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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am creating a custom task in SAS Studio 3.5. I want to design a simple user interface so that users can select options and input parameters.
When SAS Studio opens, there is a code and log window, when the task is opened there are then a few extra tabs at the top.
I would like to know if
A) the log and code window can be deselected by default
B) if, when the task is opened, it displays only the user interface (form) to fill in.
I basically want as few things for the user to click on as possible.
The best way to deliver a modern UI is to use HTML5. This is waay easier than using SAS/AF, more supportable (plenty of web resource available in the market), scalable, requires no client install (virtually all clients have browsers!), and you can make use of the '000s of free libraries available (jQuery, Boostrap, HandsOnTable etc).
I have written a simple guide for building web applications with SAS:
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Closed 6 days ago.
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I try to use VBS to automate Excel download on Sap Business Client. Normally I would use the following option:
Using settings option to record VBS
This works great when interacting with transaction.
Lately I came across a different type of GUI-which looks different. In this screen there is no scripting option and even after I tried to record from a transaction and interact with it, it fails.
This picture shows how it looks on the tabs menu (it has Sap logo instead of normal transaction logo):
Tab menu report logo
Unfortunately I use Sap in an organization that does not allow for full code sharing, so this is why I attached only screenshots.
Any help or even a link to a documented API to interact with such type will be very appreciated.
I tried to search for any ideas, but couldn't find anything.
My guess is that the object type needs to be different than SAPGUI or SAPGUISERVER:
Set SapGuiAuto=GetObject("SAPGUI ")
But again, no other option works.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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If an app that uses Parse needs a web-based data admin system, what's the best way to go?
I know already offers a data browser, but its main use case isn't for someone to mass enter data or perform admin functions. I know I can make one from scratch with the libraries found here on the Parse API Libraries page, but I was just wondering if there was a standard or most used way to use 3rd party admin panels.
Given that there is no "standard data admin", other than perhaps letting them edit all fields on all objects (which is provided by the data browser), I wouldn't expect to find some 3rd party admin panel.
What you do and don't expose in an admin interface often varies from product to product, some fields might be there only to support easier searching and be read-only (or hidden) even in admin screens.
Unfortunately that means you need to roll your own admin screens using whichever SDK works best for you.
Be aware that (last I checked) the JavaScript SDK only works for Internet Explorer if your pages are hosted on SSL (https), due to a quirk in IE. If you want to support IE you might want to use Parse's Cloud Hosting.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to make a quite simple application in multiple devices using xamarin (iOS and Android).
So I read/think that the best way to doing this is to put one folder (shared between all projects) that contains all the:
DataLayer (for physical storage)
DataAccessLayer (support data operations)
ServiceAccesslayout (communicate with an external API)
BusinessLayer (Application Facade)
And for the view, the applications will use their custom language
So first question, does it sound great?
Second: How add that kind of folder, that should be updated in every project in Visual Studio 2012? Actually I have one solution with two projects and the two projects (iOS and Android) should have that same folter (tat contains all the "core" layers)
By the way if you have already read a tutorial that talk over that question, please give it to me.
I would have a look at MVVMCross, it is a great way of sharing the maximum amount of code across platforms.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have a documentation set that I need to deliver to a variety of users. It is currently in HTML with a number of attachments with a total size of around 180MB. I have the following requirements:
It only needs to be viewable on windows.
The user must not need to install additional software prior to viewing the documentation over and above what is normally on the machine (MS Office, browser etc)
The entire set needs to be searchable (preferably including MS Office attachments)
(desirable) It needs to be distributable as a single file (.exe OK)
(desirable) It needs a compatible authoring tool
Any ideas on what would be a good way to do this?
Way out of my area of expertise, and it may not work with the office files, but Microsoft Compiled HTML Help looks promising.
One tool that we are considering to do this is TiddlyWiki which allows inline editing of the source and can be extended with plugins to look more like a traditional website and to provide better support for multi user editing.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm trying to figure out how to render text on Windows with the same display as Mac rendered text, e.g: (That picture is not perfect, but it showcases the neat anti aliasing that Mac has)
I've looked at GDI++/Freetype, and it seems too unstable and it has a lack of documentation. If anyone has any suggestions, that'd be great.
The reason I am asking is because I am trying to make a writing program where text readability and text display are two important factors.
The solution lies in using gdipp to override the default font-rendering engine in Windows. Just download the latest package from their Google project page and double click to install it.
It will automatically get installed as a service. If you don't notice any change in the way fonts render, open Run -> Type services.msc -> Right click gdipp -> Click Start.
You may need to restart your computer once for all programs to start respecting gdipp's rendering engine.
EDIT: Alternatively, look at MacType. It's a user-space application that won't require being run as a service. It works with Chrome as well.