an int value. The value printed will be quite unexpected, but there won't be a "failure" as such. Only undefined behavior (as mentioned above).
Thus it's not really possible to detect such errors or problems at all. At least not through the code. This is something that needs proper testing and code-review to catch.
What happens when snprintf fails? When snprintf fails, POSIX requires that errno is set:
If an output error was encountered, these functions shall return a negative value and set errno to indicate the error.
Also you can find some relevant information regarding how to handle snprintf failures Here.

Ruby: FormatMessageW trouble

What's a correct way to call FormatMessageW in Ruby?
require 'win32api'
FormatMessage = 'kernel32', 'FormatMessageW', 'IPIIPII', 'I'
msg = '\0' * 255 0x00001000 | 0x00000100, nil, 6, 1024, msg, 0, 0
FormatMessage returns not null result but msg contains not readable message. What's wrong?
I believe this is the code you are looking for:
require 'win32api'
FormatMessage = 'kernel32', 'FormatMessageW', 'IPIIPIP', 'I'
msgw = ("\x00" * 256).force_encoding("UTF-16LE")
count = FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, nil, 6, 1033, msgw, msgw.size, nil
msgw = msgw[0, count]
msg = msgw.encode("UTF-8")
puts msg
When I run this with Ruby, the output is "The handle is invalid.", which is the correct Windows error message for error code 6.
There were some problems with your original code.
The last argument to FormatMessageW is a pointer, so you should use P instead of I, especially if you want it to work on 64-bit Windows.
In Ruby '\0' is actually a two-byte ASCII string, not a single-byte null character. You can confirm this by running p '\0'.bytes.to_a. It looks like you tried to allocate 255 bytes, but you actually allocated 510 bytes. You should allocate an even number of bytes because wide characters in Windows take 2 bytes.
As #theB pointed out, your first argument to FormatMessageW was wrong, since you specified that FormatMessageW should allocate its own buffer.
You specified language code 1024. I can't find a definition for that. Maybe you meant 1033, which is "English - United States". Specifying 1024 doesn't seem to actually cause problems though.
You should use force_encoding to set the encoding of your string to UTF-16LE, because that is the encoding used for wide strings in Windows (or if it's not exactly the same, at least it is compatible most of the time).
The 6th argument to FormatMessageW should be the number of characters in your buffer (which is the number of bytes divided by 2, by the way). Your code just passed 0 for that argument.
Strings in Ruby can contain any arbitrary bytes, including null characters, but it's not necessarily a good idea to let that happen because things like String#size will return surprising results. FormatMessageW returns the number of characters in the formatted message, so we can use that to trim off the null characters at the end. (Conveniently, FormatMessageW returns 0 if there is an error, so our trimming would result in an empty string.)
You should use String#encode to convert your string from UTF-16LE to UTF-8 because UTF-8 strings are much easier to operate on and print in Ruby.
If you don't care about internationalization and unicode, you could have just used FormatMessageA instead. Here is some code that will work for that:
require 'win32api'
FormatMessage = 'kernel32', 'FormatMessageA', 'IPIIPIP', 'I'
msg = ("\x00" * 256).force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT")
count = FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, nil, 6, 1033, msg, msg.size, nil
msg = msg[0, count]
puts msg
P.S. DWORD is an unsigned integer type. I am not sure what the right letter for that is in Ruby's Win32API class; it might be that I represents a signed integer, and should be replaced by something else.

A way to resize a stack (or other dynamically resizable types)

First off, I've read this question:
What's the right way to make a stack (or other dynamically resizable vector-like thing) in Rust?
The problem
The selected answer just tells the question asker to use the standard library instead of explaining the implementation, which is fine if my goal was to build something. Except I'm trying to learn about the implementation of a stack, while following a data structure textbook written for Java (Algorithms by Robert Sedgwick & Kevin Wayne), where they implement a stack via resizing an array (Page 136).
I'm in the process of implementing the resize method, and it turns out the size of the array needs to be a constant expression.
meta: are arrays in rust called slices?
use std::mem;
struct DynamicStack<T> {
length: uint,
internal: Box<[T]>,
impl<T> DynamicStack<T> {
fn new() -> DynamicStack<T> {
DynamicStack {
length: 0,
internal: box [],
fn resize(&mut self, new_size: uint) {
let mut temp: Box<[T, ..new_size]> = box unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
// ^^ error: expected constant expr for array
// length: non-constant path in constant expr
// code for copying elements from self.internal
self.internal = temp;
For brevity the compiler error was this
.../src/ 51:38 error: expected constant expr for array length: non-constant path in constant expr
.../src/ let mut temp: Box<[T, ..new_size]> = box unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
.../src/ 51:38 error: expected constant expr for array length: non-constant path in constant expr
.../src/ let mut temp: Box<[T, ..new_size]> = box unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
The Question
Surely there is a way in rust to initialize an array with it's size determined at runtime (even if it's unsafe)? Could you also provide an explanation of what's going on in your answer?
Other attempts
I've considered it's probably possible to implement the stack in terms of
struct DynamicStack<T> {
length: uint,
internal: Box<Optional<T>>
But I don't want the overhead of matching optional value to remove the unsafe memory operations, but this still doesn't resolve the issue of unknown array sizes.
I also tried this (which doesn't even compile)
fn resize(&mut self, new_size: uint) {
let mut temp: Box<[T]> = box [];
let current_size = self.internal.len();
for i in range(0, current_size) {
temp[i] = self.internal[i];
for i in range(current_size, new_size) {
temp[i] = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
self.internal = temp;
And I got this compiler error
.../src/ 55:21 error: cannot move out of dereference of `&mut`-pointer
.../src/ temp[i] = self.internal[i];
.../src/ 71:30 error: cannot use `self.length` because it was mutably borrowed
.../src/ self.resize(self.length * 2);
.../src/ 71:11 note: borrow of `*self` occurs here
.../src/ self.resize(self.length * 2);
.../src/ 79:22 error: cannot move out of dereference of `&mut`-pointer
.../src/ let result = self.internal[self.length];
.../src/ 79:15 note: attempting to move value to here
.../src/ let result = self.internal[self.length];
.../src/ 79:15 help: to prevent the move, use `ref result` or `ref mut result` to capture value by reference
.../src/ let result = self.internal[self.length];
I also had a look at this, but it's been awhile since I've done any C/C++
How should you do pointer arithmetic in rust?
Surely there is a way in Rust to initialize an array with it's size determined at runtime?
No, Rust arrays are only able to be created with a size known at compile time. In fact, each tuple of type and size constitutes a new type! The Rust compiler uses that information to make optimizations.
Once you need a set of things determined at runtime, you have to add runtime checks to ensure that Rust's safety guarantees are always valid. For example, you can't access uninitialized memory (such as by walking off the beginning or end of a set of items).
If you truly want to go down this path, I expect that you are going to have to get your hands dirty with some direct memory allocation and unsafe code. In essence, you will be building a smaller version of Vec itself! To that end, you can check out the source of Vec.
At a high level, you will need to allocate chunks of memory big enough to hold N objects of some type. Then you can provide ways of accessing those elements, using pointer arithmetic under the hood. When you add more elements, you can allocate more space and move old values around. There are lots of nuanced things that may or may not come up, but it sounds like you are on the beginning of a fun journey!
Of course, you could choose to pretend that most of the methods of Vec don't even exist, and just use the ones that are analogs of Java's array. You'll still need to use Option to avoid uninitialized values though.

Why XFetchBuffer() returns null instead of clipboard?

int N, atom;
atom = XInternAtom (display, "CLIPBOARD", false);
char *c = XFetchBuffer(display, &N, atom);
The code above supposed to get the string from the clipboard, but it only returns null. And N is 0 as well.
XFetchBuffer works with cut buffers, not with the clipboard. Cut buffers are hardly ever used these days. Note the argument XFetchBuffer accepts is not an Atom but an integer. These are not the same thing.
If you need the clipboard, you need to follow ICCCM and write lots more code.
