Ehcache to refresh when an update take place in a database - caching

I am new to Ehcache, My Rest API cache works
<cache name="com.a.b.c.model.Act"
maxElementsInMemory="10000" overflowToDisk="false" statistics="true" />
If I do any update in Database through query, the cache won't update those changes.
If I do update through REST API the cache will get refreshed.
What change I have to make if I have to get cache refresh when a change happens in Database
Is it good to go with timeToLiveSeconds or any other configurations can be done?

Updating the cache when the underlying system of record changes, and not through the service methods on which caching is performed, is the classical problem with caching.
Ehcache does not provide an out of the box solution there as it would mean supporting ALL the technologies that can act as a system of record. Not only databases but also web services and really anything a programmer can come up with.
However, if your application can live with having outdated data in cache for a small period of time, then expiry can be helpful. It effectively mark cache entries as valid for a period of time - time to live.
If your application cannot support stale data in cache, you will have to make sure the process to update the system of record takes care of invalidating the cache as well.

If the code that is upadating the database can access Ehcache manager (same VM or distributed persistence) the best solution is to break the cache
and let the cache refresh autonomously.
If you already dispose of the updated object you could also skip one step with put
CacheManager.getInstance().getEhcache("mycache").put(key, updatedObject);
If your code has CacheEntryFactories I would let the factory do the business (entry creation is centralized, you can add more logic there)


Caffeine cache refresh without downtime Spring Boot

I am working on a spring boot application. In this application, we have two different caffeine caches - dealDetailsCache and trackingDetailsCache.
Both of these caffeine caches have single keys, let us say, X and Y respectively. We just keep updating the values for the same keys while refreshing.
Application Flow
In every 5 minutes, there is a scheduled job that runs.
This job fetches some data from an external source and upon successful retrieval, updates the 2 caffeine caches (mentioned above)
Currently, I am manually doing a put operation on each of the above caffeine caches to refresh the data for their respective keys:
put(X, <<data>>) for updating dealDetailsCache
put(Y, <<data>>) for updating trackingDetails
Expected QPS is about 50 per second.
What am I looking for
I am looking for a way to refresh the caffeine caches (just like buildAsync)
such that it does not impact the application and there should be no
If put is not the right way to do this, then would someone please
suggest the right way to update the cache in such a way that there is
absolutely no downtime.
I read about CacheEvict, but there is a risk associated with it. It evicts and then refreshes. There could be some time between the two operations and any requests that come in during this period (after eviction and before new data is loaded) would fail.
Ultimate aim is that the requests should always find the data, even if it is old for the time being. Would someone please suggest a clean mechanism for manual cache refreshes?

Enlisting a Infinispan Cache Store in a Cache Transaction?

I am using Infinispan 6.0.2 via the Wildfly 8.2 sub-system. I have configured a transactional cache that uses a String Based JDBC Cache Store to persist content placed in the infinispan cache.
My concern is that after reading the following in the Infinispan documentation that there is potential for the cache and cache store to become out of sync when putting/updating/removing multiple entries into the cache in the same transaction due to the transaction committing/rolling-back in the cache but only partial succeeding/failing in the cache store.
4.5. Cache Loaders and transactional caches
When a cache is transactional and a cache loader is present, the cache loader won’t be enlisted in the transaction in which the cache is part. That means that it is possible to have inconsistencies at cache loader level: the transaction to succeed applying the in-memory state but (partially) fail applying the changes to the store. Manual recovery would not work with caches stores.
Could some one please clarify if the above statement only refers to loading from a cache store if it also refers to writing to a store as well.
If this is also the case when writing to a cache store are there any recommended strategies/solutions for ensuring a cache and cache store remain in sync?
The driving factors behind this for me is that I am using Infinispan both for write-through and over-flow of business critical data and need confidence that the cache store correctly represents the state of the data.
I have also asked this question on the Infinispan Forums
Many thanks in advance.
It applies to writes as well, failure to write to the store does not affect rest of the transaction.
The reason for this is that the actual persistence API is not transactional (edit: newer versions of Infinispan support transactional persistence, too). Therefore, with 2-phase commits (in first phase - prepare - all locks are acquired, in second one - commit - the write is executed) the write to the store is executed in the second phase. Therefore, the failure cannot rollback changes on different nodes.
Although Infinispan is trying to get close to strongly consistent in-memory database, it is still rather a cache given the guarantees. If you are more interested in the design limitations (and some of them also theoretical limitations), I recommend reading Infinispan wiki.

what happens when a new ehcache cachemanager is created?

In my application I use ehcache with several caches that are backed by a terracotta server.
I noticed that there is a correlation between the size of the data that is saved in the server and the time it takes to create a cache manager instance in the client (the bigger the size the longer it takes).
I couldn't find any info about what actually happens when the cache manager is created.
To my understanding, the data would only be pulled when it is actually requested and not when creating the manager, so what is the overhead?
Any thoughts or references to relevent reading would be much appreciated.
First of all, CacheManager is not related to any data pushing or pulling, it create the caches which contains the elements as name value pairs and holds the data for put/get and other operations. Actually CacheManager do creation, access and removal of Caches.
In-fact when you create a CacheManager that has caches that participates in the terracotta cluster you might see a difference in the time it loads up. The cache manager will establish a connection to the server specified in the config. If there is any pre cache loaders like classes extending BootstrapCacheLoader will affect the load time too. The cache consistency attribute in caches that participate in the cluster has also impact on the load time. Terracotta server by design will push the most hit data to clients in order to reduce cache misses on local and also if the cache is identified for pinning.

AppFabric and CachingPolicy/ChangeMonitors

We're investigating moving to a distributed cache using Windows AppFabric. Our ASP.NET 4.0 application currently has a cache implementation that uses MemoryCache.
One key feature is that when items are added to the cache, a CacheItemPolicy is included that contains a ChangeMonitor:
CacheItemPolicy policy = new CacheItemPolicy();
policy.Priority = CacheItemPriority.Default;
policy.ChangeMonitors.Add(new LastPublishDateChangeMonitor(key, item, GetLastPublishDateCallBack));
The change monitor internally uses a timer to periodically trigger the delegate passed into it - which is usually a method to get a value from a DB for comparison.
The policy and its change monitor are then included when an item is added to the cache:
Cache.Add(key, item, policy);
An early look at AppFabric's DataCache class seem to indicate whilst a Timespan can be included when adding items to cache, a CacheItemPolicy itself can't be.
Is there an another way to implement the same ChangeMonitor-type functionality in AppFabric. Notifications perhaps?
There are only two hard problems in computer science: cache
invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errors.
Phil Karlton
Unfortunately AppFabric has no support for this sort of monitoring to invalidate a cached item, and similarly no support for things like SqlCacheDependency.
However, AppFabric 1.1 brought in support for read-through and write-behind. Write-behind means that your application updates the cached data first rather than the underlying database, so that the cache always holds the latest version (and therefore the underlying data doesn't need to be monitored); the cache then updates the underlying database asynchronously. To implement read-through/write-behind, you'll need to create an object that inherits from DataCacheStoreProvider (MSDN) and write Read, Write and Delete methods that understand the structure of your database and how to update it.

How to remove Entity from Hibernate cache

I am using hibernate, spring, jpa.
In a workflow I update an entity; but these updates are not available in another workflow. When I restart the server it works fine.
Is there a way so that when I update an entity; I ask hibernate to remove it from whatever cache it has.. So that when that object is needed by any other workflow a fresh query is made ?
This sounds like you have two separate sessions for the same app, thus, having two 1st level caches. The first level cache is the one that Hibernate uses for itself, in the context of a session. So, if you don't close/clear your session, this will keep growing, possibly conflicting with other 1st level caches (in other threads or in other VMs). It's hard to say if that's the case, as you didn't specify your environment, but you can't change another session's first level cache.
The best solution to avoid this is to use a managed EntityManager (from your application server) to deal with entities. It's then the server's role to deal with this kind of scenario. But it seems that you are doing it the "spring way", so, you'll have to do it manually: either clear the session after you use it, or do a refresh before reading/updating your data. You'll then need some sort of locking (pessimistic/optimistic) to not lose information that might have been changed from another thread.
