I want to add d3-legend plugin in my code. I saved the code given on the website and added it in my html file as follows:
<script src="~/js/d3-legend.min.js"></script>
When I try to run the following line(which is part of my working code, btw)
var legendLinear = d3.legend.color()
the app crashes. When I tried debugging, I notice it says undefined on the legend. So somehow d3.legend is not initialized.
I also tried adding it using CDN, without success.
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3-legend/2.19.0/d3-legend.js"></script>
The docs says I should be able to use it directly after adding it. Am I missing something here?
Note: When I do a file search in chrome devtools, I can see the added files(both the .js file and the cdn version, still I am not able to use d3.legend)
Edit: This issue is fixed. I was using wrong version. See the comment below.
The site works fine on Chrome/iOS/Safari/Android (you should be able to select and image and proceed to write a message on the next step). Firefox refuses to run my project's main script (you can't select an image or go forward), and gives the following error in the console:
> Content Security Policy: Directive ‘frame-src’ has been deprecated.
> Please use directive ‘child-src’ instead. (3) Unknown
It's very cryptic. I've tried the following:
1) Adding a meta tag for the CSP in the header.
Result: Creates more errors if restrictive, same amount of errors if
left to wildcards on all parameters.
2) Locally serving all scripts.
Result: I still get three unknown CSP errors. It also loads a lot
slower since the dependencies are not being loaded from a CDN.
3) Removing specific scripts.
Result: It reduces the errors by up to one, but it seems all scripts
are equally responsible. Very strange behavior.
Is this a bug in Firefox that is unsolvable? I'm tearing my hair out over this.
I needed to put listeners in $(document).ready as Firefox loads things differently as pointed out to me by Matt Gibson.
Content Security Policy did not cause the script to fail. However, it is a weird error message that gives you no information to where the error is originating, and can potentially break the site, but that is not what happened here.
I have just upgraded from kendoui.web.2013.1.514 to kendoui.web.2013.2.716 and have noticed that in the parts of the code where I require (through require.js) a certain kendo.culture.xx-XX.min.js file that also an unsuccessful request for kendo.core.min.js happens and I get an error in the console.
This did not happen with kendoui.web.2013.1.514 and I think this part inside the kendo.culture.xx-XX.min.js files might be to blame:
("function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define:function(e,n){return n()})(["../kendo.core.min"]
Also this reference to kendo.core appears to only be present in the minified versions. Note that I already have kendo.web.min.js fully loaded and the app works fine even with the invalid request so is this a bug?
If you are using the bundles (i.e. kendo.web.min.js) then you shouldn't use RequireJS to load them or any culture files.
I'm sorry that the documentation didn't mention it, I just added a section to explain this.
I'm working on a custom module that will describe an external table to the Views module. Inside my module folder I have the required mymodule.views.inc file. However, whenever this file is present and my custom module is enabled Drupal constantly gives Ajax HTTP Error pop ups when I use a site feature that has Ajax (any of the spinning daisies trigger this). The pop up always contains the module code in mymodule.views.inc after it says Ajax Error. The weird thing is every time I load the front page the PHP code in mymodule.views.inc is always displayed on the top of the front page.
I've seen this problem on SO and other sites a lot, but most of the time it can be traced back to an updated jquery.js file or a php.ini setting that will give scripts more time to run. So far neither of those fixes have worked. The only way I can make it go away for now is to either disable my custom module, or rename mymodule.views.inc to something else.
Here's an example of what the message looks like (not verbatim copy, since I can't copy from these alert messages in Chrome).
An AJAX HTTP error occurred.
HTTP Result Code: 200
Debugging information follows.
Path: /?q=admin/structure/views/view/viewiamtryingtocreate/preview/page/ajax
StatusText: parseerror
ResponseText: /*
* header file to my mymodule.views.inc
* file I wrote
//more php code follows
//lots of unicode characters intermittently show up in my source code
//source code continues with lots of unicode characters, not sure what's at the bottom because the alert box is bigger than my screen and I can't scroll on it
Does anyone else know what could be going on?
This error is caused by drupalforfirebug, disabling drupal for firebug should help. or else this patch should work.
Found it. Syntax error hiding at the top of mymodule.views.inc. There was some weird formatting before the opening PHP tag. Not sure why php --syntax-check mymodule.php didn't catch it (I copied mymodule.views.inc to mymodule.php so that I could run the syntax checker on it).
Ok so since I applied an SSL Cert to our site the graphs in the dashboard have stopped working. i read this site
EDIT: forgot to add, im trying to get this working in the magento dashboard.
which states to add "true" to the GetChartUrl() function within
this works on a site not using SSL.
I then found this site
but this supposedly opens up opportunity for SQL injection and other malicious attacks.
next I found this site
and followed the instructions but still the charts aren't working.
i tried changing
const API_URL='http://chart.apis.google.com/chart';
to both
const API_URL='//chart.apis.google.com/chart';
const API_URL='https://chart.apis.google.com/chart';
but neither worked.
Can anyone point me to any other examples / explanations, or explain how to get this working?
Many Thanks
Do you use Firebug or another browser debug tool? If so, what is the error on the Console tab when you load the page containing the charts. I can tell you now, it's most likely due to trying to load a HTTP JS script over an HTTPS connection...which will fail.
Try using their latest API URL which supports HTTPS:
I'm using ABCPdf to convert HTML to a PDF. I'm using the method:
This works fine in Dev and UAT, but on Production I continuously get the message:
Unable to render HTML. Unable to load
Anyone see this before? Need more info?
I guess you are tying to do URL->pdf generation. It is difficult to directly to do URL->pdf conversion. We ended up URL-Save HTML in local folder ->read HTML and convert to PDF-> delete HTML file from folder - tricky approach but it works. The only flaw is that you need to give read/write permission on a folder on server. Its still better than decreasing security settings.
have you take a look at this http://www.itjungles.com/dotnet/abc2pdf-unable-to-render-html
The default timeout for abcpdf is 15 seconds. If the page is taking longer than 15 seconds, you will get this exception.
Add the line below just after object creation of the document to resolve the issue.
theDoc.XHtmlOptions.Timeout = 10000000;
I found by working backwards (removing elements) from a target html page that omitting the tag (of all things) created this error. also, calling localhost in the target url generated this error.
I have no idea what caused this error, but I stopped the scheduled task that was running, then restarted it and it's worked fnie ever since.