Disable resize of brush on range chart from focus charts (dc.js, d3.js) - Solved - d3.js

Please note - there is a solution for part of this problem by Gordon Woodhull in Disable brush on range chart before selecting a scale from the dropdown/on page load(dc.js,d3.js)
In addition,there is a partial solution at the end this question.
Furthermore there are two fiddles:
1) https://jsfiddle.net/dani2011/4dsjjdan/1/
2) https://jsfiddle.net/dani2011/uzg48yk7/1/ (with partial solution)
Need to disable resize of the brush on range chart (timeSlider) by dragging the line within the focus charts (bitChart,bitChart2). As Gordon Woodhull suggested (Disable brush resize (DC.js, D3.js) try to enable only pan without zoom.
Current behavior:
Dragging the line on bitChart2 (focus chart) pans the brush until the borders of the timeChart. Once reaching the borders,the brush shrinks. The other focus chart (bitChart) resizes the brush of the range chart during drag of its line.
When selecting a span for the brush from the dropdown only the .on('zoomed', function (chart, filter) { of bitChart2 is loaded and not the .on("zoomed"... of bitChart.
Print screens from the console:
a) Selecting scale from the dropdown
b) Dragging line on bitChart:
c) Dragging line on bitChart2:
For both bitChart and bitChart2 the value of scale is 1 and the position
is 0,0:
.on('zoomed', function (chart, filter) {
//var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom()
// .translate([0, 0])
//.scale(1).scaleExtent([1, 1])
var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom()
var scale = zoom.scale(); var position = zoom.translate();
js file
The following implementations did not solve the issue:
**option 1**
bitChart.on('zoomed', function (chart, filter) {
d3.behavior.zoom().on("zoom", null);//doesn't stop zoom
//event needs svg element(tried different options),doesn't work
**option 2**
//Applied on timeslider,bitChart,bitChart2 to eliminate zoom and
//maintain pan
.zoomScale([1, 1])//dc.js
//And also
.on('zoomed', function (chart, filter) {
bitChart.zoomScale([1, 1]);
//Nothing pans with
**option 3**
bitChart.on('zoomed', function (chart, filter) {
var svg = d3.select("body")
.call(d3.behavior.zoom().on("zoom", function () {
svg.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")" +"
scale(" + 1 + ")")
**option 4**
.on('zoomed', function (chart, filter) {
var chartBody = chart.select('g.stack _0');
var path = chartBody.selectAll('path.line').data([extra_data]);
class: 'line',
path.attr('transform', 'translate(0,50)');
**option 5**
bitChart.on('zoomed', function (chart, filter) {
var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom()
.scaleExtent([1, 1])
chart.select('g.stack _0').call(zoom);
zoom.event(chart.select('g.stack _0'));
**option 6**
bitChart.on('zoomed', function (chart, filter) {
**option 7**
var min_zoom = 1;
var max_zoom = 1;
var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg");
var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom().scaleExtent([min_zoom, max_zoom])
bitChart.on('zoomed', function (chart, filter) {
My fiddle:
https://jsfiddle.net/dani2011/4dsjjdan/1/ was forked from https://jsfiddle.net/gordonwoodhull/272xrsat/9/.
When selecting span from the dropdown and clicking on the range chart,The range chart (timeSlider) acts strange on the fiddle, but behaves as expected when run it in my environment. Please note in this fiddle that bitChart2 pans the brush as expected.The resize of the brush when reaching the edge happens in my enviroment. bitChart still resizes the brush.
A partial solution:
To enable multi focus charts on a single range chart as in https://github.com/dc-js/dc.js/blob/master/web/examples/multi-focus.html written by Gordon Woodhull.Used the focus chart which worked properly in my code (bitChart2) as the main reference chart:
bitChart2.focusCharts = function (chartlist) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return this._focusCharts;
this._focusCharts = chartlist; // only needed to support the getter above
this.on('filtered', function (range_chart) {
if (!range_chart.filter()) {
dc.events.trigger(function () {
chartlist.forEach(function(focus_chart) {
} else chartlist.forEach(function(focus_chart) {
if (!rangesEqual(range_chart.filter(), focus_chart.filter())) {
dc.events.trigger(function () {
return this;
My second fiddle:
https://jsfiddle.net/dani2011/uzg48yk7/1/ was forked from https://jsfiddle.net/gordonwoodhull/272xrsat/9/.
1) When clicking on the range chart in the fiddle it does not function properly, but works in my environment.
2) The brush does not resize at the edges of the range chart in the fiddle as it does in my environment
3) It does show in the fiddle that the whole range chart is selected when panning/clicking on the lines in the focus charts and when clicking in the range chart
4) It does show in the fiddle that after selecting the brush span from the dropdown, panning the lines in the focus charts moves the brush properly on the range chart.
5) It does show in the fiddle that dragging the brush on the range chart is possible again in no span is selected from the dropdown
Still needs to solve:
1) When reaching the ends of the range chart (timeSlider) the brush resizes
solved by updating versions to be the same as the version of the external resources in the fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/gordonwoodhull/272xrsat/9/. Thank you Gordon!
2) Before selecting a scale from the dropdown:
a) When panning /translating the line of the focus charts(bitChart,bitChart2) the brush resizes
b) It is possible again to drag the brush on the range chart
Any help would be appreciated !


Text inside each bubble in c3js Scatter plot

I am generating scatter plot using c3 js.I wanted to display some text inside the bubble.Text can be either its value(y axis) or x axis value.The property (labels :true) which works for bar graph does not work in case of scatter.Please help
Adding Labels to c3 Scatter Plot
You can select the points using d3 and add whatever text you want using the point coordinates. For example, here's how you add the serei-index.point-index
function drawLabels(chartInternal) {
var textLayers = chartInternal.main.selectAll('.' + c3.chart.internal.fn.CLASS.texts);
for (var i = 0; i < textLayers[0].length; i++) {
// select each of the scatter points
chartInternal.mainCircle[i].forEach(function (point, index) {
var d3point = d3.select(point)
// center horizontally and vertically
.style('text-anchor', 'middle').attr('dy', '.3em')
.text(i + '.' + index)
// same as at the point
.attr('x', d3point.attr('cx')).attr('y', d3point.attr('cy'))
and call it like this
You can easily use the index to pick out labels from an array instead.
Responding to Legend Clicks
To update the label positions when you show / hide each series by clicking on the legends you hook onto the legend click handlers remove the existing labels and draw them again at the new positions once the scatter points are in their final place. You use a timeout to make sure the label draw is triggered after the animation completes
Here's your legend option for that
legend: {
item: {
onclick: function (id) {
var $$ = this;
// remove existing labels
this.main.selectAll('.' + c3.chart.internal.fn.CLASS.texts).selectAll('*').remove();
// this block is a copy paste from c3 code
if (this.d3.event.altKey) {
} else {
this.isTargetToShow(id) ? this.api.focus(id) : this.api.revert();
setTimeout(function () {
// add a small duration to make sure the points are in place
}, this.config.transition_duration + 100)
Fiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/mn6qn09d/

Semantic zoom on map with circle showing capital

I wanted to implement semantic zoom on map of d3.js. I have developed a example of map and Major cities of particular country, which is working fine but sometime circle got overlap due to near places in maps so if i implement semantic zoom which will solve my circle overlapping problem.
I don't understand how to transform only graph not circle in my map.
My zooming function code is :
var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom()
.on("zoom",function() {
.attr("d", path.projection(projection));
.attr("d", path.projection(projection));
My jsfiddle link
Anybody help me please!
Are you asking how to not scale the circles according to the zoom? The way you have it you are scaling the g element and the circles are in it. The way I'd do it is to "shrink" the circles when zoomed.
// zoom and pan
var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom()
.on("zoom",function() {
.attr("r", function(){
var self = d3.select(this);
var r = 8 / d3.event.scale; // set radius according to scale
self.style("stroke-width", r < 4 ? (r < 2 ? 0.5 : 1) : 2); // scale stroke-width
return r;
Update fiddle.
I know this is an old post and it already has an accepted answer but as the original post suggests, d3's Semantic Zoom is a cleaner way of doing this. I implemented the same thing you did (circles on cities on a map) by following this demo https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/368095. The only thing I had to change was I had to subtract the initial position of the circles in the transform function in order to correct their initial position.
function transform(t) {
return function(d) {
const point = [d.x, d.y] // this is the initial point
const tPoint = t.apply(point) // after translation
const finalPoint = [tPoint[0] - d.x, tPoint[1] - d.y]// subtract initial x & y to correct
return `translate(${finalPoint})`;

When a d3.behavior.zoom event is triggered programatically, how do you set inital values for translate and scale?

The squares in the example below are part of an SVG group that has an initial translate and scale set.
Clicking on a square initiates a zoom transition. But the intial values set by the transition are different from my defaults, as made obvious by the jarring start to this transition.
How can I set initial values for translate and scale on a zoom transition that I initiate programatically?
var svg = d3.select("#main");
var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom().on("zoom",function(){
var t = d3.event.translate;
var s = d3.event.scale;
svg.attr("transform","translate("+t[0]+","+t[1]+") scale("+s+")")
var scale = Math.random()*3;
var translate = [Math.random()*200,Math.random()*200]
//new transition
var T = svg.transition().duration(5000)
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.4.11/d3.min.js"></script>
<p style="font-weight:bold">When a zoom is triggered programatically, how do you set inital values for translate and scale?</p>
<p>Click on one of the squares</p>
<svg height="600px" width="600px">
<g id="main" transform="translate(25,25) scale(0.25)"></g>
That is a problem with the zoom function itself. I would suggest zooming the children as opposed to the parent if that would work
var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom().on("zoom",function(){
var t = d3.event.translate;
var s = d3.event.scale;
svg.selectAll("rect").attr("transform","translate("+t[0]+","+t[1]+") scale("+s+")")
The problem with the above code is that d3.js does not register the transformation or initial state of the SVG. This problem runs deeper. As d3 does not keep track of the SVG transformations and just executes them. It only keeps track of transformations you've run on the library in a variable called __chart__.
So when the zoom function is run it just interpolates the variables and gives the output. As no functions have been run on this yet the __chart__ variable has not been set and causing the jerky start from (x=0, y=0, k=1).
Run this code before the zoom transformation to set the initial chart manually
this.__chart__={x:25,y:25,k:0.25}; //or you can pick those values using attr
Zoom the svg programmatically to 25,25,0.25 first before any other function. (this is why your workaround works as the __chart__ variable gets set)
To set the initial value of the zoom, try something like this:
// Init zoom
var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom().on("zoom", function () {
svg.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")" + " scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")");
// Get SVG element
var svg = d3.select("svg")
// Create circle
.attr("r", 5);
// Create init value
var scale = 5;
var translate = [50, 50];
// Set init value
// Call zoom event
// or svg.transition().call(zoom.event);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.4.11/d3.min.js"></script>
<svg height="100px" width="100px"></svg>
I was looking for the answer to this, but it seems D3 has already evolved a couple of versions.
Although Majkl and cjds's answers helped me solve my problem, I thought it would help to leave more up to date information, since it was hard finding v5.4 examples out there, until I found Observable at least.
// Applies event transformation to the Group element's attribute
const zoom_action = () => g.attr("transform", d3.event.transform)
// Create the zoom handler
const zoom = d3
.on("zoom", zoom_action)
// Get SVG element and apply zoom behaviour
var svg = d3
// Create Group that will be zoomed
var g = svg.append("g")
// Create circle
.attr("r", 5)
// Set initial scale and translation
zoom.scaleBy(svg, 5)
zoom.translateBy(svg, 50, 50)
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v5.js"></script>
<svg height="100px" width="100px"></svg>

nvd3.js how to properly redraw chart

I have chart type switcher (pieChart/lineChart), date selector and one svg element.
Changing the chart type or date triggers ajax request (different urls with different response data structure for pie/line) and then redraw my chart. Like this:
buildReport: function (data) {
var that = this;
// Format incoming data to chart's format
this.structure = this.formatters[this.type].call(this, data);
this.svgElem.empty(); // jQuery empty
nv.addGraph(function () {
var chart = nv.models[that.type](); // that.type - pieChart or lineChart
chart.options(that.options[that.type] || {});
return chart;
This function is called on chart type or date change (ajax request may cache for some conditions). Is it right to use svgElem.empty()? Or there is another way to destruct chart and draw another one?
And some additional questions:
1) How to draw legend in the center bottom of chart? Are there any options for this?
2) How to draw stacked area chart in "Expanded" state by default? I need to hide controls (showContols: false option) and draw expanded stackedArea chart
Thank you
To draw the chart with a style that is not the stacked you can use
chart.style("expand"); // for expanded
chart.style("stream"); // for stream

Adding tool-tip to an image rendered using Highcharts Renderer.image() api

I wanted to add a tool-tip to an image that is rendered using:
image (String source, Number x, Number y, Number width, Number height) api.
I couldn't figure out a way to do this, I am using org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts API's to
create high charts in my GWT app.
Use chart.renderer.text and chart.renderer.rect to draw and position your own custom tooltip based on the position of the image.
This is a sample code snippet I used to display a tooltip for an image which is generated using chart.renderer.image -
marker = chart.renderer.image(src, x, y, imageSize, imageSize)
.on('click', function() {`enter code here`
zIndex: 100
.on('mouseover', function() {
//Call back for image mouse hover
//Draw a text relative to Image X and Y
text = chart.renderer.text("Your tooltip Text",X, Y)
var box = text.getBBox();
//Now draw a box surrounding the tool tip text
textBG = chart.renderer.rect(box.x, box.y,box.width, box.height, 5)
fill: '#FFFFEF',
stroke: 'gray',
'stroke-width': 1,
zIndex: 4
.on('mouseout', function() {
//Call back for mouse out on the image
//Destroy Both markers text and textBG on mouse out
//Make text and textBG as global functions for access accross functions
In this way you can create custom tooltip for images.
I used this link for syntax of adding tooltip text and its back ground to the chart.
