TestNG run/debug from IDEA cannot load main class files - maven

I have inherited some Selenium TestNG tests which I can run with no problem via 'mvn test' but when I try to run/debug inside IDEA I receive an instant error:
Error: Could not find or load main class Files
In my own projects I have xml test suites and I keep my /main empty. I can run tests easily with either command line and inside IDEA.
However, this project structure is different from one I developed myself. Here I have test classes in /test/java directory but all PageObject classes, helpers and such in /main/java. There is no xml suites (I am not sure how it is even working and if it is possible to run certain test class). See picture below.
The question is: how to make those tests run/debug inside IDEA?

As dumb as it sounds I have been passing a parameter to Firefox binary within '' instead of "" resulting
-Dbinary='C:/Program Files/...'
to be interpreted as
-Dbinary =C:/Program
with remaining string treated as class.


How to ignore a java file when maven install

I have a #Service class where i'm caching some table data. I don't want those queries to run while building mvn install. Is there a way to ignore the file while building and it only execute when i start the server ?
It's a spring-boot application.
Here is background of my issue. I have initialized the spring boot app from http://start.spring.io/ site, which actually adds dummy application test file with SpringBootTest annotation and default contextLoads() with Test annotation, with an intention to initialize and execute all test cases, which needs to initialize and execute all code base. In my opinion this is not required, as we can have respective Test classes per controller/manager, which will give more controlled environment to hook up your Test setups and executions.
I have removed the default application Test file and included respective test classes for code coverage and quality. This way my beans are not executed at server startup time rather build time.

Is it a fallacy to have a 'tester goal'?

Well, I would like to have a maven goal execute-custom-tests inside my custom-maven-plugin that consists of running test methods (This tests are not unit tests). Something similar to test goal of soapui-pro-maven-plugin, for example.
Why? Basically the main objectives of the plugin are testing stuff (not unit testing) and the tests in src/test are for unit testing, right?
Being more specific I was thinking about something like this:
#Mojo (name = "run-custom-tests", LifecyclePhase.TEST)
public class TesterMojo extends AbstractMojo {
#Parameter(property = "someParameter")
private String someParameter;
// [...] parameters for test configuration
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
// Piece of code that executes a set of custom tests which procedure I specified.
When test fail, I would like them to be marked as failed tests not as failed executions. What's the right thing to do here? Show me the light, please.
Maven conventions support two types of testing out of the box: unit tests (via maven-surefire-plugin) and integration tests (via maven-failsafe-plugin).
By default, maven-surefire-plugin only looks for the following files with unit tests:
Similarly, default includes for integration tests run by maven-failsafe-plugin are the following:
So, as you can see, Maven lets each plugin figure out which tests it should care about. So it's perfectly fine for src/test/java to contain different types of tests, not just unit tests.
Different folder
You can put tests in a different folder too. One example would be if you have non-Java tests, since then src/test/java location doesn't make sense. Standard Maven plugins get project model from Maven to figure out the src/test/java location and some 3rd party plugins use the same mechanism. Depending on the plugin you use, you might want to check out its configuration or use maven-build-helper-plugin to add-test-source in order for some plugins to pick up another test folder automatically.
Different tests on demand
From the Maven perspective the core difference between unit tests and integration tests is the additional requirements for the later: they often need to have your project already packaged and they often need additional setup or teardown. But you yourself can set up multiple test goals during both test and integration-test phases. All major test frameworks support specifying which test suite should be run when (e.g., via groups). If your framework doesn't, you can still use plugin includes/excludes. It is a standard practice to combine this with Maven profiles in order to only run smoke tests by default (during development) and to run full tests on CI environment. You can use the same approach to enable anyone (a tester?) to run extra tests on demand, e.g., to run extra heavy tests when certain important part of the code has changed.

Maven Test Automation Project

I have a maven test automation project developed using selenium and testng. This is what I am doing with my framework:
1.I have main class in src/main/java and within the main class I trigger methods to dynamically create and run the testng xml.
2.The tests to be run are determined from the XMLFlag.xls sheet and test data for the tests is set in TestNG.xlsx sheet in src/main/resources.
3.I have successfully created a jar of my entire package.
Since I have put my Test Data sheets(TestNG.xlsx and XMLFlag.xls)under src/main/resources, these Test data sheets get packaged within the jar.
But ideally, I would like to run my test scripts for different sets of test data and see if the scripts are successful.
for example: I would like to run my scripts with ,say, username:abcd and password:1234 for the first time and then run the same set of scripts with username:efgh and password:9876.
But with my Test data sheets packaged within the jar I will not be able to achieve the above scenario since I cannot edit the test data sheets.
So let me say to overcome the above problem:
1.I put my Test data sheets in src/test/resources and not src/main/resources and then create a jar.
But when I do this and try to run the jar,
I get an error message:
.\src\test\resources\XMLFlag.xls (The system cannot find the path specified)
This, I believe, is because the Test data sheets get placed in test-classes folder under target folder and not within the jar.
To put it in simple words:
i. I want the test data sheets to be outside my jar, so that it can be edited and test scripts can be run based on the users requirement.
ii.If the test data sheets are outside my jar and everything else within my framework is dependent on test data information(ie.test scripts, testng.xml) and is packaged within the jar, my jar would not run.
Is there a way to avoid this error and accomplish what I want to do?
Or should I restructure my entire framework??
Kindly help me out.
How about passing the Test Data sheets as program arguments when you're executing your jar?
That is,
java -jar c:/path/to/your/jar c:/path/to/your/testng.xlsx c:/path/to/your/xmlflag.xlsx
and then just in your main method, read the file names and their content such as
File testNgXlsxFile = new File(args[0]);
and pass the information from the files to your framework.
Is that possible?

IntelliJ IDEA and Maven: creating a test resource in the same package

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA and my project has a default Maven structure.
I often run into the scenario where I need to create a new class or resource in the same package, but in different folder (one of src/main/java, src/main/resources, src/test/java, src/test/directory). The case where I'm editing a class in src/main/java and I need to create a test in src/test/java is covered by the Create Test command.
What about the other scenarios?
Often I find myself writing a unit test and I'd like to create a test resource in the same package in test resources folder. Is there a quick way how to achieve that?
What you can do at least is to copy the path of your package, and then (in the test resources dir) say new directory, and paste the path there. You then need to delete the absolute prefix, but can keep the package definition. With deep package structures, this at least helps a bit.
To the best of my knowledge (via 10 years of use) there is not a built in way to do this. It is something I've recently been desiring for creating default Spring Test Context files. Your post has promoted me to open a Feature Request for auto-generating the spring text context. I'd recommend you either add a comment to that request, or open a separate feature request.

Using a config file in Microsoft Unit Tests

Currently for a number of my unit tests I require that some configuration be pulled from a file. Initially I thought I only needed to add Test Settings to my unit testing project and configure this in Test Settings->Deployment. I added my config file here but my unit tests were still complaining that they couldn't find this config file. Finally I found that I needed to add the [DeploymentItem("Test.config")] attribute to any of my unit test classes that needed this.
Is this how it's supposed to be done? It seems like I should not have to use the DeploymentItem attribute. Am I doing something wrong here?
Do you mean that your code under test requires a config file? Then you can add a regular app.config to your unit tests. Well in all other cases you can use that as well.
set the config file to copy to the output directory in a post build
