Dealing with matrices in CUDA: understanding basic concepts - matrix

I'm building a CUDA kernel to compute the numerical N*N jacobian of a function, using finite differences; in the example I provided, it is the square function (each entry of the vector is squared). The host coded allocates in linear memory, while I'm using a 2-dimensional indexing in the kernel.
My issue is that I haven't found a way to sum on the diagonal of the matrices cudaMalloc'ed. My attempt has been to use the statement threadIdx.x == blockIdx.x as a condition for the diagonal, but instead it evaluates to true only for them both at 0.
Here is the kernel and EDIT: I posted the whole code as an answer, based on the suggestions in the comments (the main() is basically the same, while the kernel is not)
template <typename T>
__global__ void jacobian_kernel (
T * J,
const T t0,
const T tn,
const T h,
const T * u0,
const T * un,
const T * un_old)
T cgamma = 2 - sqrtf(2);
const unsigned int t = threadIdx.x;
const unsigned int b = blockIdx.x;
const unsigned int tid = t + b * blockDim.x;
/*__shared__*/ T temp_sx[BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE];
/*__shared__*/ T temp_dx[BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE];
__shared__ T sm_temp_du[BLOCK_SIZE];
T* temp_du = &sm_temp_du[0];
if (tid < N )
temp_sx[b][t] = un[t];
temp_dx[b][t] = un[t];
if ( t == b )
if ( tn == t0 )
temp_du[t] = u0[t]*0.001;
temp_sx[b][t] += temp_du[t]; //(*)
temp_dx[b][t] -= temp_du[t];
temp_sx[b][t] += ( abs( temp_sx[b][t] ) < 10e-6 ? 0.1 : 0 );
temp_dx[b][t] += ( abs( temp_dx[b][t] ) < 10e-6 ? 0.1 : 0 );
temp_sx[b][t] = ( temp_sx[b][t] == 0 ? 0.1 : temp_sx[b][t] );
temp_dx[b][t] = ( temp_dx[b][t] == 0 ? 0.1 : temp_dx[b][t] );
temp_du[t] = MAX( un[t] - un_old[t], 10e-6 );
temp_sx[b][t] += temp_du[t];
temp_dx[b][t] -= temp_du[t];
//J = f(tn, un + du)
d_func(tn, (temp_sx[b]), (temp_sx[b]), 1.f);
d_func(tn, (temp_dx[b]), (temp_dx[b]), 1.f);
J[tid] = (temp_sx[b][t] - temp_dx[b][t]) * powf((2 * temp_du[t]), -1);
//J[tid]*= - h*cgamma/2;
//J[tid]+= ( t == b ? 1 : 0);
//J[tid] = temp_J[tid];
The general procedure for computing the jacobian is
Copy un into every row of temp_sx and temp_dx
Compute du as a 0.01 magnitude from u0
Sum du to the diagonal of temp_sx, subtract du from the diagonal of temp_dx
Compute the square function on each entry of temp_sx and temp_dx
Subtract them and divide every entry by 2*du
This procedure can be summarized with (f(un + du*e_i) - f(un - du*e_i))/2*du.
My problem is to sum du to the diagonal of the matrices of temp_sx and temp_dx like I tried in (*). How can I achieve that?
EDIT: Now calling 1D blocks and threads; in fact, .y axis wasn't used at all in the kernel. I'm calling the kernel with a fixed amount of shared memory
Note that in int main() I'm calling the kernel with
#define REAL sizeof(float)
#define N 32
#define BLOCK_SIZE 16
dim3 dimGrid(NUM_BLOCKS,);
dim3 dimBlock(BLOCK_SIZE);
size_t shm_size = N*N*REAL;
jacobian_kernel <<< dimGrid, dimBlock, size_t shm_size >>> (...);
So that I attempt to deal with block-splitting the function calls. In the kernel to sum on the diagonal I used if(threadIdx.x == blockIdx.x){...}. Why isn't this correct? I'm asking it because while debugging and making the code print the statement, It only evaluates true if they both are 0. Thus du[0] is the only numerical value and the matrix becomes nan. Note that this approach worked with the first code I built, where instead I called the kernel with
jacobian_kernel <<< N, N >>> (...)
So that when threadIdx.x == blockIdx.x the element is on the diagonal. This approach doesn't fit anymore though, since now I need to deal with larger N (possibly larger than 1024, which is the maximum number of threads per block).
What statement should I put there that works even if the matrices are split into blocks and threads?
Let me know if I should share some other info.

Here is how I managed to solve my problem, based on the suggestion in the comments on the answer. The example is compilable, provided you put helper_cuda.h and helper_string.h in the same directory or you add -I directive to the CUDA examples include path, installed along with the CUDA toolkit. The relevant changes are only in the kernel; there's a minor change in the main() though, since I was calling double the resources to execute the kernel, but the .y axis of the grid of thread blocks wasn't even used at all, so it didn't generate any error.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include "helper_cuda.h"
#include "helper_string.h"
#include <fstream>
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(a,b) ((a > b) ? a : b)
#define REAL sizeof(float)
#define N 128
#define BLOCK_SIZE 128
template <typename T>
inline void printmatrix( T mat, int rows, int cols);
template <typename T>
__global__ void jacobian_kernel ( const T * A, T * J, const T t0, const T tn, const T h, const T * u0, const T * un, const T * un_old);
template<typename T>
__device__ void d_func(const T t, const T u[], T res[], const T h = 1);
template<typename T>
int main ()
float t0 = 0.; //float tn = 0.;
float h = 0.1;
float* u0 = (float*)malloc(REAL*N); for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i){u0[i] = i+1;}
float* un = (float*)malloc(REAL*N); memcpy(un, u0, REAL*N);
float* un_old = (float*)malloc(REAL*N); memcpy(un_old, u0, REAL*N);
float* J = (float*)malloc(REAL*N*N);
float* A = (float*)malloc(REAL*N*N); host_heat_matrix(A);
float *d_u0;
float *d_un;
float *d_un_old;
float *d_J;
float *d_A;
checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc((void**)&d_u0, REAL*N)); //printf("1: %p\n", d_u0);
checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc((void**)&d_un, REAL*N)); //printf("2: %p\n", d_un);
checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc((void**)&d_un_old, REAL*N)); //printf("3: %p\n", d_un_old);
checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc((void**)&d_J, REAL*N*N)); //printf("4: %p\n", d_J);
checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc((void**)&d_A, REAL*N*N)); //printf("4: %p\n", d_J);
checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy(d_u0, u0, REAL*N, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); assert(d_u0 != NULL);
checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy(d_un, un, REAL*N, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); assert(d_un != NULL);
checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy(d_un_old, un_old, REAL*N, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); assert(d_un_old != NULL);
checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy(d_J, J, REAL*N*N, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); assert(d_J != NULL);
checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy(d_A, A, REAL*N*N, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); assert(d_A != NULL);
dim3 dimGrid(NUM_BLOCKS); std::cout << "NUM_BLOCKS \t" << dimGrid.x << "\n";
dim3 dimBlock(BLOCK_SIZE); std::cout << "BLOCK_SIZE \t" << dimBlock.x << "\n";
size_t shm_size = N*REAL; //std::cout << shm_size << "\n";
jacobian_kernel <<< dimGrid, dimBlock, shm_size >>> (d_A, d_J, t0, t0, h, d_u0, d_un, d_un_old);
checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy(J, d_J, REAL*N*N, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)); //printf("4: %p\n", d_J);
printmatrix( J, N, N);
template <typename T>
__global__ void jacobian_kernel (
const T * A,
T * J,
const T t0,
const T tn,
const T h,
const T * u0,
const T * un,
const T * un_old)
T cgamma = 2 - sqrtf(2);
const unsigned int t = threadIdx.x;
const unsigned int b = blockIdx.x;
const unsigned int tid = t + b * blockDim.x;
/*__shared__*/ T temp_sx[BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE];
/*__shared__*/ T temp_dx[BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE];
__shared__ T sm_temp_du;
T* temp_du = &sm_temp_du;
if ( t < BLOCK_SIZE && b < NUM_BLOCKS )
temp_sx[b][t] = un[t]; //printf("temp_sx[%d] = %f\n", t,(temp_sx[b][t]));
temp_dx[b][t] = un[t];
//printf("t = %d, b = %d, t + b * blockDim.x = %d \n",t, b, tid);
if ( t == b )
//printf("t = %d, b = %d \n",t, b);
if ( tn == t0 )
*temp_du = u0[t]*0.001;
temp_sx[b][t] += *temp_du;
temp_dx[b][t] -= *temp_du;
temp_sx[b][t] += ( abs( temp_sx[b][t] ) < 10e-6 ? 0.1 : 0 );
temp_dx[b][t] += ( abs( temp_dx[b][t] ) < 10e-6 ? 0.1 : 0 );
temp_sx[b][t] = ( temp_sx[b][t] == 0 ? 0.1 : temp_sx[b][t] );
temp_dx[b][t] = ( temp_dx[b][t] == 0 ? 0.1 : temp_dx[b][t] );
*temp_du = MAX( un[t] - un_old[t], 10e-6 );
temp_sx[b][t] += *temp_du;
temp_dx[b][t] -= *temp_du;
//printf("du[%d] %f\n", tid, (*temp_du));
//printf("temp_sx[%d][%d] = %f\n", b, t, temp_sx[b][t]);
//printf("temp_dx[%d][%d] = %f\n", b, t, temp_dx[b][t]);
//d_func(tn, (temp_sx[b]), (temp_sx[b]), 1.f);
//d_func(tn, (temp_dx[b]), (temp_dx[b]), 1.f);
matvec_dev( tn, A, (temp_sx[b]), (temp_sx[b]), N, N, 1.f );
matvec_dev( tn, A, (temp_dx[b]), (temp_dx[b]), N, N, 1.f );
//printf("temp_sx_later[%d][%d] = %f\n", b, t, (temp_sx[b][t]));
//printf("temp_sx_later[%d][%d] - temp_dx_later[%d][%d] = %f\n", b,t,b,t, (temp_sx[b][t] - temp_dx[b][t]) / 2 * *temp_du);
//if (t == b ) printf( "2du[%d]^-1 = %f\n",t, powf((2 * *temp_du), -1));
J[tid] = (temp_sx[b][t] - temp_dx[b][t]) / (2 * *temp_du);
template<typename T>
__device__ void d_func(const T t, const T u[], T res[], const T h )
__shared__ float temp_u;
temp_u = u[threadIdx.x];
res[threadIdx.x] = h*powf( (temp_u), 2);
template <typename T>
inline void printmatrix( T mat, int rows, int cols)
std::ofstream matrix_out; "heat_matrix.txt", std::ofstream::out);
for( int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for( int j = 0; j <cols; j++)
double next = mat[i + N*j];
matrix_out << ( (next >= 0) ? " " : "") << next << " ";
matrix_out << "\n";
The relevant change is on (*). Before I used if (tid < N) which has two downsides:
First, it is wrong, since it should be tid < N*N, as my data is 2D, while tid is a global index which tracks all the data.
Even if I wrote tid < N*N, since I'm splitting the function calls into blocks, the t < BLOCK_SIZE && b < NUM_BLOCKS seems clearer to me in how the indexing is arranged in the code.
Moreover, the statement t == b in (**) is actually the right one to operate on the diagonal elements of the matrix. The fact that it was evaluated true only on 0 was because of my error right above.
Thanks for the suggestions!


Efficient and accurate computation of the reciprocal of hypot(a,b)

Givens rotations provide a robust and easily parallelizable way to implement QR decomposition. A Givens rotation requires the computation of sine and cosine components of a rotation angle. In the case of real computation, this typically involves the computation of the reciprocal of the hypot() function to normalize a two-vector, as shown for example in Wikipedia.
While this avoids most cases of overflow and underflow in intermediate computation, for very large values a, b, hypot(a,b) may overflow to infinity, while 1/√(a2+b2) is actually representable as a subnormal floating-point number. Also, the use of a division adds further computational cost that can be significant on platforms with slow floating-point division.
A function rhypot(a,b) that directly computes 1/√(a2+b2) at a cost similar to the standard hypot() function would therefore be desirable. The accuracy should be same or better than the naive approach of computing 1.0/hypot(a,b). With a correctly-rounded hypot function, this expression has a maximum error of 1.5 ulps.
How can such a function be implemented efficiently and accurately? The use of IEEE-754 binary floating-point arithmetic and the availability of native hardware support for fused multiply-add (FMA) operations can be assumed. For ease of exposition and testing, we can restrict to single-precision computation, i.e. the IEEE-754 binary32 format.
In the following, I am showing ISO-C99 code that implements rhypot with good accuracy and good performance. The general algorithm is directly derived from the example implementations I showed for hypot in this answer. For hypot, one determines the value of largest magnitude among the arguments, then find a scale factor (a power of two for reasons of accuracy) that maps this value into the vicinity of unity. The scale factor is applied to both arguments, and the length of this transformed 2-vector is then computed with the sqrt function, finally the result scaled back with the "inverse' of the scale factor. The scaling relies on actual multiplication as the arguments may be subnormals that cannot be scaled correctly by simple exponent manipulation alone.
For rhypot, only two changes are needed: the reciprocal square root function rsqrt must be used instead of sqrt, and input scaling and result scaling use the same scale factor.
Some computing environments provide an rsqrt() function, and this function is scheduled for inclusion in a future version of the ISO C standard (ISO/IEC TS 18661-4:2015). For environments that do not provide a reciprocal square root function, I am showing some portable (within the platform requirements stated in the question) and machine-specific implementations.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
uint32_t __float_as_uint32 (float a)
uint32_t r;
memcpy (&r, &a, sizeof r);
return r;
float __uint32_as_float (uint32_t a)
float r;
memcpy (&r, &a, sizeof r);
return r;
float my_rsqrtf (float);
/* Compute the reciprocal of sqrt (a**2 + b**2), avoiding premature overflow
and underflow in intermediate computation. The accuracy of this function
depends on the accuracy of the reciprocal square root implementation used.
With the rsqrtf() implementations shown below, the following maximum ulp
error was observed for 2**36 random test cases:
SSE_HALLEY 1.33120522
SSE_2NR 1.42086841
SQRT_OOX 1.42906701
BIT_TWIDDLE_3NR 1.43062950
float my_rhypotf (float a, float b)
float fa, fb, mn, mx, scale, s, w, res;
uint32_t expo;
/* sort arguments by magnitude */
fa = fabsf (a);
fb = fabsf (b);
mx = fmaxf (fa, fb);
mn = fminf (fa, fb);
/* compute scale factor */
expo = __float_as_uint32 (mx) & 0xfc000000;
scale = __uint32_as_float (0x7e000000 - expo);
/* scale operand of maximum magnitude towards unity */
mn = mn * scale;
mx = mx * scale;
/* mx in [2**-23, 2**6) */
s = fmaf (mx, mx, mn * mn); // 0.75 ulp
w = my_rsqrtf (s);
/* reverse previous scaling */
res = w * scale;
/* handle special cases */
float t = a + b;
if (!(fabsf (t) <= INFINITY)) res = t; // isnan(t)
if (mx == INFINITY) res = 0.0f; // isinf(mx)
return res;
#define SSE_HALLEY (2)
#define SSE_2NR (3)
#define SQRT_OOX (5)
#define BIT_TWIDDLE_3NR (6)
#include "immintrin.h"
float my_rsqrtf (float a)
float r = (float) sqrt (1.0/(double)a);
float r = sqrtf (1.0f / a);
float r;
/* compute initial approximation */
_mm_store_ss (&r, _mm_rsqrt_ss (_mm_set_ss (a)));
/* refine approximation using two Newton-Raphson iterations */
r = fmaf (fmaf (-a, r * r, 1.0f), 0.5f * r, r);
r = fmaf (fmaf (-a, r * r, 1.0f), 0.5f * r, r);
float e, r;
/* compute initial approximation */
_mm_store_ss (&r, _mm_rsqrt_ss (_mm_set_ss (a)));
/* refine approximation using Halley iteration with cubic convergence */
e = fmaf (r * r, -a, 1.0f);
r = fmaf (fmaf (0.375f, e, 0.5f), e * r, r);
float r;
/* compute initial approximation */
r = __uint32_as_float (0x5f375b0d - (__float_as_uint32(a) >> 1));
/* refine approximation using three Newton-Raphson iterations */
r = fmaf (fmaf (-a, r * r, 1.0f), 0.5f * r, r);
r = fmaf (fmaf (-a, r * r, 1.0f), 0.5f * r, r);
r = fmaf (fmaf (-a, r * r, 1.0f), 0.5f * r, r);
float e, r;
/* compute initial approximation */
r = __uint32_as_float (0x5f375b0d - (__float_as_uint32(a) >> 1));
/* refine approximation using Newton-Raphson iteration */
r = fmaf (fmaf (-a, r * r, 1.0f), 0.5f * r, r);
/* refine approximation using Halley iteration with cubic convergence */
e = fmaf (r * r, -a, 1.0f);
r = fmaf (fmaf (0.375f, e, 0.5f), e * r, r);
/* Masayuki Ito, Naofumi Takagi, Shuzo Yajima, "Efficient Initial
Approximation for Multiplicative Division and Square Root by a
Multiplication with Operand Modification". IEEE Transactions on
Computers, Vol. 46, No. 4, April 1997, pp. 495-498.
#define TAB_INDEX_BITS (7)
#define TAB_ENTRY_BITS (16)
#define FP32_EXPO_BIAS (127)
#define FP32_MANT_BITS (23)
#define FP32_SIGN_MASK (0x80000000)
#define FP32_EXPO_MASK (0x7f800000)
#define FP32_EXPO_LSB_MASK (1u << FP32_MANT_BITS)
#define FP32_INDEX_MASK (((1u << TAB_INDEX_BITS) - 1) << (FP32_MANT_BITS - TAB_INDEX_BITS))
#define FP32_FLIP_BIT_MASK (3u << (FP32_MANT_BITS - TAB_INDEX_BITS - 1))
#define FP32_ONE_HALF (0x3f000000)
const uint16_t d1tab [TAB_ENTRIES] = {
0xb2ec, 0xaed7, 0xaae9, 0xa720, 0xa37b, 0x9ff7, 0x9c93, 0x994d,
0x9623, 0x9316, 0x9022, 0x8d47, 0x8a85, 0x87d8, 0x8542, 0x82c0,
0x8053, 0x7bf0, 0x775f, 0x72f1, 0x6ea4, 0x6a77, 0x666a, 0x6279,
0x5ea5, 0x5aed, 0x574e, 0x53c9, 0x505d, 0x4d07, 0x49c8, 0x469e,
0x438a, 0x408a, 0x3d9e, 0x3ac4, 0x37fc, 0x3546, 0x32a0, 0x300b,
0x2d86, 0x2b10, 0x28a8, 0x264f, 0x2404, 0x21c6, 0x1f95, 0x1d70,
0x1b58, 0x194c, 0x174b, 0x1555, 0x136a, 0x1189, 0x0fb2, 0x0de6,
0x0c22, 0x0a68, 0x08b7, 0x070f, 0x056f, 0x03d8, 0x0249, 0x00c1,
0xfd08, 0xf742, 0xf1b4, 0xec5a, 0xe732, 0xe239, 0xdd6d, 0xd8cc,
0xd454, 0xd002, 0xcbd6, 0xc7cd, 0xc3e5, 0xc01d, 0xbc75, 0xb8e9,
0xb57a, 0xb225, 0xaeeb, 0xabc9, 0xa8be, 0xa5cb, 0xa2ed, 0xa024,
0x9d6f, 0x9ace, 0x983e, 0x95c1, 0x9355, 0x90fa, 0x8eae, 0x8c72,
0x8a45, 0x8825, 0x8614, 0x8410, 0x8219, 0x802e, 0x7c9c, 0x78f5,
0x7565, 0x71eb, 0x6e85, 0x6b31, 0x67f3, 0x64c7, 0x61ae, 0x5ea7,
0x5bb0, 0x58cb, 0x55f6, 0x5330, 0x5079, 0x4dd1, 0x4b38, 0x48ad,
0x462f, 0x43be, 0x4159, 0x3f01, 0x3cb5, 0x3a75, 0x3840, 0x3616
uint32_t arg, idx, d1, xhat;
float r;
arg = __float_as_uint32 (a);
idx = (arg >> ((FP32_MANT_BITS + 1) - TAB_INDEX_BITS)) & ((1u << TAB_INDEX_BITS) - 1);
d1 = FP32_ONE_HALF | (d1tab[idx] << ((FP32_MANT_BITS + 1) - TAB_ENTRY_BITS));
xhat = ((arg & FP32_INDEX_MASK) | (((((3 * FP32_EXPO_BIAS) << FP32_MANT_BITS) + ~arg) >> 1) & FP32_XHAT_MASK)) ^ FP32_FLIP_BIT_MASK;
/* compute initial approximation, accurate to about 14 bits */
r = __uint32_as_float (d1) * __uint32_as_float (xhat);
/* refine approximation with one Newton-Raphson iteration */
r = fmaf (fmaf (-a, r * r, 1.0f), 0.5f * r, r);
#error unsupported RSQRT_VARIANT
return r;
uint64_t __double_as_uint64 (double a)
uint64_t r;
memcpy (&r, &a, sizeof r);
return r;
double floatUlpErr (float res, double ref)
uint64_t i, j, err, refi;
int expoRef;
/* ulp error cannot be computed if either operand is NaN, infinity, zero */
if (isnan (res) || isnan (ref) || isinf (res) || isinf (ref) ||
(res == 0.0f) || (ref == 0.0f)) {
return 0.0;
/* Convert the float result to an "extended float". This is like a float
with 56 instead of 24 effective mantissa bits.
i = ((uint64_t)__float_as_uint32(res)) << 32;
/* Convert the double reference to an "extended float". If the reference is
>= 2^129, we need to clamp to the maximum "extended float". If reference
is < 2^-126, we need to denormalize because of the float types's limited
exponent range.
refi = __double_as_uint64(ref);
expoRef = (int)(((refi >> 52) & 0x7ff) - 1023);
if (expoRef >= 129) {
j = 0x7fffffffffffffffULL;
} else if (expoRef < -126) {
j = ((refi << 11) | 0x8000000000000000ULL) >> 8;
j = j >> (-(expoRef + 126));
} else {
j = ((refi << 11) & 0x7fffffffffffffffULL) >> 8;
j = j | ((uint64_t)(expoRef + 127) << 55);
j = j | (refi & 0x8000000000000000ULL);
err = (i < j) ? (j - i) : (i - j);
return err / 4294967296.0;
double rhypot (double a, double b)
return 1.0 / hypot (a, b);
// Fixes via: Greg Rose, KISS: A Bit Too Simple.
static unsigned int z=362436069,w=521288629,jsr=362436069,jcong=123456789;
#define znew (z=36969*(z&0xffff)+(z>>16))
#define wnew (w=18000*(w&0xffff)+(w>>16))
#define MWC ((znew<<16)+wnew)
#define SHR3 (jsr^=(jsr<<13),jsr^=(jsr>>17),jsr^=(jsr<<5)) /* 2^32-1 */
#define CONG (jcong=69069*jcong+13579) /* 2^32 */
#define KISS ((MWC^CONG)+SHR3)
#define FP32_QNAN_BIT (0x00400000)
int main (void)
float af, bf, resf, reff;
uint32_t ai, bi, resi, refi;
double ref, err, maxerr = 0;
uint64_t diff, diffsum = 0, count = 1ULL << 36;
do {
ai = KISS;
bi = KISS;
af = __uint32_as_float (ai);
bf = __uint32_as_float (bi);
resf = my_rhypotf (af, bf);
ref = rhypot ((double)af, (double)bf);
reff = (float)ref;
refi = __float_as_uint32 (reff);
resi = __float_as_uint32 (resf);
diff = llabs ((long long int)resi - (long long int)refi);
/* If both inputs are a NaN, result can be either argument, converted
to QNaN if necessary. If one input is NaN and the other not infinity
the NaN input must be returned, converted to QNaN if necessary. If
one input is infinity, zero must be returned even if the other input
is a NaN. In all other cases allow up to 1 ulp of difference.
if ((isnan (af) && isnan (bf) && (resi != (ai | FP32_QNAN_BIT)) && (resi != (bi | FP32_QNAN_BIT))) ||
(isnan (af) && !isinf (bf) && !isnan (bf) && (resi != (ai | FP32_QNAN_BIT))) ||
(isnan (bf) && !isinf (af) && !isnan (af) && (resi != (bi | FP32_QNAN_BIT))) ||
(isinf (af) && (resi != 0)) ||
(isinf (bf) && (resi != 0)) ||
(diff > 1)) {
printf ("err # (%08x,%08x): res= %08x (%15.8e) ref=%08x (%15.8e)\n",
ai, bi, resi, resf, refi, reff);
diffsum += diff;
err = floatUlpErr (resf, ref);
if (err > maxerr) {
printf ("ulp=%.8f # (% 15.8e, % 15.8e): res=%15.6a ref=%22.13a\n",
err, af, bf, resf, ref);
maxerr = err;
} while (count);
printf ("diffsum = %llu\n", diffsum);

Julia Set - Cuda , improve the performance failed

Recently I am learning the examples in the book CUDA by JASON SANDERS.
the example of Juila Set makes a bad performance of 7032ms.
Here is the program:
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cpu_bitmap.h>
#include <book.h>
#define DIM 1024
struct cuComplex{
float r;
float i;
__device__ cuComplex(float a, float b) : r(a),i(b){
__device__ float magnitude2(void){
return r*r+i*i;
__device__ cuComplex operator *(const cuComplex& a){
return cuComplex(r*a.r-i*a.i, i*a.r+r*a.i);
__device__ cuComplex operator +(const cuComplex& a){
return cuComplex(r+a.r,i+a.i);
__device__ int julia(int x,int y){
const float scale = 1.5;
float jx = scale * (float)(DIM/2 - x)/(DIM/2);
float jy = scale * (float)(DIM/2 - y)/(DIM/2);
cuComplex c(-0.8,0.156);
cuComplex a(jx,jy);
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i<200; i++){
a = a*a + c;
if(a.magnitude2() > 1000){
return 0;
return 1;
__global__ void kernel(unsigned char *ptr){
int x = blockIdx.x;
int y = blockIdx.y;
int offset = x + y*gridDim.x;
int juliaValue = julia(x,y);
ptr[offset*4 + 0] = 255*juliaValue;
ptr[offset*4 + 1] = 0;
ptr[offset*4 + 2] = 1;
ptr[offset*4 + 3] = 255;
int main(void){
CPUBitmap bitmap(DIM,DIM);
unsigned char * dev_bitmap;
dim3 grid(DIM,DIM);
dim3 blocks(DIM/16,DIM/16);
dim3 threads(16,16);
dim3 thread(DIM,DIM);
cudaEvent_t start,stop;
cudaEvent_t bitmapCpy_start,bitmapCpy_stop;
HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc((void **)&dev_bitmap,bitmap.image_size()));
// float copyTime;
// HANDLE_ERROR(cudaEventElapsedTime(&copyTime,bitmapCpy_start,bitmapCpy_stop));
float elapsedTime;
//printf("Total time is %3.1f ms, time for copying is %3.1f ms \n",elapsedTime,copyTime);
printf("Total time is %3.1f ms\n",elapsedTime);
I think the main factor that influences the performance is that the program above just run 1 thread in every block:
so I change the kernel like the following:
__global__ void kernel(unsigned char *ptr){
int x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
int y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y*blockDim.y;
int offset = x + y*gridDim.x*blockIdx.x;
int juliaValue = julia(x,y);
ptr[offset*4 + 0] = 255*juliaValue;
ptr[offset*4 + 1] = 0;
ptr[offset*4 + 2] = 1;
ptr[offset*4 + 3] = 255;
and call kernel:
dim3 blocks(DIM/16,DIM/16);
dim3 threads(16,16);
I think this change is not a big deal, but when I ran it, it acted like that it ran into some endless loops, no image appeared and I couldn't do anything with my screen, just blocked there.
toolkit: cuda 5.5
system: ubuntu 12.04
When I run the original code you have posted here, I get a correct display and a time of ~340ms.
When I make your kernel change, I get an "unspecified launch error" on the kernel launch.
In your modified kernel, you have the following which is an incorrect computation:
int offset = x + y*gridDim.x*blockIdx.x;
When I change it to:
int offset = x + y*gridDim.x*blockDim.x;
I get normal execution and results, and an indicated time of ~10ms.

Estimating an Affine Transform between Two Images

I have a sample image:
I apply the affine transform with the following warp matrix:
[[ 1.25 0. -128 ]
[ 0. 2. -192 ]]
and crop a 128x128 part from the result to get an output image:
Now, I want to estimate the warp matrix and crop size/location from just comparing the sample and output image. I detect feature points using SURF, and match them by brute force:
There are many matches, of which I'm keeping the best three (by distance), since that is the number required to estimate the affine transform. I then use those 3 keypoints to estimate the affine transform using getAffineTransform. However, the transform it returns is completely wrong:
-0.00 1.87 -6959230028596648489132997794229911552.00
0.00 -1.76 -0.00
What am I doing wrong? Source code is below.
Perform affine transform (Python):
"""Apply an affine transform to an image."""
import cv
import sys
import numpy as np
if len(sys.argv) != 10:
print "usage: %s in.png out.png x1 y1 width height sx sy flip" % __file__
source = cv.LoadImage(sys.argv[1])
x1, y1, width, height, sx, sy, flip = map(float, sys.argv[3:])
X, Y = cv.GetSize(source)
Xn, Yn = int(sx*(X-1)), int(sy*(Y-1))
if flip:
arr = np.array([[-sx, 0, sx*(X-1)-x1], [0, sy, -y1]])
arr = np.array([[sx, 0, -x1], [0, sy, -y1]])
print arr
warp = cv.fromarray(arr)
cv.ShowImage("source", source)
dest = cv.CreateImage((Xn, Yn), source.depth, source.nChannels)
cv.WarpAffine(source, dest, warp)
cv.SetImageROI(dest, (0, 0, int(width), int(height)))
cv.ShowImage("dest", dest)
cv.SaveImage(sys.argv[2], dest)
Estimate affine transform from two images (C++):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/calib3d/calib3d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/nonfree/nonfree.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace cv;
void readme();
bool cmpfun(DMatch a, DMatch b) { return a.distance < b.distance; }
/** #function main */
int main( int argc, char** argv )
if( argc != 3 )
return -1;
Mat img_1 = imread( argv[1], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE );
Mat img_2 = imread( argv[2], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE );
if( ! || ! )
return -1;
//-- Step 1: Detect the keypoints using SURF Detector
int minHessian = 400;
SurfFeatureDetector detector( minHessian );
std::vector<KeyPoint> keypoints_1, keypoints_2;
detector.detect( img_1, keypoints_1 );
detector.detect( img_2, keypoints_2 );
//-- Step 2: Calculate descriptors (feature vectors)
SurfDescriptorExtractor extractor;
Mat descriptors_1, descriptors_2;
extractor.compute( img_1, keypoints_1, descriptors_1 );
extractor.compute( img_2, keypoints_2, descriptors_2 );
//-- Step 3: Matching descriptor vectors with a brute force matcher
BFMatcher matcher(NORM_L2, false);
std::vector< DMatch > matches;
matcher.match( descriptors_1, descriptors_2, matches );
double max_dist = 0;
double min_dist = 100;
//-- Quick calculation of max and min distances between keypoints
for( int i = 0; i < descriptors_1.rows; i++ )
{ double dist = matches[i].distance;
if( dist < min_dist ) min_dist = dist;
if( dist > max_dist ) max_dist = dist;
printf("-- Max dist : %f \n", max_dist );
printf("-- Min dist : %f \n", min_dist );
//-- Draw only "good" matches (i.e. whose distance is less than 2*min_dist )
//-- PS.- radiusMatch can also be used here.
sort(matches.begin(), matches.end(), cmpfun);
std::vector< DMatch > good_matches;
vector<Point2f> match1, match2;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
good_matches.push_back( matches[i]);
Point2f pt1 = keypoints_1[matches[i].queryIdx].pt;
Point2f pt2 = keypoints_2[matches[i].trainIdx].pt;
printf("%3d pt1: (%.2f, %.2f) pt2: (%.2f, %.2f)\n", i, pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y);
//-- Draw matches
Mat img_matches;
drawMatches( img_1, keypoints_1, img_2, keypoints_2, good_matches, img_matches,
Scalar::all(-1), Scalar::all(-1), vector<char>(), DrawMatchesFlags::NOT_DRAW_SINGLE_POINTS);
//-- Show detected matches
imshow("Matches", img_matches );
imwrite("matches.png", img_matches);
Mat fun = getAffineTransform(match1, match2);
for (int i = 0; i < fun.rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < fun.cols; j++)
printf("%.2f ",<float>(i,j));
return 0;
/** #function readme */
void readme()
std::cout << " Usage: ./SURF_descriptor <img1> <img2>" << std::endl;
The cv::Mat getAffineTransform returns is made of doubles, not of floats. The matrix you get probably is fine, you just have to change the printf command in your loops to
printf("%.2f ",<double>(i,j));
or even easier: Replace this manual output with
std::cout << fun << std::endl;
It's shorter and you don't have to care about data types yourself.

Piecemeal processing of a matrix - CUDA

OK, so lets say I have an ( N x N ) matrix that I would like to process. This matrix is quite large for my computer, and if I try to send it to the device all at once I get a 'out of memory error.'
So is there a way to send sections of the matrix to the device? One way I can see to do it is copy portions of the matrix on the host, and then send these manageable copied portions from the host to the device, and then put them back together at the end.
Here is something I have tried, but the cudaMemcpy in the for loop returns error code 11, 'invalid argument.'
int h_N = 10000;
size_t h_size_m = h_N*sizeof(float);
h_A = (float*)malloc(h_size_m*h_size_m);
int d_N = 2500;
size_t d_size_m = d_N*sizeof(float);
int i;
int iterations = (h_N*h_N)/(d_N*d_N);
for( i = 0; i < iterations; i++ )
float* h_array_ref = h_A+(i*d_N*d_N);
cudasafe( cudaMemcpy(d_A, h_array_ref, d_size_m*d_size_m, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice), "cudaMemcpy");
cudasafe( cudaFree(d_A), "cudaFree(d_A)" );
What I'm trying to accomplish with the above code is this: instead of send the entire matrix to the device, I simply send a pointer to a place within that matrix and reserve enough space on the device to do the work, and then with the next iteration of the loop move the pointer forward within the matrix, etc. etc.
Not only can you do this (assuming your problem is easily decomposed this way into sub-arrays), it can be a very useful thing to do for performance; once you get the basic approach you've described working, you can start using asynchronous memory copies and double-buffering to overlap some of the memory transfer time with the time spent computing what is already on-card.
But first one gets the simple thing working. Below is a 1d example (multiplying a vector by a scalar and adding another scalar) but using a linearized 2d array would be the same; the key part is
CHK_CUDA( cudaMalloc(&xd, batchsize*sizeof(float)) );
CHK_CUDA( cudaMalloc(&yd, batchsize*sizeof(float)) );
int nbatches = 0;
for (int nstart=0; nstart < n; nstart+=batchsize) {
int size=batchsize;
if ((nstart + batchsize) > n) size = n - nstart;
CHK_CUDA( cudaMemcpy(xd, &(x[nstart]), size*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) );
blocksize = (size+nblocks-1)/nblocks;
cuda_saxpb<<<nblocks, blocksize>>>(xd, a, b, yd, size);
CHK_CUDA( cudaMemcpy(&(ycuda[nstart]), yd, size*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) );
gputime = tock(&gputimer);
CHK_CUDA( cudaFree(xd) );
CHK_CUDA( cudaFree(yd) );
You allocate the buffers at the start, and then loop through until you're done, each time doing the copy, starting the kernel, and then copying back. You free at the end.
The full code is
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <math.h>
#define CHK_CUDA(e) {if (e != cudaSuccess) {fprintf(stderr,"Error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(e)); exit(-1);}}
__global__ void cuda_saxpb(const float *xd, const float a, const float b,
float *yd, const int n) {
int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
if (i<n) {
yd[i] = a*xd[i]+b;
void cpu_saxpb(const float *x, float a, float b, float *y, int n) {
int i;
for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
y[i] = a*x[i]+b;
int get_options(int argc, char **argv, int *n, int *s, int *nb, float *a, float *b);
void tick(struct timeval *timer);
double tock(struct timeval *timer);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int n=1000;
int nblocks=10;
int batchsize=100;
float a = 5.;
float b = -1.;
int err;
float *x, *y, *ycuda;
float *xd, *yd;
double abserr;
int blocksize;
int i;
struct timeval cputimer;
struct timeval gputimer;
double cputime, gputime;
err = get_options(argc, argv, &n, &batchsize, &nblocks, &a, &b);
if (batchsize > n) {
fprintf(stderr, "Resetting batchsize to size of vector, %d\n", n);
batchsize = n;
if (err) return 0;
x = (float *)malloc(n*sizeof(float));
if (!x) return 1;
y = (float *)malloc(n*sizeof(float));
if (!y) {free(x); return 1;}
ycuda = (float *)malloc(n*sizeof(float));
if (!ycuda) {free(y); free(x); return 1;}
/* run CPU code */
cpu_saxpb(x, a, b, y, n);
cputime = tock(&cputimer);
/* run GPU code */
/* only have to allocate once */
CHK_CUDA( cudaMalloc(&xd, batchsize*sizeof(float)) );
CHK_CUDA( cudaMalloc(&yd, batchsize*sizeof(float)) );
int nbatches = 0;
for (int nstart=0; nstart < n; nstart+=batchsize) {
int size=batchsize;
if ((nstart + batchsize) > n) size = n - nstart;
CHK_CUDA( cudaMemcpy(xd, &(x[nstart]), size*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) );
blocksize = (size+nblocks-1)/nblocks;
cuda_saxpb<<<nblocks, blocksize>>>(xd, a, b, yd, size);
CHK_CUDA( cudaMemcpy(&(ycuda[nstart]), yd, size*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) );
gputime = tock(&gputimer);
CHK_CUDA( cudaFree(xd) );
CHK_CUDA( cudaFree(yd) );
abserr = 0.;
for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
abserr += fabs(ycuda[i] - y[i]);
printf("Y = a*X + b, problemsize = %d\n", n);
printf("CPU time = %lg millisec.\n", cputime*1000.);
printf("GPU time = %lg millisec (done with %d batches of %d).\n",
gputime*1000., nbatches, batchsize);
printf("CUDA and CPU results differ by %lf\n", abserr);
return 0;
int get_options(int argc, char **argv, int *n, int *s, int *nb, float *a, float *b) {
const struct option long_options[] = {
{"nvals" , required_argument, 0, 'n'},
{"nblocks" , required_argument, 0, 'B'},
{"batchsize" , required_argument, 0, 's'},
{"a", required_argument, 0, 'a'},
{"b", required_argument, 0, 'b'},
{"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
{0, 0, 0, 0}};
char c;
int option_index;
int tempint;
while (1) {
c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "n:B:a:b:s:h", long_options, &option_index);
if (c == -1) break;
switch(c) {
case 'n': tempint = atoi(optarg);
if (tempint < 1 || tempint > 500000) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cannot use number of points %s;\n Using %d\n", argv[0], optarg, *n);
} else {
*n = tempint;
case 's': tempint = atoi(optarg);
if (tempint < 1 || tempint > 50000) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cannot use number of points %s;\n Using %d\n", argv[0], optarg, *s);
} else {
*s = tempint;
case 'B': tempint = atoi(optarg);
if (tempint < 1 || tempint > 1000 || tempint > *n) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cannot use number of blocks %s;\n Using %d\n", argv[0], optarg, *nb);
} else {
*nb = tempint;
case 'a': *a = atof(optarg);
case 'b': *b = atof(optarg);
case 'h':
puts("Calculates y[i] = a*x[i] + b on the GPU.");
puts("Options: ");
puts(" --nvals=N (-n N): Set the number of values in y,x.");
puts(" --batchsize=N (-s N): Set the number of values to transfer at a time.");
puts(" --nblocks=N (-B N): Set the number of blocks used.");
puts(" --a=X (-a X): Set the parameter a.");
puts(" --b=X (-b X): Set the parameter b.");
puts(" --niters=N (-I X): Set number of iterations to calculate.");
return +1;
return 0;
void tick(struct timeval *timer) {
gettimeofday(timer, NULL);
double tock(struct timeval *timer) {
struct timeval now;
gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
return (now.tv_usec-timer->tv_usec)/1.0e6 + (now.tv_sec - timer->tv_sec);
Running this one gets:
$ ./batched-saxpb --nvals=10240 --batchsize=10240 --nblocks=20
Y = a*X + b, problemsize = 10240
CPU time = 0.072 millisec.
GPU time = 0.117 millisec (done with 1 batches of 10240).
CUDA and CPU results differ by 0.000000
$ ./batched-saxpb --nvals=10240 --batchsize=5120 --nblocks=20
Y = a*X + b, problemsize = 10240
CPU time = 0.066 millisec.
GPU time = 0.133 millisec (done with 2 batches of 5120).
CUDA and CPU results differ by 0.000000
$ ./batched-saxpb --nvals=10240 --batchsize=2560 --nblocks=20
Y = a*X + b, problemsize = 10240
CPU time = 0.067 millisec.
GPU time = 0.167 millisec (done with 4 batches of 2560).
CUDA and CPU results differ by 0.000000
The GPU time goes up in this case (we're doing more memory copies) but the answers stay the same.
Edited: The original version of this code had an option for running multiple iterations of the kernel for timing purposes, but that's unnecessarily confusing in this context so it's removed.

Dependence speed up on data size using auto vectorization and sse

I'm trying to speed up some code using auto vectorization from Intel Compiler and using sse.
All computations are transformation some struct node_t to another struct w_t (functions tr() and gen_tr()).
When I try vectorize function gen_tr() it does not produce any effects.
If change data storage format, when each struct component stored in different array of floats, then auto vectorization works well, see function genv_tr().
Function that used sse called ssev_tr (N should divided evenly by 4).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <xmmintrin.h>
static __inline__ unsigned long getCC(void)
unsigned a, d;
asm volatile("rdtsc" : "=a" (a), "=d" (d));
return ((unsigned long)a) | (((unsigned long)d) << 32);
typedef struct {
float x1, x2, x3, x4, x5;
} node_t;
typedef struct {
float w1, w2, w3, w4;
} w_t;
void tr(node_t *n, float c1, float c2, w_t *w)
const float nv = n->x1;
const float N00T = n->x3 * c1;
const float n1v = n->x2;
const float N01T = n->x4 * c2;
w->w1 = nv - N00T;
w->w2 = nv + N00T;
w->w3 = n1v - N01T;
w->w4 = n1v + N01T;
__attribute__ ((noinline))
void gen_tr(node_t *n, w_t *w, const int N, float c1, float c2)
int i;
#pragma vector aligned
#pragma ivdep
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
tr(n + i, c1, c2, w + i);
__attribute__ ((noinline))
void genv_tr(float *x1, float *x2, float *x3, float *x4, float *x5, float *w1, float *w2, float *w3, float *w4, const int N, float c1, float c2)
int i;
#pragma vector aligned
#pragma ivdep
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
const float N00T = x3[i] * c1;
const float N01T = x4[i] * c2;
w1[i] = x1[i] - N00T;
w2[i] = x1[i] + N00T;
w3[i] = x2[i] - N01T;
w4[i] = x2[i] + N01T;
__attribute__ ((noinline))
void ssev_tr(float *x1, float *x2, float *x3, float *x4, float *x5, float *w1, float *w2, float *w3, float *w4, const int N, float c1, float c2)
__m128 *ws1 = (__m128*)w1;
__m128 *ws2 = (__m128*)w2;
__m128 *ws3 = (__m128*)w3;
__m128 *ws4 = (__m128*)w4;
__m128 *xs1 = (__m128*)x1;
__m128 *xs2 = (__m128*)x2;
__m128 *xs3 = (__m128*)x3;
__m128 *xs4 = (__m128*)x4;
const __m128 cs1 = _mm_set1_ps(c1);
const __m128 cs2 = _mm_set1_ps(c2);
int i;
#pragma vector aligned
#pragma ivdep
for (i = 0; i < N / 4; i++) {
const __m128 N00T = _mm_mul_ps(xs3[i], cs1);
const __m128 N01T = _mm_mul_ps(xs4[i], cs2);
ws1[i] = _mm_sub_ps(xs1[i], N00T);
ws2[i] = _mm_add_ps(xs1[i], N00T);
ws3[i] = _mm_sub_ps(xs2[i], N01T);
ws4[i] = _mm_add_ps(xs2[i], N01T);
#define test(func) \
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { \
x[i].x1 = 1.0; \
x[i].x2 = 2.0; \
x[i].x3 = 2.0; \
x[i].x4 = 2.0; \
x[i].x5 = 2.0; \
} \
t1 = getCC(); \
for (i = 0; i < rep; i++) { \
func(x, w, n, c1, c2); \
} \
t2 = getCC(); \
printf("\t%f", ((double)(t2 - t1)) / n / rep);
#define test1(func) \
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { \
x1[i] = 1.0; \
x2[i] = 2.0; \
x3[i] = 2.0; \
x4[i] = 2.0; \
x5[i] = 2.0; \
} \
t1 = getCC(); \
for (i = 0; i < rep; i++) { \
func(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, w1, w2, w3, w4, n, c1, c2); \
} \
t2 = getCC(); \
printf("\t%f", ((double)(t2 - t1)) / n / rep);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc < 2) {
printf("Usage %s vector_size\n", argv[0]);
int n = atoi(argv[1]);
printf("%d", n);
int rep = 100000000 / n;
int i;
int inc = 1;
float c1 = 2.0, c2 = 1.0;
unsigned long t1, t2;
node_t *x = (node_t*)malloc(n * sizeof(node_t));
w_t *w = (w_t*)malloc(n * sizeof(w_t));
float *x1 = (float*)malloc(n * sizeof(float));
float *x2 = (float*)malloc(n * sizeof(float));
float *x3 = (float*)malloc(n * sizeof(float));
float *x4 = (float*)malloc(n * sizeof(float));
float *x5 = (float*)malloc(n * sizeof(float));
float *w1 = (float*)malloc(n * sizeof(float));
float *w2 = (float*)malloc(n * sizeof(float));
float *w3 = (float*)malloc(n * sizeof(float));
float *w4 = (float*)malloc(n * sizeof(float));
return 0;
Compile options: icc -O3 -Wall -W -vec-report6 transform.c -o transform
Version of icc - 12.1.2, OS - Fedora 16 x86_64, CPU - Intel Core2 Quad CPU Q8200.
Then i run it with different size from 16 to 3000 with step 64, here script:
echo "" > run.log
for ((c=16;c<3000;c+=64))
./transform $c | tee -a run.log
Here some result of work this script (size, gen_tr, genv_tr, ssev_tr), all times shown per one array element:
16 7.710743 3.168577 3.253829
272 7.166493 1.983918 2.618569
528 7.121866 1.920195 2.567109
784 7.115007 1.899451 2.549645
1040 8.104026 2.481062 2.944317
1296 8.137537 5.105032 5.104614
1552 8.118534 5.068812 5.064211
1808 8.138309 5.077831 5.085015
2064 8.149699 5.107503 5.069958
2320 8.164556 5.080981 5.099313
2576 8.151524 5.086056 5.089294
2832 8.212946 5.061927 5.072261
why it is so significant change about size 1000 when using vectorized version of function? Does it because of cache miss? Is it possible to save same speed on all data ranges?
You have 8 float arrays. When they are of size 1000, your test is manipulating about 32kB of data. Even though your L1 cache is probably a bit larger (64kB), the L1 cache is likely unable to hold all the 32kB data at the same time due to associativity.
Your test iterates, processing the same data over and over again. Consider the two cases:
Size = 528: The 8 arrays conveniently fit into the L1 cache. Each test iteration (except for the first one) has fast access to the data.
Size = 1268: The 8 arrays do not fit into the L1 cache at the same time. Each test iteration keeps evicting the data from L1, so effectively all reads and writes go to L2.
So the jump at input size 1000 is partly an artifact of your test, but not entirely. In the real world, if you already happen to have all the data you need in the L1 cache, genv_tr will be really fast. But on inputs of size >1000, all the inputs simply do not fit into the L1 cache, so some accesses will definitely go to L2.
