jmeter performance analysis - performance

I am running performance test for perf environment.
Below is the results:
CPU Utilization
Server Apdex Resp. time Throughput Error Rate CPU usage Memory
per001205 0.970.5 220 ms 2,670 rpm 0.0009 % 493.00% 2.2 GB
per001206 0.950.5 280 ms 2,670 rpm 0.0043 % 516.00% 2.4 GB
per011079 0.830.5 526 ms 2,670 rpm 0.0034 % 598.00% 2.5 GB
per011080 0.670.5 1,110 ms 2,670 rpm 0.0026 % 639.00% 2.6 GB
Can you comment on how the avergage response time? is it accepted?
I can see CPU usage is more than 100% , is it dangerous ?
How should i improve this? i am running it for 250 users.

First of all check out CPU usage mismatch or usage over 100% article.
Consider other monitoring method, i.e. go to hosts directly and check CPU usage via your operating system built-in commands or use JMeter PerfMon plugin to either confirm the picture or get an alternative view of CPU load. Depending on the result you have 2 options:
Either individual servers CPU usage is acceptable and you can decide whether throughput good or not
Or you need to fix the issue in your application code: using profiling tools for the programming language, your application is written in detect the most CPU intensive functions and refactor them to be less processor-time-hungry


How to get better performace in ProxmoxVE + CEPH cluster

We have been running ProxmoxVE since 5.0 (now in 6.4-15) and we noticed a decay in performance whenever there is some heavy reading/writing.
We have 9 nodes, 7 with CEPH and 56 OSDs (8 on each node). OSDs are hard drives (HDD) WD Gold or better (4~12 Tb). Nodes with 64/128 Gbytes RAM, dual Xeon CPU mainboards (various models).
We already tried simple tests like "ceph tell osd.* bench" getting stable 110 Mb/sec data transfer to each of them with +- 10 Mb/sec spread during normal operations. Apply/Commit Latency is normally below 55 ms with a couple of OSDs reaching 100 ms and one-third below 20 ms.
The front network and back network are both 1 Gbps (separated in VLANs), we are trying to move to 10 Gbps but we found some trouble we are still trying to figure out how to solve (unstable OSDs disconnections).
The Pool is defined as "replicated" with 3 copies (2 needed to keep running). Now the total amount of disk space is 305 Tb (72% used), reweight is in use as some OSDs were getting much more data than others.
Virtual machines run on the same 9 nodes, most are not CPU intensive:
Avg. VM CPU Usage < 6%
Avg. Node CPU Usage < 4.5%
Peak VM CPU Usage 40%
Peak Node CPU Usage 30%
But I/O Wait is a different story:
Avg. Node IO Delay 11
Max. Node IO delay 38
Disk writing load is around 4 Mbytes/sec average, with peaks up to 20 Mbytes/sec.
Anyone with experience in getting better Proxmox+CEPH performance?
Thank you all in advance for taking the time to read,
Got some Ceph pointers that you could follow...
get some good NVMEs (one or two per server but if you have 8HDDs per server 1 should be enough) and put those as DB/WALL (make sure they have power protection)
the ceph tell osd.* bench is not that relevant for real world, I suggest to try some FIO tests see here
set OSD osd_memory_target to at 8G or RAM minimum.
in order to save some write on your HDD (data is not replicated X times) create your RBD pool as EC (erasure coded pool) but please do some research on that because there are some tradeoffs. Recovery takes some extra CPU calculations
All and all, hype-converged clusters are good for training, small projects and medium projects with not such a big workload on them... Keep in mind that planning is gold
Just my 2 cents,

Docker Container CPU usage Monitoring

As per the documentation of docker.
We can get CPU usage of docker container with docker stats command.
The column CPU % will give the percentage of the host’s CPU the container is using.
Let say I limit the container to use 50% of hosts single CPU. I can specify 50% single CPU core limit by --cpus=0.5 option as per
How can we get the CPU% usage of container out of allowed CPU core by any docker command?
E.g. Out of 50% Single CPU core, 99% is used.
Is there any way to get it with cadvisor or prometheus?
How can we get the CPU% usage of container out of allowed CPU core by any docker command? E.g. Out of 50% Single CPU core, 99% is used.
Docker has docker stats command which shows CPU/Memory usage and few other stats:
c43f085dea8c foo_test.1.l5haec5oyr36qdjkv82w9q32r 0.00% 11.15MiB / 100MiB 11.15% 7.45kB / 0B 3.29MB / 8.19kB 9
Though it does show memory usage regarding the limit out of the box, there is no such feature for CPU yet. It is possible to solve that with a script that will calculate the value on the fly, but I'd rather chosen the second option.
Is there any way to get it with cadvisor or prometheus?
Yes, there is:
/ ignoring(cpu)
The first line is a typical irate function that calculates how much of CPU seconds a container has used. It comes with a label cpu="total", which the second part does not have, and that's why there is ignoring(cpu).
The bottom line calculates how many CPU cores a container is allowed to use. There are two metrics:
container_spec_cpu_quota - the actual quota value. The value is computed of a fraction of CPU cores that you've set as the limit and multiplied by container_spec_cpu_period.
container_spec_cpu_period - comes from CFS Scheduler and it is like a unit of the quota value.
I know it may be hard to grasp at first, allow me to explain on an example:
Consider that you have container_spec_cpu_period set to the default value, which is 100,000 microseconds, and container CPU limit is set to half a core (0.5). In this case:
container_spec_cpu_period 100,000
container_spec_cpu_quota 50,000 # =container_spec_cpu_period*0.5
With CPU limit set to two cores you will have this:
container_spec_cpu_quota 200,000
And so by dividing one by another we get the fraction of CPU cores back, which is then used in another division to calculate how much of the limit is used.

Improve erlang cowboy performance

We have been using Cowboy in production on our Compute Engine machines on GCP and we started benchmarking and improving the performance of our service to handle more Reqs/sec (in our case since we are in Adtech it is bids/sec).
After isolating and handling a lot of the issues separately we came down to Cowboy optimization, these are our current findings and limitations:
Cowboy setup
We are using Cowboy 2.5 with 200 acceptors and max backlog of 1024
init(Req, _State) ->
T1 = erlang:monotonic_time(),
{ok, BRjson, _} = cowboy_req:read_body(Req),
%% ---- rest of work goes here but is switched off for our test---
erlang:send_after(60, self(), {'RSP', x, no_workers}),
{cowboy_loop, Req, #state{t1 = T1}, hibernate}.
Erlang VM
OTP 21
VM args: -smp auto +P 134217727 +K true +A 64 -rate 1200 +stbt db +scl false +sfwi 500 +spp true +zdbbl 8092
Json requests ~4KB in size. And testing is done using a separate machine on the same internal network (no SSL) using jmeter. All requests are POST with keep-alive
GCP Compute Engine 10 vcpu cores and 14GB RAM (now and tested before with the 4 vcpu)
We are able to reach to ~1900 reqs/sec but all CPU cores in htop are showing almost 80% utilization
At 1000 reqs/sec we se cpu utilization at 45-50% per core (still high bearing in mind that no other part of our application is running)
*Note: using the 4 vcpu machine we were able to get close to 700 reqs/sec and memory in all of our tests is barely utilizied or changing with load
QUESTION: How to improve cowboy's performance in terms of cpu usage?
First off, thanks #Pouriya for suggestions--actually, discussing this back and forth made me go back and re-check one of my comments about the right tool for the job. PS: we are on GCP so 72 cores would be out of question at this stage.
Cowboy is great! but it does add a bit of overhead in the critical path of each request--a feature (or issue in my case) that is not needed.
We tested again with Elli ( but built a proper testing setup this time and it provided improvement up to 20% ~ exactly what we needed!
If anyone at Cowboy/Ranch team has a way of drastically improving CPU overhead will gladly test since we still use it in our APIs but not the critical path.

issues with consistent speed when using lein test

disclaimer - I am running this on a mid 2012 macbook air i7-3667U and 8gb ram with the 64bit jvm.
Running the test suite for an application lein t is running at what I would consider an abnormally slow speed. Most of the tests involve mongo db (creating and dropping tables/collections). I have moved to monngodb enterprise which allows running in memory. As I assumed that the bottleneck was the db io.
with a mongo.conf
engine: inMemory
dbPath: /Users/beoliver/data/testdb
inMemorySizeGB: 1
mongo is started with the flag --conf ~/path/to/mongo.conf
I added the java flags to the project
:jvm-opts ["-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow" "-Xmx4g" "-Xms1g"]
to try and avoid extra swaps.
This appeared to fix the issue and the tests ran as:
time lein t
lein t 238.71s user 8.72s system 59% cpu 6:57.92 total
This is reasonable compared with the results from other team members.
But then re-running the tests again the speed is back to the original (half and hour mark).
lein t 252.53s user 13.76s system 16% cpu 26:52.45 total
cpu usage peaks at about 50% but for the most part is around <5% (this includes times when it idles at <1%)
Real memory size: 1.55 GB
Virtual memory size : 8.08 GB
Shared Memory Size: 18.0 MB
Private Memory Size : 1.67 GB
Has anyone had similar experiences? Suggestions? Is there a good way of profiling - better than starting at Activity monitor?

Application not running at full speed?

I have the following scenario:
machine 1: receives messages from outside and processes them (via a
Java application). For processing it relies on a database (on machine
machine 2: an Oracle DB
As performance metrics I usually look at the value of processed messages per time.
Now, what puzzles me: none of the 2 machines is working on "full speed". If I look at typical parameters (CPU utilization, CPU load, I/O bandwidth, etc.) both machines look as they have not enough to do.
What I expect is that one machine, or one of the performance related parameters limits the overall processing speed. Since I cannot observe this I would expect a higher message processing rate.
Any ideas what might limit the overall performance? What is the bottleneck?
Here are some key values during workload:
Machine 1:
CPU load average: 0.75
CPU Utilization: System 12%, User 13%, Wait 5%
Disk throughput: 1 MB/s (write), almost no reads
average tps (as reported by iostat): 200
network: 500 kB/s in, 300 kB/s out, 1600 packets/s in, 1600 packets/s out
Machine 2:
CPU load average: 0.25
CPU Utilization: System 3%, User 15%, Wait 17%
Disk throughput: 4.5 MB/s (write), 3.5 MB/s (read)
average tps (as reported by iostat): 190 (very short peaks to 1000-1500)
network: 250 kB/s in, 800 kB/s out, 1100 packets/s in, 1100 packets/s out
So for me, all values seem not to be at any limit.
PS: for testing of course the message queue is always full, so that both machines have enough work to do.
To find bottlenecks you typically need to measure also INSIDE the application. That means profiling the java application code and possibly what happens inside Oracle.
The good news is that you have excluded at least some possible hardware bottlenecks.
