Copy failed in batch script - visual-studio

I have the following lines in my VS's bat file:
copy "%1web.%2.config" "%1web.config" /y
copy "C:\inetpub\Config\%2\api\smtpSettings.config" "%1smtpSettings.config" /y
Idea is to copy environment-related configuration into project's main configuration files. %1 is a path to project, %2 is a environment name.
The file is executed via VS's pre-build step: "$(ProjectDir)Deploy.bat" $(ProjectDir) $(ConfigurationName)
Problem is that first line works fine, while second all the time fails with:
The system cannot find the file specified.
I checked the path, it is valid, at least pasting it into windows explorer I can navigate to file. Any ideas?

It would appear that "C:\inetpub\Config\Development\api\smtpSettings.config" or "C:\inetpub\Config\Production\api\smtpSettings.config" does not exist.
If they do exist, then you may be facing a security error.


Windows context menu run hidden xcopy

I am trying to add a new option to the context menu for folders in Windows. I have managed to add the option and specify its command as follows:
xcopy.exe "%0\*" "c:\Destination\" /EHY
This code is added to regedit.exe
I have a folder in the c: drive named Destination. I am trying to copy the folder that I right clicked to the Destination folder, without a command prompt window.
What is happening: xcopy is running and copying the content of the folder and in the foreground. Please help me with these two issues:
Run the xcopy command without showing a window.
Copy the folder to a new folder in Destination named after the copied folder.
Thank you.
The command that satisfies the two issues listed is at the very end. First, some notes of explanation.
When you add a shell command to the Windows Registry, you have several variables available to you (such as %1, %L, and %V). Now, you would like a new folder in Destination named after the copied folder. Parameter extensions (such as %~n1) can strip everything from the full path and give you the name of the directory leaf.
However, these are not available when using the shell command from the Windows Registry. The most straightforward way to get a plain directory name is to create a temporary batch script, run it, and delete the batch script afterwards.
The following will copy the selected directory as a sub-directory inside Destination:
cmd.exe /c echo #echo off>"C:\Destination\_tempxcopy.bat" & echo xcopy "%%~1\*" "C:\Destination\%~n1" /ECIQHY ^>nul>>"C:\Destination\_tempxcopy.bat" & call "C:\Destination\_tempxcopy.bat" "%1" & del "C:\Destination\_tempxcopy.bat"
This next part requires the use of a third-party utility.
The previous command will open a command window and leave it open as long as copying is in progress. To hide that window, use the tiny utility RunHiddenConsole
The following will copy the selected directory and hide the command window while copying:
"C:\Destination\RunHiddenConsole.exe" cmd.exe /c echo #echo off>"C:\Destination\_tempxcopy.bat" & echo xcopy "%%~1\*" "C:\Destination\%~n1" /ECIQHY ^>nul>>"C:\Destination\_tempxcopy.bat" & "C:\Destination\RunHiddenConsole.exe" /w "C:\Destination\_tempxcopy.bat" "%1" & del "C:\Destination\_tempxcopy.bat"
This could certainly be made more flexible and efficient, but the above command at least demonstrates the technique for accomplishing the task.

TortoiseSVN client-side hooks in project properties (delete cache files)

I have several php-projects under SVN control. I want to delete compiled php-template files after update on the client side; these files are located in ./tmp/smarty/compile folder. So using windows command line I can do this using
del /Q path_to_my_project\tmp\smarty\compile
If I run this command in cmd.exe all files are successfully deleted.
using projects properties tsvn:postupdatehook I should use %REPOROOT% placeholder for project path. so my command becomes:
del /Q %REPOROOT%\tmp\smarty\compile
del is the cmd.exe command, so I need to run cmd.exe first and then run desired command. so finally my hook command looks like:
cmd.exe /c del /Q %REPOROOT%\tmp\smarty\compile
when I run this using Win+R (with reporoot changed to full path) it works fine too.
Then I put this line to SVN properties (I should replace \ slashes to /, overwise SNV returns http-path to repository, not local path), and try to update project. TortoiseSVN asks me if I want to run hook:
cmd.exe /c del /Q D:\_projects\webCakePHP\.....\tmp\smarty\compile
So here reporoot is successfully translated to correct working copy path.
Everything looks fine, but when I run this hook, it successfully deletes files in tmp\smarty\compile but it also deletes all files from working copy dir.
the question is, what am I doing wrong, and how to delete files after update right way.
I've tried to put quotes some ways but it doesn't delete enything at all or says that there is no such directory.
as an alternate solution to my question, i've created .bat file in %REPOROOT%/bin folder, which deletes files:
pushd %~dp0..\tmp\smarty\compile
del /Q *
and my hook cmd string is %REPOROOT%/bin/clearCache.bat.
this is not exact answer to my question because it requires bat-file creation and isn't one-line hook.

Batch file replacing issue

I'm trying to change my group policies by replacing the scripts.ini file in C:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicy\Machine\Scripts by using a batch file. The batch file is on my desktop in a folder called replacer, the custom scripts.ini is in the same folder. When i right click the batch file and "Run as administrator" it suddenly can't find the scripts.ini file that's in the same folder. When i don't run as administrator it finds it, but can't replace the scripts.ini file in group policies.
Here's the code(1 line):
xcopy /s/y scripts.ini C:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicy\Machine\Scripts
When you run a batch script by double clicking it, the current directory will be the folder where the script resides.
But when you run the script as Administrator by right mouse clicking, then the current directory is something else, typically C:\wINDOWS\system32.
Your script can use %~dp0 to get the full path of where the script is installed, so you can simply prefix your source file with that path:
xcopy /s/y "%~dp0scripts.ini" C:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicy\Machine\Scripts
If you have additional commands that depend on the current directory, then I suggest you use PUSHD to change your current directory instead
pushd "%~dp0"
xcopy /s/y scripts.ini C:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicy\Machine\Scripts

XCopy will not copy in visual studio

I'll copy a exe into another folder with a post build event from visual studio. This should happens every build. I haven't any errors, the exe output is in a custom folder, but it will not copy into another folder, why? The build output from visual studio is only: Build successfully. 0 files copied.
With this script, I've changed the output folder: $(SolutionDir)..\..\build\$(ProjectName)\. And with this, I'll try to copy the result into another folder: xcopy "$(SolutionDir)..\..\build\$(ProjectName)\$(TargetFileName)" "$(SolutionDir)..\..\bin\AutoCopy-Server.exe*". With the "*" at the end, I say, that it is not matter, if this is a file or a directory. What's wrong here? The file in my output folder, is successfully "copied". It seems, that xcopy can't find the file, but there isn't any error. Has someone an idea?
It sounds like this xcopy bug. If so, a workaround is to append <NUL: to the end of the xcopy command, eg:
xcopy "$(TargetDir)\*.exe" "$(SolutionDir)\bin\" /S /Y <NUL:

Why cannot i use batch XCOPY while running in admin mode?

i have run very simple script:
xcopy some.exe c:\folder\ /h/y and it works normally. but when i try to run .bat file with this code as administrator - cmd line opens for a moment but nothing happens (file not copied). Can anyone explain this issue?
i also tried to use echo xcopy instead of xcopy, but nothing had changed.
i need only admin running of .bat file, cause i want to copy file in \windows\system32 folder
when you start a batchfile as administrator, it's working directory is C:\windows\system32\. So your script doesn't find your file. Either work with absolute paths, or change the working directory.
You can change it to the directory, where your batchfile resides with:
cd /d "%~dp0"
Note: to keep the window open to read any errormessages, append a pause command.
