So, I have a directory full of files named motor_animate_000.gif, motor_animate_001.gif, etc.
I run:
ffmpeg -r 30 -i motor_animate_%03d.gif -r 30 motor.mpg
I expect to get a file called motor.mpg, but instead I get the usual bunch of printout, ending with:
motor_animate_%03d.gif: No such file or directory
What? This worked in Ubuntu 14.04, but doesn't work now. What I'm doing appears to be consistent with the ffmpeg man page. I'm now officially clueless. Thanks in advance.
Here's what I get when I try the alternate suggested below:
tim#Servo:~/Documents/Movies/dcmotor/animation$ ffmpeg -f image2 -framerate 30 -i motor_animate_%03d.gif motor.mpg
ffmpeg version 2.8.10-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 Copyright (c) 2000-2016 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 5.4.0 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) 20160609
configuration: --prefix=/usr --extra-version=0ubuntu0.16.04.1 --build-suffix=-ffmpeg --toolchain=hardened --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --incdir=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu --cc=cc --cxx=g++ --enable-gpl --enable-shared --disable-stripping --disable-decoder=libopenjpeg --disable-decoder=libschroedinger --enable-avresample --enable-avisynth --enable-gnutls --enable-ladspa --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libbs2b --enable-libcaca --enable-libcdio --enable-libflite --enable-libfontconfig --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libgme --enable-libgsm --enable-libmodplug --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopus --enable-libpulse --enable-librtmp --enable-libschroedinger --enable-libshine --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libspeex --enable-libssh --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp --enable-libx265 --enable-libxvid --enable-libzvbi --enable-openal --enable-opengl --enable-x11grab --enable-libdc1394 --enable-libiec61883 --enable-libzmq --enable-frei0r --enable-libx264 --enable-libopencv
libavutil 54. 31.100 / 54. 31.100
libavcodec 56. 60.100 / 56. 60.100
libavformat 56. 40.101 / 56. 40.101
libavdevice 56. 4.100 / 56. 4.100
libavfilter 5. 40.101 / 5. 40.101
libavresample 2. 1. 0 / 2. 1. 0
libswscale 3. 1.101 / 3. 1.101
libswresample 1. 2.101 / 1. 2.101
libpostproc 53. 3.100 / 53. 3.100
[image2 # 0x20bd420] Could not find codec parameters for stream 0 (Video: none, none): unknown codec
Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' and 'probesize' options
motor_animate_%03d.gif: could not find codec parameters
Input #0, image2, from 'motor_animate_%03d.gif':
Duration: 00:00:04.03, start: 0.000000, bitrate: N/A
Stream #0:0: Video: none, none, 30 fps, 30 tbr, 30 tbn, 30 tbc
No decoder for stream #0:0, filtering impossible
Error opening filters!
The gif demuxer does not support a series of input files. You'll need to manually tell it to use the image file demuxer instead:
ffmpeg -f image2 -framerate 30 -i motor_animate_%03d.gif motor.mpg
The image file demuxer uses -framerate instead of -r.
You don't need to declare frame rate twice if you want to output to be the same as the input, so I removed the output -r.
Hi I am trying to capture desktop with ffmpeg gdigrab. I am using SSH connection to remotely use admin cmd on windows 10 pc. When i execute this command normally it works but remotely it doesnt.
ffmpeg -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -i desktop output.mkv
error message
ffmpeg version Copyright (c) 2000-2021 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 10.2.0 (Rev6, Built by MSYS2 project)
configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-static --disable-w32threads --disable-autodetect --enable-fontconfig --enable-iconv --enable-gnutls --enable-libxml2 --enable-gmp --enable-lzma --enable-zlib --enable-libsrt --enable-libssh --enable-libzmq --enable-avisynth --enable-sdl2 --enable-libwebp --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxvid --enable-libaom --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libvpx --enable-libass --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvmaf --enable-libzimg --enable-amf --enable-cuda-llvm --enable-cuvid --enable-ffnvcodec --enable-nvdec --enable-nvenc --enable-d3d11va --enable-dxva2 --enable-libmfx --enable-libgme --enable-libopenmpt --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libtheora --enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-libgsm --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopus --enable-libspeex --enable-libvorbis --enable-librubberband
libavutil 56. 70.100 / 56. 70.100
libavcodec 58.134.100 / 58.134.100
libavformat 58. 76.100 / 58. 76.100
libavdevice 58. 13.100 / 58. 13.100
libavfilter 7.110.100 / 7.110.100
libswscale 5. 9.100 / 5. 9.100
libswresample 3. 9.100 / 3. 9.100
libpostproc 55. 9.100 / 55. 9.100
[gdigrab # 000001f3e781e600] Capturing whole desktop as 1024x768x32 at (0,0)
[gdigrab # 000001f3e781e600] Failed to capture image (error 5)
[gdigrab # 000001f3e781e600] Could not find codec parameters for stream 0 (Video: bmp, none, 754987 kb/s): unspecified size
Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' (15000000) and 'probesize' (70000000) options
Input #0, gdigrab, from 'desktop':
Duration: N/A, bitrate: 754987 kb/s
Stream #0:0: Video: bmp, none, 754987 kb/s, 30 fps, 1000k tbr, 1000k tbn, 1000k tbc
Output #0, matroska, to 'pipe:':
Output file #0 does not contain any stream
I tried to increase analyzeduration and probesize to max integer but it doesnt help.
While concatenating audio files with
ffmpeg -safe 0 -f concat
-segment_time_metadata 1
-i {m3u_file_name}
-vf select=concatdec_select
-af aselect=concatdec_select,aresample=async=1 {ogg_file_name}
I get the following output
ffmpeg version 3.4.8-0ubuntu0.2 Copyright (c) 2000-2020 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 7 (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04)
configuration: --prefix=/usr --extra-version=0ubuntu0.2 --toolchain=hardened --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --incdir=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu --enable-gpl --disable-stripping --enable-avresample --enable-avisynth --enable-gnutls --enable-ladspa --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libbs2b --enable-libcaca --enable-libcdio --enable-libflite --enable-libfontconfig --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libgme --enable-libgsm --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libmysofa --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopenmpt --enable-libopus --enable-libpulse --enable-librubberband --enable-librsvg --enable-libshine --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libspeex --enable-libssh --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp --enable-libx265 --enable-libxml2 --enable-libxvid --enable-libzmq --enable-libzvbi --enable-omx --enable-openal --enable-opengl --enable-sdl2 --enable-libdc1394 --enable-libdrm --enable-libiec61883 --enable-chromaprint --enable-frei0r --enable-libopencv --enable-libx264 --enable-shared
libavutil 55. 78.100 / 55. 78.100
libavcodec 57.107.100 / 57.107.100
libavformat 57. 83.100 / 57. 83.100
libavdevice 57. 10.100 / 57. 10.100
libavfilter 6.107.100 / 6.107.100
libavresample 3. 7. 0 / 3. 7. 0
libswscale 4. 8.100 / 4. 8.100
libswresample 2. 9.100 / 2. 9.100
libpostproc 54. 7.100 / 54. 7.100
Input #0, concat, from 'fm3u.m3u':
Duration: N/A, start: -0.006500, bitrate: N/A
Stream #0:0: Audio: opus, 48000 Hz, mono, fltp
Stream mapping:
Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (opus (native) -> vorbis (libvorbis))
Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
Output #0, ogg, to 'fout.ogg':
encoder : Lavf57.83.100
Stream #0:0: Audio: vorbis (libvorbis), 48000 Hz, mono, fltp
encoder : Lavc57.107.100 libvorbis
[opus # 0x558b2c245400] Error parsing the packet header.
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[opus # 0x558b2c245400] Error parsing the packet header.
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[opus # 0x558b2c245400] Error parsing the packet header.
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[opus # 0x558b2c245400] Error parsing the packet header.
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
size= 47kB time=00:00:10.84 bitrate= 35.2kbits/s speed=4.38x
video:0kB audio:42kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:3kB muxing overhead: 10.251080%
The final audio sounds good.
ffprobe on the 2 participating files looks like
# ffprobe <FILE>
ffprobe version 3.4.8-0ubuntu0.2 Copyright (c) 2007-2020 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 7 (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04)
configuration: --prefix=/usr --extra-version=0ubuntu0.2 --toolchain=hardened --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --incdir=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu --enable-gpl --disable-stripping --enable-avresample --enable-avisynth --enable-gnutls --enable-ladspa --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libbs2b --enable-libcaca --enable-libcdio --enable-libflite --enable-libfontconfig --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libgme --enable-libgsm --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libmysofa --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopenmpt --enable-libopus --enable-libpulse --enable-librubberband --enable-librsvg --enable-libshine --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libspeex --enable-libssh --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp --enable-libx265 --enable-libxml2 --enable-libxvid --enable-libzmq --enable-libzvbi --enable-omx --enable-openal --enable-opengl --enable-sdl2 --enable-libdc1394 --enable-libdrm --enable-libiec61883 --enable-chromaprint --enable-frei0r --enable-libopencv --enable-libx264 --enable-shared
libavutil 55. 78.100 / 55. 78.100
libavcodec 57.107.100 / 57.107.100
libavformat 57. 83.100 / 57. 83.100
libavdevice 57. 10.100 / 57. 10.100
libavfilter 6.107.100 / 6.107.100
libavresample 3. 7. 0 / 3. 7. 0
libswscale 4. 8.100 / 4. 8.100
libswresample 2. 9.100 / 2. 9.100
libpostproc 54. 7.100 / 54. 7.100
Input #0, ogg, from 'f1.ogg':
Duration: 00:00:01.08, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 34 kb/s
Stream #0:0: Audio: opus, 48000 Hz, mono, fltp
# ffprobe <FILE>
ffprobe version 3.4.8-0ubuntu0.2 Copyright (c) 2007-2020 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 7 (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04)
configuration: --prefix=/usr --extra-version=0ubuntu0.2 --toolchain=hardened --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --incdir=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu --enable-gpl --disable-stripping --enable-avresample --enable-avisynth --enable-gnutls --enable-ladspa --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libbs2b --enable-libcaca --enable-libcdio --enable-libflite --enable-libfontconfig --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libgme --enable-libgsm --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libmysofa --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopenmpt --enable-libopus --enable-libpulse --enable-librubberband --enable-librsvg --enable-libshine --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libspeex --enable-libssh --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp --enable-libx265 --enable-libxml2 --enable-libxvid --enable-libzmq --enable-libzvbi --enable-omx --enable-openal --enable-opengl --enable-sdl2 --enable-libdc1394 --enable-libdrm --enable-libiec61883 --enable-chromaprint --enable-frei0r --enable-libopencv --enable-libx264 --enable-shared
libavutil 55. 78.100 / 55. 78.100
libavcodec 57.107.100 / 57.107.100
libavformat 57. 83.100 / 57. 83.100
libavdevice 57. 10.100 / 57. 10.100
libavfilter 6.107.100 / 6.107.100
libavresample 3. 7. 0 / 3. 7. 0
libswscale 4. 8.100 / 4. 8.100
libswresample 2. 9.100 / 2. 9.100
libpostproc 54. 7.100 / 54. 7.100
Input #0, ogg, from 'f2.ogg':
Duration: 00:00:05.00, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 6 kb/s
Stream #0:0: Audio: vorbis, 48000 Hz, mono, fltp, 80 kb/s
ENCODER : Lavc57.107.100 libvorbis
What is the reason of the error?
As explained in this answer
"file-level concatenation (-f concat) requires all files in the listing to have the exact same codec parameters. "
In this case, the input files have codecs opus and vorbis.
To resolve the issue, I recreated some files (silence files) so they all have the same CODEC as the files I am mixing them with.
In particular, instead of creating them using:
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i anullsrc=r=48000:cl=mono -t 5.8 -c:a libvorbis silence-5.8.ogg
I use now (note libopus)
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i anullsrc=r=48000:cl=mono -t 5.8 -c:a libopus silence-5.8.ogg
And the "concat with ffmpeg" works without any problem.
I also tried
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i anullsrc=r=48000:cl=mono -t 5.8 -c:a opus silence-5.8.ogg
But that returns with
[opus # 0x5607f1765900] The encoder 'opus' is experimental but experimental codecs are not enabled, add '-strict -2' if you want to use it.
[opus # 0x5607f1765900] Alternatively use the non experimental encoder 'libopus'.
So, libopus works just fine (no need for opus)
I want to download a video from a webpage. I found the m3u8 file and got the link, using them in FFmpeg, finally got something wrong.
Here is the capture of the beginning of the m3u8 file.
Here is what I input and output in the cmd.
ffmpeg -i "" 1.mp4
ffmpeg version N-100036-g3de3d2f5e2 Copyright (c) 2000-2020 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 9.3-win32 (GCC) 20200320
configuration: --prefix=/ffbuild/prefix --pkg-config-flags=--static --pkg-config=pkg-config --cross-prefix=x86_64-w64-mingw32- --arch=x86_64 --target-os=mingw32 --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --disable-debug --enable-shared --disable-static --disable-debug --disable-w32threads --enable-pthreads --enable-iconv --enable-zlib --enable-libxml2 --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-gmp --enable-lzma --enable-fontconfig --enable-opencl --enable-libvmaf --enable-vulkan --enable-libvorbis --enable-amf --enable-libaom --enable-avisynth --enable-libdav1d --enable-libdavs2 --enable-ffnvcodec --enable-cuda-llvm --enable-libglslang --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable-libtheora --enable-libvpx --enable-libwebp --enable-libmfx --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-librav1e --enable-librubberband --enable-schannel --enable-sdl2 --enable-libsoxr --enable-libsrt --enable-libsvtav1 --enable-libtwolame --enable-libuavs3d --enable-libvidstab --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxavs2 --enable-libxvid --enable-libzimg --extra-cflags=-DLIBTWOLAME_STATIC --extra-cxxflags= --extra-ldflags=-pthread --extra-libs=-lgomp
libavutil 56. 60.100 / 56. 60.100
libavcodec 58.113.100 / 58.113.100
libavformat 58. 64.100 / 58. 64.100
libavdevice 58. 11.103 / 58. 11.103
libavfilter 7. 90.100 / 7. 90.100
libswscale 5. 8.100 / 5. 8.100
libswresample 3. 8.100 / 3. 8.100
libpostproc 55. 8.100 / 55. 8.100
[hls # 000001d87d857740] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[hls # 000001d87d857740] Skip ('#EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE:YES')
[hls # 000001d87d857740] Opening '' for reading
[hls # 000001d87d857740] Opening '' for reading
[hls # 000001d87d857740] Could not find codec parameters for stream 0 (Video: bmp, none): unspecified size
Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' (0) and 'probesize' (5000000) options
Input #0, hls, from '':
Duration: 00:24:24.60, bitrate: N/A
Program 0
variant_bitrate : 0
Stream #0:0: Video: bmp, none, 25 tbr, 25 tbn, 25 tbc
variant_bitrate : 0
Output #0, mp4, to '1.mp4':
Output file #0 does not contain any stream
I found that the the link in the m3u8 file is a bmp file instead of mp4.
Does it matter????
Can anyone tell me how to download the mp4 video file?
Thank you for reading this!
Here try this:
-$ ffmpeg -i <http://url/.m3u8> -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc video_name.mp4
I have an .srt subtitle file. I want to convert it into .ttml format(or xml) using ffmpeg command. I tried using traditional way to convert this. But ffmpeg throwing an error. Is there any way to convert this in Linux platform? Or any other command line applications do this conversion?
Below is the command I tried.
ffmpeg -i -y srt-to-xml.xml -v verbose
ffmpeg version 4.2.4-1ubuntu0.1 Copyright (c) 2000-2020 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 9 (Ubuntu 9.3.0-10ubuntu2)
configuration: --prefix=/usr --extra-version=1ubuntu0.1 --toolchain=hardened --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --incdir=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu --arch=amd64 --enable-gpl --disable-stripping --enable-avresample --disable-filter=resample --enable-avisynth --enable-gnutls --enable-ladspa --enable-libaom --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libbs2b --enable-libcaca --enable-libcdio --enable-libcodec2 --enable-libflite --enable-libfontconfig --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libgme --enable-libgsm --enable-libjack --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libmysofa --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopenmpt --enable-libopus --enable-libpulse --enable-librsvg --enable-librubberband --enable-libshine --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libspeex --enable-libssh --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp --enable-libx265 --enable-libxml2 --enable-libxvid --enable-libzmq --enable-libzvbi --enable-lv2 --enable-omx --enable-openal --enable-opencl --enable-opengl --enable-sdl2 --enable-libdc1394 --enable-libdrm --enable-libiec61883 --enable-nvenc --enable-chromaprint --enable-frei0r --enable-libx264 --enable-shared
libavutil 56. 31.100 / 56. 31.100
libavcodec 58. 54.100 / 58. 54.100
libavformat 58. 29.100 / 58. 29.100
libavdevice 58. 8.100 / 58. 8.100
libavfilter 7. 57.100 / 7. 57.100
libavresample 4. 0. 0 / 4. 0. 0
libswscale 5. 5.100 / 5. 5.100
libswresample 3. 5.100 / 3. 5.100
libpostproc 55. 5.100 / 55. 5.100
Input #0, srt, from '':
Duration: N/A, bitrate: N/A
Stream #0:0: Subtitle: subrip
Output #0, webm_dash_manifest, to 'srt-to-xml.xml':
Output file #0 does not contain any stream
[AVIOContext # 0x5614924ef500] Statistics: 22267 bytes read, 0 seeks
I even tried like below.
ffmpeg -i -y srt_to_ttml.ttml
It didn't work too.
It looks like ffmpeg 4.4 has minimal support for converting srt into ttml: font styles and positions are not preserved.
ttconv is an alternative.
The FFmpeg TTML muxer uses the .ttml extension:
ffmpeg -i output.ttml
The TTML encoder and muxer do not have any additional options as of writing this answer (see ffmpeg -h encoder=ttml & ffmpeg -h muxer=ttml).
Im trying to use FFMPEG to stream out to my Decklink duo 2 but im unable to do so.
Heres the command that im trying:
ffmpeg -f decklink -i "DeckLink Duo (1)#5"
-pix_fmt uyvy422 -r 25000/1000 "DeckLink Duo (3)"
I tried just sending color bars as an output but it still doesnt work
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i color=color=red -t 10000 "DeckLink Duo (3)"
Both Result:
ffmpeg version N-82794-g3ab1311 Copyright (c) 2000-2016 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 5.4.0 (GCC)
configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --disable-w32threads
--enable-dxva2 --enable-libmfx --enable-nvenc
--enable-avisynth --enable-bzlib --enable-fontconfig --enable-frei0r
--enable-gnutls --enable-iconv --enable-libass
--enable-libbluray --enable-libbs2b --enable-libcaca
--enable-libfreetype --enable-libgme --enable-libgsm --enable-libilbc
--enable-libmodplug --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb
--enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libopenh264 --enable-libopenjpeg
--enable-libopus --enable-librtmp --enable-libschroedinger
--enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libspeex --enable-libtheora
--enable-libtwolame --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvo-amrwbenc
--enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp
--enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxavs --enable-libxvid --enable-libzimg
--enable-lzma --enable-decklink --enable-zlib
libavutil 55. 42.100 / 55. 42.100
libavcodec 57. 67.100 / 57. 67.100
libavformat 57. 58.102 / 57. 58.102
libavdevice 57. 2.100 / 57. 2.100
libavfilter 6. 68.100 / 6. 68.100
libswscale 4. 3.101 / 4. 3.101
libswresample 2. 4.100 / 2. 4.100
libpostproc 54. 2.100 / 54. 2.100
Input #0, lavfi, from 'color=color=red':
Duration: N/A, start: 0.000000, bitrate: N/A
Stream #0:0: Video: rawvideo (I420 / 0x30323449), yuv420p, 320x240 [SAR 1:1 DAR 4:3], 25 tbr, 25 tbn, 25 tbc
[NULL # 00000000025745a0] Unable to find a suitable output format for 'DeckLink Duo (3)'
DeckLink Duo (3): Invalid argument
Any Suggestions or help to solve this is much appreciated.
As the documentation says "DeckLink is very picky about the formats it supports. Pixel format is always uyvy422, framerate, field order and video size must be determined for your device with -list_formats 1. Audio sample rate is always 48 kHz.", see So you need to add the resolution and make sure it is supported.
For the Duo 2 or Quad 2, You need to confirm in Desktop Video utility that you have assigned an SDI port to the channel, otherwise it may be in key/fill mode. This can be found in the third tab called "Connectors". If you can't select one (happens on device (2) or (4) if 1 or 3 are set to key/fill mode, you go back to 1 or 3 and change them to use a single connector.
That was the cause of my I/O error trying to use chanel (3).