JMeter - working with multiple tests - jmeter

I am new with JMeter and I am trying to understand how to work with multiple tests plans.
Is it possible to define multiple tests plans in a single ".jmx" file, each with its own thread groups, etc. ? Or should I save each test plan in a separate ".jmx" file?
What is the correct and common usage?

It depends on your workflow and what you are trying to achieve, the most common use case assumes collaborative work of more than one people on the JMeter test scenario. In this case Test Fragments would be useful.
If you are trying to run several JMeter tests in parallel, the easiest option is using Taurus tool as a wrapper and just pass several .jmx tests to it either in command-line or through YAML configuration file.

I think you are looking for an approach for creating a modular JMeter test scripts.
There are many ways to achieve reusability/modularity in JMeter.
Test Fragment
Module Controller
Parameterized Controller
Include Controller
Check this post for more detailed information.
Keyword driven framework in JMeter.

I am here because I'm asking the same thing than you #SomethingSomething
From my understanding and my point of view, to have multiple tests plans, you must create several .jmx file. For instance, if you need to test different servers or application.
If you need to test multiple scenario in a same application, so combining them into in a single .jmx file should be the better option (by using Fragments or Controllers).


Organising JMeter API tests

I'm pretty new to performance testing.
I've got a bunch of endpoints to test and I wonder what is the best approach to do it.
I thought about grouping tests for endpoints in separate .jmx files, for example:
Suppose that there are 2 endpoints: A with simple GET method and B that can serve GET, PUT, POST and DELETE requests. In this scenario I would create 2 .jmx files.
Any helpful links to some tutorials appreciated :)
Normally people use Test Fragments for organizing large JMeter scripts.
Depending on whether you want to keep the requests in a single .jmx script or separate you can use:
Module Controller - for re-using requests in the same scripts (i.e. to avoid code duplication)
Include Controller - to "pull" external .jmx script into the current one

how to use Jmeter as CI solution

I have a general question about Jmeter. I am using Jmeter and I want to create Continuous integration solution using Jmeter. The problem is that there are several QA, that each one of them have test plans according his development. the problem is that if using Jmeter all test plan need to run as one test plan, and for each of test plan to create report, and than manually over each report and check for failed scenarios. So all the handling is much harder than I thought, Jmeter is wonderful solution but how to use it with several test plans, and if I want it to run nightly? and in the mornng to get single report with all test plans that created? Can someone please advise if Jmeter can be solution for CI nightly? is it possible to merge all reports to single report?, each test plan is for unique development, and we will have multiple testplans over time
Did you have a look at those plugins: which allows you to fail a build based on presence of errors in load test results which you could mix with
JMeter per se is just a load testing tool, you need a continuous integration server. If you don't have one in your company there are several free and open source solutions you can consider like:
Cruise Control
Check out Jenkins vs. Other Open Source Continuous Integration Servers article to learn more about aforementioned tools, see sample build dashboards and commands to kick off a JMeter test.

How to extract/share some common logic/sampler etc from many jmeter jmx files?

If there are many jmeter scripts(jmx files) in a stress project for different cases run, how to maintain the common jmeter code which can be shared by each jmx?
For example, many jmx files have same thread group, http sampler, config elements (header manager, Authorization manager etc) ?
Any way to only edit once and apply for all jmx scripts? I couldn't find the related jmeter doc about this? wonder if jmeter jmx file supports any share code dynamic load/management?
Any suggestions are very appreciated!
My expectation is that you're looking for the Module Controller. In conjunction with Test Fragments you will be able to re-use sequences of the Test Elements either in current Test Plan or even in different .jmx scripts.
See Using JMeter Module Controller article for detailed information if needed
I think you mean the Include Controller. That way you can combine different jmx files to be run from one 'master' file. There are some things to keep in mind, but check the manual for that.

Looking for an Object Oriented JMeter example

I'm looking to abstract the sequence of REST calls for complicated behaviors in my company's app into a series of classes that are instantiated as needed and the methods would effectively create the sequence of HTTP request calls. It's my hope that doing this would make the tests more compact and readable (as well as providing more reusable code). I would need to utilize the StandardJmeterEngine and export the test to JMX format after the HashTree test plan is created.
To cut on development time, I'm hoping to find a nice example of this; I'm sure someone's done it, but I've yet to stumble onto it.
If you are looking into the way of programmatic creation JMeter test take a look into the following sources:
JMeter API
How to Write a plugin for JMeter
Five Ways To Launch a JMeter Test without Using the JMeter GUI
If you are looking for an example project you can check out jmeter-from-code solution which demonstrates creating a JMeter Test Plan programmatically, storing it into a .jmx script file, running it and getting the .jtl results file.

Is there any way to generate JMeter script on the fly for the existing Test automation script

I am just wondering is there any way or possible to generate JMeter script on the fly for the existing test automation script.
Basically the idea is to use the same Test automation script let's say Test automation script was created using selenium for the performance testing too using JMeter.
Any ideas or thoughts?
The solution is to record your Selenium test.
Start JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Configure your Selenium scripts to use JMeter as a proxy
Start the test - JMeter will be recording.
This way you will get test "skeleton" however you will still need to handle dynamic parameters. To avoid this step you can try out an alternative recording solution, it is capable of exporting JMeter tests in "SmartJMX" mode with automated correlation applied. See How to Convert Selenium Scripts into the JMX article for more details.
The only way I am aware to achieve this is to record the selenium run and then save the jmeter script.
Yes, it is.
You can run the JMeter stuff programmatically using JMeter API.
Using it, you can write your own test harness that creates the test items on the fly, then build the test plan out of them, and run it.
Or loads existing plan "template", access & alter the test elements in it, then, again run it.
Though that is kinda tricky part, so first ask yourself (then share with us here) what exactly do you need it for, and then try to consider the possibility to implement that using JMeter scripting components.
Basically, in your case, you can call the Selenium stuff in the JSR223/Beanshell components through Selenium API.
And moreover, there exist a plugin to do the things with Selenium stuff.
PS Although the very idea of using something all-purpose "to rule 'em all" usually doesn't pay off, 'cause the effort needed to maintain that "universality" often overcome the one smartly made for separate functional/load suites.
