killing background processes when script exists [duplicate] - bash

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How do I kill background processes / jobs when my shell script exits?
(15 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have scriptA which will execute another script which will startup in the background. Now I need to make sure that when I kill scriptA (cmd+c) that the background processes are also killed.
echo "This script is about to run another script."
sh ../processes/processb/bin/ &
echo "This script has just run another script." $FOO_PID
This script executes fine, but once I press cmd+c and do a 'ps' command on FOO_PID value , that process still exists. What am I doing wrong?
So I tried out below code, but still scriptC's process is not getting killed. I think it just only terminates scriptA ( parent) when pressed ctrl+c and therefore trap command does not get executed?
echo "This script is about to run another script."
../common/samples/bin/ &
kill -0 "$mypid" && echo "My process is still alive."
echo "This script has just run another script." $mypid
trap "kill $mypid && kill $$" INT

Add a trap for SIGINT:
trap "kill $FOO_PID && kill $$" INT
or for any sort of exiting, handle the pseudo signal EXIT:
trap "kill $FOO_PID && kill $$" EXIT


Restarting a shell script with a signal

I have a script that runs and outputs to my panel. What I'm trying to do is to restart the script from another script by sending a siganl to it.
Script 1 (panel_script):
trap "exec panel_script" SIGTRAP
while true; do
echo "status"
sleep 10
Script 2:
pkill -x -SIGTRAP panel_script
Use trap "exec $0" EXIT and pkill -f panel_script.
You did not write that you would ever want to stop the script again.

How to run multiple shell script which does not give prompt at the end

I want to run three processes which all will stop showing that the service is started and prompt will not be given. I want to automate this procedure. I tried using "&" at the end but it pops in the terminal. I tried using "sh +x & sh +x" I need to stop the process by pressing ctrl+c for another script to run Please help in this
You need to define a general script that launches the three processes in background and waits for the user the press Control+C. Then you add a trap to the general script to launch a shutdown hook.
I think that the solution may look as this:
end_processes() {
echo "Shutdown hook"
if [ -n $PID1 ]; then
echo "Killing PID 1 = $PID1"
kill -9 $PID1
if [ -n $PID2 ]; then
echo "Killing PID 2 = $PID2"
kill -9 $PID2
if [ -n $PID2 ]; then
echo "Killing PID 3 = $PID3"
kill -9 $PID3
# Main code: Add trap
trap end_processes EXIT
# Main code: Launch scripts
./ &
./ &
./ &
# Main code: wait for user to press Control+C
while [ 1 ]; do
sleep 1s
Notice that:
I have added some echo messages just to test.
Trap executes a function when EXIT is received on the script. You can change the received signal by capturing only a specific signal (i.e. SIGINT)
The trap function is now killing the processes with -9. I you wish, you can send other kill signals
The $! retrieves the PID of the most recent backgroud command.
You can modify the wait loop (the last while command) to sleep firstly for the aproximate time of the processes to finish and then to wait for a more smaller time:
while [ 1 ]; do
sleep $POLL_TIME

Kill not killing process if exiting properly

I have a simple bash script which I have written to simplify some work I am doing. All it needs to do is start one process, process_1, as a background process then start another, process_2. Once process_2 is finished I then need to terminate process_1.
process_1 starts a program which does not actually stop unless it receives the kill signal, or CTRL+C when I run it myself. The program is output into a file via {program} {args} > output_file
process_2 can take an arbitrary amount of time depending on the arguments it is given.
#Call this on exit to kill all background processes
function killJobs () {
#Check process is still running before killing
if kill -0 "$PID"; then
kill $PID
...Check given arguments are valid...
#Start process_1
eval "./process_1 ${Arg1} ${Arg2} ${Arg3}" &
#Lay a trap to catch any exits from script
trap killJobs TERM INT
#Start process_2 - sleep for 5 seconds before and after
#Need space between process_1 and process_2 starting and stopping
sleep 5
eval "./process_2 ${Arg1} ${Arg2} ${Arg3} ${Arg4} 2> ${output_file}"
sleep 5
#Make sure background job is killed on exit
I check process_1 has been terminated by checking of its output file is still being updated after my script has ended.
If I run the script and then press CTRL+C the script is terminated and process_1 is also killed, the output file is no longer updated.
If I let the script run to its completion without my intervention process_2 and the script both terminate but when I check the output from process_1 it is still being updated.
To check this I put an echo statement just after process_1 is started and another within the if statement of killJobs, so it would only be echoed if kill $PID is called.
Doing this I can see that both ways of exiting start process_1 and then also enter the if statement to kill it. Yet kill does not actually kill the process in the case of normal exit. No error messages are produced either.
You're backgrounding the eval instead of process_1, which sets $! to the PID of the script itself, not to process_1. Change to:
#Call this on exit to kill all background processes
function killJobs () {
#Check process is still running before killing
if kill -0 "$PID"; then
kill $PID
...Check given arguments are valid...
#Start process_1
./process_1 ${Arg1} ${Arg2} ${Arg3} &
#Lay a trap to catch any exits from script
trap killJobs TERM INT
#Start process_2 - sleep for 5 seconds before and after
#Need space between process_1 and process_2 starting and stopping
sleep 5
./process_2 ${Arg1} ${Arg2} ${Arg3} ${Arg4} 2> ${output_file}
sleep 5
#Make sure background job is killed on exit

How to capture Ctrl-C and use it to exit an endless loop properly

I'm trying to run a program inside an endless loop because it sometimes dies for no reason. I would like to be able to hit Ctrl-C to prevent the program being restarted though.
I don't want Ctrl-C to kill the program, just to wait until it dies, then not restart it again.
theprogram is a wine program (utorrent).
Bonus points for telling me how to make it so it will safely exit theprogram just like clicking on the 'x' in the top right of it. When I manually kill it from the command line or hit Ctrl-C, it doesn't get to run its cleanup code. Hence my attempt to just stop it being restarted.
I checked a few of the other questions about trapping SIGINT, but I couldn't work out how to do this.
Can anyone fix this code? My code seems to kill theprogram then exit the loop when Ctrl-C is pressed, without letting theprogram clean up.
trap exiting SIGINT
exiting() { echo "Ctrl-C trapped, will not restart utorrent" ; EXIT=1;}
while [ $EXIT -eq 0 ] ; do
wine theprogram
echo "theprogram killed or finished"
echo "exit code $?"
echo "sleeping for 20 seconds, then restarting theprogram..."
sleep 20
echo "out of loop"
Try this:
while true
xterm -e wine theprogram || break
sleep 3
The trick is done by using another xterm to start the wine. That way the wine has a different controlling tty and won't be affected by the Ctrl-c press.
The drawback is that there will be an additional xterm lingering around on your desktop. You could use the option -iconic to start it iconified.
Well, I ended up not using Ctrl-C as per my question because I couldn't find a good solution, but I used zenity to popup a box that I can click to exit the loop:
zenity --info --title "thewineprogram" --text "Hit OK to disable thewineprogram auto-restart" & # run zenity in the background
while :
wine <wineprogramlocation>
echo "thewineprog killed or finished"
echo "exit code was $EXITCODE"
kill -0 $zen_pid > /dev/null 2>&1 # kill -0 just checks if a pid exists
if [ $? -eq 1 ] # process does not exist
echo "sleeping for 5 seconds, then restarting the wine program..."
sleep 5
echo "finished"
Use a monitoring process:
This allows the SIGINT signal to hit the monitor process trap handler without affecting the child.
(this could also be done in perl, python or any language)
cmd() {
trap '' INT
trap 'echo "Signal USR1 received (pid=$BASHPID)"; EXIT=1' USR1
while [ $EXIT -eq 0 ]
echo "Starting (pid=$BASHPID)..."
sleep 5 # represents "wine theprogram"
echo "theprogram killed or finished"
echo "Exit code $?"
if [ $EXIT -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Sleeping for 2 seconds, then restarting theprogram..."
sleep 2
echo "Exiting (pid=$BASHPID)"
run() { cmd & PID=$!; echo Started $PID; }
graceful_exit() { kill -s USR1 $PID && echo "$PID signalled to exit (USR1)"; }
shutdown() { kill -0 $PID 2>/dev/null && echo "Unexpected exit, killing $PID" && kill $PID; }
trap 'graceful_exit' INT
trap 'shutdown' EXIT
while :
wait && break
echo "Exiting monitor process"
It appears that trap on SIGINT must terminate the currently executing sub-command. The only exception appears to be the empty-string handler.
To demonstrate this: When ctrl-c is pressed this (trap "" INT;echo 1;sleep 5;echo 2) does not halt the sleep command. However this (trap "echo hi" INT;echo 1;sleep 5;echo 2) does. After this trap handler executes, execution continues on the command that follows, specifically "echo 2". So empty-string as a handler seems to be a special case which does not kill the current sub-command. There seems to be no way to run a handler plus not kill the current sub-command.
Why this happens: Shell forks + execs to execute each program. On system call exec, it resets signal handlers to their default behavior (calling process is overwritten so the handlers are gone). Ignored signals are inherited (see "man 2 execve", "man 7 signal" and POSIX.1;
I had a second idea: use 'trap "" INT' to fully disable ctrl-c and then trap ctrl-z as the signal to gracefully exit your program. Only trapping ctrl-z (STP) seems to not work properly for me. When I run '(trap "echo test" TSTP;sleep 5)' and press ctrl-z, my shell is hung. sleep never completes after 5 seconds and oddly ctrl-c no longer works. I don't know any other hotkey-signals to use other than ctrl-c and ctrl-z. This is known behavior: see Bash script: can not properly handle SIGTSTP.

Set trap in bash for different process with PID known

I need to set a trap for a bash process I'm starting in the background. The background process may run very long and has its PID saved in a specific file.
Now I need to set a trap for that process, so if it terminates, the PID file will be deleted.
Is there a way I can do that?
It looks like I was not precise enough with my description of the problem. I have full control over all the code, but the long running background process I have is this:
cat /dev/random >> myfile&
When I now add the trap at the beginning of the script this statement is in, $$ will be the PID of that bigger script not of this small background process I am starting here.
So how can I set traps for that background process specifically?
(./jobsworthy& echo $! > $pidfile; wait; rm -f $pidfile)&
Add this to the beginning of your Bash script.
pidfile=$(tempfile -p foo -s $$)
echo $$ > "$pidfile"
# from here, do your long running process
You can run your long running background process in an explicit subshell, as already shown by Petesh's answer, and set a trap inside this specific subshell to handle the exiting of your long running background process. The parent shell remains unaffected by this subshell trap.
trap '
trap - EXIT ERR
kill -0 ${!} 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && kill ${!}
rm -f
# simulate background process
sleep 15 &
echo ${!} >
) &
# remove background process by hand
# kill -TERM ${!}
You do not need trap to just run some command after a background process terminates, you can instead run through a shell command line and add the command following after the background process, separated with semicolon (and let this shell run in the background instead of the background process).
If you still would like to have some notification in your shell script send and trap SIGUSR2 for instance:
BACKGROUND_PROCESS=xterm # for my testing, replace with what you have
sh -c "$BACKGROUND_PROCESS; rm -f the_pid_file; kill -USR2 $$" &
trap "echo $BACKGROUND_PROCESS ended" USR2
while sleep 1
echo -n .
