This is what I have:
values(Count, A, B) :-
A is Count,
B is 0.
values(Count, A, B) :-
values(Count, Aa, Bb),
A is Aa-2,
B is Bb+2,
\+ A < 0;
B < 0.
So I want by output to be:
A = 6,
B = 0
A = 4,
B = 2
A = 2,
B = 4
A = 0,
B = 6
I'm getting that, but then the interpreter just keeps going and runs out of Stack space, because the recursive values(Count, Aa, Bb) is at the start. I don't know how to rewrite this so that the recursion isn't endless, I want it to end after I get the above output. Would anyone be able to help?
I would do it like this:
CC is C-2,
CC >=0,
B is BB+2.
The output is
?- val(6, A, B).
A = 6,
B = 0 ;
A = 4,
B = 2 ;
A = 2,
B = 4 ;
A = 0,
B = 6 ;
So what is the difference? I use the Count variable as counter. It has to decrease in every step to force the recursion to end. The downside is I have to make sure the counter is never less than zero.
It might be easier if you use between/3. Do you know that the argument is a positive even number?
p(To0, A, B) :-
To is To0 div 2,
between(0, To, X),
A is (To - X) * 2,
B is X * 2.
?- p(6, A, B).
A = 6,
B = 0 ;
A = 4,
B = 2 ;
A = 2,
B = 4 ;
A = 0,
B = 6.
I'm quite new to prolog and I am trying to write a predicate which gives the value of nth prime number and it looks like nth_prime(N, Prime) .
I have already done the function that counts if the number is prime or not
div(X, Y):- 0 is X mod Y.
div(X, Y):- X>Y+1, Y1 is Y+1, div(X, Y1).
prime(2):- true.
prime(X):- X<2, false.
prime(X):- not(div(X, 2)).
I don't understand what is my next step, and how I should count which prime belong to N.
Your code is a bit unusual for prolog but (with the exception of prime(1)) it works.
Here is a solution for your predicate:
nextprime(P, Prime):-
PP is P+1,
nthprime(1, 2).
nthprime(N, Prime):-
NN is N-1,
nthprime(NN, PrevPrime),
PP is PrevPrime+1,
nextprime(PP, Prime).
?- nthprime(1,P).
P = 2 ;
?- nthprime(2,P).
P = 3 ;
?- nthprime(3,P).
P = 5 ;
It works as follows: It is known that the first prime number is 2 (nthprime(1, 2).). For every other number N larger than 1, get the previous prime number (nthprime(NN, PrevPrime)), add 1 until you hit a prime number. The add 1 part is done through a help predicate nextprime/2: for a given number P it will check if this number is a prime. If yes, it returns this number, otherwise it will call itself for the next higher number (nextprime(PP,Prime)) and forwards the output. The bang ! is called a cut which cuts the other choice branches. So if you once hit a prime, you can not go back and try the other path.
To test it you can ask ?- nthprime(N,P). for a given N. Or to check multiple answers at once, let's introdice a helperpredicate nthprimeList/2 which calls nthprime/2 for every item in the firstlist and puts the "output" into a list:
?- nthprimeList([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],[P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9]).
P1 = 2,
P2 = 3,
P3 = 5,
P4 = 7,
P5 = 11,
P6 = 13,
P7 = 17,
P8 = 19,
P9 = 23;
Using your definitions, we define the following to count up and test all numbers from 2 and up, one after another:
nth_prime(N, Prime):-
nth_prime(N, Prime, 1, 2). % 2 is the candidate for 1st prime
nth_prime(N, P, I, Q):- % Q is I-th prime candidate
-> ( I = N, P = Q
; I1 is I+1, Q1 is Q+1, nth_prime(N, P, I1, Q1)
; Q1 is Q+1, nth_prime(N, P, I, Q1).
30 ?- nth_prime(N,P).
N = 1,
P = 2 ;
N = 2,
P = 3 ;
N = 3,
P = 5 ;
N = 4,
P = 7 ;
N = 5,
P = 11 .
31 ?- nth_prime(N,P), N>24.
N = 25,
P = 97 ;
N = 26,
P = 101 ;
N = 27,
P = 103 .
32 ?- nth_prime(N,P), N>99.
N = 100,
P = 541 ;
N = 101,
P = 547 ;
N = 102,
P = 557 .
I want to create a predicate divisors(X,[Y]) which is true if
X>1 and Y is the list of all divisors of X starting with X and going down to 1.
What my code right now looks like:
divisors(X,[Y,Z|Ys]) :-
Y is X,
divides(X,[Y,Z|Ys]) :-
0 is X mod Y,
But there are several problems with it:
prolog returns an error if asked for the list (e.g. ?-divisors(10,X).)
?- divisors(X,[Y]). Where [Y] is an incomplete list of divisors is true...
Edit by Guy Coder
This answer is by the OP and was posted in a comment below.
Moving here so others can see it.
divisors(X,R) :-
X > 1,
divisors(N,D0,R0,R) :-
D is D0 + 1,
divisors_0(N,D,R0,[D|R0]) :-
divides(N,D) :-
0 is N mod D.
Op also noted some errors in this version:
It doesn't terminate if I ask a wrong statement like (10,[1,2,3]).
It throws an error if I ask a statement like (X, [10,5,2,1]). (-> Arguments are not sufficiently initialized.)
While the answer by William is nice and probably faster here is answer closer to what you were writing.
divides(N,D) :-
0 is N mod D.
divisors_0(N,D,R0,[D|R0]) :-
divisors_0(N,D,R0,R0) :-
\+ divides(N,D).
divisors(N,D0,R0,R) :-
D is D0 - 1,
divisors(X,R) :-
X > 1,
divisors(X,X,[],R), !.
?- between(1,15,N), divisors(N,Rs).
N = 2,
Rs = [1, 2] ;
N = 3,
Rs = [1, 3] ;
N = 4,
Rs = [1, 2, 4] ;
N = 5,
Rs = [1, 5] ;
N = 6,
Rs = [1, 2, 3, 6] ;
N = 7,
Rs = [1, 7] ;
N = 8,
Rs = [1, 2, 4, 8] ;
N = 9,
Rs = [1, 3, 9] ;
N = 10,
Rs = [1, 2, 5, 10] ;
N = 11,
Rs = [1, 11] ;
N = 12,
Rs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12] ;
N = 13,
Rs = [1, 13] ;
N = 14,
Rs = [1, 2, 7, 14] ;
N = 15,
Rs = [1, 3, 5, 15].
OP modified their code, see update in question and had some errors.
This version resolves those errors.
divisors(X,R) :-
X > 1,
divisors_2(X,R), !
divisors_2(X,[H|T]) :-
divisors(N,D0,R0,R) :-
D is D0 + 1,
divisors_0(N,D,R0,[D|R0]) :-
divides(N,D) :-
0 is N mod D.
The first error: It doesn't terminate if I ask a wrong statement like divisors(10,[1,2,3]).
is fixed by adding to divisors/2
X > 1,
divisors_2(X,R), !
divisors_2(X,[H|T]) :-
which just processes the list of denominators instead of generating a list.
The second error: It throws an error if I ask a statement like divisors(X, [10,5,2,1]). (-> Arguments are not sufficiently initialized.)
is resolved by further adding to divisor/2
divisors(X,R) :-
X > 1,
divisors_2(X,R), !
which checks if the first parameter X is a variable and if so just returns false. The other option would be to generate an infinite list of answers. While possible it wasn't requested.
In Prolog, it is quite common to use backtracking and propose multiple solutions to the same query. Instead of constructing a list of dividers, we thus can construct a predicate that unifies the second parameter with all divisors. For example:
divisor(N, D) :-
between(1, N, D),
0 is N mod D.
This then yields:
?- divisor(12, N).
N = 1 ;
N = 2 ;
N = 3 ;
N = 4 ;
N = 6 ;
N = 12.
The above algorithm is an O(n) algorithm: we scan for divisors linear with the value of the item for which we want to obtain the divisors. We can easily improve this to O(√n) by scanning up to √n, and each time yield both the divisor (of course in case it is a divisor), and the co-divisor, like:
emitco(D, _, D).
emitco(D, C, C) :-
dif(D, C).
divisor(N, R) :-
UB is floor(sqrt(N)),
between(1, UB, D),
0 is N mod D,
C is N / D,
emitco(D, C, R).
This still yield the correct answers, but the order is like a convergent alternating sequence:
?- divisor(12, N).
N = 1 ;
N = 12 ;
N = 2 ;
N = 6 ;
N = 3 ;
N = 4.
?- divisor(16, N).
N = 1 ;
N = 16 ;
N = 2 ;
N = 8 ;
N = 4 ;
We can obtain a list of the divisors by using a findall/3 [swi-doc] or setof/3 [swi-doc]. The setof/3 will even sort the divisors, so we can implement divisors/2 in terms of divisor/2:
divisors(N, Ds) :-
setof(D, divisor(N, D), Ds).
For example:
?- divisors(2, N).
N = [1, 2].
?- divisors(3, N).
N = [1, 3].
?- divisors(5, N).
N = [1, 5].
?- divisors(12, N).
N = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12].
?- divisors(15, N).
N = [1, 3, 5, 15].
We can use reverse/2 to reverse that result.
so I wrote a predicate that counts how many times an element occurs in a list of lists.
count([], _, 0). #base case
count([[Elem|Rest]|OtherLists], Elem, Count) :- #Elem is the head of sublist
count([Rest|OtherLists], Elem, NewCount),
succ(NewCount, Count).
count([[_|Rest]|OtherLists], Elem, Count) :- #Elem is not the head of sublist
count([Rest|OtherLists], Elem, Count).
count([[]|OtherLists], Elem, Count) :- #Head sublist is an empty list
count(OtherLists, Elem, Count).
Now that if I query the predicate with the following:
count([[1,2,3],[4,1,5],[4,6,1]], 1, X).
it returns X = 3, which is correct, but it will also say 'false' if I continue with the query.
So it counts elements correctly, but I cannot use this predicate inside other predicates since it eventually returns FALSE.
What am I doing wrong?
When Prolog encounters a "choice point" (a place in the code where it can come back to seek more possible solutions) in the process of finding a solution, it will show the solution and prompt you for more possible solutions. If it finds no more, it displays "false". This is not any kind of error in your logic. It's the way Prolog works.
It is not always desirable to remove the choice point. It depends upon what your goals are for the predicate. The danger in removing choice points using cuts is that the choice point may be a path to valid alternative solutions, and the cut prevents your program from finding those solutions.
Let's try your updated program with the new proposed cut in your answer:
| ?- count([[1,2,3],[4,1,5],[4,6,1]], 1, X).
X = 3
| ?- count([[1,2,1,3],[4,1,5],[4,6,1]], 1, X).
X = 4
| ?- count([[1,2,1,3],[4,1,5],[4,6,1],[1]], 1, X).
X = 5
So far, so good. These look like complete and correct answers. I believe your additional cut (and including your original cut) will yield a correct answer as long as the first argument is fully bound with no variables. Let's try a more interesting query:
2 ?- count([[A,2,B],[C,1,D]], 1, X).
A = B, B = C, C = D, D = 1,
X = 5.
3 ?-
The predicate found one solution. However, aren't there more? What about this one?
A = _ % something other than 1
B = C, C = D, D = 1,
X = 4.
This would be a correct solution as well, but the predicate fails to find it.
Also, what about this query?
2 ?- count([[1,2,1,3],[4,1,5],[4,6,1],[1]], E, X).
E = 1,
X = 5.
3 ?-
Again, only one solution found. But aren't there more? What about E = 4 and X = 2?
If we remove all of the cuts from the original predicate in an attempt to get all of the correct solutions, then we get incorrect solutions as well:
2 ?- count([[1,2],[3,1,4],[1]], 1,X).
X = 3 ;
X = 2 ;
X = 2 ;
X = 1 ;
X = 2 ;
X = 1 ;
X = 1 ;
X = 0 ;
2 ?- count([[1,2,1,3],[4,1,5],[4,6,1],[1]], E, X).
E = 1,
X = 5 ;
E = 1,
X = 4 ;
E = 1,
X = 3 ;
So if more generality is desired, a more effective solution needs to be constructed.
count_occurrences_lol([], _, 0).
count_occurrences_lol([List|Lists], X, Count) :-
count_occurrences(List, X, C1), % Count occurrences in this list
count_occurrences_lol(Lists, X, C2), % Count occurrences in remaining sublists
Count is C1 + C2. % Total the counts
count_occurrences([], _, 0).
count_occurrences([X|Xs], X, Count) :-
count_occurrences(Xs, X, C1),
Count is C1 + 1.
count_occurrences([X1|Xs], X, Count) :-
dif(X1, X),
count_occurrences(Xs, X, Count).
Now we get the following:
3 ?- count_occurrences_lol([[1,2],[3,1,4],[1]], 1,X).
X = 3 ;
Just one solution, as expected. And the following:
5 ?- count_occurrences_lol([[A,2,B],[C,1,3]], 1, X).
A = B, B = C, C = 1,
X = 4 ;
A = B, B = 1,
X = 3,
dif(C, 1) ;
A = C, C = 1,
X = 3,
dif(B, 1) ;
A = 1,
X = 2,
dif(B, 1),
dif(C, 1) ;
B = C, C = 1,
X = 3,
dif(A, 1) ;
B = 1,
X = 2,
dif(A, 1),
dif(C, 1) ;
C = 1,
X = 2,
dif(A, 1),
dif(B, 1) ;
X = 1,
dif(A, 1),
dif(B, 1),
dif(C, 1) ;
3 ?- count_occurrences_lol([[1,2,1,3],[4,1,5],[4,6,1],[1]], E, X).
E = 1,
X = 5 ;
E = 2,
X = 1 ;
E = 3,
X = 1 ;
E = 4,
X = 2 ;
E = 5,
X = 1 ;
E = 6,
X = 1 ;
X = 0,
dif(E, 1),
dif(E, 1),
dif(E, 6),
dif(E, 4),
dif(E, 5),
dif(E, 1),
dif(E, 4),
dif(E, 3),
dif(E, 1),
dif(E, 2),
dif(E, 1).
4 ?-
Several possible solutions as expected.
Ok, it looks like it was backtracking on the part where 'Elem is not the head of sublist', and I was able to fix it by changing it to:
count([[_|Rest]|OtherLists], Elem, Count) :- #Elem is not the head of sublist
count([Rest|OtherLists], Elem, Count).
If anyone can confirm whether this is a correct solution. Thanks
I am currently making a program in Prolog that will calculate all of the multiples (including itself) of a number, that do not exceed the value of another number. I was testing with the query below:
?- multiples(4,12,R,0)
This query would list all multiples of 4 that are less than or equal to 12 eg. 4, 8, 12. The R would return the result and 0 is where I was intending to implement a counter that would count up for each multiplication eg. 4*1,4*2,4*3. I am stuck and I am not sure if it would be a better design to simply add the multiples and check if it is below the upper bound or if it can be done with a counter or accumulator.
multiples(N,U,R,Ctr) :-
N =< U,
R is Ctr * N,
R =< U,
increment(Num, Num1) :-
Num1 is Num+1.
I believe my program is failing at the recursive step of calling multiples from within itself. I know that recursion needs a base case to allow it to exit, but I am completely stuck here and would appreciate some direction.
The problem with you approach is that there is no basecase: indeed your algorithm will always produce false. It will unify R with N, then do the recursion and that recursion will try to unify R with 2*N which will fail.
Well an idea could be to use an accumulator to which you add the delta each time. Something like:
multiples(N,U,R) :-
multiples(_,C,U,C) :-
C =< U.
multiples(N,C,U,R) :-
C =< U,
C1 is C+N,
So here we call multiples(3,12,R). and it will result in:
?- multiples(4,12,R).
R = 4 ;
R = 8 ;
R = 12 ;
CLP(FD) is very helpful here:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
multiple(Multiplicand, Max, Multiple) :-
MaxMultiplier #= Max // Multiplicand,
Multiplier in 1 .. MaxMultiplier,
Multiple #= Multiplier * Multiplicand,
?- multiple(4, 12, M).
M = 4 ;
M = 8 ;
M = 12.
With CLP(FD) in this case, you can also query with the first argument as a variable:
|?- multiple(N, 12, 8).
N = 8 ;
N = 4 ;
N = 2 ;
N = 1.
Or both the multiplier and result:
?- multiple(N, 4, M).
N = M, M = 3 ;
N = M, M = 4 ;
N = M, M = 2 ;
N = 2,
M = 4 ;
N = M, M = 1 ;
N = 1,
M = 2 ;
N = 1,
M = 3 ;
N = 1,
M = 4.
If you want to collect them in a list, you can use findall/3:
?- findall(Multiple, multiple(4, 12, Multiple), Multiples).
Multiples = [4, 8, 12].