Jmeter EVENTVALIDATION and VIEWSTATE values passed incorrectly - jmeter

I need to login a webpage. Passing the parameters from navigation screen,to POST to login screen i used CSS/Jquery extractor. of the three values extracted, Viewstate generator value is passed correctly. But Eventvalidation and Viewstate has completely different values when passed.
Values i get from Navigating to the website:
EVENTVALIDATION value=Blncm,VIEWSTATE" value=iFpefxx7
Some values are generated when passed through but not from previous browser navigation.
DO not understand how 1 value can be passed correctly and not other two. I use same format for all the three

This is the whole point of viewstate and eventvalidation parameters, they are different each time, that's why you need to correlate them for each request.VIEWSTATE has all the information about client-side page state, basically what did the user do on each step. EVENTVALIDATION is a form of CSRF protection, so it has to be different each time as well.
You can validate that your script is doing what it is supposed to be doing using View Results Tree listener.
Page.EnableEventValidation Property
ASP.NET View State Overview
ASP.NET Login Testing with JMeter


Google Apps Script - Query Parameters from opening form passed when submitting form

Current Situation
I have a Web App with an example URL that looks like this
This Web App has a doGet(e) function that redirects it to a Google Form URL. Using the example above, it would look like this
This ID field does not pre-fill any of the questions in the Google Form. Essentially, it's meant to hold information.
When a user submits a form response, I'm combining information from the query parameters as well as the form response and sending it as a payload to a webhook URL.
How I do that is by using CacheService. When a user opens the first URL, the doGet(e) function stores the e.queryString as a Hash in the cache. Then when a user submits the form, I can get the information from the cache and combine it with the formResponse.
The issue I have now is related to concurrency. There will be a case where more than 1 user has opened the first URL. This results in Hash['queryString'] to be overwritten in the cache which is not what I want.
Actual Question
Is there a way to take query parameters from an onFormSubmit from a form and combine it with the form response without using CacheService since my current solution does not support concurrency?
From my understanding, the onFormSubmit trigger doesn't have an e (event variable) for me to do something like a e.queryString to get the query parameters. I may be wrong, need someone to confirm.
Is it possible to cache information in such a way that I can keep track of whose query string is whose and then pull the appropriate information when submitting the form.

jmeter how to replay recorded unique id from application

I am very new to Jmeter and trying to use it for doing load testing my application.
In my application, every time we click on a template, application will allocate a unique id which to the template...when I recorded the steps using jmeter, a particular unique id was recorded...but when I tried to play the recorded is looking for the same unique do I tell jmeter to get the new id from the application?
Here are the steps
Login as a user,
click on a particular link,
click on a button which will then popup a window asking to select a template,
After selecting a template, my application will create a unique id for that template
It very much depends on whether that template ID is created on the client (i.e. by JavaScript), or on the server (i.e. you can actually record a template ID returned by the server).
If second is your case, then server returns template ID in the response to template selection, so you can use one of the post-processors - a supporting element invoked after the parent request; it usually extracts data from the response and saves it as a variable(s). In your case you'd extract template ID and save it as variable. Later samplers can use the variable in format ${your_name} instead of the recorded hard-coded string. So in that case your plan could look like this:
Which post-processor to use and how to use it depends on the response you are receiving form the server, so cannot be more specific here.
If the first option is your case (JavaScript on the client generates template ID; and your recording only contains usage of said ID), then you can simulate what JavaScript is doing by generating a similar ID using one of the JMeter script-related features: it could be random function, an inline piece of JavaScript code, a scriptable sampler, such as JSR223 Sampler, or... There are many options really, depending on concrete needs of that generated template ID. Again, a more specific question would help to narrow down your choices.
Classic "correlation" example.
Look for that generated ID in the previous responses (you can do it with the View Results Tree listener)
Once you detect it you need to extract it and convert into a JMeter Variable with a PostProcessor (the most commonly used is Regular Expression Extractor, however depending on the nature of your request you may consider to use others
Once you get the ID extracted and stored in the variable - substitute hard-coded value obtained via recording with the JMeter Variable
Repeat steps 1-3 for any other dynamic parameters or values. Or, consider a faster way of creating a JMeter test via alternative recording solution which performs the above steps automatically so you won't have to worry about detecting and handling dynamic elements. See How to Cut Your JMeter Scripting Time by 80% article for details.
You need to check response of the previous request. Normally ID will be created and can be found in the response of previous request and you can use that ID for next request.
You need to first find in which response the ID is being generated and the format of the ID. You can use firebug to see the response in HTML format and find where the id is.
Once you have the format of the id, create regular expression around it. Test it using regex tester that comes with JMeter. Or you can use to check the correctness of your regex.
Once you have correct regex, use regular expression postprocessor on the request which returns the id and then use that variable in actual request that uses unique id.

Is Jmeter allow to select the option/value from the dropdown list

In My application which I am testing there is a drop down and I have to select the option/value from the list, After selection the value there is a text field which get auto populated. So can we do the same in Jmeter.
Please share the experience if any body has done.
Thanks in advance!
This will be quite difficult.
Selecting the value from the dropdown list is easy. But then your application probably makes an AJAX request to the server to populate the other values. So you would have to :
set up a separate HTTP Request which simulates your AJAX request
parse the HTTP response for the variables you need
save them into jMeter variables
use those to populate your next page request (the form submit)
A much easier way is to use some test data which you already know, and just submit your form with those fields hardcoded into jMeter.

Invalid postback or callback argument error in JMETER

I recorded a .net application using JMETER. After correlating and playing back it throws the below error. I have seen few posts which says eventvalidation has to be set false. Is there any other way to get rid of this error in Jmeter?
505|error|500|Invalid postback or callback argument.
Event validation is enabled using <pages enableEventValidation="true"/> in configuration or <%# Page EnableEventValidation="true" %> in a page. For security purposes, this feature verifies that arguments to postback or callback events originate from the server control that originally rendered them.
If the data is valid and expected, use the ClientScriptManager.RegisterForEventValidation method in order to register the postback or callback data for validation.
I guess that you're either missing or passing incorrect ASP.NET Viewstate
Basically it's an input of "hidden" type which is required to store application state and some service data which you application is expecting.
My understanding is that you're either using kind of hard-coded or recorded viewstate value or totally missing it.
I recommend to append Regular Expression Extractor Post Processor (or any suitable kind of post-processors line Beanshell, BSF, XPath - if your application talks XHTML) to extract viewstate value from each request, store it in a variable and add it to every next request.
You need to disable event validation in the config
If the dynamic DropDownList in your page, you can try to set blank to the value of DropDownList in JMeter post data. I think this problem can be solved.

Make the route parameter actually appear in the address bar

I have a tiny application in MVC 3.
In this tiny application, I want my URLs very clear and consistent.
There's just one controller with one action with one parameter.
If no value is provided (that is, / is requested by the browser), then a form is displayed to collect that single value. If a value is provided, a page is rendered.
The only route is this one:
new { controller = "Main", action = "Index", account = UrlParameter.Optional }
This all works fine, but the account parameter never appears in the address line as a part of the URL. I can manually type and it will work, but other than that, the account goes as a post parameter and therefore does not appear. And if I use FormMethods.Get in my form, I get ?account=whatever appended to the URL, which is also not what I want and which goes against my understanding. My understanding was that the MVC framework would try to use parameters set in the route, and only if not found, it would append them after the ?.
I've tried various flavours of setting the routes -- one route with a default parameter, or one route with a required parameter, or two routes (one with a required parameter and one without parameters); I've tried mixing HttpGet/HttpPost in all possible ways; I've tried using single action method with optional parameter string account = null and using two action methods (one with parameter, one without), but I simply can't get the thing appear in the URL.
I have also consulted the Steven Sanderson's book on MVC 3, but on the screenshots there are no parameters either (a details page for Kayak is displayed, but the URL in the address bar is htpp://localhost:XXXX/).
The only thing that definitely works and does what I want is
return RedirectToAction("Index", new { account = "whatever" });
But in order to do it, I have to first check the raw incoming URL and do not redirect if it already contains an account in it, otherwise it is an infinite loop. This seems way too strange and unnecessary.
What is the correct way to make account always appear as a part of the URL?
My understanding was that the MVC framework would try to use
parameters set in the route, and only if not found, it would append
them after the ?
Your understanding is not correct. ASP.NET MVC doesn't append anything. It's the client browser sending the form submission as defined in the HTML specification:
The method attribute of the FORM element specifies the HTTP method used
to send the form to the processing agent. This attribute may take two
get: With the HTTP "get" method, the form data set is appended to the URI specified by the action attribute (with a question-mark ("?")
as separator) and this new URI is sent to the processing agent.
post: With the HTTP "post" method, the form data set is included in the body of the form and sent to the processing agent.
ASP.NET MVC routes are used to parse an incoming client HTTP request and redispatch it to the corresponding controller actions. They are also used by HTML helpers such as Html.ActionLink or Html.BeginForm to generate correct routes. It's just that for your specific scenario where you need to submit a user entered value as part of the url path (not query string) the HTML specification has nothing to offer you.
So, if you want to fight against the HTML specification you will have to use other tools: javascript. So you could use GET method and subscribe to the submit handler of the form and inside it manipulate the url so the value that was appended after the ? satisfy your requirements.
Don't think of this as ASP.NET MVC and routes and stuff. Think of it as a simple HTML page (which is what the browser sees of course) and start tackling the problem from that side. How would you in a simple HTML page achieve this?
