Laravel 4.2 Help Needed - laravel

I have this piece of code in my HomeController.php which is within the public function home() block
//Fetch Users Online
$online = DB::table('users')->where('online','1')->get();
//Get All Users Online Count
$num_online = DB::table('users')->where('online','1')->count();
//Get All ADMIN Online Count
$admin_online = DB::table('users')->where('online','1')->where('group_id','4')->count();
//Get All MODS Online Count
$mod_online = DB::table('users')->where('online','1')->where('group_id','6')->count();
//Get All VIP Online Count
$vip_online = DB::table('users')->where('online','1')->where('group_id','8')->count();
//Get All UPLOADER Online Count
$uploader_online = DB::table('users')->where('online','1')->where('group_id','7')->count();
//Get All MEMBERS Online Count
$member_online = DB::table('users')->where('online','1')->where('group_id','3')->count();
which is relayed in the home.blade.php here
<div class="col-md-10 col-sm-10 col-md-offset-1">
<div class="clearfix visible-sm-block"></div>
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading"><h4>Online Users <span class="badge">{{ $num_online }}</span></h4></div>
<div class="panel-body">
#foreach($online as $o)
<span class="badge-user group-member">
{{ $o->username }}
<div class="panel-footer">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<span class="badge-user group-member">Member ({{ $member_online }})</span> <span class="badge-user group-uploader">Uploader ({{ $uploader_online }})</span> <span class="badge-user group-vip">VIP ({{ $vip_online }})</span> <span class="badge-user group-staff">Mod ({{ $mod_online }})</span> <span class="badge-user group-su">Admin ({{ $admin_online }})</span>
<!-- /Online Users -->
My question is in my users table in my DB i have the online column called online. 0 is offline and 1 is online. If a manually update a users Online status from a zero to a one then they show up in the ONLINE block shown above as they should. But how can I automate this? If a user logs in its set to 1 and if they logout its set to 0.
any help would be appreciated.....
Im running laravel 4.2 and guessing this would be easier to accomplish in 5.4
Im dreading upgrading and don't even want to attempt it on my own.

You could achieve that by creating and listening to events.
Event::listen('auth.login', function($user)
$user->online = 1;
Event::listen('auth.logout', function($user)
$user->online = 0;
Please follow laravel documentation for detailed information

You can check at the user sessions, when you use the database driver for sessions there will be a column called last_activity, if the user hasn't done anything in 15 mins you know it is offline.
You can't depend on if a user logs out. Not everyone does that every time.


Cannot find parent element in DOM tree containing attribute: [wire:id]

I am laravel developer and developing a real time chat room using liveware , i am trying to open chat when i click to user but unfortunatly i am getting error please help me how can resolved that ? thank u.
I am also getting error in console.
public $selectedConservation;
public function mount(){
$this->selectedConservation = Conservation::query()
public function viewMessages($conservationsId){
$this->selectedConservation =
public function render()
$conservation = Conservation::query()
return view('livewire.messaging',[
'conservation' => $conservation,
#foreach ($conservation as $conservations)
<a href="#" wire:click.prevent="viewMessages({{ $conservations->id}} )">
<div class="user-card rounded bg-dark bg-opacity-10 mb-1">
<div class="mx-2">
<div class="d-flex pt-3">
<img class="rounded-circle" width="48px" height="48px" src="{{Config('wfh.file').$conservations->reciever->avator}}" alt="">
<div class="notification-text ms-3 w-100">
<span class="username fw-bold">{{$conservations->reciever->full_name}}</span>
<span class="float-end small"></span>
<p class="mt-1 text-muted">You: </p>
Check out the documentation on Dom Diffing Issues. It looks like you need to add a wire:key="{{ $conversations->id }}" attribute into your a tag so that Livewire can track changes to the list of conversations.

Paginate don't fill first page? - Laravel 6

I am using the page of Laravel with order by desc and I indicate that 5 elements are displayed.
When returning 7 the first page shows me 2 and the second 5. I want the first one to be filled before the second. If I use ASC it works correctly.
public function list(){
$questions = Question::orderBy('id', 'DESC')->paginate(5);
return view('web.pages.list', compact('questions'));
#foreach ($questions as $q)
<a href="/list/{{$q->category($q->category_id)}}/{{$q->id}}">
<div class="container-list-question">
<div class="header-category-list-question">
<div class="data-question">
Autor: {{$q->author}}
<div class="title-list-question">
<div class="btn-show"> Show question</div>
{{ $questions->links() }}

How do I use a row count in an #if in a Laravel view?

I am brand new to Laravel and I'm running Version 6.
I want my view to display a button if one of my MySQL tables has rows that meet a specific condition but I'm having trouble figuring out how to code it - and even WHERE to code it - within my Laravel application.
My MySQL table is called diary_entries and various users of the system will contribute zero to n rows to it. Each row of the table contains a user id called client. When a given user goes to the Welcome view, I want the view to determine if that user currently has any rows in the diary_entries table. If he does, I want to display a button that will take him to another page where the entries can be displayed or edited or deleted.
I think I want to construct an #if that counts the number of records for that user; if the count is greater than zero, I want to display the button, otherwise the button is not displayed.
The problem is that I can't figure out how to code this. I've looked at the examples in the Eloquent section of the manual but they aren't particularly clear to me. I found a note near the top that said the count() function expects a Collection as an argument and that the result of an Eloquent statement is always a Collection so I guessed that I just have to execute an Eloquent query, then apply count() to the resulting Collection. But every variation of that idea which I've tried has thrown exceptions.
Here was the guess that seemed most logical to me:
<div class="content">
<img class="centered" src="/images/sleeping-cat.jpg" alt="sleeping cat" height="250">
<div class="title m-b-md">
<h1> Sleep Diary </h1>
<h3>{{Auth::user()->name }}</h3>
#if (count(App\DiaryEntry::select('*')->where('client', Auth::user()->name) > 0))
<a class="btn btn-primary"> View / edit existing sleep diary entries </a>
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="/diaryEntries"> Create a new sleep diary entry </a>
This is obviously wrong because it throws an exception so how do I make it right? Does the building of the collection have to move into the Controller? If so, how do I invoke the method and see its result? Or can I do something like I have already done but just adjust the syntax a bit?
I've imitated Sehdev's suggestion but I get this error:
$count is undefined
Make the variable optional in the blade template. Replace {{ $count }} with {{ $count ?? '' }}
Here is my welcome view:
<div class="content">
<img class="centered" src="/images/sleeping-cat.jpg" alt="sleeping cat" height="250">
<div class="title m-b-md">
<h1>Sleep Diary</h1>
<h3>{{ Auth::user()->name }}</h3>
#if ($count) > 0))
<a class="btn btn-primary">View/edit existing sleep diary entries</a>
<p><a class="btn btn-primary" href="/diaryEntries">Create a new sleep diary entry</a>
And this is the relevant function from DiaryEntryController:
public function countEntriesOneUser()
$count = DiaryEntry::select('*')->where('client', Auth::user()->name)->count();
view("welcome", compact("count"));
Should the compact function be returning $count instead of count? I can't find the compact function in the manual with the search function so I'm not clear what it does or what the proper syntax is. I just tried changing the last line of the function to
view("welcome", $count);
but that produced the same error.
Try this,
$count=\App\DiaryEntry::where('client', Auth::user()->name)->count();
<p><a class="btn btn-primary">View/edit existing sleep diary entries</a></p>
Using App\DiaryEntry::select('*')->where('client', Auth::user()->name) directly on your blade template is a bad practise.
You can execute your question in your controllers method and then pass the result on your view file
Your function
function test(){
$count = DiaryEntry::select('*')->where('client', Auth::user()->name)->count(); // get the total no of records using count
view("index", compact("count")) // pass your count variable here
then you can directly use $count in your #if condition
Your blade template
#if ($count > 0)
<p><a class="btn btn-primary">View/edit existing sleep diary entries</a></p>

Display results of many-to-many relationships and separate results regardless of their id

How do you display results of many to many relationships and separate results regardless of their id?
#forelse ( $papers as $paper )
<article class="article-feeds mb-4">
#foreach ($paper->activityTypes as $actType )
<div class="flex ml-4" id="activitiesInformation">
<div class="flex-1">
<p class="font-bold">{{ $actType->activity_type }}</p> for {{ $paper->title }}
<p class="text-xl font-display">You don't have any activities listed for you</p>
I have a blade file that displays paper's activities, but what I need is to display each of them like in a separate activity feed, regardless of their id, as they are grouped by their paper_id key, I want it to be separated
For this example, I want to see
Recommendation for Expedita sit.
Publish Paper for Expedita sit.
to be separated from one another since they are different activity but they have the same paper id..
this is the activityTypes relationship, I'm talking about
/*success here.*/
public function activityTypes()
return $this->belongsToMany(ActivityType::class,
->withTimestamps() ;
I hope I get your idea. What you want is to get all the activity types related to a paper and each activity type on its own card.
To achieve that, from your Controller you can pass a new variable called $activity_types that you will fill like this:
//assuming you are returning it from the index method
public function index()
$papers = Paper::all();
$activity_types = $papers->flatMap->activityTypes;
return view('papers.index')
->with('activity_types', $activity_types);
also your blade should look something like this
#forelse ( $activity_types as $activity_type )
<article class="article-feeds mb-4">
<div class="flex ml-4" id="activitiesInformation">
<div class="flex-1">
<p class="font-bold">{{ $activity_type->activity_type }}</p> for {{ $activity_type->paper->title }}
<p class="text-xl font-display">You don't have any activities listed for you</p>
Make sure you have a relation to Paper from the ActivityType model.

laravel 5.4 undefined variable in view

I'm kind of new to laravel and trying to pull data from a database but keep hitting an error page saying there's an undefined variable within the view.
I'm supposing there's something I'm doing wrong (or not doing) within the controller. So I have a create.blade.php that posts data from a form to the database and everything works fine, however I want it such that after posting to the database to redirect to the show.blade.php showing the uploaded data and here is where I hit a brick wall with the error messages.
This is my store function within the controller -
public function store(Request $request)
$data4page = new Data4page;
$data4page->h1Ttle = $request->h1Ttle;
$data4page->h4Ttle = $request->h4Ttle;
$data4page->description = $request->description;
/*redirecting to the content's show page*/
return redirect()->route('', $data4page->id);
And this is the show function within the same controller -
public function show($id)
$data4page = Data4page::find($id);
return view('')->with(compact('data4page'));
The error message I'm getting is -
Undefined variable: data4page (View: /var/www/html/theproject/resources/views/content/show.blade.php)
And in the show.blade.php this is a sample of what I have -
<h1>{{ $data4page->h4Ttle }}</h1>
<p>{{ $data4page->description }}</p>
<h4>{{ $data4page->h4Ttle }}</h4>
Having said all that, I have also tried various means of returning the view within the show function of the controller but all these result in the same error message above. These variants include -
return view('')->with('data4page', $data4page);
return view('',['data4page'=>$data4page]);
Update: I earlier had typos but now the error I get is -
undefined variable: {"id":9,"h1Ttle":"h1 sample text","h4Ttle":"h4 sample text","description":"body text goes here"} (View: /var/www/html/theproject/resources/views/content/show.blade.‌​‌​php)
This is the show.blade.php -
<div class="app-template">
<main class="wrapperMain">
<div class="">
<aside class="navSidebar">
<nav class="navProperty">
<h1 class="navProperty-title">{{ $data4page->h1Ttle }}</h1>
<footer class="footerProperty">
<div class="upcomingSchedule">
<h4 class="upcomingSchedule-heading">{{ $data4page->h4Ttle }}</h4>
<div class="content content--withSidebar">
<div class="lead--Home">
<p>{{ $data4page->description }}</p>
You have a name mismatch.
return view('')->with(['name' => $data4page]);
Here you should use:
<h1>{{ $name->h4Ttle }}</h1>
As you called it name
In your other options you defined Data4page and in your view you use data4page (lower case d).
Changed this
return view('')->with(['name' => $data4page]);
return view('')->with(compact('data4page'));
Hope it hepls!
Why have you resorted to typing the variable name with the wrong case when the answers given below are absolutely fine? PHP variables are case sensitive. You're passing $Data4page to your view in the code you've shown and then trying to use the access $data4page. Any of the below will work.
return view('', ['data4page' => $data4page]);
return view('', compact('data4page'));
return view('')->with('data4page', $data4page);
return view('')->with(['data4page' => $data4page]);
return view('')->with(compact('data4page'));
You need to loop through the collection to get the value
<div class="app-template">
<main class="wrapperMain">
#foreach ($data4page as $d4p)
<div class="">
<aside class="navSidebar">
<nav class="navProperty">
<h1 class="navProperty-title">{{ $d4p->h1Ttle }}</h1>
<footer class="footerProperty">
<div class="upcomingSchedule">
<h4 class="upcomingSchedule-heading">{{ $d4p->h4Ttle }}</h4>
<div class="content content--withSidebar">
<div class="lead--Home">
<p>{{ $d4p->description }}</p>
