Calling ssh from powerbuilder with ssh private key - windows

I need to ssh Unix server for reading a file from server from windows application built on Powerbuilder.. I hav a private key in local and added to pub key in server. Please suggest some idea with freeware but not with paid shareware.

I have not realized it but you could try it with putty in its command line mode, I hope it helps:


OpenSSH for Windows connection with private key and passphrase

I want to switch from Putty to OpenSSH for SSH connections in windows to our servers. I want to use OpenSSH only as client and I have a private key with additional passphrase.
I tried to connect to my server and OpenSSH loads the keyfile, but everytime I enter the passphrase, it seems that it isn't correct.
C:\Users\user>ssh -i D:\folder\.ssh\private_key user#host
Enter passphrase for key 'D:\folder\.ssh\private_key':
Enter passphrase for key 'D:\folder\.ssh\private_key':
Enter passphrase for key 'D:\folder\.ssh\private_key':
user#host's password:
You can see, my keyfiles are not located in the standard folder. I don't think that this is the problem, so only fyi.
What is the problem? I installed OpenSSH with the standard configuration and changed nothing.
I also tried a different keyfile on an other server which has also a passphrase: this also doesn't work. Is that maybe a problem in configuration?
I'm sorry.
I discovered that I load a very old version. I think I get it from sourceforge and the executables are very outdated (year 2003 to 2004).
You can get a actual version from github: I don't know if this is the official release. It's a bit confusing.

Public key issue with command line in sourceTree (git )

I usually use git on linux and I'm not familiar with sourceTree on windows ( c# project ), the interface is usefull to follow the tree, but I would like to the use commande line .
I really don't understand, I generated my ssh key with sourceTree agent and load with "Pageant", I added the public key on my bitbucket account.
And it works. I can clone/pull/push from the sourceTree interface
But using the sourceTree command line mode doesn't work
Set SSH Key to a PuTTY private key (.ppk) and set SSH Client to PuTTY / Plink
Set an environment variable GIT_SSH to the path of plink.exe, for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Atlassian\SourceTree\tools\putty\plink.exe
Of course you could have a separate, global OpenSSH key in %HOMEPATH%\.ssh\id_rsa but then you would lose the advantage of SourceTree loading the correct key automatically.
By the way, I can confirm that neither of these work:
Setting SSH Key to an OpenSSH private key and using OpenSSH as SSH Client
Setting SSH Key to a PuTTY private key and using PuTTY / Plink as SSH Client
Nothing of the above was necessary to make it work for me. The only necessary aspect to consider is that by default git (and maybe other apps) expect your ssh key in c:/users/<user>/.ssh. Mind the dot! After I renamed my ssh folder to .ssh all started working fine.
you need to generate public key from console.
like this
it will generate public key that you can add it in Bitbucket
for more info visit this Tutorial

SSH to EC2 linux instance from Windows

I'm setting up a "data analysis on the cloud" class and most of the students will probably be using Windows.
The students will have to set up EC2 Ubuntu instances and connect to them.
What is the easiest way to set up SSH for Windows XP-7?
I've tried PuTTY but Puttygen can only convert the public key to putty format if I manually add newlines in a text editor. This is too involved for the class of 80.
I've tried OpenSSH but I can't seem to find the correct permissions for the public key file. On Mac OS/Linux it's just chmod 600.
Is there a decent SSH client that supports Amazon's key format that I can set up easily?
The .pem file Amazon Web Services gives you is supported by the openssh client implementations, but for a Windows-based client that works directly with the .pem file without converting it with puttygen.exe, look into Bitvise Tunnelier.
If anybody's looking for windows 10 solution.
In Windows 10, you can use powershell.
Use below command.
ssh -i \..\location-to-pem-file.pem ubuntu#X.X.XXX.XXX
If ssh is not supported in your windows 10 machine, follow this url for installation.
I used it and suggested the same.
Another possible solution is to use PuTTY but follow Amazon's guide for doing so. I found some other guide's that weren't as clear in the steps but I was able to get PuTTYgen to work correctly when I used their guide.
Install PuTTY.
Follow Amazon's guide for converting your PEM file to the PuTTY PPK format.
Connect to your server!
As for newlines, maybe you need to run unix2dos or some other program that will fix that for you?
Step1: Download the keypair
The download will create a .pem file on your local system. It contains a private key that you can use to connect to the EC2 instance via SSH
Step 2: Launch your linux instance
Copy the public ip address for the future use to connect the linux instance
Step 3: Download puttyGen from
Step 4: Execute the PuttyGen exe and load the private key(the pem file you have downloaded while launching the instance)
Step 5: Save the private key, it will give the .ppk file which will be used to connect the linux instance
Step 6: Download and install the Putty software, open the putty, and paste the public ip address which you copied from the linux instance
Step 7: Now load the .PPK file which we have saved
Step 8: Choose yes from the alert window
Step 9: Login as ec-user
I borrowed the method giving in this video.
Open power shell and run below commands. You can open power shell at any location by print powershell in the nevigation bar and press enter.
enter image description here
1.reset premission:
icals.exe key.pem /reset
2.check the current user id
3.add permision to specific user id
icacls.exe key.pem /grant:r "YOUR USER ID GIVEN BY WHOAMI"
4.remove permission of other user
icacls.exe .\ec2.pem /inheritance:r
Now it should work.
If anybody's looking for windows 10 solution.
icacls.exe .\Desktop\xxxx.pem /reset
icacls.exe .\Desktop\xxxx.pem /grant:r "$($env:USERNAME):(r)"
icacls.exe .\Desktop\xxxx.pem /inheritance:r
ssh -i .\Desktop\xxxx.pem

Git Setup on Windows

So on my friends local Windows machine we are trying to setup GIT.
Basically, we've been following this guide which has been great. The problem we are facing is as follows:
All works until we get to Using Gitosis
When we use the command
git clone
We keep getting
Initialized empty Git repository in
Connection closed by IP_HERE fatal:
The remote end hung up unexpectedly
When we try simply
ssh git#IP_HERE
We get "Connection closed by IP_HERE"
If we login as
runas /user:git C:/cygwin/cygwin.bat
And run > ssh git#IP_HERE
We at least get asked for a password then
Last Login: Connection to IP_HERE
Would anyone be able to help ?
The error does indeed indicate that authentication is failing.
Firstly, open gitosis.conf on the server and check that you are a member of the group containing gitosis-admin repository. It should show something like.
[group gitosis-admin]
writable = gitosis-admin
members = user1 user2
The member name must match with a public key in /keydir before access can be made.
Secondly, you do not say how you are connecting from the Windows machines. If you are using Git under Cygwin, make sure you are correctly loading the private key. If you are using MsysGit with Putty, be sure to load the private key before connecting as well.
There is a small gotcha if PuttyGen is used to generate key pairs, and that is the default format is different from OpenSSH which you are probably using. Copy and paste from the top window, or alternatively edit the multiline public key file to read like this.
ssh-rsa AAAABB...KEYBODY...ONLkQ== user1
Lastly, make sure port 22 is open in any firewalls if that is indeed the port you are using.
A more comprehensive description of how to set up a Git server with Gitosis on Windows, can be found at here
I recommend the use of MsysGit from windows, as it gives better integration into the Windows environment. TortoiseGit and GitExtensions both use MsysGit as the backend, and provide nice Gui's and explorer shell extensions. GitExtensions full installer will provide the windows user with everything they need.
Did you get past runnig the gitosis-init < /tmp/ command?
That error indicates to me that the public key isn't set up properly. The command above initializes gitosis with the first key.

How To Extract SFTP SSH Key From Key Cache in FileZilla FTP Client

I have connected to a server via SFTP using FileZilla and accepted adding the server's SSH key to the key cache in FileZilla.
How can I extract this cached key to a keyfile so that may use it through other SFTP applications that require a keyfile be made available?
I have not been able to find anything in the FileZilla documentation related to this.
If you use the standard openssh console client (cygwin or from linux), host keys are stored, one-per-line, in ~/.ssh/known_hosts. From there, it's a simple matter of figuring out which bit of that host key is needed for your library.
Putty also stores host keys, but it appears to encode them in hex. Those can be found at HKCUR\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\SshHostKeys
Thomas was correct. FileZilla piggybacks on PuTTY's PSFTP program and stores the saved keys encoded in a hex format at the registry key he listed (HKCUR\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\SshHostKeys). I needed the key in known_hosts format, so I has able to install a windows version of openssh at his recommendation and used the ssh-keyscan tool to hit the server and save the key info out in the correct format:
ssh-keyscan -t rsa <my_ftp_ip_address> > c:\known_hosts
ssh-keyscan -t dsa <my_ftp_ip_address> > c:\known_hosts
Thank you Thomas and SO!
If you'd rather use a GUI, you can snag the host key from the log window or the first-time connection popup using WinSCP FTP client:
Thanks Dougman for the tip!
To further help any newcomers reading your answer.
Prior to running the ssh-keyscan, assuming the openssh is install by default, there is a few commands that needs to be run (read the quickstart/readme install for details).
Here are my commands which allow me to obtain the host key.
C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\bin>mkgroup -l >> ..\etc\group
C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\bin>mkpasswd -l >> ..\etc\passwd
C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\bin>net start opensshd
The OpenSSH Server service is starting.
The OpenSSH Server service was started successfully.
C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\bin>ssh-keyscan -t rsa > c:\known_hosts SSH-2.0-Sun_SSH_1.1
Unless I am misunderstanding you: you don't need to.
If you connect to the server with another application (ie: PuTTY) and it has not seen the server before then you will be prompted to accept the key.
I see why you might want to do this, but each application could have it's own way to store keys.
