LDAP - error: 'Cannot send the simple bind request: SSLException(Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?)' - oracle

I'm trying to export data using export-ldif command of Oracle Unified Directory. but getting below error.
Command entered in cmd
export-ldif --hostname --port --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" -w password --includeBranch "ou=xyz,ou=abc" --backendID userRoot --ldifFile c:\example16jan.ldif
You have provided options for scheduling this operation as a task but options
provided for connecting to the server's tasks backend resulted in the
following error: 'Cannot send the simple bind request:
SSLException(Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?)'

I guess the message is explicit...
The port number (normally specified with --port XXXX, but you've omited the port number in the command above), is a plain LDAP port.
The export-ldif tool, being an administrative tool, expects to connect to a secure port (either 636 or the Administration port 4444).


How to change http port number in oracle database?

I am trying to use port 8080 for another purpose but the browser prompts for username and password while entering the link for authentication -
I have my oracle database installed in my system and has assigned port 8080 as one of its listening port.
How to change the port number?
Check the ports used by oracle DB by using the following commands in Command Prompt.
> status
Listening Endpoints Summary...
Then if still, you need to change the HTTP port, open SQL Command-Line and connect to the SQL server by entering the following command.
connect system
If prompted for a password enter it wait for the CONNECTED message. After this enter the following command to change the HTTP port number.
exec DBMS_xdb.sethttpport('8081')
Check once if the ports are been updated by executing the LSNRCTL.EXE & status commands.

clickhouse-client get error "Timeout exceeded while reading from socket"

I'm newbie to clickhouse, I'm trying to create a clickhouse database on my unbuntu 18.04 remote server, I follow instruction to install click house from DEB package in this link: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/getting_started/install/#from-sources
after that when I run command clickhouse-client it shows something like this :
root#busmap-api-test:~# clickhouse-client
ClickHouse client version (official build)
Connecting to localhost:9000 as user default.
Code: 209. DB::NetException: Timeout exceeded while reading from socket (
Can someone help me to figure out what is the problem and how I can solve it?
Follow these steps to resolve the issue:
check that clickhouse-server-service started
service clickhouse-server status
check the server logs to find the possible reason
cat /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.err.log
if occured the error 'Address already in use':
{} <Error> Application: Net Exception: Address already in use: [::1]:9000
{} <Error> Application: Net Exception: Address already in use:
need to switch CH-server to any other port by editing tcp_port-param in /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml-file:
restart CH-server service:
service clickhouse-server restart
and connect this way
clickhouse-client --port 9032
I actually had this problem too but I got it working with the default port.
The setting should be this way if you want to connect remotely and be able to use the loopback from localhost.
This allows the loopback method to work (i.e clickhouse-client no args) on localhost to connect through the IPV6 route, and the remote connection (i.e clickhouse-client -h <hostname>) through the IPV4 connection.
My original problem was that i only used <listen_host></listen_host> in my config which meant theclickhouse-client no args would not work on localhost. And I could not get both to work by adding <listen_host></listen_host>

BrowserStackLocal with proxy giving Error: Could not connect to www.browserstack.com

BrowserStackLocal gives Error: Could not connect to www.browserstack.com!
I am trying to use Charles Proxy with BrowserStackLocal. I want to use Rewrite feature of Charles Proxy. Both Charles Proxy and BrowserStackLocal are running on same Mac Laptop.
I am getting following error. Has anybody run into this problem?
$ ./BrowserStackLocal myKey -proxyHost -proxyPort 8888 -force -forcelocal
BrowserStackLocal v5.5
*** Error: Could not connect to www.browserstack.com!
Configuration Options:
Provides verbose logging
If you want to test local folder rather internal server
Prints this help
Displays the version
Kill other running Browserstack Local
Restricts Local Testing access to specified local servers and/or folders
Route all traffic via local machine
Disable Live Testing and Screenshots, just test Automate
-proxyHost HOST
Hostname/IP of proxy, remaining proxy options are ignored if this option is absent
-proxyPort PORT
Port for the proxy, defaults to 3128 when -proxyHost is used
-proxyUser USERNAME
Username for connecting to proxy (Basic Auth Only)
-proxyPass PASSWORD
Password for USERNAME, will be ignored if USERNAME is empty or not specified
-localIdentifier SOME_STRING
If doing simultaneous multiple local testing connections, set this uniquely for different processes
To test an internal server, run:
./BrowserStackLocal <KEY>
./BrowserStackLocal DsVSdoJPBi2z44sbGFx1
To test HTML files, run:
./BrowserStackLocal -f <KEY> <full path to local folder>
./BrowserStackLocal -f DsVSdoJPBi2z44sbGFx1 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/example/
View more configuration options at http://www.browserstack.com/local-testing
Charles Proxy generates its own certificates which is signed by 'Charles Root Certificate'. It seems Charles Proxy is modifying the certificate used by BrowserStackLocal due to which the request to BrowserStack fails and you receive "Could not connect to www.browserstack.com!". More information on SSL-Certificates and Charles is available here.
Can you disable this setting in Charles? This will allow BrowserStackLocal use its original certificate and connect to BrowserStack.
I disabled the SSL proxying in Charles Proxy and turned SOCKS . That solved the problem.

No command response from neo4j-shell, despite establishing connection

Created new EC2 instance of neo4j via CloudFormation template found here (ubuntu host).
Got the web interface to work fine, and DB is up and running.
Trying to connect with neo4j-shell from my local dev machine, and I am able to establish a connection to the remote EC2 server.
$ neo4j-shell -host ec2-xx-xx-xx-xx.compute-1.amazonaws.com
Welcome to the Neo4j Shell! Enter 'help' for a list of commands
NOTE: Remote Neo4j graph database service 'shell' at port 1337
neo4j-sh (?)$
netstat confirms that a connection has been ESTABLISHED
tcp6 0 0 xx.xx.xx.xx:1337 my.local.ip.add:13785 ESTABLISHED
At this point, I type help, or any neo4j command, and I get no response back from the server. The console just hangs. As soon as I stop the neo4j service on the server, I get the following exception on the client console.
java.rmi.UnmarshalException: Error unmarshaling return header; nested exception is:
at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.executeCall(StreamRemoteCall.java:229)
at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.invoke(UnicastRef.java:162)
at java.rmi.server.RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.invokeRemoteMethod(RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.java:194)
at java.rmi.server.RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.invoke(RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.java:148)
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy1.interpretLine(Unknown Source)
at org.neo4j.shell.impl.AbstractClient.evaluate(AbstractClient.java:149)
at org.neo4j.shell.impl.AbstractClient.evaluate(AbstractClient.java:133)
at org.neo4j.shell.impl.AbstractClient.grabPrompt(AbstractClient.java:101)
at org.neo4j.shell.StartClient.grabPromptOrJustExecuteCommand(StartClient.java:383)
at org.neo4j.shell.StartClient.startRemote(StartClient.java:330)
at org.neo4j.shell.StartClient.start(StartClient.java:196)
at org.neo4j.shell.StartClient.main(StartClient.java:135)
Caused by: java.io.EOFException
at java.io.DataInputStream.readByte(DataInputStream.java:267)
at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.executeCall(StreamRemoteCall.java:215)
... 11 more
I have made the following change to neo4j-wrapper.conf :
All iptables are "disabled", to eliminate variables. I am able to run neo4j-shell on the server itself, to
What am I missing in my network config or neo4j server config?
Try to ssh into the instance and run it there. remote connections have been a pain for a long time because of the underlying Java RMI port handling.
You can also try out cycli which supports http and auth.

Get windows proxy username/password

I have an access to a preconfigured Windows XP 32-bit workstation.
It's under firewall and to get outside it uses http proxy server.
To get proxy settings I need host, port, username and password.
http: // username : password # server : port
I'm able to find the proxy url and port (from PAC - automatic config file),
but I don't know how to get username/password. Is there a way to read it somehow? At least username? I might get the admin rights.
Do you know any tool that can help?
I only found these MS docs about some methods to get proxy config connection, but I don't know how to determinate what's the provided credentials:
WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser function
WinHttpGetProxyForUrl function
I've also found this lib, but it's rather for parsing PAC:
In windows you cannot get password.
To get connect throw a proxy you have to use SSPI, check libcurl, you can get a connected socket throw proxy, build it with enable-sspi and openssl.
Iterating on Fernando Sanchez's answer and Robert's comment, you need to authenticate via SSPI. In my case I've connected using NTLM using this link
With curl using ntlm :
curl.exe --proxy <proxy_name>:<proxy_port> --proxy-ntlm -U : https://www.google.com
Also to partially answer your question the -U : means from curl man page :
If you use a Windows SSPI-enabled curl binary and do either Negotiate
or NTLM authentication then you can tell curl to select the user name
and password from your environment by specifying a single colon with
this option: "-U :".
You can get the proxy name and port from the windows registry (regedit). Quote from Robert's comment:
It can be present either in a manual way using REG_SZ ProxyServer or using an autoconfiguration script using REG_SZ AutoConfigURL = https://<configuration_url>
If the curl command above fails with Failure when receiving data from the peer maybe you have a curl release without NTLM, SSPI or OpenSSL. Try with the latest curl release
