Execute a Task of a sub-module of a Gradle multiproject - gradle

I have the following multiproject structure:
rootProject.name = 'toolbox-backend'
include 'toolbox-components-rest'
include 'toolbox-components-executor'
include 'toolbox-components-toolsyncer'
I'd love to create a task in my root build.gradle which will call the clean, build, install (application) and finally the run task of the toolbox-components-rest submodule.

task startREST() {
dependsOn ':toolbox-components-rest:clean'
dependsOn ':toolbox-components-rest:build'
dependsOn ':toolbox-components-rest:bootRun'
println "[Toolbox $version] Starting REST interface..."
This does work - BUT the bootRun task is running before build which runs before clean. I'd like to have it exactly the other way around
Fixed the above with
bootRun.mustRunAfter build
build.mustRunAfter clean
in the gradle.build of the toolbox-components-rest submodule


Task that executes a specific task in all included builds

I have a root project that includes quite a number of other projects via includeBuild in settings.gradle. All the subprojects have a task named publishToMavenLocal.
How can I define a task publishToMavenLocal in the root project that calls each publishToMavenLocal of each subproject without the need to manually define dependsOn for every subproject specifically?
This use-case is actually covered in the documentation on composite builds. The following code adapts the example from the documentation to your use-case:
task publishToMavenLocal {
dependsOn gradle.includedBuilds*.task(':publishToMavenLocal')

Calling Gradle task for only one subproject

How do I configure subprojects for Gradle and run a Gradle task from the build.gradle only for the current directory I'm executing the task from?
For example, suppose I have two projects in a parent folder:
I have project 1 and 2 included in the settings.gradle file:
I have a task configured in the build.gradle file that I would like to call. I've nested the tasks within a subprojects{} block:
subprojects {
task check(type: JavaExec) {
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
However, the build.gradle is run for all subprojects that way.
How can I define all possible subprojects but only call a Gradle task for the current project I'm executing from (i.e., avoid calling the task for all subprojects)? I would like to do this with the current task name only (e.g., gradle check).
Invoking the task in a single project with gradle check is not possible.
You have two options:
Leverage the model Gradle proposes, where tasks can be prefixed by the project name in a multi project build which removes the need to navigate to subprojects.
Which means invoking gradle :project-1:check or gradle :project-2:check depending on which task you want to run.
Define the tasks to have different name in each subprojects. See task rules on how to define tasks with dynamic names.
Which means invoking gradle check1 or gradle check2

Gradle - run testReport task after test phase of all submodules

I have a simple project with subprojects and I want to generate aggregate report for all tests when I execute gradle test command.
I have followed the gradle documentation and added following:
task testReport(type: TestReport) {
// make sure this task is run after all subproject test tasks
mustRunAfter subprojects*.test
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/reports/allTests")
// Include the results from the `test` task in all subprojects
reportOn subprojects*.test
This works when I execute gradle test testReport, but when I execute gradle test or gradle build in the root project - the task testReport is not run.
How do make gradle to run the task without specifying it every time?
Add: test.finalizedBy 'testReport' to your build.gradle; just at the root level, doesn't have to be inside any closure.
taskX.finalizedBy taskY
Will run taskY everytime taskX completes execution successfully.

How do I run or create a single Gradle task to run all subprojects and root in a multi-project build?

I have multiple projects configured using build.gradle for each and settings.gradle at the top level.
I want to define or use a single Gradle task that will build all of the subprojects and the root.
How do I run or create a single Gradle task to run all subprojects and root in a multi-project build?
It depends on what all your projects are.
You can call gradle(w) build from the root dir if all your subprojects extend the javaplugin.
Other project types (like the ear plugin) need to be attached to the build task manually. The way I do this is by creating the build task like: task build and in the ear project: build.dependsOn ear

Gradle Release System Task - Calling uploadArchives on subprojects

In order to release my system, I am creating a releaser project that calls uploadArchives for a number of other projects.
In my project I have the following files:
include '../proj-a', '../proj-b'
task releaseSystem() {
// what goes here?
What should the contents of the releaseSystem task be such that I can call gradle releaseSystem and have it run uploadArchives for each of my sub projects?
I've tried a number of options, but none have been successful thus far.
Thank you for any insights you can provide.
I'm continually impressed with the graceful solutions gradle provides to my problems. Here's my final solution (as Peter pointed out below):
include 'proj-a', 'proj-b'
project (':proj-a').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../proj-a')
project (':proj-b').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../proj-b')
task releaseSystem() {
dependsOn {
Note, that since my repository is a maven repository, when I originally included '../proj-a' in my settings.gradle, it produced poms with artifactId ../proj-a which was invalid. I had to change my settings.gradle to the format above for the system to put the poms together correctly and for the uploadArchives task to complete successfully.
Assuming all subprojects have an uploadArchives task:
task releaseSystem {
dependsOn { subprojects.uploadArchives }
Note that this won't run the subprojects' tests.
