Mandist predicate not giving expected results - prolog

So I'm trying to find the direction that the blank tile in the 8 tile puzzle will be sliding,
I am using X/Y to determine the tiles.
Here's the code I have.
mandist( X /Y , X1 / Y1 , D, Direction):-
D is abs(X - X1 )+ abs(Y - Y1 ),
Y is Y1 ->(
( X is X1 +1 -> Direction ='left')
( X1 is X +1 -> Direction = 'right'))
; X is X1 ->(
( Y1 is Y +1 -> Direction ='up')
( Y is Y1 +1 -> Direction ='down')).
The problem I'm getting is that when calling the mandist predicate it isn't giving me the results I had hoped for.
I am sure the problem is with the if statement, I have wrote some psuedocode so you can understand what I'm trying to do,
if(Y == Y1){
// Change the X Axis
if(X == X1 +1){
This is a left move
This is a right move
}else if (X == X1){
// Change the Y Axis
if(Y == Y1 + 1){
This is an up move
This is a down move
move([1/1, 3/1, 1/3, 2/3, 3/3, 1/2, 2/2, 3/2,2,1], X, Direction)
This then calls the mandist predicate
With D set to 1, so it ensures its a legal move
Here is the unexpected result:
mandist(1/1, X,1, Direction).
Direction = up ;
I am also expecting it to say Direction = right because position 1/1 is the very bottom left of the 3x3 grid and the only moves from the bottom left are either up or right
1/3 2/3 3/3
1/2 2/2 3/2
1/1 2/1 3/1

Based on your question, you probably want to write the following clause:
mandist(X/Y,XD/Y,D,right) :-
XD is X+D.
mandist(X/Y,X/YD,D,up) :-
YD is Y+D.
mandist(X/Y,XD/Y,D,left) :-
XD is X-D.
mandist(X/Y,X/YD,D,down) :-
YD is Y-D.
Given you write this to the file, it will generate:
?- mandist(1/1,X,1,Direction).
X = 2/1,
Direction = right ;
X = 1/2,
Direction = up ;
X = 0/1,
Direction = left ;
X = 1/0,
Direction = down.
Furthermore it can validate whether two coordinates are located in a certain direction given D us instantiated:
?- mandist(1/1,1/2,1,Direction).
Direction = up ;
However it will not work with:
?- mandist(1/1,1/2,D,Direction).
ERROR: is/2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
There is however a way to do this. Please updated your question if that is a requirement.
Since there are bounds, you can simply add them to the clauses. If you can assume that the first pair of coordinates are valid, it is simply:
mandist(X/Y,XD/Y,D,right) :-
XD is X+D,
XD < 4.
mandist(X/Y,X/YD,D,up) :-
YD is Y+D,
YD < 4.
mandist(X/Y,XD/Y,D,left) :-
XD is X-D,
XD > 0.
mandist(X/Y,X/YD,D,down) :-
YD is Y-D,
YD > 0.


Why is my function returning a negative value?

So I drew a simple function in prolog that counts how many of a variable are in a matrix.
And it goes like this :
countOccurrences([X|T], Y, Z):-
countOccur(X, Y, N),
Acc #=N + Z,
countOccurrences(T, Y, Acc).
countOccur([X|T],X,Y):- countOccur(T,X,Z), Y is 1+Z.
countOccur([X1|T],X,Z):- X1\=X,countOccur(T,X,Z).
countOccur seems to be working fine and returns the right value. The problem is countOccurences is returning the right absolute value but negative. I Just dont seem to understand why that is happening.
Can someone enlighten me ?
An input of [[a,a,a,a]] looking for a does countOccurrences of a in [] and sets Acc = 0 and then countOccur of a in [a,a,a,a] sets N=4 then Acc #= N + Z becomes 0 #= 4 + Z and so the result must be Z = -4.

How does the power function work

This is My First Logic Programming Language course so this is a really Dumb Question But I cannot for the life of me figure out how does this power predicate work I've tried making a search tree to trace it But I still cannot understand how is it working
mult(_ , 0 ,0).
mult(X , Y, Z):-
Y > 0,
Y1 is Y - 1,
Z is Z1 + X.
exp2(_ ,0 , 1).
Y > 0,
Y1 is Y - 1,
exp2(X , Y1 , Z1),
I so far get that I'm going to call the exp2 predicate till I reach the point where the Y is going to be Zero then I'm going to start multiplying from there, but At the last call when it's at exp2(2 , 1 , Z) what is the Z value and how does the predicate work from there?
Thank you very much =)
EDIT: I'm really sorry for the Late reply I had some problems and couldn't access my PC
I'll walk through mult/3 in more detail here, but I'll leave exp2/3 to you as an exercise. It's similar..
As I mentioned in my comment, you want to read a Prolog predicate as a rule.
mult(_ , 0 ,0).
This rule says 0 is the result of multiplying anything (_) by 0. The variable _ is an anonymous variable, meaning it is not only a variable, but you don't care what its value is.
mult(X, Y, Z) :-
This says, Z is the result of multiplying X by Y if....
Y > 0,
Establish that Y is greater than 0.
Y1 is Y - 1,
And that Y1 has the value of Y minus 1.
mult(X, Y1, Z1),
And that Z1 is the result of multiplying X by Y1.
Z is Z1 + X.
And Z is the value of Z1 plus X.
Or reading the mult(X, Y, Z) rule altogether:
Z is the result of multiplying X by Y if Y is greater than 0, and Y1 is Y-1, and Z1 is the result of multiplying X by Y1, and Z is the result of adding Z1 to X.
Now digging a little deeper, you can see this is a recursive definition, as in the multiplication of two numbers is being defined by another multiplication. But what is being multiplied is important. Mathematically, it's using the fact that x * y is equal to x * (y - 1) + x. So it keeps reducing the second multiplicand by 1 and calling itself on the slightly reduced problem. When does this recursive reduction finally end? Well, as shown above, the second rule says Y must be greater than 0. If Y is 0, then the first rule, mult(_, 0, 0) applies and the recursion finally comes back with a 0.
If you are not sure how recursion works or are unfamiliar with it, I highly recommend Googling it to understand it. That is, indeed, a concept that applies to many computer languages. But you need to be careful about learning Prolog via comparison with other languages. Prolog is fundamentally different in it's behavior from procedural/imperative languages like Java, Python, C, C++, etc. It's best to get used to interpreting Prolog rules and facts as I have described above.
Say you want to compute 2^3 as assign result to R.
For that you will call exp2(2, 3, R).
It will recursively call exp2(2, 2, R1) and then exp2(2, 1, R2) and finally exp(2, 0, R3).
At this point exp(_, 0, 1) will match and R3 will be assigned to 1.
Then when call stack unfolds 1 will be multiplied by 2 three times.
In Java this logic would be encoded as follows. Execution would go pretty much the same route.
public static int Exp2(int X, int Y) {
if (Y == 0) { // exp2(_, 0, 1).
return 1;
if (Y > 0) { // Y > 0
int Y1 = Y - 1; // Y1 is Y - 1
int Z1 = Exp2(X, Y1); // exp2(X, Y1, Z1);
return X * Z1; // mult(X, Z1, Z).
return -1; // this should never happen.

How to make a prolog program return the value it computed

(I'm not sur if return is the right word to describe it, but that's the best one I could find.)
I am trying to write a small program in prolog that uses the function add to do multiplications. When I run add by itself or even when it is called by the function test the result is "Z = the sum" ex: if I run add(2,3,Z) it will display Z=5.
My problem is that I can't get it to do the same thing when I call mult. The only solution that I found is to use write, but that's not the same thing. I tried a lot of stuff but most of it wasn't even compiling and the rest didn't change anything. Does anybody know how I could make it do that ("Z = the product")? What would be the way to make it do that (return) for a program in general?
Thank You
add(X,Y,Z) :-
Z is X + Y.
X > 0,
X1 is X - 1,
Y < 0,
X1 is abs(X),
Y1 is abs(Y),
Y1 is Y * -1,
X1 is X + 1,
I managed to get it working by adding a 4th parameter. I don't know if it is the right way to do it but it works.
Z is 0.
Z is Z1.
X > 0,
X1 is X - 1,
Y < 0,
X1 is abs(X),
Y1 is abs(Y),
Y1 is Y * -1,
X1 is X + 1,

pow(X,Y,Z) <=> Z = X^Y with add

Would it be possible to do "pow" with "add" predicate (or just X is Y + Z )?
I make this:
pow(X,Y,Z) :- Y1 is Y - 1, pow(X,Y1,Z1), Z is Z1 * X.
But I want also make it with " + " (just for practise) like 3^2 = 3 * 3 = 3 + 3 + 3
You can write the multiplication (mul/3) in terms of addition. Like:
pow(X,Y,Z) :-
Y > 1,
Y1 is Y - 1,
mul(Z1,X,Z). %% originally: Z is Z1 * X.
mul(I,A,R) :-
I > 0,
I1 is I-1,
R is R1 + A.
Usually a basic exercise is to write addition, multiplication, and power predictates with the Peano number representation. In that case addition is written with the successor functor.

Basic PROLOG counting

I'm new to prolog I'm trying to write a predicate which counts the following:
the predicates name is s2int when given:
s2int(0,Y) it shoud "return" Y=0.
s2int(s(0),Y) => Y=1.
s2int(s(s(0)),Y) => Y=2.
s2int(S(s(s(0))),Y) => Y=3.
and so on..
here is what i tried to write(very poorly),
at first i tried this code:
s2intAux(X,Y):- X = s(Z) ,Y1 is Y+1, s2intAux(Z,Y1).
but whenever i try to run it by typing s2intAux(s(0),Y) i get an error saying :"ERROR: is/2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated"
i get that error well because Y is undefined.
then i tried this one:
s2intAux(X,Y):- X = s(Z) ,Y1 is Y+1, s2intAux(Z,Y1).
s2int(X,Y):- Y1 is 0, s2intA(X,Y1).
(i tried to start Y with the value zero but this one didn't work at all)
I've been stuck for a couple of hours now which is why I'm turning to you guys, please help!
thank you.
You need the following to resolve the most trivial case:
This will cause s2intAux(0,Y) to be true when Y is instantiated to 0.
In your subsequent lines, you don't have a statement that resolves Z to 0 when you run out of the s(.). For that, you need to take care of the single s(0) case. Then you can do the general case:
s2intAux(X,Y) :- X = s(0), Y is 1.
s2intAux(X,Y) :- X = s(Z), s2intAux(Z,Y1), Y is Y1 + 1.
Note that on the general case, we have to traverse down to get to the Y is 1 before we can unravel back up and finally assign Y to Y1 + 1.
You can also write that first line as just:
s2intAux(s(0),Y) :- Y is 1.
Final answer looks like this:
s2intAux(s(0),Y) :- Y is 1.
s2intAux(X,Y) :- X = s(Z), s2intAux(Z,Y1), Y is Y1 + 1.
