Kentico 9 Hierarchical Transformation Page Types Not Working - transformation

I am using Hierarchical transformations in a Hierarchical viewer. In an attempt to get the Current item transformation to work properly I read I need to assign page type(s). However, I've found that when I apply page types - even to the regular Item transformation - the transformations no longer get applied, even if I apply every single available page type. Any thoughts?

You do not need to assign a page type specifically for it. I'm guessing the problem is the selected page or current page is probably a level further down in the hierarchy OR you haven't applied the same markup as in your other transformation. What I typically do for a more difficult hierarchy is create some generic transformations and simply place some static text inside it like so:
<ul> <!-- level 0 header -->
<li><%# Eval("DocumentName") %> <!-- level 0 item -->
<li><%# Eval("DocumentName") %> <!-- level 0 current item -->
<ul> <!-- level 1 header -->
<li><%# Eval("DocumentName") %> <!-- level 1 item -->
<li><%# Eval("DocumentName") %> <!-- level 1 current item -->
Doing this allows you to see where things will be rendered.
Now lets say the difference between level 1 item transformation and level 1 current item transformation is a simple CSS class change. Your current transformation needs to have the same code as your item transformation, PLUS the new CSS class. Like so:
Item Transformation
<li>Click Me</li>
Current Item Transformation
<li><a class="selected" href="#">Click Me</a></li>
This is a very common problem with first and last transformations, you need to apply that full markup in order for it to properly render.

Do you have the page types selected in the web part in page types? Or are you using a datasource?
If you are using a datasource, you have to include the classname in the results.

I agree with the people who have commented so far. Testing it out with sample HTML will make sure you are calling the right transformation at the right point in the hierarchy.
Is anything coming out on the transformation results?
If nothing is, it might also be worth checking if you are adding specific columns into the web part settings. Remove them first and get the transformation working and then add them in after.
Also remember the setting for 'Hierarchical display mode:', make sure this is inner. And make sure your using '' as this will help too.


CKEditor 5: How to prevent cascading of linkHref attribute changes to all child nodes of a custom element structure?

The Setup
Currently, CKEditor 5 does not support image captions for inline images. As our CMS needs to utilize both block and inline images, I wrote a plugin that extends schema and conversions with a custom <caption> element that works both for <imageInline> and <imageBlock> (and a custom, plaintext-only <alt> element for also have a nested editable for the image alternative text, but that's omitted here because it's not part of the issue).
It starts with a schema extension for <caption> to work for both image types:
schema.register('caption', {
allowIn: ['imageBlock', 'imageInline'],
allowContentOf: '$block',
isLimit: true
Then, several conversions and up-/downcast helpers from the original image packages #ckeditor/ckeditor5-image/... (image/imageblockediting.js, image/imageinlineediting.js, image/converters.js, image/utils.js, imagecaption/imagecaptionediting.js) are adapted and/or overwritten with higher priority custom versions to have an editable <caption> element both inside <imageBlock> and <imageInline>.
Both image types can have a linkHref attribute, which is implemented by extended, higher priority versions of upcastImageLink() and downcastImageLink() from #ckeditor/ckeditor5-link/src/linkimageediting.js.
Also, we need to backup and restore the <caption> element and all its child nodes when changing between block and inline images by listening to the imageStyleCommand, because the command itself obviously does not care for our custom <caption> structure (the caption should be visible all the time, so there is no need for a toggle as in the original caption package).
All in all, it's 400+ lines of code, so I won't post it here - you can get the idea by looking at the original code mentioned above.
Working Code
Now, for block images we have the same model/view structure and functionality as the original <imageBlock> version, and for <imageInline> the model looks like this (including the parent paragraph and some text; please ignore the <altContainer> structure):
Which gets converted to this view structure (again, ignore the <altcontainer> structure):
The Problem
When selecting an <inlineImage> and adding a link, the linkHref attribute is not only set on the <inlineImage> element itself (that's what we want), but also on all of the <caption>'s child nodes. So the model is looking like this:
And the view:
As you can see, the linked text from the original caption gets lost, too.
So how do you prevent this?
I'm assuming this is happening because <imageInline> is obviously registered as isInline:true, because when linking an <imageBlock> image this is not an issue! I've tried to fix this with a registerPostFixer() routine, but that can fix only parts of the problem.
I'm working around this problem now by cloning the whole <caption> structure before linking an image, and replacing the "buggy" version with the cloned one after the link command has finished.
There should be a more elegant way to tell the engine not to apply the linkHref attribute to the <caption> child nodes, and leaving existing linkHref attributes inside as is; which is also an issue when removing the link for the image: existing child linkHref attributes get also removed.

Can somebody give me an eagle eye perspective on Magento blocks, layout and templates?

Can somebody give me an eagle eye perspective on Magento blocks, layout and templates and how they relate to each other?
I understood that blocks are the basic building-blocks that a page is made of and that they are kind of mini-controllers.
I also understood that layout brings these blocks somehow together.
But there is still some uncertainty about templates and how they relate to blocks and layouts and vice versa.
What are blocks?
There are basically 4 things you need to know:
There are two types of blocks: those that automatically render their
children and those that don't. Knowing which type you're using will
help you in debugging.
Magento blocks are essentially models that contain logic for your view templates. Mind you - this is not business logic, but it is logic
related to the display of the information you're presenting. This is
by definition presentational logic. If you're familiar with Zend
Framework's Zend_Layout you could draw a comparison between custom
view objects and layout helpers.
The template file assigned to a block object can execute code as if it is local to that object. That is, $this corresponds directly to
the block class.
Layout actions are a thing that people use.
Two types of blocks
There are two types of blocks at the end of the day - those that
render automatically and those that don't. Take notes because this is
on the Magento Certification exam!!
Auto-rendered blocks
When defined in a layout, any block of type core/text_list will
automatically render all its children. While core/text will
automatically render itself it really only should contain text and
therefore is not useful for layout purposes (though some clever things
can be achieved with them).
Other blocks
Any other block type will need to be rendered manually. Provide the
block an alias which can then be passed to getChildHtml, returning the
content which you then echo.
Layouts And Templates
As the name suggests, layout files are useful in rendering front pages
of Magento. Layout files are XML files that reside in in app > design
frontend > your interface > your theme > layout. Here, you can see that there are many layout files for any given module. Each Magento
module has its own layout files much like the customer module has the
customer.xml layout file, catalog module have catalog.xml layout file
etc. These layout files contain structural blocks and content blocks.
read the following blogs. it will clear your concepts for magneto.
Blocks are the building modules of a page. They can be treated as "bricks". Now every block comes inside a layout. Layout is used to define the "shape" of the page. Now templates are used to define the behaviour of a particular block. That means each block or "brick" will have different charateristic depend upon the template it is used.
That is, to construct a magento page, you need to define a layout first that will give you an idea of shape of that page. Now you fill the layout with blocks. Each blocks now concentrate on a particular section of the entire layout. That means depending upon the "nature" of block, each small section will behave differently. To define the unique nature of a particular section, blocks uses templates (templates actually holds the webpage building codes, ie html + js + php)
I hope that will give you a short idea.
Try to google this. I am sure there are lot of lot of tutorials, blogs available about this.

create dynamic template for joomla 1.5

there are tutorials on the web about gow to create index.html, css file and template.xml that contain placeholders. ok, i got it, it's simple. but i need a template that has some different views. for example:
-all pages have a topmenu, header, left sidebar, mainarea and a footer but:
-first page has no header .topmenu after which sidebar, mainarea and footer comes.
-second page has sidebar moved from left to right
-third page has four blocks (blocks for special offers) instead of mainarea.
as far as i can see, i need to create three standalone templates with unique set of placeholders for each template. because i can't see the way to change laarge mainarea placeholder with four placeholders for offers blocks on some pages. dynamically.
is there if-statements in joomla templates to simply determine a document id to view four placeholders instead of mainarea. or to not show header on the main page (f.e. doc. id="mainpage")
but i want it to be selectable like:
-this page has first case of that template (index_1.php)
-and that page has a second case of the same template (index_2.php)
like a selectbox.
is that possible?
I will make this an answer as opposed to a comment since I believe it will do what you are looking for.
Once your articles are setup and your links to them are established (the site has the info on it you're looking for), you can create the modules containing the data that you want shown from time to time.
Go to the module manager - on the right you should see 'module assignment' or something along the lines of 'display this module on the following pages'; you can then pick which pages you want the module to show on. You can specify all pages, none, specific pages, however you want.
This will enable you to show them only where needed however you like.
You can ALSO do this programatically inside the module (if you do custom HTML and use an extension like Sourcerer to add PHP to the module) with PHP should you want a little more flexibility, but just choosing the pages to show on should work for what you're doing.

Pinpointing the difference and changes made between two pages in magento 1.6.2

I have two pages that should be using the exact same template and layout.
The correct item layout can be seen below.
The incorrect item layout is below.
As you can see in the first image the layout of the item is compact. In the second link it is all drawn out.
I am curious to know if you can tell me how to make the second one like the first one, The compact style. I am not sure what modifications could have been made in magento to cause the layout to only show up that way for specific items, as only the items in the category on link 1 behave that way, I would like to know how to make them all behave this way.
Ok, first thing: the layouts are slightly different because in the first example, you have simple product and in the second example you have a configurable product.
So, view.phtml is including different templates in each.
Regardless though, the actually culprit of the expanded space you are seeing in the second example is being caused by a clearing div. Simply remove it.
The div you are looking for is this:
<div class="clearer"></div>
and you will find it in app/design/frontend/your_package/your_theme/template/catalog/product/view.phtml

How do you design a text-based view using Ember.js or some other MVC javascript framework?

I have an homemade javascript which, among other things, do some kind of text-formatting work in order to emulate a retro text-based game:
When developing it, i tried to stick close to an MVC model, and this is what i did:
The data model basically consists of a list of objects mapping strings to very specific locations in the display, like this
"value":"What is your quest ?",
/* ... some other data */]
Then my view consists of a simple <pre> tag. When my controller draws the model on the view, it iterates through each string-location pair and create a <span> for each one that is appended to the <pre> tag. To keep the formatting consistent, it also adds "blanck" span each time it is needed.
<span> </span><span class="blue">Hello!</span><span> </span><br>
<!-- ... other lines of the scene-->
It's pretty simple, but it worked great until i had to dynamically change a span text value, without redrawing the whole scene each time.
So i took a look on the internet and realized that Ember.js existed, it really seems to be exactly what i could use to improve my whole code.
Now, i tried to redesign it using Ember.js, but as i don't fully understand yet its features i ran into a problem:
How do you represent a 'text-based' view into an Ember.js handlebar template ?
What am i missing here?
My data model contains both the value and the position in the display, so i don't exactly see how handlebars template could fit my needs. Or perhaps dynamically generating the template is an option ?
What do you think ?
Am I choosing the wrong framework or misunderstanding its use? is it my original MVC design that is wrong ? Changing the data model for something completely different is not an option i can easily consider as it would impact everything.
Do you have any ideas on how this could be implemented using Ember or some other framework?
Any advice will be appreciated :)
I made a rudimentary example on jsfiddle on how you could use ember for this.
Each row is an object and we have an ArrayProxy holding such objects. Thus if we have 10 rows, we have 10 row objects.
The view is binding one output line per row object.
Enjoy the flying bird:
Edit: Better to {{#if}} away empty rows as pointed out by ud3323:
