I am using Braintree payment method since last 2 year. Its was working perfectly, but now there some issue with sandbox environment. it's throw an error "Braintree_Exception_SSLCertificate" Although same source code working perfectly on production.
Please suggestion me the cause of this error and how I can fix it.
Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact support.
The Sandbox environment was updated on 13th December and TLS 1.2 is the only supported protocol now (This was announced in our TLS 1.2 update page here). Therefore, you'll need to check your server configuration and make sure that it can support connections over TLS 1.2 protocol. You can find more details about TLS 1.2 requirements by clicking here. Production environment will be updated on January 31st of this month.
Getting an error Suitetalk endpoint version 2014_2 is no longer supported while using SuiteTalk SOAP service to connect to Netsuite database.
Any help is appreciated !!
SuiteTalk endpoints are only supported back 3 years. Since the current WSDL version is 2021_2, only versions back to 2019_1 are supported. Beyond that, NetSuite makes the next oldest eight endpoint available, but without support. Currently, that goes back to 2015_1. You will need to upgrade to a newer WSDL. Be careful as there are consequences around authentication (user credentials vs token, and SHA-1 being deprecated for SHA-256) to watch out for, especially once you get past 2019_2. For details, see this SuiteAnswer: https://netsuite.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/10817
Do I need to change anything within my payment gateway script on my ecommerce website, so it complies with PSD2 requirements on sagepay hosted?
I don't take payments on my website, but redirect people to SagePay.
My question is according to Septembers EU law changes.
With any luck, you won't need to make any changes, as SagePay should handle the SCA process for you via 3D secure V2. You will probably already have needed to upgrade your protocol version from 2.x to 3.0 (https://www.sagepay.co.uk/support/12/36/sage-pay-version-3-00-understanding-the-process), and if you have, then SagePay should take care of the 3DS process for you, and hopefully will upgrade that process to 3DS2 when they see fit.
You will need to ensure that you have 3DS turned on in your SagePay account (https://www.sagepay.co.uk/support/28/36/activating-adding-a-3d-secure-rule)
This article:
https://www.sagepay.co.uk/support/12/36/3d-secure-explained suggests that "Depending on which payment integration your site uses with Sage Pay you may have to make some changes to the integration, so it is important to flag with your developer/IT that you may need to make some development changes in June / July / August to ensure they will be ready to act for you. Specific details will be available in May." However, it's now June, and I haven't seen any such "specific details".
I'm not involved with SagePay, so I don't have any further knowledge than that - we too have an integration with SagePay, so I'm also waiting for further confirmation from them on what steps will need to be taken.
EDIT January 2022
At some point between June 2019 and January 2022, SagePay, or rather Opayo, have indeed updated their integration and they do require changes in order to fully cater for 3DSv2. Specifically, you will need to upgrade from Version 3.00 of their integration to Version 4.00 and pass some additional data. The migration process is documented here
Essentially you need to send some additional SCA data and "Credential on File" (CoF) data if you intend to do repeat transactions.
If you use the SagePay REST API (I don't think this applies to OP) then there are some changes you may need to make, the docs for it are available at https://developer.sage.com/api/payments/api/
As far as I understand it the old system is still available and working but implementing these changes should allow you to use frictionless checkout (where 3DS is automatically confirmed) and 2FA.
As most developers know at this point, Parse is shutting down early 2017 but they have been pushing clients to migrate their services. I have a huge client who will be using Parse for Push Notifications in July and August and want to make sure that Parse will still be functioning 100%. I understand them wanting people to migrate, but they don't seem clear on whether their services will be interrupted.
They have been very clear about it :
Why are you using Parse when they are going to shut down & want you to adopt mongoDb? If you have an app there with mongo your app would work fine, but why not go with other options?
Refer : Parse Migration
Also read : My app relies on parse, I have no backend skills
Parse.com will be fully functional until the shutdown on January 28, 2017 although with weaker performance after April 28th.
According to members of the Parse team:
Hi there, I'm part of the team who is actively helping people migrate
their apps. The answer is that we don't know how this may affect push
When we announced that the hosted Parse service will be shut down next
January, we also provided a migration guide where we have shared a
recommended set of guidelines for your migration:
Migrate your database by April 28th, 2016 Migrate your API traffic by
July 28th, 2016 We are committed to maintaining the Parse API up and
running until January of next year, but we highly recommend starting
your migration work as soon as possible. We are focusing our efforts
on people who are following our recommended instructions.
If you have migrated your database to your own MongoDB, you will be
fine, your apps will receive full priority. If you haven't migrated
your database, you app will keep working, but requests might take
longer or have a higher failure rate.
Since CodenameOne doesn't support "the cloud storage API" any more and the parse.com is going to retire soon as well. Does CodenameOne has any plan to release a new Cloud Storage API or provide suggestions/guidelines to help developers to deal with the parse4cn1 library code, cloud code, database structure and data in parse.com?
That is something you will have to figure out yourself as parse4cn1 was initially contributed by a community member and wasn't developed by Codenameone team.
You can use a simple webservices created in php, python or java, hosted along your content with any ISP.
You may also have a look at amazon aws which is promising, they provide a cloud solution but their SDKs is not yet integrated to Codenameone.
I made the parse4cn1 lib and I'm also wondering what's smartest to do. With the announcement of Parse.com's imminent shutdown, there's been a lot of discussion around alternatives. My feeling is that "the dust is yet to settle" as per what options are best and reliable for the longer term (it would be a pity to migrate to another service only for it to be shut down soon). So I personally plan to wait till sometime in Q2 to do a proper evaluation of the alternatives. Hopefully, there'll be more clarity then.
The option to host one's own Parse server (e.g. on AWS or Heroku) is getting interesting. They recently announced support for push notifications on iOS and Android. If (when?) they open source the Parse.com dashboard code, I think that option would be much more interesting.
At some point in the coming months, I plan to make a parse4cn1 release that exposes an option to set the server path. With that, anyone migrating to the Parse server option should, in principle, be able to continue to use the cn1lib. Of course, for features that are supported by the open source Parse server.
PS: Here are pointers to some of such discussions on Parse alternatives:
in fact i have read this article:
it was really interesting for me. it matches very well what i want to do.
i've tried to do the same thing but using wso2am 1.7.0 API Manager.
But while i'm trying to retrieve the policies navigating in the carbon UI
i got the following exception
The following error details are available. Please refer logs for more details.
org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Exception occurred while trying to invoke service method getAllPolicies
at org.wso2.carbon.identity.entitlement.ui.client.EntitlementPolicyAdminServiceClient.handleException(EntitlementPolicyAdminServiceClient.java:478)
at org.wso2.carbon.identity.entitlement.ui.client.EntitlementPolicyAdminServiceClient.getAllPolicies(EntitlementPolicyAdminServiceClient.java:81)
at org.apache.jsp.entitlement.index_jsp._jspService(org.apache.jsp.entitlement.index_jsp:183)
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:111)
Can anyone help me answering these questions?
IS it possible to do the same thing with WSO2 AM?
Do you have idea to solve this issue?
Yes.. you can do it with APIM, but you need to install the XACML feature in to the Identity Server. According to the your comment, It seems to be that you have already installed the XACML feature in APIM. Because if not, you can not see the PAP->Policy Administration UI. But there can be some version mismatch when installing the feature.. Because APIM and WSO2IS may not have released in same version of the org.wso2.carbon.identity.entitlement.stub. However same type of SO question can be found from here. I have given some solution for it. You can try it as well. But if you are looking for proper deployment, I suggest to use Identity Server as separate PDP engine rather than installing PDP feature in the APIM. You can find about more details from here as well