How to print 95 and 99 Percentiles in the jmeter aggregate report command line? - jmeter

I am trying to print 95 Percentile and 99 Percentile response times in the jmeter aggregate report from the command line
For this, I have tried the solution mentioned in here: Jmeter: Generating aggregate report through commnd line is not including 95% and 99% line in generated report
but that didn't work. I have tried editing the file too.
Also, the other solution that I came across is to generate the ResponseTimesPercentiles graph using CMDRunner.jar in csv format but that gives all the values from 0-99.9 which I don't need. So is there a way I can customize the csv file to just have ReponseTimesPercentiles for desired values?
Also tried this command:
java -jarCMDRunner.jar --tool Reporter --generate-csv test.csv --input-jtl results.jtl --include-labels aggregate_report_99%_line --plugin-type AggregateReport
which didn't work.
So, is there any way that I can generate the 95% and 99 Percentiles in the aggregate report

The functionality is available by default starting from JMeter version 2.13
The behavior is controllable via the following properties:
If you don't see percentiles like at the above image in your Aggregate Report - add the above lines to file.
The approach won't work on JMeter versions earlier than 2.13
JMeter restart will be required to pick the properties up, dynamic changes won't work.

You can do it from CMD, First make the plan using GUI, then in the bin folder of Jmeter, open CMD and run the following command.
jmeter -n -t "[PATH-FOR-PLAN]\myplan.jmx" -l "[PATH-OF-RESULT]\results.csv" -e -o "[PATH-OF-OUTPUT]\output"
The output folder will have a webpage with the aggregate report


What is the default location for JMeter report file?

Objective: I want to generate the Jmeter report file in CSV/XML format (irrespective of GUI or NON GUI mode, is it different?) with Avg, Std Dev,75th, 90th, 95th & 99th percentile included in. How to do it ? And where would be the default location of this file? Can it be changed mean the location of this report file?
JMeter's .jtl results file doesn't contain "Avg, Std Dev,75th, 90th, 95th & 99th percentile" and so on
If you want to create a file with results for both GUI and non-GUI executions - you need to use a listener, i.e. Simple Data Writer and set the filename and the desired path to the file there:
Once you have the file you can generate CSV version of the Aggregate Report listener using JMeter Plugins Command Line Tool like:
JMeterPluginsCMD.bat --generate-csv report.csv --input-jtl /path/to/your/test/result.jtl --plugin-type AggregateReport

Jmeter command line option issue

I am running a load test using jmeter command line and saving the result into csv file using -l command line option. After the test is completed, i see the data in the csv and while i upload it to a view result tree and try to check the failure response data in the response section, i dont see any response data noted in there. Is there something am missing here?
i have the following command
<path to jmeter bat> -n -t <jmx loc> -l <loc of result.csv> -j <path to jmeterlog> -Gparam1 -Gparam2 -Gparam3 -e -o <Reportpath>
By default JMeter uses CSV format for saving test metrics
CSV format is not suitable for storing response data due to eventual delimiters and line breaks. Moreover as per Reducing resource requirements chapter it's not recommended to store response data.
If you really need to save response data you need to switch JMeter's .jtl file format to XML and instruct JMeter to store it, it's controllable via the following properties: - defaulting to csv - defaulting to false
So you need to amend your command line to override these properties like:
<path to jmeter bat> ......
in order to make the changes permanent add the corresponding lines to file
More information:
Results file configuration
Configuring JMeter
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
Another option is adding a separate Listener like Simple Data Writer and configure it to save response data into a separate file:

JMeter MergeResults is not handling timeStamp label correctly (millis)

Created two dummy sample projects as (dummy1.jmx and dummy2.jmx) and executed below commands with default settings (JMeter 5.3 default installation with all required plugins installed).
#> jmeter.bat -n -t dummy1.jmx -l dummy1.csv -j dummy1-jmeter.log to execute load
Generated report and timestamps look perfect both in dashboard and graphs
**#> jmeter.bat -g dummy1.csv -o dummy1 -j dummy1-report-jmeter.
#> jmeter.bat -n -t dummy2.jmx -l dummy2.csv -j dummy2-jmeter.log to execute load
Generated report and timestamps look perfect both in dashboard and graphs
#> jmeter.bat -g dummy2.csv -o dummy2 -j dummy2-report-jmeter.log
Used MergeResults plugin to merge the above CSV files to a single file and generated HTML report
#> JMeterPluginsCMD.bat --generate-csv dummy1-dummy2.csv --input-jtl --plugin-type MergeResults
Found merged timeStamp label is not valid and also generated report shows invalid DateTime.
#> jmeter.bat -g dummy1-dummy2.csv -o merged -j merged-report-jmeter.log
Is this a bug or am I missing configuration? Even adding HH:mm:ss.SSS to didn't help
Unfortunately we cannot help without:
Seeing your file contents
Knowing what do you expect
In the meantime I can only tell you where did this 2000-01-01 date came from:
It's declared here:
private static final long REF_START_TIME = 946681200000L;
And being added to the original SampleResult timestamp here:
res.setTimeStamp(res.getTimeStamp() - startTimeRef + REF_START_TIME);
I don't know whether it is a bug or it's designed to work like this (however the crazy logic of substraction of sampler start time from its timestamp is beyond my limited understanding), it's better to check at JMeter Plugins support forum
In the meantime you can use services like BM.Sense for comparing different test runs resutls

How to get the result csv file in between the test run during performance testing using Jmeter?

I am using Jmeter Version 4. For example I am running test for four hours, And during the test run, I want the result file for the test ran from 2nd to 3rd hour.Is it possible to get the result file like that?
I know that we can get the result file from starting to 3rd hour.But I want from 2nd to 3rd hour.
Can I get that.Please suggest?
The easiest option is going for Filter Results Tool which has --start-offset and --end-offset parameters specifying how to "cut" the original .jtl file (in seconds) so you could do something like:
FilterResults --output-file from2ndto3rd_hour.jtl --input-file /path/to/large/result.jtl --start-offset 7200 --end-offset 10800
Filter Results Tool can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager:
Ideally, you should use this solution that allows you to have live results:
But if you want to work with CSV, your best bet would be to modify the timestamp format by adding to :
And ensure JMeter flushes on every write to avoid having partial lines:
And then use grep, for example to take results between 15 and 16h on 26 january 2019
grep "2019012615" results.csv > filter.csv
If you don't want to rely on grep, then you can take the whole file and generate the HTML report using :
jmeter -Jjmeter.reportgenerator.start_date=20190126150000 -Jjmeter.reportgenerator.end_date=20190126160000 -g results.csv -o reportfolder

create summany report in jmeter from command line

I am using Jmeter version : 2.10. I test has couple of Http samplers. When i run the test from command line
jmeter.bat -n -t "C:\Jmeter Projects\TestSuite.jmx" -l "C:\Jmeter Projects\testResult.xml"
the result of the test creates "testResult.xml" but when i open it the data is in cvs format
1384844043490,1527,HTTP Request-1,200,OK,Thread Group 1-1,text,true,2776,1527
1384844045046,350,HTTP Request-2,200,OK,Thread Group 1-1,text,true,395,350
1384844045411,4890,HTTP Request-3,200,OK,Thread Group 1-1,text,true,977530,4888
1384844050304,286,HTTP Request-5 ,200,OK,Thread Group 1-1,text,true,4091,28
There is no header. I do not mind csv format if i can get the table header or the .jtl format.
I think it was since JMeter 2.8 that the default JTL format is CSV as opposed to XML. I didn't try this myself, but this should work for you:
Just make the changes as suggested by Alon and execute your test plan. Saving report as .jtl file.
jmeter.bat -n -t "C:\Jmeter Projects\TestSuite.jmx" -l "C:\Jmeter Projects\testResult.jtl"
Then using JMeter plugins generate the kind of report you wish for.
