SEH on Windows, call stack traceback is gone - windows

I am reading this article about the SEH on Windows.
and here is the source code of myseh.cpp
I debugged myseh.cpp. I set 2 breakpoints at printf("Hello from an exception handler\n"); at line:24 and DWORD handler = (DWORD)_except_handler; at line: 36 respectively.
Then I ran it and it broke at line:36. I saw the stack trace as follows.
As going, AccessViolationException occurred because of mov [eax], 1
Then it broke at line:24. I saw the stack trace as follows.
The same thread but the frame of main was gone! Instead of _except_handle. And ESP jumped from 0018f6c8 to 0018ef34;it's a big gap between 0018f6c8 and 0018ef34
After Exception handled.
I know that _except_handle must be run at user mode rather than kernel mode.
After _except_handle returned, the thread turned to ring0 and then windows kernel modified CONTEXT EAX to &scratch & and then returned to ring3 . Thus thread ran continually.
I am curious about the mechanism of windows dealing with exception:
WHY the frame calling main was gone?
WHY the ESP jumped from 0018f6c8 to 0018ef34?(I mean a big pitch), Do those ESP address belong to same thread's stack??? Did the kernel play some tricks on ESP in ring3??? If so, WHY did it choose the address of 0018ef34 as handler callback's frame? Many thanks!

You are using the default debugger settings, not good enough to see all the details. They were chosen to help you focus on your own code and get the debug session started as quickly as possible.
The [External Code] block tells you that there are parts of the stack frame that do not belong to code that you have written. They don't, they belong to the operating system. Use Tools > Options > Debugging > General and untick the "Enable Just My Code" option.
The [Frames below might be incorrect...] warning tells you that the debugger doesn't have accurate PDBs to correctly walk the stack. Use Tools > Options > Debugging > Symbols and tick the "Microsoft Symbol Servers" option and choose a cache location. The debugger will now download the PDBs you need to debug through the operating system DLLs. Might take a while, it is only done once.
You can reason out the big ESP change, the CONTEXT structure is quite large and takes up space on the stack.
After these changes you ought to now see something resembling:
ConsoleApplication1942.exe!_except_handler(_EXCEPTION_RECORD * ExceptionRecord, void * EstablisherFrame, _CONTEXT * ContextRecord, void * DispatcherContext) Line 22 C++
ntdll.dll!ExecuteHandler2#20() Unknown
ntdll.dll!ExecuteHandler#20() Unknown
ntdll.dll!_KiUserExceptionDispatcher#8() Unknown
ConsoleApplication1942.exe!main() Line 46 C++
ConsoleApplication1942.exe!invoke_main() Line 64 C++
ConsoleApplication1942.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() Line 255 C++
ConsoleApplication1942.exe!__scrt_common_main() Line 300 C++
ConsoleApplication1942.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 17 C++
kernel32.dll!#BaseThreadInitThunk#12() Unknown
ntdll.dll!__RtlUserThreadStart() Unknown
ntdll.dll!__RtlUserThreadStart#8() Unknown
Recorded on Win10 version 1607 and VS2015 Update 2. This isn't the correct way to write SEH handlers, find a better example in this post.


How does the tct command work under the hood?

The windbg command tct executes a program until it reaches a call instruction or a ret instruction. I am wondering how the debugger implements this functionality under the hood.
I could imagine that the debugger scans the instructions from the current instructions for the next call or ret and sets according breakpoints on the found instructions. However, I think this is unlikely because it would also have to take into account jmp instructions so that there are an arbitrary number of possible call or ret instructions where such a breakpoint would have to be set.
On the other hand, I wonder if the x86/x64 CPU provides a functionality that raises an exception to be caught by the debugger whenever the CPU is about to process a call or ret instruction. Yet, I have not heard of such a functionality.
I'd guess that it single-steps repeatedly, until the next instruction is a call or ret, instead of trying to figure out where to set a breakpoint. (Which in the general case could be as hard as solving the Halting Problem.)
It's possible it could optimize that by scanning forward over "straight line" code and setting a breakpoint on the next jmp/jcc/loop or other control-transfer instruction (e.g. xabort), and also catching signals/exceptions that could transfer control to an SEH handler.
I'm also not aware of any HW support for breaking on a certain type of instruction or opcode: the x86 debug registers DR0..7 allow hardware breakpoints at code addresses without rewriting machine code to int3, and also hardware watchpoints (to trap data load/store to a specific address or range of addresses). But not filtering by opcode.

Visual Studio: Debug before main() function call

I'm having an issue where my application is failing a debug assertion (_CrtIsValidHeapPointer) before anything is even executed. I know this because I added a breakpoint on the first statement of my main function, and it fails the assertion before the breakpoint is reached.
Is there a way to somehow "step through" everything that happens before my main function is called? Things like static member initializations, etc.
I should note that my program is written in C++/CLI. I recently upgraded to VS2015 and am targeting the v140 toolset. The C++ libraries I'm using (ImageMagick, libsquish, and one of my own C++ libraries) have been tested individually, and I do not receive the assertion failure with these libraries, so it has to be my main application.
I haven't changed any of the code since I upgraded from VS2013, so I'm a little stumped on what is going on.
Here is the call stack. This is after I click "Retry" in the assertion failed window. I then get a multitude of other exceptions being thrown, but they are different each time I run the program.
> ucrtbased.dll!527a6853()
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for ucrtbased.dll]
PathCreator.exe!_onexit(int (void)* const function) Line 268 + 0xe bytes C++
PathCreator.exe!atexit(void (void)* const function) Line 276 + 0x9 bytes C++
PathCreator.exe!std::`dynamic initializer for '_Fac_tidy_reg''() Line 65 + 0xd bytes C++
[External Code]
You have to debug the C runtime initialization code. Not intuitive to do because the debugger tries hard to avoid it and get you into the main() entrypoint instead. But still possible, use Debug > New Breakpoint > Function Breakpoint.
Enter _initterm for the function name, Language = C.
Press F5 and the breakpoint will hit. You should see the C runtime source code. You can now single-step through the initialization functions of your program one-by-one, every call to (**it)() executes one.
That's exactly what you asked for. But not very likely what you actually want. The odds that your code produces this error are very low. Much more likely is that one of these libraries causes this problem. They are likely to be built targeting another version of the C runtime library. And therefore have their own _initterm() function.
Having more than one copy of the C runtime library in a process is generally very unhealthy. And highly likely to generate heap corruption. If you can't locate it from the stack trace (be sure to change the Debugger Type from Auto to Mixed, always post the stack trace in an SO question) then the next thing you should strongly consider is rebuilding those libraries with the VS version you use.

Display call stack below IRQ handler on MSP430 with IAR

I'm trying to find a stack overflow in a project on MSP430, and found that it occurs mainly when an IRQ occurs after the stack is pretty full.
I've set a breakpoint on a stack pointer write with a value that is smaller than the start address of the stack, and the CPU halts in the IRQ handler.
The call stack display in IAR C-SPY then terminates at the handler function, however I'd be interested in what is below this, as this is what filled the stack.
Is there a way to display the call stack below the current interrupt handler?
If the interrupt handler is written in C, this should work correctly, as the generated CFI (call frame information) should be correct even for interrupt functions.
However, if this (for some reason) should not work, or if the interrupt routine is written in assembler (without proper CFI directives), you can use a little trick. You can manually modify the PC and SP registers in the register window by retrieving the PC from the stack and by "backing up" the SP the amount that it was adjusted inside the function. After this, the debugger will display the function that was executing when the interrupt occurred.
Note, in the traditional MSP430 core, the PC is stored as a plain 16 bit value. However, in the MSP430X core the 20 bits are a bit intertwined with the status register, see the architecture manual for details.

How can I debug into an unmanaged BCL (InternalCall) method?

I want to debug into the implementation of a [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] BCL method, which is presumably implemented in C++. (In this particular case, I'm looking at System.String.nativeCompareOrdinal.) This is mainly because I'm nosy and want to know how it's implemented.
However, the Visual Studio debugger is refusing to step into that method. I can set a breakpoint on this call:
"Hello".Equals("hello", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
then bring up Debug > Windows > Disassembly, step into the Equals call, and step until it gets to the call x86 instruction. But when I try to use "Step Into" on that call (which I know from Reflector is the nativeCompareOrdinal call), it doesn't step to the first instruction inside nativeCompareOrdinal like I want -- it steps over instead, and goes straight to the next x86 instruction in Equals.
I'm building as x86, since mixed-mode debugging isn't supported for x64 apps. I've unchecked "Just My Code" in Tools > Options > Debugging, and I have "Enable unmanaged code debugging" checked in project properties > Debug tab, but it still steps over the call. I also tried starting the process and then attaching the debugger, and explicitly attaching both the managed and native debuggers, but it still won't step into that InternalCall method.
How can I get the Visual Studio debugger to step into an unmanaged method?
Yes, it is tricky. The offset you see for the CALL instruction is bogus. Plus it won't let you navigate to an unmanaged code address when the current focus is on a managed function.
Start by enabling unmanaged code debugging and setting a breakpoint on the call. Run the code and when the break point hits use Debug + Windows + Disassembly:
"Hello".Equals("hello", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
00000025 call 6E53D5D0
0000002a nop
The debugger tries to display the absolute address but gets it wrong because it uses the bogus incremental address instead of the real instruction address. So first recover the true relative value: 0x6E53D5D0 - 0x2A = 0x6E53D5A6.
Next you need to find the real code address. Debug + Windows + Registers and look at the value of the EIP register. 0x009A0095 in my case. Add 5 to get to the nop, then add the relative offset: 0x9A0095 + 5 + 0x6E53D5A6 = 0x6EEDD640. The real address of the function.
Debug + Windows + Call Stack and double-click an unmanaged stack frame. Now you can enter the calculated address in the Disassembly window's Address box, prefix with 0x.
6EEDD640 push ebp
6EEDD641 mov ebp,esp
6EEDD643 push edi
6EEDD644 push esi
6EEDD645 push ebx
6EEDD646 sub esp,18h
Bingo, you're know you're good if you see the stack frame setup code. Set a breakpoint on it and press F5.
Of course, you'll be stepping machine code since there's no source code available. You'll get much better insight in what this code is doing by looking at the SSCLI20 source code. No guarantee that it will be a match for the actual code in your current version of the CLR but my experience is that these low-level code chunks that have been around since 1.0 are highly conserved. The implementation is in clr\src\classlibnative\nls, not sure which source code file. It won't be named "nativeCompareOrdinal", that's just an internal name used by ecall.cpp.

ARM Data Abort error exception debugging

So now I understand that I'm getting a ARM Data Abort exception - I see how to trap the exception itself (a bad address in the STL library), but I would like to walk back up the stack frame before the exception. I'm using the IAR toolchain, and it tells me the call stack is unavailable after the exception - is there a trick way to convince the tool to show me the call stack? Thanks for all the quick help!
if you look at the ARM ARM (ARM Architecture Reference Manual, just google "arm arm"), Programmers Model -> Processor modes and Registers sections. When in abort mode you are priveledged so you can switch from abort to say supervisor and then make a copy of r13, then switch back to abort mode and dump the stack from the copy of r13. Your r14 also tells you where the abort occurred.
I wouldnt be surprised if this abort was from an alignment. Trying to read/write a word with an address with something other than zeros in the lower two bits or a halfword with the lsbit of the address set. Actually if you take the link register and a dump of the registers (r0-r12) since abort and user/supervisor use the same register space, you can look at the instruction that caused the abort and the address to see if it was indeed an alignment problem or something else. Note that the pc is one, two or three instructions ahead depending on the mode thumb or arm that had the abort, if you are not using thumb at all then this nothing to worry about.
