JmsMessageDrivenChannelAdapter start phase finishing observation [duplicate] - spring

I have an integration test for my Spring Integration config, which consumes messages from a JMS topic with durable subscription. For testing, I am using ActiveMQ instead of Tibco EMS.
The issue I have is that I have to delay sending the first message to the endpoint using a sleep call at the beginning of our test method. Otherwise the message is dropped.
If I remove the setting for durable subscription and selector, then the first message can be sent right away without delay.
I'd like to get rid of the sleep, which is unreliable. Is there a way to check if the endpoint is completely setup before I send the message?
Below is the configuration.
Thanks for your help!
id="myConsumer" connection-factory="myCachedConnectionFactory"
destination="myTopic" channel="myChannel" error-channel="errorChannel"
pub-sub-domain="true" subscription-durable="true"
transaction-manager="emsTransactionManager" auto-startup="false"/>

If you are using a clean embedded activemq for the test, the durability of the subscription is irrelevant until the subscription is established. So you have no choice but to wait until that happens.
You could avoid the sleep by sending a series of startup messages and only start the real test when the last one is received.
I forgot that there is a methodisRegisteredWithDestination() on the DefaultMessageListenerContainer.
* Return whether at least one consumer has entered a fixed registration with the
* target destination. This is particularly interesting for the pub-sub case where
* it might be important to have an actual consumer registered that is guaranteed
* not to miss any messages that are just about to be published.
* <p>This method may be polled after a {#link #start()} call, until asynchronous
* registration of consumers has happened which is when the method will start returning
* {#code true} – provided that the listener container ever actually establishes
* a fixed registration. It will then keep returning {#code true} until shutdown,
* since the container will hold on to at least one consumer registration thereafter.
* <p>Note that a listener container is not bound to having a fixed registration in
* the first place. It may also keep recreating consumers for every invoker execution.
* This particularly depends on the {#link #setCacheLevel cache level} setting:
* only {#link #CACHE_CONSUMER} will lead to a fixed registration.
We use it in some channel tests, where we get the container using reflection and then poll the method until we are subscribed to the topic.
* Blocks until the listener container has subscribed; if the container does not support
* this test, or the caching mode is incompatible, true is returned. Otherwise blocks
* until timeout milliseconds have passed, or the consumer has registered.
* #see DefaultMessageListenerContainer#isRegisteredWithDestination()
* #param timeout Timeout in milliseconds.
* #return True if a subscriber has connected or the container/attributes does not support
* the test. False if a valid container does not have a registered consumer within
* timeout milliseconds.
private static boolean waitUntilRegisteredWithDestination(SubscribableJmsChannel channel, long timeout) {
AbstractMessageListenerContainer container =
(AbstractMessageListenerContainer) new DirectFieldAccessor(channel).getPropertyValue("container");
if (container instanceof DefaultMessageListenerContainer) {
DefaultMessageListenerContainer listenerContainer =
(DefaultMessageListenerContainer) container;
if (listenerContainer.getCacheLevel() != DefaultMessageListenerContainer.CACHE_CONSUMER) {
return true;
while (timeout > 0) {
if (listenerContainer.isRegisteredWithDestination()) {
return true;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) { }
timeout -= 100;
return false;
return true;


Spring RabbitMQ Retry policy only on a specific listener

I would like to have a Retry Policy only on a specific listener that listen to a specific queue (DLQ in the specific case).
#RabbitListener(queues = "my_queue_dlq", concurrency = "5")
public void listenDLQ(Message dlqMessage) {
// here implement logic for resend message to original queue (my_queue) for n times with a certain interval, and after n times... push to the Parking Lot Queue
BUT if I am not misunderstood when I specify a Retry Policy (for ex. on the application.yaml) all #RabbitListeners use it.
I suppose the only way would be to create a dedicated container factory, but this last one would be identical to the default one with ONLY one more Retry policy ... and it doesn't seem to me like the best to do so.
Something like that :
#RabbitListener(containerFactory = "container-factory-with-retrypolicy", queues = "myDLQ", concurrency = "5")
public void listenDLQ(Message dlqMessage) {
// here implement logic for resend message to original queues for n times with a certain interval
Do you see alternatives ?
Thank you in advance.
The ListenerContainer instances are registered to the RabbitListenerEndpointRegistry. You can obtain a desired one by the #RabbitListener(id) value. There you can get access to the MessageListener (casting to the AbstractAdaptableMessageListener) and set its retryTemplate property.
Or you can implement a ContainerCustomizer<AbstractMessageListenerContainer>, check its getListenerId() and do the same manipulation against its getMessageListener().

How to see the types that flows in Spring Integration's IntegrationFlow

I try to understand what's the type that returns when I aggregate in Spring Integration and that's pretty hard. I'm using Project Reactor and my code snippet is:
public FluxAggregatorMessageHandler randomIdsBatchAggregator() {
FluxAggregatorMessageHandler f = new FluxAggregatorMessageHandler();
f.setCombineFunction(messageFlux -> messageFlux
return f;
public IntegrationFlow dataPipeline() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(somePublisher)
// ----> The type Message<?> passed? Or Flux<Message<?>>?
// ----> What type has been returned from the aggregation?
More than understanding the types that passes in the example, I want to know in general how can I know what are the objects that flows in the IntegrationFlow and their types.
This creates a FluxMessageChannel internally which subscribes to the provided Publsiher. Every single event is emitted from this channel to its subscriber - your aggregator.
The FluxAggregatorMessageHandler produces whatever is explained in the setCombineFunction() JavaDocs:
* Configure a transformation {#link Function} to apply for a {#link Flux} window to emit.
* Requires a {#link Mono} result with a {#link Message} as value as a combination result
* of the incoming {#link Flux} for window.
* By default a {#link Flux} for window is fully wrapped into a message with headers copied
* from the first message in window. Such a {#link Flux} in the payload has to be subscribed
* and consumed downstream.
* #param combineFunction the {#link Function} to use for result windows transformation.
public void setCombineFunction(Function<Flux<Message<?>>, Mono<Message<?>>> combineFunction) {
So, it is a Mono with a message which you really do with your .collectList(). That Mono is subscribed by the framework when it emits a reply message from the FluxAggregatorMessageHandler. Therefore your .handle(bla()) must expect a list of payloads. Which is really natural for the aggregator result.
See more in docs:

Consuming from Camel queue every x minutes

Attempting to implement a way to time my consumer to receive messages from a queue every 30 minutes or so.
For context, I have 20 messages in my error queue until x minutes have passed, then my route consumes all messages on queue and proceeds to 'sleep' until another 30 minutes has passed.
Not sure the best way to implement this, I've tried spring #Scheduled, camel timer, etc and none of it is doing what I'm hoping for. I've been trying to get this to work with route policy but no dice in the correct functionality. It just seems to immediately consume from queue.
Is route policy the correct path or is there something else to use?
The route that reads from the queue will always read any message as quickly as it can.
One thing you could do is start / stop or suspend the route that consumes the messages, so have this sort of set up:
route 1: error_q_reader, which goes from('jms').
route 2: a timed route that fires every 20 mins
route 2 can use a control bus component to start the route.
from('timer?20mins') // or whatever the timer syntax is...
The tricky part here is knowing when to stop the route. Do you leave it run for 5 mins? Do you want to stop it once the messages are all consumed? There's probably a way to run another route that can check the queue depth (say every 1 min or so), and if it's 0 then shutdown route 1, you might get it to work, but I can assure you this will get messy as you try to deal with a number of async operations.
You could also try something more exotic, like a custom QueueBrowseStrategy which can fire an event to shutdown route 1 when there are no messages on the queue.
I built a customer bean to drain a queue and close, but it's not a very elegant solution, and I'd love to find a better one.
public class TriggeredPollingConsumer {
private ConsumerTemplate consumer;
private Endpoint consumerEndpoint;
private String endpointUri;
private ProducerTemplate producer;
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( TriggeredPollingConsumer.class );
public TriggeredPollingConsumer() {};
public TriggeredPollingConsumer( ConsumerTemplate consumer, String endpoint, ProducerTemplate producer ) {
this.consumer = consumer;
this.endpointUri = endpoint;
this.producer = producer;
public void setConsumer( ConsumerTemplate consumer) {
this.consumer = consumer;
public void setProducer( ProducerTemplate producer ) {
this.producer = producer;
public void setConsumerEndpoint( Endpoint endpoint ) {
consumerEndpoint = endpoint;
public void pollConsumer() throws Exception {
long count = 0;
try {
if ( consumerEndpoint == null ) consumerEndpoint = consumer.getCamelContext().getEndpoint( endpointUri );
logger.debug( "Consuming: " + consumerEndpoint.getEndpointUri() );
while ( true ) {
logger.trace("Awaiting message: " + ++count );
Exchange exchange = consumer.receive( consumerEndpoint, 60000 );
if ( exchange == null ) break;
logger.trace("Processing message: " + count );
producer.send( exchange );
consumer.doneUoW( exchange );
logger.trace("Processed message: " + count );
logger.debug( "Consumed " + (count - 1) + " message" + ( count == 2 ? "." : "s." ) );
} catch ( Throwable t ) {
logger.error("Something went wrong!", t );
throw t;
You configure the bean, and then call the bean method from your timer, and configure a direct route to process the entries from the queue.
.beanRef("consumerBean", "pollConsumer");
It will then read everything in the queue, and stop as soon as no entries arrive within a minute. You might want to reduce the minute, but I found a second meant that if JMS as a bit slow, it would time out halfway through draining the queue.
I've also been looking at the sjms-batch component, and how it might be used with with a pollEnrich pattern, but so far I haven't been able to get that to work.
I have solved that by using my application as a CronJob in a MicroServices approach, and to give it the power of gracefully shutting itself down, we may set the property camel.springboot.duration-max-idle-seconds. Thus, your JMS consumer route keeps simple.
Another approach would be to declare a route to control the "lifecycle" (start, sleep and resume) of your JMS consumer route.
I would strongly suggest that you use the first approach.
If you use ActiveMQ you can leverage the Scheduler feature of it.
You can delay the delivery of a message on the broker by simply set the JMS property AMQ_SCHEDULED_DELAY to the number of milliseconds of the delay. Very easy in the Camel route
.setHeader("AMQ_SCHEDULED_DELAY", 60000)
It is not exactly what you look for because it does not drain a queue every 30 minutes, but instead delays every individual message for 30 minutes.
Notice that you have to enable the schedulerSupport in your broker configuration. Otherwise the delay properties are ignored.
<broker brokerName="localhost" dataDirectory="${}" schedulerSupport="true">
You should consider Aggregation EIP
.aggregate(new GroupedExchangeAggregationStrategy())
This example describes the following rules: all incoming in URI_WAITING_QUEUE objects will be grouped into List. constant(true) is a grouping condition (wihout any). And every TIMEOUT period (in millis) all grouped objects will be passed into URI_PROCESSING_BATCH_OF_EXCEPTIONS queue.
So the URI_PROCESSING_BATCH_OF_EXCEPTIONS queue will deal with List of objects to process. You can apply Split EIP to split them and to process one by one.

Adempiere 380 Webui doesn't show popup for process error message and on complete error messages

I am using adempiere 380 webui, i would like to show error message on any failure of adempiere process or onComplete of any document.
The code which i have written to show error popup working in desktop application. But in webui - jboss it printing in console of jboss.
I have accomplished this using where i am checking process id or table then execute particular code in that and if error codition is true then i am displaying FDialog.ask("Print Message"); .
Is there any generic way to do this by which it can be used for all classes.
Since processes can be fully automated and run on the server, your code needs to be aware of the GUI being used so that the correct dialog script can be called. There are three options, a server process (no dialog), swing (ADialog) or ZK (FDialog). Generally, its discouraged to use dialogs in this way. Certainly, you wouldn't want a server process to block waiting for user input. But, if you know what your doing and really need to...
In the most recent releases, the process code includes a flag that tests which of the states its in so it can display errors. An example of how this is used is with the Migration Script saves to XML format. In the process, the GUI info is used to open the correct file dialog in swing or, in ZK, pass the request to the browser.
Here is a snippet of how it works from in the current release
* Get the interface type this process is being run from. The interface type
* can be used by the process to perform UI type actions from within the process
* or in the {#link #postProcess(boolean)}
* #return The InterfaceType which will be one of
* <li> {#link #INTERFACE_TYPE_NOT_SET}
* <li> {#link #INTERFACE_TYPE_SWING} or
* <li> {#link #INTERFACE_TYPE_ZK}
public String getInterfaceType() {
if (interfaceType == null || interfaceType.isEmpty())
return interfaceType;
* Sets the Interface Type
* #param uiType which must equal one of the following:
* <li> {#link #INTERFACE_TYPE_NOT_SET} (default)
* <li> {#link #INTERFACE_TYPE_SWING} or
* <li> {#link #INTERFACE_TYPE_ZK}
* The interface should be set by UI dialogs that start the process.
* #throws IllegalArgumentException if the interfaceType is not recognized.
public void setInterfaceType(String uiType) {
// Limit value to known types
if (uiType.equals(INTERFACE_TYPE_NOT_SET)
||uiType.equals(INTERFACE_TYPE_SWING) )
this.interfaceType = uiType;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown interface type " + uiType);
The call to setInterfaceType() is made when the process is launched by the ProcessModalDialog in swing or the AbstractZKForm or ProcessPanel in zk.
For other processes, the value is set by the AbstractFormController which is used by both interfaces. If the interface type is not set the loadProcessInfo method will try to figure it out as follows:
// Determine the interface type being used. Its set explicitly in the ProcessInfo data
// but we will fallback to testing the stack trace in case it wasn't. Note that the
// stack trace test may not be accurate as it depends on the calling class names.
// TODO Also note that we are only testing for ZK or Swing. If another UI is added, we'll
// have to fix this logic.
if (processInfo == null || processInfo.getInterfaceType().equals(ProcessInfo.INTERFACE_TYPE_NOT_SET))
// Need to know which interface is being used as the events may be different and the proper
// listeners have to be activated. Test the calling stack trace for "webui".
// If not found, assume the SWING interface
isSwing = true;
StackTraceElement[] stElements = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
for (int i=1; i<stElements.length; i++) {
StackTraceElement ste = stElements[i];
if (ste.getClassName().contains("webui")
|| ste.getClassName().contains("zk.ui")) {
isSwing = false;
log.warning("Process Info is null or interface type is not set. Testing isSwing = " + isSwing);
isSwing = processInfo.getInterfaceType().equals(ProcessInfo.INTERFACE_TYPE_SWING);
Finally, this can be used to control the dialogs within your process with a call similar to
if (ProcessInfo.INTERFACE_TYPE_SWING.equals(this.getProcessInfo().getInterfaceType()))
... Do something on a swing...
else ...

Which AmqpEvent or AmqpException to handle when an exclusive consumer fails

I have two instances of the same application, running in different virtual machines. I want to grant exclusive access to a queue for the consumer of one of them, while invalidating the local cache that is used by the consumer on the other.
Now, I have figured out that I need to handle ListenerContainerConsumerFailedEvent but I am guessing that implementing an ApplicationListener for this event is not going to ensure that I am receiving this event because of an exclusive consumer exception. I might want to check the Throwable of the event, or event further checks.
Which subclass of AmqpException or what further checks should I perform to ensure that the exception is received due to exclusive consumer access?
The logic in the listener container implementations is like this:
if (e.getCause() instanceof ShutdownSignalException
&& e.getCause().getMessage().contains("in exclusive use")) {
"Exclusive consumer failure", e.getCause());
publishConsumerFailedEvent("Consumer raised exception, attempting restart", false, e);
So, we indeed raise a ListenerContainerConsumerFailedEvent event and you can trace the cause message like we do in the framework, but on the other hand you can just inject your own ConditionalExceptionLogger:
* Set a {#link ConditionalExceptionLogger} for logging exclusive consumer failures. The
* default is to log such failures at WARN level.
* #param exclusiveConsumerExceptionLogger the conditional exception logger.
* #since 1.5
public void setExclusiveConsumerExceptionLogger(ConditionalExceptionLogger exclusiveConsumerExceptionLogger) {
and catch such an exclusive situation over there.
Also you can consider to use RabbitUtils.isExclusiveUseChannelClose(cause) in your code:
* Return true if the {#link ShutdownSignalException} reason is AMQP.Channel.Close
* and the operation that failed was basicConsumer and the failure text contains
* "exclusive".
* #param sig the exception.
* #return true if the declaration failed because of an exclusive queue.
public static boolean isExclusiveUseChannelClose(ShutdownSignalException sig) {
